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Filename: ///var/www/arsu/vendor/league/uri-interfaces/IPv4/Converter.php
<?php /** * League.Uri (https://uri.thephpleague.com) * * (c) Ignace Nyamagana Butera <nyamsprod@gmail.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace League\Uri\IPv4; use League\Uri\Exceptions\MissingFeature; use League\Uri\FeatureDetection; use Stringable; use function array_pop; use function count; use function explode; use function extension_loaded; use function ltrim; use function preg_match; use function str_ends_with; use function substr; final class Converter { private const REGEXP_IPV4_HOST = '/ (?(DEFINE) # . is missing as it is used to separate labels (?<hexadecimal>0x[[:xdigit:]]*) (?<octal>0[0-7]*) (?<decimal>\d+) (?<ipv4_part>(?:(?&hexadecimal)|(?&octal)|(?&decimal))*) ) ^(?:(?&ipv4_part)\.){0,3}(?&ipv4_part)\.?$ /x'; private const REGEXP_IPV4_NUMBER_PER_BASE = [ '/^0x(?<number>[[:xdigit:]]*)$/' => 16, '/^0(?<number>[0-7]*)$/' => 8, '/^(?<number>\d+)$/' => 10, ]; private readonly mixed $maxIPv4Number; public function __construct( private readonly Calculator $calculator ) { $this->maxIPv4Number = $calculator->sub($calculator->pow(2, 32), 1); } /** * Returns an instance using a GMP calculator. */ public static function fromGMP(): self { return new self(new GMPCalculator()); } /** * Returns an instance using a Bcmath calculator. */ public static function fromBCMath(): self { return new self(new BCMathCalculator()); } /** * Returns an instance using a PHP native calculator (requires 64bits PHP). */ public static function fromNative(): self { return new self(new NativeCalculator()); } /** * Returns an instance using a detected calculator depending on the PHP environment. * * @throws MissingFeature If no Calculator implementing object can be used on the platform * * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public static function fromEnvironment(): self { FeatureDetection::supportsIPv4Conversion(); return match (true) { extension_loaded('gmp') => self::fromGMP(), extension_loaded('bcmath') => self::fromBCMath(), default => self::fromNative(), }; } public function isIpv4(Stringable|string|null $host): bool { return null !== $this->toDecimal($host); } public function toOctal(Stringable|string|null $host): ?string { $host = $this->toDecimal($host); return match (null) { $host => null, default => implode('.', array_map( fn ($value) => str_pad(decoct((int) $value), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), explode('.', $host) )), }; } public function toHexadecimal(Stringable|string|null $host): ?string { $host = $this->toDecimal($host); return match (null) { $host => null, default => '0x'.implode('', array_map( fn ($value) => dechex((int) $value), explode('.', $host) )), }; } /** * Tries to convert a IPv4 hexadecimal or a IPv4 octal notation into a IPv4 dot-decimal notation if possible * otherwise returns null. * * @see https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-ipv4-parser */ public function toDecimal(Stringable|string|null $host): ?string { $host = (string) $host; if (1 !== preg_match(self::REGEXP_IPV4_HOST, $host)) { return null; } if (str_ends_with($host, '.')) { $host = substr($host, 0, -1); } $numbers = []; foreach (explode('.', $host) as $label) { $number = $this->labelToNumber($label); if (null === $number) { return null; } $numbers[] = $number; } $ipv4 = array_pop($numbers); $max = $this->calculator->pow(256, 6 - count($numbers)); if ($this->calculator->compare($ipv4, $max) > 0) { return null; } foreach ($numbers as $offset => $number) { if ($this->calculator->compare($number, 255) > 0) { return null; } $ipv4 = $this->calculator->add($ipv4, $this->calculator->multiply( $number, $this->calculator->pow(256, 3 - $offset) )); } return $this->long2Ip($ipv4); } /** * Converts a domain label into a IPv4 integer part. * * @see https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#ipv4-number-parser * * @return mixed returns null if it cannot correctly convert the label */ private function labelToNumber(string $label): mixed { foreach (self::REGEXP_IPV4_NUMBER_PER_BASE as $regexp => $base) { if (1 !== preg_match($regexp, $label, $matches)) { continue; } $number = ltrim($matches['number'], '0'); if ('' === $number) { return 0; } $number = $this->calculator->baseConvert($number, $base); if (0 <= $this->calculator->compare($number, 0) && 0 >= $this->calculator->compare($number, $this->maxIPv4Number)) { return $number; } } return null; } /** * Generates the dot-decimal notation for IPv4. * * @see https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-ipv4-parser * * @param mixed $ipAddress the number representation of the IPV4address */ private function long2Ip(mixed $ipAddress): string { $output = ''; for ($offset = 0; $offset < 4; $offset++) { $output = $this->calculator->mod($ipAddress, 256).$output; if ($offset < 3) { $output = '.'.$output; } $ipAddress = $this->calculator->div($ipAddress, 256); } return $output; } }