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Filename: ///usr/share/////doc/python3-icu/CREDITS
PyICU is a Python extension wrapping IBM's ICU library and wouldn't be possible without the tireless efforts of the people and open source projects below. - the ICU developers, http://icu-project.org - the Open Source Applications Foundation, for hosting the project http://www.osafoundation.org - Andi Vajda, PyICU project founder and maintainer - Christoph Burgmer for the Transliterator Python subclass - Jan Gehring for Freebsd 7 build entries - Christian Kesselheim for Solaris build entries - Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong for TimeZone::getDSTSavings() - Bernd Zeimetz for replacing Makefile with setup.py - Martin von Gagern, Python 3 support, bug fixes - Fredrik Roubert for various bug fixes (see CHANGES) - Markus Scherer for various bug fixes (see CHANGES) - Martin Hosken for bug fixes (see CHANGES) - Thank you all !