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Filename: /var/www//arsu/vendor//lcobucci//jwt/src/Token/Parser.php
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Lcobucci\JWT\Token; use DateTimeImmutable; use Lcobucci\JWT\Decoder; use Lcobucci\JWT\Parser as ParserInterface; use Lcobucci\JWT\Token as TokenInterface; use function array_key_exists; use function count; use function explode; use function is_array; use function is_numeric; use function number_format; final class Parser implements ParserInterface { private const MICROSECOND_PRECISION = 6; private Decoder $decoder; public function __construct(Decoder $decoder) { $this->decoder = $decoder; } public function parse(string $jwt): TokenInterface { [$encodedHeaders, $encodedClaims, $encodedSignature] = $this->splitJwt($jwt); $header = $this->parseHeader($encodedHeaders); return new Plain( new DataSet($header, $encodedHeaders), new DataSet($this->parseClaims($encodedClaims), $encodedClaims), $this->parseSignature($header, $encodedSignature) ); } /** * Splits the JWT string into an array * * @return string[] * * @throws InvalidTokenStructure When JWT doesn't have all parts. */ private function splitJwt(string $jwt): array { $data = explode('.', $jwt); if (count($data) !== 3) { throw InvalidTokenStructure::missingOrNotEnoughSeparators(); } return $data; } /** * Parses the header from a string * * @return mixed[] * * @throws UnsupportedHeaderFound When an invalid header is informed. * @throws InvalidTokenStructure When parsed content isn't an array. */ private function parseHeader(string $data): array { $header = $this->decoder->jsonDecode($this->decoder->base64UrlDecode($data)); if (! is_array($header)) { throw InvalidTokenStructure::arrayExpected('headers'); } if (array_key_exists('enc', $header)) { throw UnsupportedHeaderFound::encryption(); } if (! array_key_exists('typ', $header)) { $header['typ'] = 'JWT'; } return $header; } /** * Parses the claim set from a string * * @return mixed[] * * @throws InvalidTokenStructure When parsed content isn't an array or contains non-parseable dates. */ private function parseClaims(string $data): array { $claims = $this->decoder->jsonDecode($this->decoder->base64UrlDecode($data)); if (! is_array($claims)) { throw InvalidTokenStructure::arrayExpected('claims'); } if (array_key_exists(RegisteredClaims::AUDIENCE, $claims)) { $claims[RegisteredClaims::AUDIENCE] = (array) $claims[RegisteredClaims::AUDIENCE]; } foreach (RegisteredClaims::DATE_CLAIMS as $claim) { if (! array_key_exists($claim, $claims)) { continue; } $claims[$claim] = $this->convertDate($claims[$claim]); } return $claims; } /** * @param int|float|string $timestamp * * @throws InvalidTokenStructure */ private function convertDate($timestamp): DateTimeImmutable { if (! is_numeric($timestamp)) { throw InvalidTokenStructure::dateIsNotParseable($timestamp); } $normalizedTimestamp = number_format((float) $timestamp, self::MICROSECOND_PRECISION, '.', ''); $date = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('U.u', $normalizedTimestamp); if ($date === false) { throw InvalidTokenStructure::dateIsNotParseable($normalizedTimestamp); } return $date; } /** * Returns the signature from given data * * @param mixed[] $header */ private function parseSignature(array $header, string $data): Signature { if ($data === '' || ! array_key_exists('alg', $header) || $header['alg'] === 'none') { return Signature::fromEmptyData(); } $hash = $this->decoder->base64UrlDecode($data); return new Signature($hash, $data); } }