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Filename: //lib/python3//dist-packages/cloudinit///sources//DataSourceOVF.py
# Copyright (C) 2011 Canonical Ltd. # Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. # # Author: Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com> # Author: Juerg Hafliger <juerg.haefliger@hp.com> # Author: Joshua Harlow <harlowja@yahoo-inc.com> # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import base64 import os import re import time from xml.dom import minidom from cloudinit import dmi from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import sources from cloudinit import subp from cloudinit import util from cloudinit.sources.helpers.vmware.imc.config \ import Config from cloudinit.sources.helpers.vmware.imc.config_custom_script \ import PreCustomScript, PostCustomScript from cloudinit.sources.helpers.vmware.imc.config_file \ import ConfigFile from cloudinit.sources.helpers.vmware.imc.config_nic \ import NicConfigurator from cloudinit.sources.helpers.vmware.imc.config_passwd \ import PasswordConfigurator from cloudinit.sources.helpers.vmware.imc.guestcust_error \ import GuestCustErrorEnum from cloudinit.sources.helpers.vmware.imc.guestcust_event \ import GuestCustEventEnum as GuestCustEvent from cloudinit.sources.helpers.vmware.imc.guestcust_state \ import GuestCustStateEnum from cloudinit.sources.helpers.vmware.imc.guestcust_util import ( enable_nics, get_nics_to_enable, set_customization_status, get_tools_config, set_gc_status ) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONFGROUPNAME_GUESTCUSTOMIZATION = "deployPkg" GUESTCUSTOMIZATION_ENABLE_CUST_SCRIPTS = "enable-custom-scripts" class DataSourceOVF(sources.DataSource): dsname = "OVF" def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths): sources.DataSource.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths) self.seed = None self.seed_dir = os.path.join(paths.seed_dir, 'ovf') self.environment = None self.cfg = {} self.supported_seed_starts = ("/", "file://") self.vmware_customization_supported = True self._network_config = None self._vmware_nics_to_enable = None self._vmware_cust_conf = None self._vmware_cust_found = False def __str__(self): root = sources.DataSource.__str__(self) return "%s [seed=%s]" % (root, self.seed) def _get_data(self): found = [] md = {} ud = "" vd = "" vmwareImcConfigFilePath = None nicspath = None defaults = { "instance-id": "iid-dsovf", } (seedfile, contents) = get_ovf_env(self.paths.seed_dir) system_type = dmi.read_dmi_data("system-product-name") if system_type is None: LOG.debug("No system-product-name found") if seedfile: # Found a seed dir seed = os.path.join(self.paths.seed_dir, seedfile) (md, ud, cfg) = read_ovf_environment(contents) self.environment = contents found.append(seed) elif system_type and 'vmware' in system_type.lower(): LOG.debug("VMware Virtualization Platform found") if not self.vmware_customization_supported: LOG.debug("Skipping the check for " "VMware Customization support") elif not util.get_cfg_option_bool( self.sys_cfg, "disable_vmware_customization", True): search_paths = ( "/usr/lib/vmware-tools", "/usr/lib64/vmware-tools", "/usr/lib/open-vm-tools", "/usr/lib64/open-vm-tools") plugin = "libdeployPkgPlugin.so" deployPkgPluginPath = None for path in search_paths: deployPkgPluginPath = search_file(path, plugin) if deployPkgPluginPath: LOG.debug("Found the customization plugin at %s", deployPkgPluginPath) break if deployPkgPluginPath: # When the VM is powered on, the "VMware Tools" daemon # copies the customization specification file to # /var/run/vmware-imc directory. cloud-init code needs # to search for the file in that directory. max_wait = get_max_wait_from_cfg(self.ds_cfg) vmwareImcConfigFilePath = util.log_time( logfunc=LOG.debug, msg="waiting for configuration file", func=wait_for_imc_cfg_file, args=("cust.cfg", max_wait)) else: LOG.debug("Did not find the customization plugin.") if vmwareImcConfigFilePath: LOG.debug("Found VMware Customization Config File at %s", vmwareImcConfigFilePath) nicspath = wait_for_imc_cfg_file( filename="nics.txt", maxwait=10, naplen=5) else: LOG.debug("Did not find VMware Customization Config File") else: LOG.debug("Customization for VMware platform is disabled.") if vmwareImcConfigFilePath: self._vmware_nics_to_enable = "" try: cf = ConfigFile(vmwareImcConfigFilePath) self._vmware_cust_conf = Config(cf) set_gc_status(self._vmware_cust_conf, "Started") (md, ud, cfg) = read_vmware_imc(self._vmware_cust_conf) self._vmware_nics_to_enable = get_nics_to_enable(nicspath) imcdirpath = os.path.dirname(vmwareImcConfigFilePath) product_marker = self._vmware_cust_conf.marker_id hasmarkerfile = check_marker_exists( product_marker, os.path.join(self.paths.cloud_dir, 'data')) special_customization = product_marker and not hasmarkerfile customscript = self._vmware_cust_conf.custom_script_name # In case there is a custom script, check whether VMware # Tools configuration allow the custom script to run. if special_customization and customscript: defVal = "false" if self._vmware_cust_conf.default_run_post_script: LOG.debug( "Set default value to true due to" " customization configuration." ) defVal = "true" custScriptConfig = get_tools_config( CONFGROUPNAME_GUESTCUSTOMIZATION, GUESTCUSTOMIZATION_ENABLE_CUST_SCRIPTS, defVal) if custScriptConfig.lower() != "true": # Update the customization status if custom script # is disabled msg = "Custom script is disabled by VM Administrator" LOG.debug(msg) set_customization_status( GuestCustStateEnum.GUESTCUST_STATE_RUNNING, GuestCustErrorEnum.GUESTCUST_ERROR_SCRIPT_DISABLED) raise RuntimeError(msg) ccScriptsDir = os.path.join( self.paths.get_cpath("scripts"), "per-instance") except Exception as e: _raise_error_status( "Error parsing the customization Config File", e, GuestCustEvent.GUESTCUST_EVENT_CUSTOMIZE_FAILED, vmwareImcConfigFilePath, self._vmware_cust_conf) if special_customization: if customscript: try: precust = PreCustomScript(customscript, imcdirpath) precust.execute() except Exception as e: _raise_error_status( "Error executing pre-customization script", e, GuestCustEvent.GUESTCUST_EVENT_CUSTOMIZE_FAILED, vmwareImcConfigFilePath, self._vmware_cust_conf) try: LOG.debug("Preparing the Network configuration") self._network_config = get_network_config_from_conf( self._vmware_cust_conf, True, True, self.distro.osfamily) except Exception as e: _raise_error_status( "Error preparing Network Configuration", e, GuestCustEvent.GUESTCUST_EVENT_NETWORK_SETUP_FAILED, vmwareImcConfigFilePath, self._vmware_cust_conf) if special_customization: LOG.debug("Applying password customization") pwdConfigurator = PasswordConfigurator() adminpwd = self._vmware_cust_conf.admin_password try: resetpwd = self._vmware_cust_conf.reset_password if adminpwd or resetpwd: pwdConfigurator.configure(adminpwd, resetpwd, self.distro) else: LOG.debug("Changing password is not needed") except Exception as e: _raise_error_status( "Error applying Password Configuration", e, GuestCustEvent.GUESTCUST_EVENT_CUSTOMIZE_FAILED, vmwareImcConfigFilePath, self._vmware_cust_conf) if customscript: try: postcust = PostCustomScript(customscript, imcdirpath, ccScriptsDir) postcust.execute() except Exception as e: _raise_error_status( "Error executing post-customization script", e, GuestCustEvent.GUESTCUST_EVENT_CUSTOMIZE_FAILED, vmwareImcConfigFilePath, self._vmware_cust_conf) if product_marker: try: setup_marker_files( product_marker, os.path.join(self.paths.cloud_dir, 'data')) except Exception as e: _raise_error_status( "Error creating marker files", e, GuestCustEvent.GUESTCUST_EVENT_CUSTOMIZE_FAILED, vmwareImcConfigFilePath, self._vmware_cust_conf) self._vmware_cust_found = True found.append('vmware-tools') # TODO: Need to set the status to DONE only when the # customization is done successfully. util.del_dir(os.path.dirname(vmwareImcConfigFilePath)) enable_nics(self._vmware_nics_to_enable) set_customization_status( GuestCustStateEnum.GUESTCUST_STATE_DONE, GuestCustErrorEnum.GUESTCUST_ERROR_SUCCESS) set_gc_status(self._vmware_cust_conf, "Successful") else: np = [('com.vmware.guestInfo', transport_vmware_guestinfo), ('iso', transport_iso9660)] name = None for name, transfunc in np: contents = transfunc() if contents: break if contents: (md, ud, cfg) = read_ovf_environment(contents) self.environment = contents found.append(name) # There was no OVF transports found if len(found) == 0: return False if 'seedfrom' in md and md['seedfrom']: seedfrom = md['seedfrom'] seedfound = False for proto in self.supported_seed_starts: if seedfrom.startswith(proto): seedfound = proto break if not seedfound: LOG.debug("Seed from %s not supported by %s", seedfrom, self) return False (md_seed, ud, vd) = util.read_seeded(seedfrom, timeout=None) LOG.debug("Using seeded cache data from %s", seedfrom) md = util.mergemanydict([md, md_seed]) found.append(seedfrom) # Now that we have exhausted any other places merge in the defaults md = util.mergemanydict([md, defaults]) self.seed = ",".join(found) self.metadata = md self.userdata_raw = ud self.vendordata_raw = vd self.cfg = cfg return True def _get_subplatform(self): system_type = dmi.read_dmi_data("system-product-name").lower() if system_type == 'vmware': return 'vmware (%s)' % self.seed return 'ovf (%s)' % self.seed def get_public_ssh_keys(self): if 'public-keys' not in self.metadata: return [] pks = self.metadata['public-keys'] if isinstance(pks, (list)): return pks else: return [pks] # The data sources' config_obj is a cloud-config formatted # object that came to it from ways other than cloud-config # because cloud-config content would be handled elsewhere def get_config_obj(self): return self.cfg @property def network_config(self): return self._network_config class DataSourceOVFNet(DataSourceOVF): def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths): DataSourceOVF.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths) self.seed_dir = os.path.join(paths.seed_dir, 'ovf-net') self.supported_seed_starts = ("http://", "https://") self.vmware_customization_supported = False def get_max_wait_from_cfg(cfg): default_max_wait = 90 max_wait_cfg_option = 'vmware_cust_file_max_wait' max_wait = default_max_wait if not cfg: return max_wait try: max_wait = int(cfg.get(max_wait_cfg_option, default_max_wait)) except ValueError: LOG.warning("Failed to get '%s', using %s", max_wait_cfg_option, default_max_wait) if max_wait <= 0: LOG.warning("Invalid value '%s' for '%s', using '%s' instead", max_wait, max_wait_cfg_option, default_max_wait) max_wait = default_max_wait return max_wait def wait_for_imc_cfg_file(filename, maxwait=180, naplen=5, dirpath="/var/run/vmware-imc"): waited = 0 while waited < maxwait: fileFullPath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) if os.path.isfile(fileFullPath): return fileFullPath LOG.debug("Waiting for VMware Customization Config File") time.sleep(naplen) waited += naplen return None def get_network_config_from_conf(config, use_system_devices=True, configure=False, osfamily=None): nicConfigurator = NicConfigurator(config.nics, use_system_devices) nics_cfg_list = nicConfigurator.generate(configure, osfamily) return get_network_config(nics_cfg_list, config.name_servers, config.dns_suffixes) def get_network_config(nics=None, nameservers=None, search=None): config_list = nics if nameservers or search: config_list.append({'type': 'nameserver', 'address': nameservers, 'search': search}) return {'version': 1, 'config': config_list} # This will return a dict with some content # meta-data, user-data, some config def read_vmware_imc(config): md = {} cfg = {} ud = None if config.host_name: if config.domain_name: md['local-hostname'] = config.host_name + "." + config.domain_name else: md['local-hostname'] = config.host_name if config.timezone: cfg['timezone'] = config.timezone md['instance-id'] = "iid-vmware-imc" return (md, ud, cfg) # This will return a dict with some content # meta-data, user-data, some config def read_ovf_environment(contents): props = get_properties(contents) md = {} cfg = {} ud = None cfg_props = ['password'] md_props = ['seedfrom', 'local-hostname', 'public-keys', 'instance-id'] for (prop, val) in props.items(): if prop == 'hostname': prop = "local-hostname" if prop in md_props: md[prop] = val elif prop in cfg_props: cfg[prop] = val elif prop == "user-data": try: ud = base64.b64decode(val.encode()) except Exception: ud = val.encode() return (md, ud, cfg) # Returns tuple of filename (in 'dirname', and the contents of the file) # on "not found", returns 'None' for filename and False for contents def get_ovf_env(dirname): env_names = ("ovf-env.xml", "ovf_env.xml", "OVF_ENV.XML", "OVF-ENV.XML") for fname in env_names: full_fn = os.path.join(dirname, fname) if os.path.isfile(full_fn): try: contents = util.load_file(full_fn) return (fname, contents) except Exception: util.logexc(LOG, "Failed loading ovf file %s", full_fn) return (None, False) def maybe_cdrom_device(devname): """Test if devname matches known list of devices which may contain iso9660 filesystems. Be helpful in accepting either knames (with no leading /dev/) or full path names, but do not allow paths outside of /dev/, like /dev/foo/bar/xxx. """ if not devname: return False elif not isinstance(devname, str): raise ValueError("Unexpected input for devname: %s" % devname) # resolve '..' and multi '/' elements devname = os.path.normpath(devname) # drop leading '/dev/' if devname.startswith("/dev/"): # partition returns tuple (before, partition, after) devname = devname.partition("/dev/")[-1] # ignore leading slash (/sr0), else fail on / in name (foo/bar/xvdc) if devname.startswith("/"): devname = devname.split("/")[-1] elif devname.count("/") > 0: return False # if empty string if not devname: return False # default_regex matches values in /lib/udev/rules.d/60-cdrom_id.rules # KERNEL!="sr[0-9]*|hd[a-z]|xvd*", GOTO="cdrom_end" default_regex = r"^(sr[0-9]+|hd[a-z]|xvd.*)" devname_regex = os.environ.get("CLOUD_INIT_CDROM_DEV_REGEX", default_regex) cdmatch = re.compile(devname_regex) return cdmatch.match(devname) is not None # Transport functions are called with no arguments and return # either None (indicating not present) or string content of an ovf-env.xml def transport_iso9660(require_iso=True): # Go through mounts to see if it was already mounted mounts = util.mounts() for (dev, info) in mounts.items(): fstype = info['fstype'] if fstype != "iso9660" and require_iso: continue if not maybe_cdrom_device(dev): continue mp = info['mountpoint'] (_fname, contents) = get_ovf_env(mp) if contents is not False: return contents if require_iso: mtype = "iso9660" else: mtype = None # generate a list of devices with mtype filesystem, filter by regex devs = [dev for dev in util.find_devs_with("TYPE=%s" % mtype if mtype else None) if maybe_cdrom_device(dev)] for dev in devs: try: (_fname, contents) = util.mount_cb(dev, get_ovf_env, mtype=mtype) except util.MountFailedError: LOG.debug("%s not mountable as iso9660", dev) continue if contents is not False: return contents return None def transport_vmware_guestinfo(): rpctool = "vmware-rpctool" not_found = None if not subp.which(rpctool): return not_found cmd = [rpctool, "info-get guestinfo.ovfEnv"] try: out, _err = subp.subp(cmd) if out: return out LOG.debug("cmd %s exited 0 with empty stdout: %s", cmd, out) except subp.ProcessExecutionError as e: if e.exit_code != 1: LOG.warning("%s exited with code %d", rpctool, e.exit_code) LOG.debug(e) return not_found def find_child(node, filter_func): ret = [] if not node.hasChildNodes(): return ret for child in node.childNodes: if filter_func(child): ret.append(child) return ret def get_properties(contents): dom = minidom.parseString(contents) if dom.documentElement.localName != "Environment": raise XmlError("No Environment Node") if not dom.documentElement.hasChildNodes(): raise XmlError("No Child Nodes") envNsURI = "http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/environment/1" # could also check here that elem.namespaceURI == # "http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/environment/1" propSections = find_child(dom.documentElement, lambda n: n.localName == "PropertySection") if len(propSections) == 0: raise XmlError("No 'PropertySection's") props = {} propElems = find_child(propSections[0], (lambda n: n.localName == "Property")) for elem in propElems: key = elem.attributes.getNamedItemNS(envNsURI, "key").value val = elem.attributes.getNamedItemNS(envNsURI, "value").value props[key] = val return props def search_file(dirpath, filename): if not dirpath or not filename: return None for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(dirpath): if filename in files: return os.path.join(root, filename) return None class XmlError(Exception): pass # Used to match classes to dependencies datasources = ( (DataSourceOVF, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, )), (DataSourceOVFNet, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, sources.DEP_NETWORK)), ) # Return a list of data sources that match this set of dependencies def get_datasource_list(depends): return sources.list_from_depends(depends, datasources) # To check if marker file exists def check_marker_exists(markerid, marker_dir): """ Check the existence of a marker file. Presence of marker file determines whether a certain code path is to be executed. It is needed for partial guest customization in VMware. @param markerid: is an unique string representing a particular product marker. @param: marker_dir: The directory in which markers exist. """ if not markerid: return False markerfile = os.path.join(marker_dir, ".markerfile-" + markerid + ".txt") if os.path.exists(markerfile): return True return False # Create a marker file def setup_marker_files(markerid, marker_dir): """ Create a new marker file. Marker files are unique to a full customization workflow in VMware environment. @param markerid: is an unique string representing a particular product marker. @param: marker_dir: The directory in which markers exist. """ LOG.debug("Handle marker creation") markerfile = os.path.join(marker_dir, ".markerfile-" + markerid + ".txt") for fname in os.listdir(marker_dir): if fname.startswith(".markerfile"): util.del_file(os.path.join(marker_dir, fname)) open(markerfile, 'w').close() def _raise_error_status(prefix, error, event, config_file, conf): """ Raise error and send customization status to the underlying VMware Virtualization Platform. Also, cleanup the imc directory. """ LOG.debug('%s: %s', prefix, error) set_customization_status( GuestCustStateEnum.GUESTCUST_STATE_RUNNING, event) set_gc_status(conf, prefix) util.del_dir(os.path.dirname(config_file)) raise error # vi: ts=4 expandtab