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Filename: /var/www/////arsu/vendor/mpdf/mpdf/src/Writer/BackgroundWriter.php
<?php namespace Mpdf\Writer; use Mpdf\Strict; use Mpdf\Mpdf; final class BackgroundWriter { use Strict; /** * @var \Mpdf\Mpdf */ private $mpdf; /** * @var \Mpdf\Writer\BaseWriter */ private $writer; public function __construct(Mpdf $mpdf, BaseWriter $writer) { $this->mpdf = $mpdf; $this->writer = $writer; } public function writePatterns() // _putpatterns { $patternCount = count($this->mpdf->patterns); for ($i = 1; $i <= $patternCount; $i++) { $x = $this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['x']; $y = $this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['y']; $w = $this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['w']; $h = $this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['h']; $pgh = $this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['pgh']; $orig_w = $this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['orig_w']; $orig_h = $this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['orig_h']; $image_id = $this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['image_id']; $itype = $this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['itype']; if (isset($this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['bpa'])) { $bpa = $this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['bpa']; } else { $bpa = []; // background positioning area } if ($this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['x_repeat']) { $x_repeat = true; } else { $x_repeat = false; } if ($this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['y_repeat']) { $y_repeat = true; } else { $y_repeat = false; } $x_pos = $this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['x_pos']; if (false !== strpos($x_pos, '%')) { $x_pos = (float) $x_pos; $x_pos /= 100; if (isset($bpa['w']) && $bpa['w']) { $x_pos = ($bpa['w'] * $x_pos) - ($orig_w / Mpdf::SCALE * $x_pos); } else { $x_pos = ($w * $x_pos) - ($orig_w / Mpdf::SCALE * $x_pos); } } $y_pos = $this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['y_pos']; if (false !== strpos($y_pos, '%')) { $y_pos = (float) $y_pos; $y_pos /= 100; if (isset($bpa['h']) && $bpa['h']) { $y_pos = ($bpa['h'] * $y_pos) - ($orig_h / Mpdf::SCALE * $y_pos); } else { $y_pos = ($h * $y_pos) - ($orig_h / Mpdf::SCALE * $y_pos); } } if (isset($bpa['x']) && $bpa['x']) { $adj_x = ($x_pos + $bpa['x']) * Mpdf::SCALE; } else { $adj_x = ($x_pos + $x) * Mpdf::SCALE; } if (isset($bpa['y']) && $bpa['y']) { $adj_y = (($pgh - $y_pos - $bpa['y']) * Mpdf::SCALE) - $orig_h; } else { $adj_y = (($pgh - $y_pos - $y) * Mpdf::SCALE) - $orig_h; } $img_obj = false; if ($itype === 'svg' || $itype === 'wmf') { foreach ($this->mpdf->formobjects as $fo) { if ($fo['i'] == $image_id) { $img_obj = $fo['n']; $fo_w = $fo['w']; $fo_h = -$fo['h']; $wmf_x = $fo['x']; $wmf_y = $fo['y']; break; } } } else { foreach ($this->mpdf->images as $img) { if ($img['i'] == $image_id) { $img_obj = $img['n']; break; } } } if (!$img_obj) { throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Problem: Image object not found for background pattern ' . $img['i']); } $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<</ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]'); if ($itype === 'svg' || $itype === 'wmf') { $this->writer->write('/XObject <</FO' . $image_id . ' ' . $img_obj . ' 0 R >>'); // ******* ADD ANY ExtGStates, Shading AND Fonts needed for the FormObject // Set in classes/svg array['fo'] = true // Required that _putshaders comes before _putpatterns in _putresources // This adds any resources associated with any FormObject to every Formobject - overkill but works! if (count($this->mpdf->extgstates)) { $this->writer->write('/ExtGState <<'); foreach ($this->mpdf->extgstates as $k => $extgstate) { if (isset($extgstate['fo']) && $extgstate['fo']) { if (isset($extgstate['trans'])) { $this->writer->write('/' . $extgstate['trans'] . ' ' . $extgstate['n'] . ' 0 R'); } else { $this->writer->write('/GS' . $k . ' ' . $extgstate['n'] . ' 0 R'); } } } $this->writer->write('>>'); } /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */ if (isset($this->mpdf->gradients) && ( count($this->mpdf->gradients) > 0)) { $this->writer->write('/Shading <<'); foreach ($this->mpdf->gradients as $id => $grad) { if (isset($grad['fo']) && $grad['fo']) { $this->writer->write('/Sh' . $id . ' ' . $grad['id'] . ' 0 R'); } } $this->writer->write('>>'); } /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */ $this->writer->write('/Font <<'); foreach ($this->mpdf->fonts as $font) { if (!$font['used'] && $font['type'] === 'TTF') { continue; } if (isset($font['fo']) && $font['fo']) { if ($font['type'] === 'TTF' && ($font['sip'] || $font['smp'])) { foreach ($font['n'] as $k => $fid) { $this->writer->write('/F' . $font['subsetfontids'][$k] . ' ' . $font['n'][$k] . ' 0 R'); } } else { $this->writer->write('/F' . $font['i'] . ' ' . $font['n'] . ' 0 R'); } } } $this->writer->write('>>'); } else { $this->writer->write('/XObject <</I' . $image_id . ' ' . $img_obj . ' 0 R >>'); } $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); $this->writer->object(); $this->mpdf->patterns[$i]['n'] = $this->mpdf->n; $this->writer->write('<< /Type /Pattern /PatternType 1 /PaintType 1 /TilingType 2'); $this->writer->write('/Resources ' . ($this->mpdf->n - 1) . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write(sprintf('/BBox [0 0 %.3F %.3F]', $orig_w, $orig_h)); if ($x_repeat) { $this->writer->write(sprintf('/XStep %.3F', $orig_w)); } else { $this->writer->write(sprintf('/XStep %d', 99999)); } if ($y_repeat) { $this->writer->write(sprintf('/YStep %.3F', $orig_h)); } else { $this->writer->write(sprintf('/YStep %d', 99999)); } if ($itype === 'svg' || $itype === 'wmf') { $this->writer->write(sprintf('/Matrix [1 0 0 -1 %.3F %.3F]', $adj_x, $adj_y + $orig_h)); $s = sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $orig_w / $fo_w, -$orig_h / $fo_h, -($orig_w / $fo_w) * $wmf_x, ($orig_w / $fo_w) * $wmf_y, $image_id); } else { $this->writer->write(sprintf('/Matrix [1 0 0 1 %.3F %.3F]', $adj_x, $adj_y)); $s = sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F 0 0 cm /I%d Do Q', $orig_w, $orig_h, $image_id); } if ($this->mpdf->compress) { $this->writer->write('/Filter /FlateDecode'); $s = gzcompress($s); } $this->writer->write('/Length ' . strlen($s) . '>>'); $this->writer->stream($s); $this->writer->write('endobj'); } } public function writeShaders() // _putshaders { $maxid = count($this->mpdf->gradients); // index for transparency gradients foreach ($this->mpdf->gradients as $id => $grad) { if (empty($grad['is_mask']) && ($grad['type'] == 2 || $grad['type'] == 3)) { $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<<'); $this->writer->write('/FunctionType 3'); $this->writer->write('/Domain [0 1]'); $fn = []; $bd = []; $en = []; for ($i = 0; $i < (count($grad['stops']) - 1); $i++) { $fn[] = ($this->mpdf->n + 1 + $i) . ' 0 R'; $en[] = '0 1'; if ($i > 0) { $bd[] = sprintf('%.3F', $grad['stops'][$i]['offset']); } } $this->writer->write('/Functions [' . implode(' ', $fn) . ']'); $this->writer->write('/Bounds [' . implode(' ', $bd) . ']'); $this->writer->write('/Encode [' . implode(' ', $en) . ']'); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); $f1 = $this->mpdf->n; for ($i = 0; $i < (count($grad['stops']) - 1); $i++) { $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<<'); $this->writer->write('/FunctionType 2'); $this->writer->write('/Domain [0 1]'); $this->writer->write('/C0 [' . $grad['stops'][$i]['col'] . ']'); $this->writer->write('/C1 [' . $grad['stops'][$i + 1]['col'] . ']'); $this->writer->write('/N 1'); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); } } if ($grad['type'] == 2 || $grad['type'] == 3) { if (isset($grad['trans']) && $grad['trans']) { $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<<'); $this->writer->write('/FunctionType 3'); $this->writer->write('/Domain [0 1]'); $fn = []; $bd = []; $en = []; for ($i = 0; $i < (count($grad['stops']) - 1); $i++) { $fn[] = ($this->mpdf->n + 1 + $i) . ' 0 R'; $en[] = '0 1'; if ($i > 0) { $bd[] = sprintf('%.3F', $grad['stops'][$i]['offset']); } } $this->writer->write('/Functions [' . implode(' ', $fn) . ']'); $this->writer->write('/Bounds [' . implode(' ', $bd) . ']'); $this->writer->write('/Encode [' . implode(' ', $en) . ']'); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); $f2 = $this->mpdf->n; for ($i = 0; $i < (count($grad['stops']) - 1); $i++) { $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<<'); $this->writer->write('/FunctionType 2'); $this->writer->write('/Domain [0 1]'); $this->writer->write(sprintf('/C0 [%.3F]', $grad['stops'][$i]['opacity'])); $this->writer->write(sprintf('/C1 [%.3F]', $grad['stops'][$i + 1]['opacity'])); $this->writer->write('/N 1'); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); } } } if (empty($grad['is_mask'])) { $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<<'); $this->writer->write('/ShadingType ' . $grad['type']); if (isset($grad['colorspace'])) { $this->writer->write('/ColorSpace /Device' . $grad['colorspace']); // Can use CMYK if all C0 and C1 above have 4 values } else { $this->writer->write('/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB'); } if ($grad['type'] == 2) { $this->writer->write(sprintf('/Coords [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $grad['coords'][0], $grad['coords'][1], $grad['coords'][2], $grad['coords'][3])); $this->writer->write('/Function ' . $f1 . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('/Extend [' . $grad['extend'][0] . ' ' . $grad['extend'][1] . '] '); $this->writer->write('>>'); } elseif ($grad['type'] == 3) { // x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1 // at this this time radius of inner circle is 0 $ir = 0; if (isset($grad['coords'][5]) && $grad['coords'][5]) { $ir = $grad['coords'][5]; } $this->writer->write(sprintf('/Coords [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $grad['coords'][0], $grad['coords'][1], $ir, $grad['coords'][2], $grad['coords'][3], $grad['coords'][4])); $this->writer->write('/Function ' . $f1 . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('/Extend [' . $grad['extend'][0] . ' ' . $grad['extend'][1] . '] '); $this->writer->write('>>'); } elseif ($grad['type'] == 6) { $this->writer->write('/BitsPerCoordinate 16'); $this->writer->write('/BitsPerComponent 8'); if ($grad['colorspace'] === 'CMYK') { $this->writer->write('/Decode[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]'); } elseif ($grad['colorspace'] === 'Gray') { $this->writer->write('/Decode[0 1 0 1 0 1]'); } else { $this->writer->write('/Decode[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]'); } $this->writer->write('/BitsPerFlag 8'); $this->writer->write('/Length ' . strlen($grad['stream'])); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->stream($grad['stream']); } $this->writer->write('endobj'); } $this->mpdf->gradients[$id]['id'] = $this->mpdf->n; // set pattern object $this->writer->object(); $out = '<< /Type /Pattern /PatternType 2'; $out .= ' /Shading ' . $this->mpdf->gradients[$id]['id'] . ' 0 R'; $out .= ' >>'; $out .= "\n" . 'endobj'; $this->writer->write($out); $this->mpdf->gradients[$id]['pattern'] = $this->mpdf->n; if (isset($grad['trans']) && $grad['trans']) { // luminosity pattern $transid = $id + $maxid; $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<<'); $this->writer->write('/ShadingType ' . $grad['type']); $this->writer->write('/ColorSpace /DeviceGray'); if ($grad['type'] == 2) { $this->writer->write(sprintf('/Coords [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $grad['coords'][0], $grad['coords'][1], $grad['coords'][2], $grad['coords'][3])); $this->writer->write('/Function ' . $f2 . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('/Extend [' . $grad['extend'][0] . ' ' . $grad['extend'][1] . '] '); $this->writer->write('>>'); } elseif ($grad['type'] == 3) { // x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1 // at this this time radius of inner circle is 0 $ir = 0; if (isset($grad['coords'][5]) && $grad['coords'][5]) { $ir = $grad['coords'][5]; } $this->writer->write(sprintf('/Coords [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $grad['coords'][0], $grad['coords'][1], $ir, $grad['coords'][2], $grad['coords'][3], $grad['coords'][4])); $this->writer->write('/Function ' . $f2 . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('/Extend [' . $grad['extend'][0] . ' ' . $grad['extend'][1] . '] '); $this->writer->write('>>'); } elseif ($grad['type'] == 6) { $this->writer->write('/BitsPerCoordinate 16'); $this->writer->write('/BitsPerComponent 8'); $this->writer->write('/Decode[0 1 0 1 0 1]'); $this->writer->write('/BitsPerFlag 8'); $this->writer->write('/Length ' . strlen($grad['stream_trans'])); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->stream($grad['stream_trans']); } $this->writer->write('endobj'); $this->mpdf->gradients[$transid]['id'] = $this->mpdf->n; $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<< /Type /Pattern /PatternType 2'); $this->writer->write('/Shading ' . $this->mpdf->gradients[$transid]['id'] . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); $this->mpdf->gradients[$transid]['pattern'] = $this->mpdf->n; $this->writer->object(); // Need to extend size of viewing box in case of transformations $str = 'q /a0 gs /Pattern cs /p' . $transid . ' scn -' . ($this->mpdf->wPt / 2) . ' -' . ($this->mpdf->hPt / 2) . ' ' . (2 * $this->mpdf->wPt) . ' ' . (2 * $this->mpdf->hPt) . ' re f Q'; $filter = ($this->mpdf->compress) ? '/Filter /FlateDecode ' : ''; $p = ($this->mpdf->compress) ? gzcompress($str) : $str; $this->writer->write('<< /Type /XObject /Subtype /Form /FormType 1 ' . $filter); $this->writer->write('/Length ' . strlen($p)); $this->writer->write('/BBox [-' . ($this->mpdf->wPt / 2) . ' -' . ($this->mpdf->hPt / 2) . ' ' . (2 * $this->mpdf->wPt) . ' ' . (2 * $this->mpdf->hPt) . ']'); $this->writer->write('/Group << /Type /Group /S /Transparency /CS /DeviceGray >>'); $this->writer->write('/Resources <<'); $this->writer->write('/ExtGState << /a0 << /ca 1 /CA 1 >> >>'); $this->writer->write('/Pattern << /p' . $transid . ' ' . $this->mpdf->gradients[$transid]['pattern'] . ' 0 R >>'); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->stream($p); $this->writer->write('endobj'); $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<< /Type /Mask /S /Luminosity /G ' . ($this->mpdf->n - 1) . ' 0 R >>' . "\n" . 'endobj'); $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<< /Type /ExtGState /SMask ' . ($this->mpdf->n - 1) . ' 0 R /AIS false >>' . "\n" . 'endobj'); if (isset($grad['fo']) && $grad['fo']) { $this->mpdf->extgstates[] = ['n' => $this->mpdf->n, 'trans' => 'TGS' . $id, 'fo' => true]; } else { $this->mpdf->extgstates[] = ['n' => $this->mpdf->n, 'trans' => 'TGS' . $id]; } } } } }