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Filename: ///var/www/arsu//vendor//vonage/client-core///src/Network.php
<?php /** * Vonage Client Library for PHP * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Vonage, Inc. (http://vonage.com) * @license https://github.com/Vonage/vonage-php-sdk-core/blob/master/LICENSE.txt Apache License 2.0 */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Vonage; use ArrayAccess; use JsonSerializable; use Vonage\Client\Exception\Exception as ClientException; use Vonage\Entity\EntityInterface; use Vonage\Entity\Hydrator\ArrayHydrateInterface; use Vonage\Entity\JsonResponseTrait; use Vonage\Entity\JsonSerializableInterface; use Vonage\Entity\JsonSerializableTrait; use Vonage\Entity\JsonUnserializableInterface; use Vonage\Entity\NoRequestResponseTrait; use function get_class; use function ltrim; use function preg_replace; use function strtolower; use function trigger_error; /** * This class will no longer be accessible via array access, nor contain request/response information after v2. */ class Network implements EntityInterface, JsonSerializable, JsonSerializableInterface, JsonUnserializableInterface, ArrayAccess, ArrayHydrateInterface { use JsonSerializableTrait; use NoRequestResponseTrait; use JsonResponseTrait; /** * @var array */ protected $data = []; /** * @param string|int $networkCode * @param string|int $networkName */ public function __construct($networkCode, $networkName) { $this->data['network_code'] = (string)$networkCode; $this->data['network_name'] = (string)$networkName; } public function getCode(): string { return $this->data['network_code']; } public function getName(): string { return $this->data['network_name']; } public function getOutboundSmsPrice() { return $this->data['sms_price'] ?? $this->data['price']; } public function getOutboundVoicePrice() { return $this->data['voice_price'] ?? $this->data['price']; } public function getPrefixPrice() { return $this->data['mt_price']; } public function getCurrency() { return $this->data['currency']; } public function jsonUnserialize(array $json): void { trigger_error( get_class($this) . "::jsonUnserialize is deprecated, please fromArray() instead", E_USER_DEPRECATED ); $this->fromArray($json); } public function jsonSerialize(): array { return $this->toArray(); } public function offsetExists($offset): bool { trigger_error( "Array access for " . get_class($this) . " is deprecated, please use getter methods", E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return isset($this->data[$offset]); } public function offsetGet($offset) { trigger_error( "Array access for " . get_class($this) . " is deprecated, please use getter methods", E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return $this->data[$offset]; } /** * @throws ClientException */ public function offsetSet($offset, $value): void { throw new ClientException('Network is read only'); } /** * @throws ClientException */ public function offsetUnset($offset): void { throw new ClientException('Network is read only'); } public function fromArray(array $data): void { // Convert CamelCase to snake_case as that's how we use array access in every other object $storage = []; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $k = strtolower(ltrim(preg_replace('/[A-Z]([A-Z](?![a-z]))*/', '_$0', $k), '_')); $storage[$k] = $v; } $this->data = $storage; } public function toArray(): array { return $this->data; } }