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Filename: /var/www/////arsu/vendor/mpdf/mpdf/src/Writer/PageWriter.php
<?php namespace Mpdf\Writer; use Mpdf\Strict; use Mpdf\Mpdf; use Mpdf\Form; final class PageWriter { use Strict; /** * @var \Mpdf\Mpdf */ private $mpdf; /** * @var \Mpdf\Form */ private $form; /** * @var \Mpdf\Writer\BaseWriter */ private $writer; /** * @var \Mpdf\Writer\MetadataWriter */ private $metadataWriter; public function __construct(Mpdf $mpdf, Form $form, BaseWriter $writer, MetadataWriter $metadataWriter) { $this->mpdf = $mpdf; $this->form = $form; $this->writer = $writer; $this->metadataWriter = $metadataWriter; } public function writePages() // _putpages { $nb = $this->mpdf->page; $filter = $this->mpdf->compress ? '/Filter /FlateDecode ' : ''; if ($this->mpdf->DefOrientation === 'P') { $defwPt = $this->mpdf->fwPt; $defhPt = $this->mpdf->fhPt; } else { $defwPt = $this->mpdf->fhPt; $defhPt = $this->mpdf->fwPt; } $annotid = (3 + 2 * $nb); // Active Forms $totaladdnum = 0; for ($n = 1; $n <= $nb; $n++) { if (isset($this->mpdf->PageLinks[$n])) { $totaladdnum += count($this->mpdf->PageLinks[$n]); } /* -- ANNOTATIONS -- */ if (isset($this->mpdf->PageAnnots[$n])) { foreach ($this->mpdf->PageAnnots[$n] as $k => $pl) { if (!empty($pl['opt']['popup']) || !empty($pl['opt']['file'])) { $totaladdnum += 2; } else { $totaladdnum++; } } } /* -- END ANNOTATIONS -- */ /* -- FORMS -- */ if (count($this->form->forms) > 0) { $this->form->countPageForms($n, $totaladdnum); } /* -- END FORMS -- */ } /* -- FORMS -- */ // Make a note in the radio button group of the obj_id it will have $ctr = 0; if (count($this->form->form_radio_groups)) { foreach ($this->form->form_radio_groups as $name => $frg) { $this->form->form_radio_groups[$name]['obj_id'] = $annotid + $totaladdnum + $ctr; $ctr++; } } /* -- END FORMS -- */ // Select unused fonts (usually default font) $unused = []; foreach ($this->mpdf->fonts as $fk => $font) { if (isset($font['type']) && $font['type'] === 'TTF' && !$font['used']) { $unused[] = $fk; } } for ($n = 1; $n <= $nb; $n++) { $thispage = $this->mpdf->pages[$n]; if (isset($this->mpdf->OrientationChanges[$n])) { $hPt = $this->mpdf->pageDim[$n]['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE; $wPt = $this->mpdf->pageDim[$n]['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE; $owidthPt_LR = $this->mpdf->pageDim[$n]['outer_width_TB'] * Mpdf::SCALE; $owidthPt_TB = $this->mpdf->pageDim[$n]['outer_width_LR'] * Mpdf::SCALE; } else { $wPt = $this->mpdf->pageDim[$n]['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE; $hPt = $this->mpdf->pageDim[$n]['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE; $owidthPt_LR = $this->mpdf->pageDim[$n]['outer_width_LR'] * Mpdf::SCALE; $owidthPt_TB = $this->mpdf->pageDim[$n]['outer_width_TB'] * Mpdf::SCALE; } // Remove references to unused fonts (usually default font) foreach ($unused as $fk) { if ($this->mpdf->fonts[$fk]['sip'] || $this->mpdf->fonts[$fk]['smp']) { foreach ($this->mpdf->fonts[$fk]['subsetfontids'] as $k => $fid) { $thispage = preg_replace('/\s\/F' . $fid . ' \d[\d.]* Tf\s/is', ' ', $thispage); } } else { $thispage = preg_replace('/\s\/F' . $this->mpdf->fonts[$fk]['i'] . ' \d[\d.]* Tf\s/is', ' ', $thispage); } } // Clean up repeated /GS1 gs statements // For some reason using + for repetition instead of {2,20} crashes PHP Script Interpreter ??? $thispage = preg_replace('/(\/GS1 gs\n){2,20}/', "/GS1 gs\n", $thispage); $thispage = preg_replace('/(\s*___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS' . $this->mpdf->uniqstr . '\s*)/', ' ', $thispage); $thispage = preg_replace('/(\s*___HEADER___MARKER' . $this->mpdf->uniqstr . '\s*)/', ' ', $thispage); $thispage = preg_replace('/(\s*___PAGE___START' . $this->mpdf->uniqstr . '\s*)/', ' ', $thispage); $thispage = preg_replace('/(\s*___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS' . $this->mpdf->uniqstr . '\s*)/', ' ', $thispage); // mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS while (preg_match('/(\% BTR(.*?)\% ETR)/is', $thispage, $m)) { $thispage = preg_replace('/(\% BTR.*?\% ETR)/is', '', $thispage, 1) . "\n" . $m[2]; } // Page $this->writer->object(); $this->writer->write('<</Type /Page'); $this->writer->write('/Parent 1 0 R'); if (isset($this->mpdf->OrientationChanges[$n])) { $this->writer->write(sprintf('/MediaBox [0 0 %.3F %.3F]', $hPt, $wPt)); // If BleedBox is defined, it must be larger than the TrimBox, but smaller than the MediaBox $bleedMargin = $this->mpdf->pageDim[$n]['bleedMargin'] * Mpdf::SCALE; if ($bleedMargin && ($owidthPt_TB || $owidthPt_LR)) { $x0 = $owidthPt_TB - $bleedMargin; $y0 = $owidthPt_LR - $bleedMargin; $x1 = $hPt - $owidthPt_TB + $bleedMargin; $y1 = $wPt - $owidthPt_LR + $bleedMargin; $this->writer->write(sprintf('/BleedBox [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1)); } $this->writer->write(sprintf('/TrimBox [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $owidthPt_TB, $owidthPt_LR, $hPt - $owidthPt_TB, $wPt - $owidthPt_LR)); if ($this->mpdf->displayDefaultOrientation) { if ($this->mpdf->DefOrientation === 'P') { $this->writer->write('/Rotate 270'); } else { $this->writer->write('/Rotate 90'); } } } else { // elseif($wPt != $defwPt || $hPt != $defhPt) { $this->writer->write(sprintf('/MediaBox [0 0 %.3F %.3F]', $wPt, $hPt)); $bleedMargin = $this->mpdf->pageDim[$n]['bleedMargin'] * Mpdf::SCALE; if ($bleedMargin && ($owidthPt_TB || $owidthPt_LR)) { $x0 = $owidthPt_LR - $bleedMargin; $y0 = $owidthPt_TB - $bleedMargin; $x1 = $wPt - $owidthPt_LR + $bleedMargin; $y1 = $hPt - $owidthPt_TB + $bleedMargin; $this->writer->write(sprintf('/BleedBox [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1)); } $this->writer->write(sprintf('/TrimBox [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $owidthPt_LR, $owidthPt_TB, $wPt - $owidthPt_LR, $hPt - $owidthPt_TB)); } $this->writer->write('/Resources 2 0 R'); // Important to keep in RGB colorSpace when using transparency if (!$this->mpdf->PDFA && !$this->mpdf->PDFX) { if ($this->mpdf->restrictColorSpace === 3) { $this->writer->write('/Group << /Type /Group /S /Transparency /CS /DeviceCMYK >> '); } elseif ($this->mpdf->restrictColorSpace === 1) { $this->writer->write('/Group << /Type /Group /S /Transparency /CS /DeviceGray >> '); } else { $this->writer->write('/Group << /Type /Group /S /Transparency /CS /DeviceRGB >> '); } } $annotsnum = 0; $embeddedfiles = []; // mPDF 5.7.2 /EmbeddedFiles if (isset($this->mpdf->PageLinks[$n])) { $annotsnum += count($this->mpdf->PageLinks[$n]); } if (isset($this->mpdf->PageAnnots[$n])) { foreach ($this->mpdf->PageAnnots[$n] as $k => $pl) { if (!empty($pl['opt']['file'])) { $embeddedfiles[$annotsnum + 1] = true; } // mPDF 5.7.2 /EmbeddedFiles if (!empty($pl['opt']['popup']) || !empty($pl['opt']['file'])) { $annotsnum += 2; } else { $annotsnum++; } $this->mpdf->PageAnnots[$n][$k]['pageobj'] = $this->mpdf->n; } } // Active Forms $formsnum = 0; if (count($this->form->forms) > 0) { foreach ($this->form->forms as $val) { if ($val['page'] == $n) { $formsnum++; } } } if ($annotsnum || $formsnum) { $s = '/Annots [ '; for ($i = 0; $i < $annotsnum; $i++) { if (!isset($embeddedfiles[$i])) { $s .= ($annotid + $i) . ' 0 R '; } // mPDF 5.7.2 /EmbeddedFiles } $annotid += $annotsnum; /* -- FORMS -- */ if (count($this->form->forms) > 0) { $this->form->addFormIds($n, $s, $annotid); } /* -- END FORMS -- */ $s .= '] '; $this->writer->write($s); } $this->writer->write('/Contents ' . ($this->mpdf->n + 1) . ' 0 R>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); // Page content $this->writer->object(); $p = $this->mpdf->compress ? gzcompress($thispage) : $thispage; $this->writer->write('<<' . $filter . '/Length ' . strlen($p) . '>>'); $this->writer->stream($p); $this->writer->write('endobj'); } $this->metadataWriter->writeAnnotations(); // mPDF 5.7.2 // Pages root $this->mpdf->offsets[1] = strlen($this->mpdf->buffer); $this->writer->write('1 0 obj'); $this->writer->write('<</Type /Pages'); $kids = '/Kids ['; for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++) { $kids .= (3 + 2 * $i) . ' 0 R '; } $this->writer->write($kids . ']'); $this->writer->write('/Count ' . $nb); $this->writer->write(sprintf('/MediaBox [0 0 %.3F %.3F]', $defwPt, $defhPt)); $this->writer->write('>>'); $this->writer->write('endobj'); } }