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Filename: //var/www/arsu/vendor///mpdf/mpdf/src/Writer/FontWriter.php
<?php namespace Mpdf\Writer; use Mpdf\Strict; use Mpdf\Fonts\FontCache; use Mpdf\Mpdf; use Mpdf\TTFontFile; class FontWriter { use Strict; /** * @var \Mpdf\Mpdf */ private $mpdf; /** * @var \Mpdf\Writer\BaseWriter */ private $writer; /** * @var \Mpdf\Fonts\FontCache */ private $fontCache; /** * @var string */ private $fontDescriptor; public function __construct(Mpdf $mpdf, BaseWriter $writer, FontCache $fontCache, $fontDescriptor) { $this->mpdf = $mpdf; $this->writer = $writer; $this->fontCache = $fontCache; $this->fontDescriptor = $fontDescriptor; } public function writeFonts() { foreach ($this->mpdf->FontFiles as $fontkey => $info) { // TrueType embedded if (isset($info['type']) && $info['type'] === 'TTF' && !$info['sip'] && !$info['smp']) { $used = true; $asSubset = false; foreach ($this->mpdf->fonts as $k => $f) { if (isset($f['fontkey']) && $f['fontkey'] === $fontkey && $f['type'] === 'TTF') { $used = $f['used']; if ($used) { $nChars = (ord($f['cw'][0]) << 8) + ord($f['cw'][1]); $usage = (int) (count($f['subset']) * 100 / $nChars); $fsize = $info['length1']; // Always subset the very large TTF files if ($fsize > ($this->mpdf->maxTTFFilesize * 1024)) { $asSubset = true; } elseif ($usage < $this->mpdf->percentSubset) { $asSubset = true; } } if ($this->mpdf->PDFA || $this->mpdf->PDFX) { $asSubset = false; } $this->mpdf->fonts[$k]['asSubset'] = $asSubset; break; } } if ($used && !$asSubset) { // Font file embedding $this->writer->object(); $this->mpdf->FontFiles[$fontkey]['n'] = $this->mpdf->n; $originalsize = $info['length1']; if ($this->mpdf->repackageTTF || $this->mpdf->fonts[$fontkey]['TTCfontID'] > 0 || $this->mpdf->fonts[$fontkey]['useOTL'] > 0) { // mPDF 5.7.1 // First see if there is a cached compressed file if ($this->fontCache->has($fontkey . '.ps.z') && $this->fontCache->jsonHas($fontkey . '.ps.json')) { $font = $this->fontCache->load($fontkey . '.ps.z'); $originalsize = $this->fontCache->jsonLoad($fontkey . '.ps.json'); // sets $originalsize (of repackaged font) } else { $ttf = new TTFontFile($this->fontCache, $this->fontDescriptor); $font = $ttf->repackageTTF($this->mpdf->FontFiles[$fontkey]['ttffile'], $this->mpdf->fonts[$fontkey]['TTCfontID'], $this->mpdf->debugfonts, $this->mpdf->fonts[$fontkey]['useOTL']); // mPDF 5.7.1 $originalsize = strlen($font); $font = gzcompress($font); unset($ttf); $this->fontCache->binaryWrite($fontkey . '.ps.z', $font); $this->fontCache->jsonWrite($fontkey . '.ps.json', $originalsize); } } elseif ($this->fontCache->has($fontkey . '.z')) { $font = $this->fontCache->load($fontkey . '.z'); } else { $font = file_get_contents($this->mpdf->FontFiles[$fontkey]['ttffile']); $font = gzcompress($font); $this->fontCache->binaryWrite($fontkey . '.z', $font); } $this->writer->write('<</Length ' . strlen($font)); $this->writer->write('/Filter /FlateDecode'); $this->writer->write('/Length1 ' . $originalsize); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->stream($font); $this->writer->write('endobj'); } } } foreach ($this->mpdf->fonts as $k => $font) { // Font objects $type = $font['type']; $name = $font['name']; if ($type === 'TTF' && (!isset($font['used']) || !$font['used'])) { continue; } // @log Writing fonts if (isset($font['asSubset'])) { $asSubset = $font['asSubset']; } else { $asSubset = ''; } if ($type === 'Type0') { // Adobe CJK Fonts $this->mpdf->fonts[$k]['n'] = $this->mpdf->n + 1; $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<</Type /Font'); $this->writeType0($font); } elseif ($type === 'core') { // Standard font $this->mpdf->fonts[$k]['n'] = $this->mpdf->n + 1; if ($this->mpdf->PDFA || $this->mpdf->PDFX) { throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Core fonts are not allowed in PDF/A1-b or PDFX/1-a files (Times, Helvetica, Courier etc.)'); } $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<</Type /Font'); $this->writer->write('/BaseFont /' . $name); $this->writer->write('/Subtype /Type1'); if ($name !== 'Symbol' && $name !== 'ZapfDingbats') { $this->writer->write('/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding'); } $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); } elseif ($type === 'TTF' && ($font['sip'] || $font['smp'])) { // TrueType embedded SUBSETS for SIP (CJK extB containing Supplementary Ideographic Plane 2) // Or Unicode Plane 1 - Supplementary Multilingual Plane if (!$font['used']) { continue; } $ssfaid = 'AA'; $ttf = new TTFontFile($this->fontCache, $this->fontDescriptor); $subsetCount = count($font['subsetfontids']); for ($sfid = 0; $sfid < $subsetCount; $sfid++) { $this->mpdf->fonts[$k]['n'][$sfid] = $this->mpdf->n + 1; // NB an array for subset $subsetname = 'MPDF' . $ssfaid . '+' . $font['name']; $ssfaid++; /* For some strange reason a subset ($sfid > 0) containing less than 97 characters causes an error so fill up the array */ for ($j = count($font['subsets'][$sfid]); $j < 98; $j++) { $font['subsets'][$sfid][$j] = 0; } $subset = $font['subsets'][$sfid]; unset($subset[0]); $ttfontstream = $ttf->makeSubsetSIP($font['ttffile'], $subset, $font['TTCfontID'], $this->mpdf->debugfonts, $font['useOTL']); // mPDF 5.7.1 $ttfontsize = strlen($ttfontstream); $fontstream = gzcompress($ttfontstream); $widthstring = ''; $toUnistring = ''; foreach ($font['subsets'][$sfid] as $cp => $u) { $w = $this->mpdf->_getCharWidth($font['cw'], $u); if ($w !== false) { $widthstring .= $w . ' '; } else { $widthstring .= round($ttf->defaultWidth) . ' '; } if ($u > 65535) { $utf8 = chr(($u >> 18) + 240) . chr((($u >> 12) & 63) + 128) . chr((($u >> 6) & 63) + 128) . chr(($u & 63) + 128); $utf16 = mb_convert_encoding($utf8, 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-8'); $l1 = ord($utf16[0]); $h1 = ord($utf16[1]); $l2 = ord($utf16[2]); $h2 = ord($utf16[3]); $toUnistring .= sprintf("<%02s> <%02s%02s%02s%02s>\n", strtoupper(dechex($cp)), strtoupper(dechex($l1)), strtoupper(dechex($h1)), strtoupper(dechex($l2)), strtoupper(dechex($h2))); } else { $toUnistring .= sprintf("<%02s> <%04s>\n", strtoupper(dechex($cp)), strtoupper(dechex($u))); } } // Additional Type1 or TrueType font $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<</Type /Font'); $this->writer->write('/BaseFont /' . $subsetname); $this->writer->write('/Subtype /TrueType'); $this->writer->write('/FirstChar 0 /LastChar ' . (count($font['subsets'][$sfid]) - 1)); $this->writer->write('/Widths ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 1) . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('/FontDescriptor ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 2) . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('/ToUnicode ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 3) . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); // Widths $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('[' . $widthstring . ']'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); // Descriptor $this->writer->object(); $s = '<</Type /FontDescriptor /FontName /' . $subsetname . "\n"; foreach ($font['desc'] as $kd => $v) { if ($kd === 'Flags') { $v |= 4; $v &= ~32; } // SYMBOLIC font flag $s .= ' /' . $kd . ' ' . $v . "\n"; } $s .= '/FontFile2 ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 2) . ' 0 R'; $this->writer->write($s . '>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); // ToUnicode $this->writer->object(); $toUni = "/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin\n"; $toUni .= "12 dict begin\n"; $toUni .= "begincmap\n"; $toUni .= "/CIDSystemInfo\n"; $toUni .= "<</Registry (Adobe)\n"; $toUni .= "/Ordering (UCS)\n"; $toUni .= "/Supplement 0\n"; $toUni .= ">> def\n"; $toUni .= "/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def\n"; $toUni .= "/CMapType 2 def\n"; $toUni .= "1 begincodespacerange\n"; $toUni .= "<00> <FF>\n"; // $toUni .= sprintf("<00> <%02s>\n", strtoupper(dechex(count($font['subsets'][$sfid])-1))); $toUni .= "endcodespacerange\n"; $toUni .= count($font['subsets'][$sfid]) . " beginbfchar\n"; $toUni .= $toUnistring; $toUni .= "endbfchar\n"; $toUni .= "endcmap\n"; $toUni .= "CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop\n"; $toUni .= "end\n"; $toUni .= "end\n"; $this->writer->write('<</Length ' . strlen($toUni) . '>>'); $this->writer->stream($toUni); $this->writer->write('endobj'); // Font file $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<</Length ' . strlen($fontstream)); $this->writer->write('/Filter /FlateDecode'); $this->writer->write('/Length1 ' . $ttfontsize); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->stream($fontstream); $this->writer->write('endobj'); } // foreach subset unset($ttf); } elseif ($type === 'TTF') { // TrueType embedded SUBSETS or FULL $this->mpdf->fonts[$k]['n'] = $this->mpdf->n + 1; if ($asSubset) { $ssfaid = 'A'; $ttf = new TTFontFile($this->fontCache, $this->fontDescriptor); $fontname = 'MPDFA' . $ssfaid . '+' . $font['name']; $subset = $font['subset']; unset($subset[0]); $ttfontstream = $ttf->makeSubset($font['ttffile'], $subset, $font['TTCfontID'], $this->mpdf->debugfonts, $font['useOTL']); $ttfontsize = strlen($ttfontstream); $fontstream = gzcompress($ttfontstream); $codeToGlyph = $ttf->codeToGlyph; unset($codeToGlyph[0]); } else { $fontname = $font['name']; } // Type0 Font // A composite font - a font composed of other fonts, organized hierarchically $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<</Type /Font'); $this->writer->write('/Subtype /Type0'); $this->writer->write('/BaseFont /' . $fontname . ''); $this->writer->write('/Encoding /Identity-H'); $this->writer->write('/DescendantFonts [' . ($this->mpdf->n + 1) . ' 0 R]'); $this->writer->write('/ToUnicode ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 2) . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); // CIDFontType2 // A CIDFont whose glyph descriptions are based on TrueType font technology $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<</Type /Font'); $this->writer->write('/Subtype /CIDFontType2'); $this->writer->write('/BaseFont /' . $fontname . ''); $this->writer->write('/CIDSystemInfo ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 2) . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('/FontDescriptor ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 3) . ' 0 R'); if (isset($font['desc']['MissingWidth'])) { $this->writer->write('/DW ' . $font['desc']['MissingWidth'] . ''); } if (!$asSubset && $this->fontCache->has($font['fontkey'] . '.cw')) { $w = $this->fontCache->load($font['fontkey'] . '.cw'); $this->writer->write($w); } else { $this->writeTTFontWidths($font, $asSubset, ($asSubset ? $ttf->maxUni : 0)); } $this->writer->write('/CIDToGIDMap ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 4) . ' 0 R'); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); // ToUnicode $this->writer->object(); $toUni = "/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin\n"; $toUni .= "12 dict begin\n"; $toUni .= "begincmap\n"; $toUni .= "/CIDSystemInfo\n"; $toUni .= "<</Registry (Adobe)\n"; $toUni .= "/Ordering (UCS)\n"; $toUni .= "/Supplement 0\n"; $toUni .= ">> def\n"; $toUni .= "/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def\n"; $toUni .= "/CMapType 2 def\n"; $toUni .= "1 begincodespacerange\n"; $toUni .= "<0000> <FFFF>\n"; $toUni .= "endcodespacerange\n"; $toUni .= "1 beginbfrange\n"; $toUni .= "<0000> <FFFF> <0000>\n"; $toUni .= "endbfrange\n"; $toUni .= "endcmap\n"; $toUni .= "CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop\n"; $toUni .= "end\n"; $toUni .= "end\n"; $this->writer->write('<</Length ' . strlen($toUni) . '>>'); $this->writer->stream($toUni); $this->writer->write('endobj'); // CIDSystemInfo dictionary $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<</Registry (Adobe)'); $this->writer->write('/Ordering (UCS)'); $this->writer->write('/Supplement 0'); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); // Font descriptor $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<</Type /FontDescriptor'); $this->writer->write('/FontName /' . $fontname); foreach ($font['desc'] as $kd => $v) { if ($asSubset && $kd === 'Flags') { $v |= 4; $v &= ~32; } // SYMBOLIC font flag $this->writer->write(' /' . $kd . ' ' . $v); } if ($font['panose']) { $this->writer->write(' /Style << /Panose <' . $font['panose'] . '> >>'); } if ($asSubset) { $this->writer->write('/FontFile2 ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 2) . ' 0 R'); } elseif ($font['fontkey']) { // obj ID of a stream containing a TrueType font program $this->writer->write('/FontFile2 ' . $this->mpdf->FontFiles[$font['fontkey']]['n'] . ' 0 R'); } $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); // Embed CIDToGIDMap // A specification of the mapping from CIDs to glyph indices if ($asSubset) { $cidtogidmap = str_pad('', 256 * 256 * 2, "\x00"); foreach ($codeToGlyph as $cc => $glyph) { $cidtogidmap[$cc * 2] = chr($glyph >> 8); $cidtogidmap[$cc * 2 + 1] = chr($glyph & 0xFF); } $cidtogidmap = gzcompress($cidtogidmap); } else { // First see if there is a cached CIDToGIDMapfile if ($this->fontCache->has($font['fontkey'] . '.cgm')) { $cidtogidmap = $this->fontCache->load($font['fontkey'] . '.cgm'); } else { $ttf = new TTFontFile($this->fontCache, $this->fontDescriptor); $charToGlyph = $ttf->getCTG($font['ttffile'], $font['TTCfontID'], $this->mpdf->debugfonts, $font['useOTL']); $cidtogidmap = str_pad('', 256 * 256 * 2, "\x00"); foreach ($charToGlyph as $cc => $glyph) { $cidtogidmap[$cc * 2] = chr($glyph >> 8); $cidtogidmap[$cc * 2 + 1] = chr($glyph & 0xFF); } unset($ttf); $cidtogidmap = gzcompress($cidtogidmap); $this->fontCache->binaryWrite($font['fontkey'] . '.cgm', $cidtogidmap); } } $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<</Length ' . strlen($cidtogidmap) . ''); $this->writer->write('/Filter /FlateDecode'); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->stream($cidtogidmap); $this->writer->write('endobj'); // Font file if ($asSubset) { $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<</Length ' . strlen($fontstream)); $this->writer->write('/Filter /FlateDecode'); $this->writer->write('/Length1 ' . $ttfontsize); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->stream($fontstream); $this->writer->write('endobj'); unset($ttf); } } else { throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('Unsupported font type: %s (%s)', $type, $name)); } } } private function writeTTFontWidths(&$font, $asSubset, $maxUni) // _putTTfontwidths { $character = [ 'startcid' => 1, 'rangeid' => 0, 'prevcid' => -2, 'prevwidth' => -1, 'interval' => false, 'range' => [], ]; $fontCacheFilename = $font['fontkey'] . '.cw127.json'; if ($asSubset && $this->fontCache->jsonHas($fontCacheFilename)) { $character = $this->fontCache->jsonLoad($fontCacheFilename); $character['startcid'] = 128; } // for each character $cwlen = ($asSubset) ? $maxUni + 1 : (strlen($font['cw']) / 2); for ($cid = $character['startcid']; $cid < $cwlen; $cid++) { if ($cid == 128 && $asSubset && (!$this->fontCache->has($fontCacheFilename))) { $character = [ 'rangeid' => $character['rangeid'], 'prevcid' => $character['prevcid'], 'prevwidth' => $character['prevwidth'], 'interval' => $character['interval'], 'range' => $character['range'], ]; $this->fontCache->jsonWrite($fontCacheFilename, $character); } $character1 = isset($font['cw'][$cid * 2]) ? $font['cw'][$cid * 2] : ''; $character2 = isset($font['cw'][$cid * 2 + 1]) ? $font['cw'][$cid * 2 + 1] : ''; if ($character1 === "\00" && $character2 === "\00") { continue; } $width = (ord($character1) << 8) + ord($character2); if ($width === 65535) { $width = 0; } if ($asSubset && $cid > 255 && (!isset($font['subset'][$cid]) || !$font['subset'][$cid])) { continue; } if ($asSubset && $cid > 0xFFFF) { continue; } // mPDF 6 if (!isset($font['dw']) || (isset($font['dw']) && $width != $font['dw'])) { if ($cid === ($character['prevcid'] + 1)) { // consecutive CID if ($width === $character['prevwidth']) { if (isset($character['range'][$character['rangeid']][0]) && $width === $character['range'][$character['rangeid']][0]) { $character['range'][$character['rangeid']][] = $width; } else { array_pop($character['range'][$character['rangeid']]); // new range $character['rangeid'] = $character['prevcid']; $character['range'][$character['rangeid']] = []; $character['range'][$character['rangeid']][] = $character['prevwidth']; $character['range'][$character['rangeid']][] = $width; } $character['interval'] = true; $character['range'][$character['rangeid']]['interval'] = true; } else { if ($character['interval']) { // new range $character['rangeid'] = $cid; $character['range'][$character['rangeid']] = []; $character['range'][$character['rangeid']][] = $width; } else { $character['range'][$character['rangeid']][] = $width; } $character['interval'] = false; } } else { // new range $character['rangeid'] = $cid; $character['range'][$character['rangeid']] = []; $character['range'][$character['rangeid']][] = $width; $character['interval'] = false; } $character['prevcid'] = $cid; $character['prevwidth'] = $width; } } $w = $this->writeFontRanges($character['range']); $this->writer->write($w); if (!$asSubset) { $this->fontCache->binaryWrite($font['fontkey'] . '.cw', $w); } } private function writeFontRanges(&$range) // _putfontranges { // optimize ranges $prevk = -1; $nextk = -1; $prevint = false; foreach ($range as $k => $ws) { $cws = count($ws); if (($k == $nextk) and ( !$prevint) and ( (!isset($ws['interval'])) or ( $cws < 4))) { if (isset($range[$k]['interval'])) { unset($range[$k]['interval']); } $range[$prevk] = array_merge($range[$prevk], $range[$k]); unset($range[$k]); } else { $prevk = $k; } $nextk = $k + $cws; if (isset($ws['interval'])) { if ($cws > 3) { $prevint = true; } else { $prevint = false; } unset($range[$k]['interval']); --$nextk; } else { $prevint = false; } } // output data $w = ''; foreach ($range as $k => $ws) { if (count(array_count_values($ws)) === 1) { // interval mode is more compact $w .= ' ' . $k . ' ' . ($k + count($ws) - 1) . ' ' . $ws[0]; } else { // range mode $w .= ' ' . $k . ' [ ' . implode(' ', $ws) . ' ]' . "\n"; } } return '/W [' . $w . ' ]'; } private function writeFontWidths(&$font, $cidoffset = 0) // _putfontwidths { ksort($font['cw']); unset($font['cw'][65535]); $rangeid = 0; $range = []; $prevcid = -2; $prevwidth = -1; $interval = false; // for each character foreach ($font['cw'] as $cid => $width) { $cid -= $cidoffset; if (!isset($font['dw']) || (isset($font['dw']) && $width != $font['dw'])) { if ($cid === ($prevcid + 1)) { // consecutive CID if ($width === $prevwidth) { if ($width === $range[$rangeid][0]) { $range[$rangeid][] = $width; } else { array_pop($range[$rangeid]); // new range $rangeid = $prevcid; $range[$rangeid] = []; $range[$rangeid][] = $prevwidth; $range[$rangeid][] = $width; } $interval = true; $range[$rangeid]['interval'] = true; } else { if ($interval) { // new range $rangeid = $cid; $range[$rangeid] = []; $range[$rangeid][] = $width; } else { $range[$rangeid][] = $width; } $interval = false; } } else { // new range $rangeid = $cid; $range[$rangeid] = []; $range[$rangeid][] = $width; $interval = false; } $prevcid = $cid; $prevwidth = $width; } } $this->writer->write($this->writeFontRanges($range)); } // from class PDF_Chinese CJK EXTENSIONS public function writeType0(&$font) // _putType0 { // Type0 $this->writer->write('/Subtype /Type0'); $this->writer->write('/BaseFont /' . $font['name'] . '-' . $font['CMap']); $this->writer->write('/Encoding /' . $font['CMap']); $this->writer->write('/DescendantFonts [' . ($this->mpdf->n + 1) . ' 0 R]'); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); // CIDFont $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<</Type /Font'); $this->writer->write('/Subtype /CIDFontType0'); $this->writer->write('/BaseFont /' . $font['name']); $cidinfo = '/Registry ' . $this->writer->string('Adobe'); $cidinfo .= ' /Ordering ' . $this->writer->string($font['registry']['ordering']); $cidinfo .= ' /Supplement ' . $font['registry']['supplement']; $this->writer->write('/CIDSystemInfo <<' . $cidinfo . '>>'); $this->writer->write('/FontDescriptor ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 1) . ' 0 R'); if (isset($font['MissingWidth'])) { $this->writer->write('/DW ' . $font['MissingWidth'] . ''); } $this->writeFontWidths($font, 31); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); // Font descriptor $this->writer->object(); $s = '<</Type /FontDescriptor /FontName /' . $font['name']; foreach ($font['desc'] as $k => $v) { if ($k !== 'Style') { $s .= ' /' . $k . ' ' . $v . ''; } } $this->writer->write($s . '>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); } }