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Filename: //var/www/arsu/vendor//mpdf//mpdf/src/Tag/FormFeed.php
<?php namespace Mpdf\Tag; class FormFeed extends Tag { public $toc_id; public function open($attr, &$ahtml, &$ihtml) { $tag = $this->getTagName(); if (isset($attr['SHEET-SIZE'])) { // Convert to same types as accepted in initial mPDF() A4, A4-L, or array(w,h) $prop = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($attr['SHEET-SIZE'])); if (count($prop) == 2) { $newformat = [$this->sizeConverter->convert($prop[0]), $this->sizeConverter->convert($prop[1])]; } else { $newformat = $attr['SHEET-SIZE']; } } else { $newformat = ''; } $save_blklvl = $this->mpdf->blklvl; $save_blk = $this->mpdf->blk; $save_silp = $this->mpdf->saveInlineProperties(); $save_ilp = $this->mpdf->InlineProperties; $save_bflp = $this->mpdf->InlineBDF; $save_bflpc = $this->mpdf->InlineBDFctr; // mPDF 6 $mgr = $mgl = $mgt = $mgb = $mgh = $mgf = ''; if (isset($attr['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) { $mgr = $this->sizeConverter->convert($attr['MARGIN-RIGHT'], $this->mpdf->w, $this->mpdf->FontSize, false); } if (isset($attr['MARGIN-LEFT'])) { $mgl = $this->sizeConverter->convert($attr['MARGIN-LEFT'], $this->mpdf->w, $this->mpdf->FontSize, false); } if (isset($attr['MARGIN-TOP'])) { $mgt = $this->sizeConverter->convert($attr['MARGIN-TOP'], $this->mpdf->w, $this->mpdf->FontSize, false); } if (isset($attr['MARGIN-BOTTOM'])) { $mgb = $this->sizeConverter->convert($attr['MARGIN-BOTTOM'], $this->mpdf->w, $this->mpdf->FontSize, false); } if (isset($attr['MARGIN-HEADER'])) { $mgh = $this->sizeConverter->convert($attr['MARGIN-HEADER'], $this->mpdf->w, $this->mpdf->FontSize, false); } if (isset($attr['MARGIN-FOOTER'])) { $mgf = $this->sizeConverter->convert($attr['MARGIN-FOOTER'], $this->mpdf->w, $this->mpdf->FontSize, false); } $ohname = $ehname = $ofname = $efname = ''; if (isset($attr['ODD-HEADER-NAME'])) { $ohname = $attr['ODD-HEADER-NAME']; } if (isset($attr['EVEN-HEADER-NAME'])) { $ehname = $attr['EVEN-HEADER-NAME']; } if (isset($attr['ODD-FOOTER-NAME'])) { $ofname = $attr['ODD-FOOTER-NAME']; } if (isset($attr['EVEN-FOOTER-NAME'])) { $efname = $attr['EVEN-FOOTER-NAME']; } $ohvalue = $ehvalue = $ofvalue = $efvalue = 0; if (isset($attr['ODD-HEADER-VALUE']) && ($attr['ODD-HEADER-VALUE'] == '1' || strtoupper($attr['ODD-HEADER-VALUE']) === 'ON')) { $ohvalue = 1; } elseif (isset($attr['ODD-HEADER-VALUE']) && ($attr['ODD-HEADER-VALUE'] == '-1' || strtoupper($attr['ODD-HEADER-VALUE']) === 'OFF')) { $ohvalue = -1; } if (isset($attr['EVEN-HEADER-VALUE']) && ($attr['EVEN-HEADER-VALUE'] == '1' || strtoupper($attr['EVEN-HEADER-VALUE']) === 'ON')) { $ehvalue = 1; } elseif (isset($attr['EVEN-HEADER-VALUE']) && ($attr['EVEN-HEADER-VALUE'] == '-1' || strtoupper($attr['EVEN-HEADER-VALUE']) === 'OFF')) { $ehvalue = -1; } if (isset($attr['ODD-FOOTER-VALUE']) && ($attr['ODD-FOOTER-VALUE'] == '1' || strtoupper($attr['ODD-FOOTER-VALUE']) === 'ON')) { $ofvalue = 1; } elseif (isset($attr['ODD-FOOTER-VALUE']) && ($attr['ODD-FOOTER-VALUE'] == '-1' || strtoupper($attr['ODD-FOOTER-VALUE']) === 'OFF')) { $ofvalue = -1; } if (isset($attr['EVEN-FOOTER-VALUE']) && ($attr['EVEN-FOOTER-VALUE'] == '1' || strtoupper($attr['EVEN-FOOTER-VALUE']) === 'ON')) { $efvalue = 1; } elseif (isset($attr['EVEN-FOOTER-VALUE']) && ($attr['EVEN-FOOTER-VALUE'] == '-1' || strtoupper($attr['EVEN-FOOTER-VALUE']) === 'OFF')) { $efvalue = -1; } if (isset($attr['ORIENTATION']) && (strtoupper($attr['ORIENTATION']) === 'L' || strtoupper($attr['ORIENTATION']) === 'LANDSCAPE')) { $orient = 'L'; } elseif (isset($attr['ORIENTATION']) && (strtoupper($attr['ORIENTATION']) === 'P' || strtoupper($attr['ORIENTATION']) === 'PORTRAIT')) { $orient = 'P'; } else { $orient = $this->mpdf->CurOrientation; } $pagesel = ''; if (!empty($attr['PAGE-SELECTOR'])) { $pagesel = $attr['PAGE-SELECTOR']; } // mPDF 6 pagebreaktype $pagebreaktype = $this->mpdf->defaultPagebreakType; if ($tag === 'FORMFEED') { $pagebreaktype = 'slice'; } // can be overridden by PAGE-BREAK-TYPE $startpage = $this->mpdf->page; if (isset($attr['PAGE-BREAK-TYPE'])) { if (strtolower($attr['PAGE-BREAK-TYPE']) === 'cloneall' || strtolower($attr['PAGE-BREAK-TYPE']) === 'clonebycss' || strtolower($attr['PAGE-BREAK-TYPE']) === 'slice') { $pagebreaktype = strtolower($attr['PAGE-BREAK-TYPE']); } } if ($tag === 'TOCPAGEBREAK') { $pagebreaktype = 'cloneall'; } elseif ($this->mpdf->ColActive) { $pagebreaktype = 'cloneall'; } // Any change in headers/footers (may need to _getHtmlHeight), or page size/orientation, @page selector, or margins - force cloneall elseif ($mgr !== '' || $mgl !== '' || $mgt !== '' || $mgb !== '' || $mgh !== '' || $mgf !== '' || $ohname !== '' || $ehname !== '' || $ofname !== '' || $efname !== '' || $ohvalue || $ehvalue || $ofvalue || $efvalue || $orient != $this->mpdf->CurOrientation || $newformat || $pagesel) { $pagebreaktype = 'cloneall'; } // mPDF 6 pagebreaktype $this->mpdf->_preForcedPagebreak($pagebreaktype); $this->mpdf->ignorefollowingspaces = true; $resetpagenum = ''; $pagenumstyle = ''; $suppress = ''; if (isset($attr['RESETPAGENUM'])) { $resetpagenum = $attr['RESETPAGENUM']; } if (isset($attr['PAGENUMSTYLE'])) { $pagenumstyle = $attr['PAGENUMSTYLE']; } if (isset($attr['SUPPRESS'])) { $suppress = $attr['SUPPRESS']; } $type = ''; if ($tag === 'TOCPAGEBREAK') { $type = 'NEXT-ODD'; } elseif (isset($attr['TYPE'])) { $type = strtoupper($attr['TYPE']); } if ($type === 'E' || $type === 'EVEN') { $this->mpdf->AddPage( $orient, 'E', $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress, $mgl, $mgr, $mgt, $mgb, $mgh, $mgf, $ohname, $ehname, $ofname, $efname, $ohvalue, $ehvalue, $ofvalue, $efvalue, $pagesel, $newformat ); } elseif ($type === 'O' || $type === 'ODD') { $this->mpdf->AddPage( $orient, 'O', $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress, $mgl, $mgr, $mgt, $mgb, $mgh, $mgf, $ohname, $ehname, $ofname, $efname, $ohvalue, $ehvalue, $ofvalue, $efvalue, $pagesel, $newformat ); } elseif ($type === 'NEXT-ODD') { $this->mpdf->AddPage( $orient, 'NEXT-ODD', $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress, $mgl, $mgr, $mgt, $mgb, $mgh, $mgf, $ohname, $ehname, $ofname, $efname, $ohvalue, $ehvalue, $ofvalue, $efvalue, $pagesel, $newformat ); } elseif ($type === 'NEXT-EVEN') { $this->mpdf->AddPage( $orient, 'NEXT-EVEN', $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress, $mgl, $mgr, $mgt, $mgb, $mgh, $mgf, $ohname, $ehname, $ofname, $efname, $ohvalue, $ehvalue, $ofvalue, $efvalue, $pagesel, $newformat ); } else { $this->mpdf->AddPage( $orient, '', $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress, $mgl, $mgr, $mgt, $mgb, $mgh, $mgf, $ohname, $ehname, $ofname, $efname, $ohvalue, $ehvalue, $ofvalue, $efvalue, $pagesel, $newformat ); } /* -- TOC -- */ if ($tag === 'TOCPAGEBREAK') { if ($this->toc_id) { $this->tableOfContents->m_TOC[$this->toc_id]['TOCmark'] = $this->mpdf->page; } else { $this->tableOfContents->TOCmark = $this->mpdf->page; } } /* -- END TOC -- */ // mPDF 6 pagebreaktype $this->mpdf->_postForcedPagebreak($pagebreaktype, $startpage, $save_blk, $save_blklvl); $this->mpdf->InlineProperties = $save_ilp; $this->mpdf->InlineBDF = $save_bflp; $this->mpdf->InlineBDFctr = $save_bflpc; // mPDF 6 $this->mpdf->restoreInlineProperties($save_silp); } public function close(&$ahtml, &$ihtml) { } }