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Filename: //usr/share/////doc/vsftpd////BUGS
BUGS ==== This file, surprisingly enough, contains a list of known outstanding bugs in the program. Bugs that get documented here are typically not particularly serious, and may never get fixed. Serious bugs will get fixed immediately. - RFC compliance: if we get no PORT or PASV, looks like we're supposed to assume a PORT to the same IP as control connection, and port 20. - RFC compliance: shouldn't include directories in NLST. Note that wu-ftpd complies here, almost all other FTPd's don't - ls <existing but unreadable dir> should list nothing, but it lists the directory name itself - In ASCII mode, the SIZE command needs to take into account the size of the file _after_ ASCII linefeed mangling? - If someone has one of the timeouts (command, data) setup, but not the other, then timeout will behave whackily.