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Filename: /var/www//arsu/vendor/doctrine//dbal/src/Schema/MySQLSchemaManager.php
<?php namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Schema; use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractMySQLPlatform; use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MariaDb1027Platform; use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQL; use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQL\CollationMetadataProvider\CachingCollationMetadataProvider; use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQL\CollationMetadataProvider\ConnectionCollationMetadataProvider; use Doctrine\DBAL\Result; use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type; use Doctrine\Deprecations\Deprecation; use function array_change_key_case; use function array_shift; use function assert; use function explode; use function implode; use function is_string; use function preg_match; use function strpos; use function strtok; use function strtolower; use function strtr; use const CASE_LOWER; /** * Schema manager for the MySQL RDBMS. * * @extends AbstractSchemaManager<AbstractMySQLPlatform> */ class MySQLSchemaManager extends AbstractSchemaManager { /** @see https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/string-literals/#escape-sequences */ private const MARIADB_ESCAPE_SEQUENCES = [ '\\0' => "\0", "\\'" => "'", '\\"' => '"', '\\b' => "\b", '\\n' => "\n", '\\r' => "\r", '\\t' => "\t", '\\Z' => "\x1a", '\\\\' => '\\', '\\%' => '%', '\\_' => '_', // Internally, MariaDB escapes single quotes using the standard syntax "''" => "'", ]; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function listTableNames() { return $this->doListTableNames(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function listTables() { return $this->doListTables(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @deprecated Use {@see introspectTable()} instead. */ public function listTableDetails($name) { Deprecation::triggerIfCalledFromOutside( 'doctrine/dbal', 'https://github.com/doctrine/dbal/pull/5595', '%s is deprecated. Use introspectTable() instead.', __METHOD__, ); return $this->doListTableDetails($name); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function listTableColumns($table, $database = null) { return $this->doListTableColumns($table, $database); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function listTableIndexes($table) { return $this->doListTableIndexes($table); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function listTableForeignKeys($table, $database = null) { return $this->doListTableForeignKeys($table, $database); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function _getPortableViewDefinition($view) { return new View($view['TABLE_NAME'], $view['VIEW_DEFINITION']); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function _getPortableTableDefinition($table) { return array_shift($table); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function _getPortableTableIndexesList($tableIndexes, $tableName = null) { foreach ($tableIndexes as $k => $v) { $v = array_change_key_case($v, CASE_LOWER); if ($v['key_name'] === 'PRIMARY') { $v['primary'] = true; } else { $v['primary'] = false; } if (strpos($v['index_type'], 'FULLTEXT') !== false) { $v['flags'] = ['FULLTEXT']; } elseif (strpos($v['index_type'], 'SPATIAL') !== false) { $v['flags'] = ['SPATIAL']; } // Ignore prohibited prefix `length` for spatial index if (strpos($v['index_type'], 'SPATIAL') === false) { $v['length'] = isset($v['sub_part']) ? (int) $v['sub_part'] : null; } $tableIndexes[$k] = $v; } return parent::_getPortableTableIndexesList($tableIndexes, $tableName); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function _getPortableDatabaseDefinition($database) { return $database['Database']; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function _getPortableTableColumnDefinition($tableColumn) { $tableColumn = array_change_key_case($tableColumn, CASE_LOWER); $dbType = strtolower($tableColumn['type']); $dbType = strtok($dbType, '(), '); assert(is_string($dbType)); $length = $tableColumn['length'] ?? strtok('(), '); $fixed = null; if (! isset($tableColumn['name'])) { $tableColumn['name'] = ''; } $scale = null; $precision = null; $type = $origType = $this->_platform->getDoctrineTypeMapping($dbType); // In cases where not connected to a database DESCRIBE $table does not return 'Comment' if (isset($tableColumn['comment'])) { $type = $this->extractDoctrineTypeFromComment($tableColumn['comment'], $type); $tableColumn['comment'] = $this->removeDoctrineTypeFromComment($tableColumn['comment'], $type); } switch ($dbType) { case 'char': case 'binary': $fixed = true; break; case 'float': case 'double': case 'real': case 'numeric': case 'decimal': if ( preg_match( '([A-Za-z]+\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\))', $tableColumn['type'], $match, ) === 1 ) { $precision = $match[1]; $scale = $match[2]; $length = null; } break; case 'tinytext': $length = AbstractMySQLPlatform::LENGTH_LIMIT_TINYTEXT; break; case 'text': $length = AbstractMySQLPlatform::LENGTH_LIMIT_TEXT; break; case 'mediumtext': $length = AbstractMySQLPlatform::LENGTH_LIMIT_MEDIUMTEXT; break; case 'tinyblob': $length = AbstractMySQLPlatform::LENGTH_LIMIT_TINYBLOB; break; case 'blob': $length = AbstractMySQLPlatform::LENGTH_LIMIT_BLOB; break; case 'mediumblob': $length = AbstractMySQLPlatform::LENGTH_LIMIT_MEDIUMBLOB; break; case 'tinyint': case 'smallint': case 'mediumint': case 'int': case 'integer': case 'bigint': case 'year': $length = null; break; } if ($this->_platform instanceof MariaDb1027Platform) { $columnDefault = $this->getMariaDb1027ColumnDefault($this->_platform, $tableColumn['default']); } else { $columnDefault = $tableColumn['default']; } $options = [ 'length' => $length !== null ? (int) $length : null, 'unsigned' => strpos($tableColumn['type'], 'unsigned') !== false, 'fixed' => (bool) $fixed, 'default' => $columnDefault, 'notnull' => $tableColumn['null'] !== 'YES', 'scale' => null, 'precision' => null, 'autoincrement' => strpos($tableColumn['extra'], 'auto_increment') !== false, 'comment' => isset($tableColumn['comment']) && $tableColumn['comment'] !== '' ? $tableColumn['comment'] : null, ]; if ($scale !== null && $precision !== null) { $options['scale'] = (int) $scale; $options['precision'] = (int) $precision; } $column = new Column($tableColumn['field'], Type::getType($type), $options); if (isset($tableColumn['characterset'])) { $column->setPlatformOption('charset', $tableColumn['characterset']); } if (isset($tableColumn['collation'])) { $column->setPlatformOption('collation', $tableColumn['collation']); } if (isset($tableColumn['declarationMismatch'])) { $column->setPlatformOption('declarationMismatch', $tableColumn['declarationMismatch']); } // Check underlying database type where doctrine type is inferred from DC2Type comment // and set a flag if it is not as expected. if ($type === 'json' && $origType !== $type && $this->expectedDbType($type, $options) !== $dbType) { $column->setPlatformOption('declarationMismatch', true); } return $column; } /** * Returns the database data type for a given doctrine type and column * * Note that for data types that depend on length where length is not part of the column definition * and therefore the $tableColumn['length'] will not be set, for example TEXT (which could be LONGTEXT, * MEDIUMTEXT) or BLOB (LONGBLOB or TINYBLOB), the expectedDbType cannot be inferred exactly, merely * the default type. * * This method is intended to be used to determine underlying database type where doctrine type is * inferred from a DC2Type comment. * * @param mixed[] $tableColumn */ private function expectedDbType(string $type, array $tableColumn): string { $_type = Type::getType($type); $expectedDbType = strtolower($_type->getSQLDeclaration($tableColumn, $this->_platform)); $expectedDbType = strtok($expectedDbType, '(), '); return $expectedDbType === false ? '' : $expectedDbType; } /** * Return Doctrine/Mysql-compatible column default values for MariaDB 10.2.7+ servers. * * - Since MariaDb 10.2.7 column defaults stored in information_schema are now quoted * to distinguish them from expressions (see MDEV-10134). * - CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_DATE are stored in information_schema * as current_timestamp(), currdate(), currtime() * - Quoted 'NULL' is not enforced by Maria, it is technically possible to have * null in some circumstances (see https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-14053) * - \' is always stored as '' in information_schema (normalized) * * @link https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/information-schema-columns-table/ * @link https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-13132 * * @param string|null $columnDefault default value as stored in information_schema for MariaDB >= 10.2.7 */ private function getMariaDb1027ColumnDefault(MariaDb1027Platform $platform, ?string $columnDefault): ?string { if ($columnDefault === 'NULL' || $columnDefault === null) { return null; } if (preg_match('/^\'(.*)\'$/', $columnDefault, $matches) === 1) { return strtr($matches[1], self::MARIADB_ESCAPE_SEQUENCES); } switch ($columnDefault) { case 'current_timestamp()': return $platform->getCurrentTimestampSQL(); case 'curdate()': return $platform->getCurrentDateSQL(); case 'curtime()': return $platform->getCurrentTimeSQL(); } return $columnDefault; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function _getPortableTableForeignKeysList($tableForeignKeys) { $list = []; foreach ($tableForeignKeys as $value) { $value = array_change_key_case($value, CASE_LOWER); if (! isset($list[$value['constraint_name']])) { if (! isset($value['delete_rule']) || $value['delete_rule'] === 'RESTRICT') { $value['delete_rule'] = null; } if (! isset($value['update_rule']) || $value['update_rule'] === 'RESTRICT') { $value['update_rule'] = null; } $list[$value['constraint_name']] = [ 'name' => $value['constraint_name'], 'local' => [], 'foreign' => [], 'foreignTable' => $value['referenced_table_name'], 'onDelete' => $value['delete_rule'], 'onUpdate' => $value['update_rule'], ]; } $list[$value['constraint_name']]['local'][] = $value['column_name']; $list[$value['constraint_name']]['foreign'][] = $value['referenced_column_name']; } return parent::_getPortableTableForeignKeysList($list); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function _getPortableTableForeignKeyDefinition($tableForeignKey): ForeignKeyConstraint { return new ForeignKeyConstraint( $tableForeignKey['local'], $tableForeignKey['foreignTable'], $tableForeignKey['foreign'], $tableForeignKey['name'], [ 'onDelete' => $tableForeignKey['onDelete'], 'onUpdate' => $tableForeignKey['onUpdate'], ], ); } public function createComparator(): Comparator { return new MySQL\Comparator( $this->_platform, new CachingCollationMetadataProvider( new ConnectionCollationMetadataProvider($this->_conn), ), ); } protected function selectTableNames(string $databaseName): Result { $sql = <<<'SQL' SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' ORDER BY TABLE_NAME SQL; return $this->_conn->executeQuery($sql, [$databaseName]); } protected function selectTableColumns(string $databaseName, ?string $tableName = null): Result { // @todo 4.0 - call getColumnTypeSQLSnippet() instead [$columnTypeSQL, $joinCheckConstraintSQL] = $this->_platform->getColumnTypeSQLSnippets('c', $databaseName); $sql = 'SELECT'; if ($tableName === null) { $sql .= ' c.TABLE_NAME,'; } $sql .= <<<SQL c.COLUMN_NAME AS field, $columnTypeSQL AS type, c.IS_NULLABLE AS `null`, c.COLUMN_KEY AS `key`, c.COLUMN_DEFAULT AS `default`, c.EXTRA, c.COLUMN_COMMENT AS comment, c.CHARACTER_SET_NAME AS characterset, c.COLLATION_NAME AS collation FROM information_schema.COLUMNS c INNER JOIN information_schema.TABLES t ON t.TABLE_NAME = c.TABLE_NAME $joinCheckConstraintSQL SQL; // The schema name is passed multiple times as a literal in the WHERE clause instead of using a JOIN condition // in order to avoid performance issues on MySQL older than 8.0 and the corresponding MariaDB versions // caused by https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=81347 $conditions = ['c.TABLE_SCHEMA = ?', 't.TABLE_SCHEMA = ?', "t.TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'"]; $params = [$databaseName, $databaseName]; if ($tableName !== null) { $conditions[] = 't.TABLE_NAME = ?'; $params[] = $tableName; } $sql .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conditions) . ' ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION'; return $this->_conn->executeQuery($sql, $params); } protected function selectIndexColumns(string $databaseName, ?string $tableName = null): Result { $sql = 'SELECT'; if ($tableName === null) { $sql .= ' TABLE_NAME,'; } $sql .= <<<'SQL' NON_UNIQUE AS Non_Unique, INDEX_NAME AS Key_name, COLUMN_NAME AS Column_Name, SUB_PART AS Sub_Part, INDEX_TYPE AS Index_Type FROM information_schema.STATISTICS SQL; $conditions = ['TABLE_SCHEMA = ?']; $params = [$databaseName]; if ($tableName !== null) { $conditions[] = 'TABLE_NAME = ?'; $params[] = $tableName; } $sql .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conditions) . ' ORDER BY SEQ_IN_INDEX'; return $this->_conn->executeQuery($sql, $params); } protected function selectForeignKeyColumns(string $databaseName, ?string $tableName = null): Result { $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT'; if ($tableName === null) { $sql .= ' k.TABLE_NAME,'; } $sql .= <<<'SQL' k.CONSTRAINT_NAME, k.COLUMN_NAME, k.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, k.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME, k.ORDINAL_POSITION /*!50116, c.UPDATE_RULE, c.DELETE_RULE */ FROM information_schema.key_column_usage k /*!50116 INNER JOIN information_schema.referential_constraints c ON c.CONSTRAINT_NAME = k.CONSTRAINT_NAME AND c.TABLE_NAME = k.TABLE_NAME */ SQL; $conditions = ['k.TABLE_SCHEMA = ?']; $params = [$databaseName]; if ($tableName !== null) { $conditions[] = 'k.TABLE_NAME = ?'; $params[] = $tableName; } $conditions[] = 'k.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME IS NOT NULL'; $sql .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conditions) // The schema name is passed multiple times in the WHERE clause instead of using a JOIN condition // in order to avoid performance issues on MySQL older than 8.0 and the corresponding MariaDB versions // caused by https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=81347. // Use a string literal for the database name since the internal PDO SQL parser // cannot recognize parameter placeholders inside conditional comments . ' /*!50116 AND c.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = ' . $this->_conn->quote($databaseName) . ' */' . ' ORDER BY k.ORDINAL_POSITION'; return $this->_conn->executeQuery($sql, $params); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function fetchTableOptionsByTable(string $databaseName, ?string $tableName = null): array { $sql = $this->_platform->fetchTableOptionsByTable($tableName !== null); $params = [$databaseName]; if ($tableName !== null) { $params[] = $tableName; } /** @var array<string,array<string,mixed>> $metadata */ $metadata = $this->_conn->executeQuery($sql, $params) ->fetchAllAssociativeIndexed(); $tableOptions = []; foreach ($metadata as $table => $data) { $data = array_change_key_case($data, CASE_LOWER); $tableOptions[$table] = [ 'engine' => $data['engine'], 'collation' => $data['table_collation'], 'charset' => $data['character_set_name'], 'autoincrement' => $data['auto_increment'], 'comment' => $data['table_comment'], 'create_options' => $this->parseCreateOptions($data['create_options']), ]; } return $tableOptions; } /** @return string[]|true[] */ private function parseCreateOptions(?string $string): array { $options = []; if ($string === null || $string === '') { return $options; } foreach (explode(' ', $string) as $pair) { $parts = explode('=', $pair, 2); $options[$parts[0]] = $parts[1] ?? true; } return $options; } }