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Filename: /var/www///bfti-website/vendor/predis//predis/src/ClientContextInterface.php
<?php /* * This file is part of the Predis package. * * (c) 2009-2020 Daniele Alessandri * (c) 2021-2023 Till Krüss * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Predis; use Predis\Command\Argument\Geospatial\ByInterface; use Predis\Command\Argument\Geospatial\FromInterface; use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\AggregateArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\AlterArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\CreateArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\DropArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\ExplainArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\ProfileArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\SchemaFields\FieldInterface; use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\SearchArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\SugAddArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\SugGetArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\Search\SynUpdateArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\Server\LimitOffsetCount; use Predis\Command\Argument\Server\To; use Predis\Command\Argument\TimeSeries\AddArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\TimeSeries\AlterArguments as TSAlterArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\TimeSeries\CreateArguments as TSCreateArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\TimeSeries\DecrByArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\TimeSeries\GetArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\TimeSeries\IncrByArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\TimeSeries\InfoArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\TimeSeries\MGetArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\TimeSeries\MRangeArguments; use Predis\Command\Argument\TimeSeries\RangeArguments; use Predis\Command\CommandInterface; use Predis\Command\Redis\Container\ACL; use Predis\Command\Redis\Container\CLUSTER; use Predis\Command\Redis\Container\FunctionContainer; use Predis\Command\Redis\Container\Json\JSONDEBUG; use Predis\Command\Redis\Container\Search\FTCONFIG; use Predis\Command\Redis\Container\Search\FTCURSOR; /** * Interface defining a client-side context such as a pipeline or transaction. * * @method $this copy(string $source, string $destination, int $db = -1, bool $replace = false) * @method $this del(array|string $keys) * @method $this dump($key) * @method $this exists($key) * @method $this expire($key, $seconds, string $expireOption = '') * @method $this expireat($key, $timestamp, string $expireOption = '') * @method $this expiretime(string $key) * @method $this keys($pattern) * @method $this move($key, $db) * @method $this object($subcommand, $key) * @method $this persist($key) * @method $this pexpire($key, $milliseconds) * @method $this pexpireat($key, $timestamp) * @method $this pttl($key) * @method $this randomkey() * @method $this rename($key, $target) * @method $this renamenx($key, $target) * @method $this scan($cursor, array $options = null) * @method $this sort($key, array $options = null) * @method $this sort_ro(string $key, ?string $byPattern = null, ?LimitOffsetCount $limit = null, array $getPatterns = [], ?string $sorting = null, bool $alpha = false) * @method $this ttl($key) * @method $this type($key) * @method $this append($key, $value) * @method $this bfadd(string $key, $item) * @method $this bfexists(string $key, $item) * @method $this bfinfo(string $key, string $modifier = '') * @method $this bfinsert(string $key, int $capacity = -1, float $error = -1, int $expansion = -1, bool $noCreate = false, bool $nonScaling = false, string ...$item) * @method $this bfloadchunk(string $key, int $iterator, $data) * @method $this bfmadd(string $key, ...$item) * @method $this bfmexists(string $key, ...$item) * @method $this bfreserve(string $key, float $errorRate, int $capacity, int $expansion = -1, bool $nonScaling = false) * @method $this bfscandump(string $key, int $iterator) * @method $this bitcount(string $key, $start = null, $end = null, string $index = 'byte') * @method $this bitop($operation, $destkey, $key) * @method $this bitfield($key, $subcommand, ...$subcommandArg) * @method $this bitpos($key, $bit, $start = null, $end = null, string $index = 'byte') * @method $this blmpop(int $timeout, array $keys, string $modifier = 'left', int $count = 1) * @method $this bzpopmax(array $keys, int $timeout) * @method $this bzpopmin(array $keys, int $timeout) * @method $this bzmpop(int $timeout, array $keys, string $modifier = 'min', int $count = 1) * @method $this cfadd(string $key, $item) * @method $this cfaddnx(string $key, $item) * @method $this cfcount(string $key, $item) * @method $this cfdel(string $key, $item) * @method $this cfexists(string $key, $item) * @method $this cfloadchunk(string $key, int $iterator, $data) * @method $this cfmexists(string $key, ...$item) * @method $this cfinfo(string $key) * @method $this cfinsert(string $key, int $capacity = -1, bool $noCreate = false, string ...$item) * @method $this cfinsertnx(string $key, int $capacity = -1, bool $noCreate = false, string ...$item) * @method $this cfreserve(string $key, int $capacity, int $bucketSize = -1, int $maxIterations = -1, int $expansion = -1) * @method $this cfscandump(string $key, int $iterator) * @method $this cmsincrby(string $key, string|int...$itemIncrementDictionary) * @method $this cmsinfo(string $key) * @method $this cmsinitbydim(string $key, int $width, int $depth) * @method $this cmsinitbyprob(string $key, float $errorRate, float $probability) * @method $this cmsmerge(string $destination, array $sources, array $weights = []) * @method $this cmsquery(string $key, string ...$item) * @method $this decr($key) * @method $this decrby($key, $decrement) * @method $this failover(?To $to = null, bool $abort = false, int $timeout = -1) * @method $this fcall(string $function, array $keys, ...$args) * @method $this fcall_ro(string $function, array $keys, ...$args) * @method $this ftaggregate(string $index, string $query, ?AggregateArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this ftaliasadd(string $alias, string $index) * @method $this ftaliasdel(string $alias) * @method $this ftaliasupdate(string $alias, string $index) * @method $this ftalter(string $index, FieldInterface[] $schema, ?AlterArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this ftcreate(string $index, FieldInterface[] $schema, ?CreateArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this ftdictadd(string $dict, ...$term) * @method $this ftdictdel(string $dict, ...$term) * @method $this ftdictdump(string $dict) * @method $this ftdropindex(string $index, ?DropArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this ftexplain(string $index, string $query, ?ExplainArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this ftinfo(string $index) * @method $this ftprofile(string $index, ProfileArguments $arguments) * @method $this ftsearch(string $index, string $query, ?SearchArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this ftspellcheck(string $index, string $query, ?SearchArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this ftsugadd(string $key, string $string, float $score, ?SugAddArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this ftsugdel(string $key, string $string) * @method $this ftsugget(string $key, string $prefix, ?SugGetArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this ftsuglen(string $key) * @method $this ftsyndump(string $index) * @method $this ftsynupdate(string $index, string $synonymGroupId, ?SynUpdateArguments $arguments = null, string ...$terms) * @method $this fttagvals(string $index, string $fieldName) * @method $this get($key) * @method $this getbit($key, $offset) * @method $this getex(string $key, $modifier = '', $value = false) * @method $this getrange($key, $start, $end) * @method $this getdel(string $key) * @method $this getset($key, $value) * @method $this incr($key) * @method $this incrby($key, $increment) * @method $this incrbyfloat($key, $increment) * @method $this mget(array $keys) * @method $this mset(array $dictionary) * @method $this msetnx(array $dictionary) * @method $this psetex($key, $milliseconds, $value) * @method $this set($key, $value, $expireResolution = null, $expireTTL = null, $flag = null) * @method $this setbit($key, $offset, $value) * @method $this setex($key, $seconds, $value) * @method $this setnx($key, $value) * @method $this setrange($key, $offset, $value) * @method $this strlen($key) * @method $this hdel($key, array $fields) * @method $this hexists($key, $field) * @method $this hget($key, $field) * @method $this hgetall($key) * @method $this hincrby($key, $field, $increment) * @method $this hincrbyfloat($key, $field, $increment) * @method $this hkeys($key) * @method $this hlen($key) * @method $this hmget($key, array $fields) * @method $this hmset($key, array $dictionary) * @method $this hrandfield(string $key, int $count = 1, bool $withValues = false) * @method $this hscan($key, $cursor, array $options = null) * @method $this hset($key, $field, $value) * @method $this hsetnx($key, $field, $value) * @method $this hvals($key) * @method $this hstrlen($key, $field) * @method $this jsonarrappend(string $key, string $path = '$', ...$value) * @method $this jsonarrindex(string $key, string $path, string $value, int $start = 0, int $stop = 0) * @method $this jsonarrinsert(string $key, string $path, int $index, string ...$value) * @method $this jsonarrlen(string $key, string $path = '$') * @method $this jsonarrpop(string $key, string $path = '$', int $index = -1) * @method $this jsonarrtrim(string $key, string $path, int $start, int $stop) * @method $this jsonclear(string $key, string $path = '$') * @method $this jsondel(string $key, string $path = '$') * @method $this jsonforget(string $key, string $path = '$') * @method $this jsonget(string $key, string $indent = '', string $newline = '', string $space = '', string ...$paths) * @method $this jsonnumincrby(string $key, string $path, int $value) * @method $this jsonmerge(string $key, string $path, string $value) * @method $this jsonmget(array $keys, string $path) * @method $this jsonmset(string ...$keyPathValue) * @method $this jsonobjkeys(string $key, string $path = '$') * @method $this jsonobjlen(string $key, string $path = '$') * @method $this jsonresp(string $key, string $path = '$') * @method $this jsonset(string $key, string $path, string $value, ?string $subcommand = null) * @method $this jsonstrappend(string $key, string $path, string $value) * @method $this jsonstrlen(string $key, string $path = '$') * @method $this jsontoggle(string $key, string $path) * @method $this jsontype(string $key, string $path = '$') * @method $this blmove(string $source, string $destination, string $where, string $to, int $timeout) * @method $this blpop(array|string $keys, $timeout) * @method $this brpop(array|string $keys, $timeout) * @method $this brpoplpush($source, $destination, $timeout) * @method $this lcs(string $key1, string $key2, bool $len = false, bool $idx = false, int $minMatchLen = 0, bool $withMatchLen = false) * @method $this lindex($key, $index) * @method $this linsert($key, $whence, $pivot, $value) * @method $this llen($key) * @method $this lmove(string $source, string $destination, string $where, string $to) * @method $this lmpop(array $keys, string $modifier = 'left', int $count = 1) * @method $this lpop($key) * @method $this lpush($key, array $values) * @method $this lpushx($key, array $values) * @method $this lrange($key, $start, $stop) * @method $this lrem($key, $count, $value) * @method $this lset($key, $index, $value) * @method $this ltrim($key, $start, $stop) * @method $this rpop($key) * @method $this rpoplpush($source, $destination) * @method $this rpush($key, array $values) * @method $this rpushx($key, array $values) * @method $this sadd($key, array $members) * @method $this scard($key) * @method $this sdiff(array|string $keys) * @method $this sdiffstore($destination, array|string $keys) * @method $this sinter(array|string $keys) * @method $this sintercard(array $keys, int $limit = 0) * @method $this sinterstore($destination, array|string $keys) * @method $this sismember($key, $member) * @method $this smembers($key) * @method $this smismember(string $key, string ...$members) * @method $this smove($source, $destination, $member) * @method $this spop($key, $count = null) * @method $this srandmember($key, $count = null) * @method $this srem($key, $member) * @method $this sscan($key, $cursor, array $options = null) * @method $this sunion(array|string $keys) * @method $this sunionstore($destination, array|string $keys) * @method $this tdigestadd(string $key, float ...$value) * @method $this tdigestbyrank(string $key, int ...$rank) * @method $this tdigestbyrevrank(string $key, int ...$reverseRank) * @method $this tdigestcdf(string $key, int ...$value) * @method $this tdigestcreate(string $key, int $compression = 0) * @method $this tdigestinfo(string $key) * @method $this tdigestmax(string $key) * @method $this tdigestmerge(string $destinationKey, array $sourceKeys, int $compression = 0, bool $override = false) * @method $this tdigestquantile(string $key, float ...$quantile) * @method $this tdigestmin(string $key) * @method $this tdigestrank(string $key, ...$value) * @method $this tdigestreset(string $key) * @method $this tdigestrevrank(string $key, float ...$value) * @method $this tdigesttrimmed_mean(string $key, float $lowCutQuantile, float $highCutQuantile) * @method $this topkadd(string $key, ...$items) * @method $this topkincrby(string $key, ...$itemIncrement) * @method $this topkinfo(string $key) * @method $this topklist(string $key, bool $withCount = false) * @method $this topkquery(string $key, ...$items) * @method $this topkreserve(string $key, int $topK, int $width = 8, int $depth = 7, float $decay = 0.9) * @method $this tsadd(string $key, int $timestamp, float $value, ?AddArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this tsalter(string $key, ?TSAlterArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this tscreate(string $key, ?TSCreateArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this tscreaterule(string $sourceKey, string $destKey, string $aggregator, int $bucketDuration, int $alignTimestamp = 0) * @method $this tsdecrby(string $key, float $value, ?DecrByArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this tsdel(string $key, int $fromTimestamp, int $toTimestamp) * @method $this tsdeleterule(string $sourceKey, string $destKey) * @method $this tsget(string $key, GetArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this tsincrby(string $key, float $value, ?IncrByArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this tsinfo(string $key, ?InfoArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this tsmadd(mixed ...$keyTimestampValue) * @method $this tsmget(MGetArguments $arguments, string ...$filterExpression) * @method $this tsmrange($fromTimestamp, $toTimestamp, MRangeArguments $arguments) * @method $this tsmrevrange($fromTimestamp, $toTimestamp, MRangeArguments $arguments) * @method $this tsqueryindex(string ...$filterExpression) * @method $this tsrange(string $key, $fromTimestamp, $toTimestamp, ?RangeArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this tsrevrange(string $key, $fromTimestamp, $toTimestamp, ?RangeArguments $arguments = null) * @method $this zadd($key, array $membersAndScoresDictionary) * @method $this zcard($key) * @method $this zcount($key, $min, $max) * @method $this zdiff(array $keys, bool $withScores = false) * @method $this zdiffstore(string $destination, array $keys) * @method $this zincrby($key, $increment, $member) * @method $this zintercard(array $keys, int $limit = 0) * @method $this zinterstore(string $destination, array $keys, int[] $weights = [], string $aggregate = 'sum') * @method $this zinter(array $keys, int[] $weights = [], string $aggregate = 'sum', bool $withScores = false) * @method $this zmpop(array $keys, string $modifier = 'min', int $count = 1) * @method $this zmscore(string $key, string ...$member) * @method $this zrandmember(string $key, int $count = 1, bool $withScores = false) * @method $this zrange($key, $start, $stop, array $options = null) * @method $this zrangebyscore($key, $min, $max, array $options = null) * @method $this zrangestore(string $destination, string $source, int|string $min, string|int $max, string|bool $by = false, bool $reversed = false, bool $limit = false, int $offset = 0, int $count = 0) * @method $this zrank($key, $member) * @method $this zrem($key, $member) * @method $this zremrangebyrank($key, $start, $stop) * @method $this zremrangebyscore($key, $min, $max) * @method $this zrevrange($key, $start, $stop, array $options = null) * @method $this zrevrangebyscore($key, $max, $min, array $options = null) * @method $this zrevrank($key, $member) * @method $this zunion(array $keys, int[] $weights = [], string $aggregate = 'sum', bool $withScores = false) * @method $this zunionstore(string $destination, array $keys, int[] $weights = [], string $aggregate = 'sum') * @method $this zscore($key, $member) * @method $this zscan($key, $cursor, array $options = null) * @method $this zrangebylex($key, $start, $stop, array $options = null) * @method $this zrevrangebylex($key, $start, $stop, array $options = null) * @method $this zremrangebylex($key, $min, $max) * @method $this zlexcount($key, $min, $max) * @method $this pexpiretime(string $key) * @method $this pfadd($key, array $elements) * @method $this pfmerge($destinationKey, array|string $sourceKeys) * @method $this pfcount(array|string $keys) * @method $this pubsub($subcommand, $argument) * @method $this publish($channel, $message) * @method $this discard() * @method $this exec() * @method $this multi() * @method $this unwatch() * @method $this waitaof(int $numLocal, int $numReplicas, int $timeout) * @method $this watch($key) * @method $this eval($script, $numkeys, $keyOrArg1 = null, $keyOrArgN = null) * @method $this eval_ro(string $script, array $keys, ...$argument) * @method $this evalsha($script, $numkeys, $keyOrArg1 = null, $keyOrArgN = null) * @method $this evalsha_ro(string $sha1, array $keys, ...$argument) * @method $this script($subcommand, $argument = null) * @method $this shutdown(bool $noSave = null, bool $now = false, bool $force = false, bool $abort = false) * @method $this auth($password) * @method $this echo($message) * @method $this ping($message = null) * @method $this select($database) * @method $this bgrewriteaof() * @method $this bgsave() * @method $this client($subcommand, $argument = null) * @method $this config($subcommand, $argument = null) * @method $this dbsize() * @method $this flushall() * @method $this flushdb() * @method $this info($section = null) * @method $this lastsave() * @method $this save() * @method $this slaveof($host, $port) * @method $this slowlog($subcommand, $argument = null) * @method $this time() * @method $this command() * @method $this geoadd($key, $longitude, $latitude, $member) * @method $this geohash($key, array $members) * @method $this geopos($key, array $members) * @method $this geodist($key, $member1, $member2, $unit = null) * @method $this georadius($key, $longitude, $latitude, $radius, $unit, array $options = null) * @method $this georadiusbymember($key, $member, $radius, $unit, array $options = null) * @method $this geosearch(string $key, FromInterface $from, ByInterface $by, ?string $sorting = null, int $count = -1, bool $any = false, bool $withCoord = false, bool $withDist = false, bool $withHash = false) * @method $this geosearchstore(string $destination, string $source, FromInterface $from, ByInterface $by, ?string $sorting = null, int $count = -1, bool $any = false, bool $storeDist = false) * * Container commands * @property CLUSTER $cluster * @property FunctionContainer $function * @property FTCONFIG $ftconfig * @property FTCURSOR $ftcursor * @property JSONDEBUG $jsondebug * @property ACL $acl */ interface ClientContextInterface { /** * Sends the specified command instance to Redis. * * @param CommandInterface $command Command instance. * * @return mixed */ public function executeCommand(CommandInterface $command); /** * Sends the specified command with its arguments to Redis. * * @param string $method Command ID. * @param array $arguments Arguments for the command. * * @return mixed */ public function __call($method, $arguments); /** * Starts the execution of the context. * * @param mixed $callable Optional callback for execution. * * @return array */ public function execute($callable = null); }