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Filename: /var/www///arsu_theme/vendor/botble/theme/src/Asset.php
<?php namespace Botble\Theme; use Closure; class Asset { public static string $path; public static array $containers = []; public static bool $isInheritTheme = false; protected array $stacks = [ 'cooks' => [], 'serves' => [], ]; public function addPath(string $path): void { static::$path = rtrim($path, '/') . '/'; } public function isInheritTheme(bool $isInheritTheme = true): void { static::$isInheritTheme = $isInheritTheme; } public function cook(string $name, Closure $callbacks): void { $this->stacks['cooks'][$name] = $callbacks; } /** * Serve asset preparing from cook. */ public function serve(string $name): self { $this->stacks['serves'][$name] = true; return $this; } public function flush(): void { foreach (array_keys($this->stacks['serves']) as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->stacks['cooks'])) { $callback = $this->stacks['cooks'][$key]; if ($callback instanceof Closure) { $callback($this); } } } } /** * Magic Method for calling methods on the default container. * * <code> * // Call the "styles" method on the default container * echo Asset::styles(); * * // Call the "add" method on the default container * Asset::add('jquery', 'js/jquery.js'); * </code> * @return mixed */ public function __call(string $method, array $parameters) { return call_user_func_array([static::container(), $method], $parameters); } /** * Get an asset container instance. * * <code> * // Get the default asset container * $container = Asset::container(); * * // Get a named asset container * $container = Asset::container('footer'); * </code> */ public static function container(string $container = 'default'): AssetContainer { if (! isset(static::$containers[$container])) { static::$containers[$container] = new AssetContainer($container); } return static::$containers[$container]; } }