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Filename: ////var//////www//arsu/vendor/mpdf/mpdf/src///Gif/Lzw.php
<?php namespace Mpdf\Gif; /** * GIF Util - (C) 2003 Yamasoft (S/C) * * All Rights Reserved * * This file can be freely copied, distributed, modified, updated by anyone under the only * condition to leave the original address (Yamasoft, http://www.yamasoft.com) and this header. * * @link http://www.yamasoft.com */ class Lzw { var $MAX_LZW_BITS; var $Fresh; var $CodeSize; var $SetCodeSize; var $MaxCode; var $MaxCodeSize; var $FirstCode; var $OldCode; var $ClearCode; var $EndCode; var $Next; var $Vals; var $Stack; var $sp; var $Buf; var $CurBit; var $LastBit; var $Done; var $LastByte; public function __construct() { $this->MAX_LZW_BITS = 12; unset($this->Next); unset($this->Vals); unset($this->Stack); unset($this->Buf); $this->Next = range(0, (1 << $this->MAX_LZW_BITS) - 1); $this->Vals = range(0, (1 << $this->MAX_LZW_BITS) - 1); $this->Stack = range(0, (1 << ($this->MAX_LZW_BITS + 1)) - 1); $this->Buf = range(0, 279); } function deCompress($data, &$datLen) { $stLen = strlen($data); $datLen = 0; $ret = ""; $dp = 0; // data pointer // INITIALIZATION $this->LZWCommandInit($data, $dp); while (($iIndex = $this->LZWCommand($data, $dp)) >= 0) { $ret .= chr($iIndex); } $datLen = $dp; if ($iIndex != -2) { return false; } return $ret; } function LZWCommandInit(&$data, &$dp) { $this->SetCodeSize = ord($data[0]); $dp += 1; $this->CodeSize = $this->SetCodeSize + 1; $this->ClearCode = 1 << $this->SetCodeSize; $this->EndCode = $this->ClearCode + 1; $this->MaxCode = $this->ClearCode + 2; $this->MaxCodeSize = $this->ClearCode << 1; $this->GetCodeInit($data, $dp); $this->Fresh = 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->ClearCode; $i++) { $this->Next[$i] = 0; $this->Vals[$i] = $i; } for (; $i < (1 << $this->MAX_LZW_BITS); $i++) { $this->Next[$i] = 0; $this->Vals[$i] = 0; } $this->sp = 0; return 1; } function LZWCommand(&$data, &$dp) { if ($this->Fresh) { $this->Fresh = 0; do { $this->FirstCode = $this->GetCode($data, $dp); $this->OldCode = $this->FirstCode; } while ($this->FirstCode == $this->ClearCode); return $this->FirstCode; } if ($this->sp > 0) { $this->sp--; return $this->Stack[$this->sp]; } while (($Code = $this->GetCode($data, $dp)) >= 0) { if ($Code == $this->ClearCode) { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->ClearCode; $i++) { $this->Next[$i] = 0; $this->Vals[$i] = $i; } for (; $i < (1 << $this->MAX_LZW_BITS); $i++) { $this->Next[$i] = 0; $this->Vals[$i] = 0; } $this->CodeSize = $this->SetCodeSize + 1; $this->MaxCodeSize = $this->ClearCode << 1; $this->MaxCode = $this->ClearCode + 2; $this->sp = 0; $this->FirstCode = $this->GetCode($data, $dp); $this->OldCode = $this->FirstCode; return $this->FirstCode; } if ($Code == $this->EndCode) { return -2; } $InCode = $Code; if ($Code >= $this->MaxCode) { $this->Stack[$this->sp++] = $this->FirstCode; $Code = $this->OldCode; } while ($Code >= $this->ClearCode) { $this->Stack[$this->sp++] = $this->Vals[$Code]; if ($Code == $this->Next[$Code]) { // Circular table entry, big GIF Error! return -1; } $Code = $this->Next[$Code]; } $this->FirstCode = $this->Vals[$Code]; $this->Stack[$this->sp++] = $this->FirstCode; if (($Code = $this->MaxCode) < (1 << $this->MAX_LZW_BITS)) { $this->Next[$Code] = $this->OldCode; $this->Vals[$Code] = $this->FirstCode; $this->MaxCode++; if (($this->MaxCode >= $this->MaxCodeSize) && ($this->MaxCodeSize < (1 << $this->MAX_LZW_BITS))) { $this->MaxCodeSize *= 2; $this->CodeSize++; } } $this->OldCode = $InCode; if ($this->sp > 0) { $this->sp--; return $this->Stack[$this->sp]; } } return $Code; } function GetCodeInit(&$data, &$dp) { $this->CurBit = 0; $this->LastBit = 0; $this->Done = 0; $this->LastByte = 2; return 1; } function GetCode(&$data, &$dp) { if (($this->CurBit + $this->CodeSize) >= $this->LastBit) { if ($this->Done) { if ($this->CurBit >= $this->LastBit) { // Ran off the end of my bits return 0; } return -1; } $this->Buf[0] = $this->Buf[$this->LastByte - 2]; $this->Buf[1] = $this->Buf[$this->LastByte - 1]; $Count = ord($data[$dp]); $dp += 1; if ($Count) { for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; $i++) { $this->Buf[2 + $i] = ord($data[$dp + $i]); } $dp += $Count; } else { $this->Done = 1; } $this->LastByte = 2 + $Count; $this->CurBit = ($this->CurBit - $this->LastBit) + 16; $this->LastBit = (2 + $Count) << 3; } $iRet = 0; for ($i = $this->CurBit, $j = 0; $j < $this->CodeSize; $i++, $j++) { $iRet |= (($this->Buf[intval($i / 8)] & (1 << ($i % 8))) != 0) << $j; } $this->CurBit += $this->CodeSize; return $iRet; } }