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Filename: /var//www/arsu//vendor//nette/utils////src//Utils/Iterables.php
<?php /** * This file is part of the Nette Framework (https://nette.org) * Copyright (c) 2004 David Grudl (https://davidgrudl.com) */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Nette\Utils; use Nette; /** * Utilities for iterables. */ final class Iterables { use Nette\StaticClass; /** * Tests for the presence of value. */ public static function contains(iterable $iterable, mixed $value): bool { foreach ($iterable as $v) { if ($v === $value) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Tests for the presence of key. */ public static function containsKey(iterable $iterable, mixed $key): bool { foreach ($iterable as $k => $v) { if ($k === $key) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the first item (matching the specified predicate if given). If there is no such item, it returns result of invoking $else or null. * @template K * @template V * @param iterable<K, V> $iterable * @param ?callable(V, K, iterable<K, V>): bool $predicate * @return ?V */ public static function first(iterable $iterable, ?callable $predicate = null, ?callable $else = null): mixed { foreach ($iterable as $k => $v) { if (!$predicate || $predicate($v, $k, $iterable)) { return $v; } } return $else ? $else() : null; } /** * Returns the key of first item (matching the specified predicate if given). If there is no such item, it returns result of invoking $else or null. * @template K * @template V * @param iterable<K, V> $iterable * @param ?callable(V, K, iterable<K, V>): bool $predicate * @return ?K */ public static function firstKey(iterable $iterable, ?callable $predicate = null, ?callable $else = null): mixed { foreach ($iterable as $k => $v) { if (!$predicate || $predicate($v, $k, $iterable)) { return $k; } } return $else ? $else() : null; } /** * Tests whether at least one element in the iterator passes the test implemented by the provided function. * @template K * @template V * @param iterable<K, V> $iterable * @param callable(V, K, iterable<K, V>): bool $predicate */ public static function some(iterable $iterable, callable $predicate): bool { foreach ($iterable as $k => $v) { if ($predicate($v, $k, $iterable)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Tests whether all elements in the iterator pass the test implemented by the provided function. * @template K * @template V * @param iterable<K, V> $iterable * @param callable(V, K, iterable<K, V>): bool $predicate */ public static function every(iterable $iterable, callable $predicate): bool { foreach ($iterable as $k => $v) { if (!$predicate($v, $k, $iterable)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Iterator that filters elements according to a given $predicate. Maintains original keys. * @template K * @template V * @param iterable<K, V> $iterable * @param callable(V, K, iterable<K, V>): bool $predicate * @return \Generator<K, V> */ public static function filter(iterable $iterable, callable $predicate): \Generator { foreach ($iterable as $k => $v) { if ($predicate($v, $k, $iterable)) { yield $k => $v; } } } /** * Iterator that transforms values by calling $transformer. Maintains original keys. * @template K * @template V * @template R * @param iterable<K, V> $iterable * @param callable(V, K, iterable<K, V>): R $transformer * @return \Generator<K, R> */ public static function map(iterable $iterable, callable $transformer): \Generator { foreach ($iterable as $k => $v) { yield $k => $transformer($v, $k, $iterable); } } /** * Iterator that transforms keys and values by calling $transformer. If it returns null, the element is skipped. * @template K * @template V * @template ResV * @template ResK * @param iterable<K, V> $iterable * @param callable(V, K, iterable<K, V>): ?array{ResV, ResK} $transformer * @return \Generator<ResV, ResK> */ public static function mapWithKeys(iterable $iterable, callable $transformer): \Generator { foreach ($iterable as $k => $v) { $pair = $transformer($v, $k, $iterable); if ($pair) { yield $pair[0] => $pair[1]; } } } /** * Wraps around iterator and caches its keys and values during iteration. * This allows the data to be re-iterated multiple times. * @template K * @template V * @param iterable<K, V> $iterable * @return \IteratorAggregate<K, V> */ public static function memoize(iterable $iterable): iterable { return new class (self::toIterator($iterable)) implements \IteratorAggregate { public function __construct( private \Iterator $iterator, private array $cache = [], ) { } public function getIterator(): \Generator { if (!$this->cache) { $this->iterator->rewind(); } $i = 0; while (true) { if (isset($this->cache[$i])) { [$k, $v] = $this->cache[$i]; } elseif ($this->iterator->valid()) { $k = $this->iterator->key(); $v = $this->iterator->current(); $this->iterator->next(); $this->cache[$i] = [$k, $v]; } else { break; } yield $k => $v; $i++; } } }; } /** * Creates an iterator from anything that is iterable. * @template K * @template V * @param iterable<K, V> $iterable * @return \Iterator<K, V> */ public static function toIterator(iterable $iterable): \Iterator { return match (true) { $iterable instanceof \Iterator => $iterable, $iterable instanceof \IteratorAggregate => self::toIterator($iterable->getIterator()), is_array($iterable) => new \ArrayIterator($iterable), }; } }