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Filename: /var/www/////arsu/app/Http//Controllers/Seller/ProductController.php
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\Seller; use App\CPU\BackEndHelper; use App\CPU\Convert; use App\CPU\Helpers; use App\CPU\ImageManager; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\Model\Brand; use App\Model\BusinessSetting; use App\Model\Category; use App\Model\Color; use App\Model\DealOfTheDay; use App\Model\FlashDealProduct; use App\Model\Product; use App\Model\Review; use App\Model\Tag; use App\Model\Translation; use Brian2694\Toastr\Facades\Toastr; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Rap2hpoutre\FastExcel\FastExcel; use App\Model\Cart; use function App\CPU\translate; class ProductController extends Controller { public function add_new() { $cat = Category::where(['parent_id' => 0])->get(); $br = Brand::orderBY('name', 'ASC')->get(); $brand_setting = BusinessSetting::where('type', 'product_brand')->first()->value; $digital_product_setting = BusinessSetting::where('type', 'digital_product')->first()->value; return view('seller-views.product.add-new', compact('cat', 'br', 'brand_setting', 'digital_product_setting')); } public function status_update(Request $request) { if ($request['status'] == 0) { Product::where(['id' => $request['id'], 'added_by' => 'seller', 'user_id' => \auth('seller')->id()])->update([ 'status' => $request['status'], ]); return response()->json([ 'success' => 1, ], 200); } elseif ($request['status'] == 1) { if (Product::find($request['id'])->request_status == 1) { Product::where(['id' => $request['id']])->update([ 'status' => $request['status'], ]); return response()->json([ 'success' => 1, ], 200); } else { return response()->json([ 'success' => 0, ], 200); } } } public function featured_status(Request $request) { if ($request->ajax()) { $product = Product::find($request->id); $product->featured_status = $request->status; $product->save(); $data = $request->status; return response()->json($data); } } public function store(Request $request) { $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'name' => 'required', 'category_id' => 'required', 'product_type' => 'required', 'digital_product_type' => 'required_if:product_type,==,digital', 'digital_file_ready' => 'required_if:digital_product_type,==,ready_product|mimes:jpg,jpeg,png,gif,zip,pdf', 'unit' => 'required_if:product_type,==,physical', 'image' => 'required', 'tax' => 'required|min:0', 'tax_model' => 'required', 'unit_price' => 'required|numeric|gt:0', 'purchase_price' => 'required|numeric|gt:0', 'discount' => 'required|gt:-1', 'shipping_cost' => 'required_if:product_type,==,physical|gt:-1', 'code' => 'required|numeric|min:1|digits_between:6,20|unique:products', 'minimum_order_qty' => 'required|numeric|min:1', ], [ 'name.required' => 'Product name is required!', 'category_id.required' => 'category is required!', 'image.required' => 'Product thumbnail is required!', 'unit.required_if' => 'Unit is required!', 'code.min' => 'The code must be positive!', 'code.digits_between' => 'The code must be minimum 6 digits!', 'minimum_order_qty.required' => 'The minimum order quantity is required!', 'minimum_order_qty.min' => 'The minimum order quantity must be positive!', 'digital_file_ready.required_if' => 'Ready product upload is required!', 'digital_file_ready.mimes' => 'Ready product upload must be a file of type: pdf, zip, jpg, jpeg, png, gif.', 'digital_product_type.required_if' => 'Digital product type is required!', 'shipping_cost.required_if' => 'Shipping Cost is required!', ]); if(!$request->has('colors_active') && !$request->file('images')) { $validator->after(function ($validator) { $validator->errors()->add( 'images', 'Product images is required!' ); }); } $brand_setting = BusinessSetting::where('type', 'product_brand')->first()->value; if ($brand_setting && empty($request->brand_id)) { $validator->after(function ($validator) { $validator->errors()->add( 'brand_id', 'Brand is required!' ); }); } if ($request['discount_type'] == 'percent') { $dis = ($request['unit_price'] / 100) * $request['discount']; } else { $dis = $request['discount']; } if ($request['unit_price'] <= $dis) { $validator->after(function ($validator) { $validator->errors()->add( 'unit_price', 'Discount can not be more or equal to the price!' ); }); } if (is_null($request->name[array_search('en', $request->lang)])) { $validator->after(function ($validator) { $validator->errors()->add( 'name', 'Name field is required!' ); }); } $product = new Product(); $product->user_id = auth('seller')->id(); $product->added_by = "seller"; $product->name = $request->name[array_search('en', $request->lang)]; $product->slug = Str::slug($request->name[array_search('en', $request->lang)], '-') . '-' . Str::random(6); $product_images = []; if ($request->has('colors_active') && $request->has('colors') && count($request->colors) > 0) { foreach ($request->colors as $color) { $color_ = str_replace('#','',$color); $img = 'color_image_'.$color_; if($request->file($img)){ $image_name = ImageManager::upload('product/', 'png', $request->file($img)); $product_images[] = $image_name; $color_image_serial[] = [ 'color'=>$color_, 'image_name'=>$image_name, ]; } } if(count($product_images) != count($request->colors)) { $validator->after(function ($validator) { $validator->errors()->add( 'images', 'Color images is required!' ); }); } } $category = []; if ($request->category_id != null) { array_push($category, [ 'id' => $request->category_id, 'position' => 1, ]); } if ($request->sub_category_id != null) { array_push($category, [ 'id' => $request->sub_category_id, 'position' => 2, ]); } if ($request->sub_sub_category_id != null) { array_push($category, [ 'id' => $request->sub_sub_category_id, 'position' => 3, ]); } $product->category_ids = json_encode($category); $product->category_id = $request->category_id; $product->sub_category_id = $request->sub_category_id; $product->sub_sub_category_id = $request->sub_sub_category_id; $product->brand_id = $request->brand_id; $product->unit = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? $request->unit : null; $product->digital_product_type = $request->product_type == 'digital' ? $request->digital_product_type : null; $product->product_type = $request->product_type; $product->code = $request->code; $product->minimum_order_qty = $request->minimum_order_qty; $product->details = $request->description[array_search('en', $request->lang)]; if ($request->has('colors_active') && $request->has('colors') && count($request->colors) > 0) { $product->colors = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? json_encode($request->colors) : json_encode([]); } else { $colors = []; $product->colors = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? json_encode($colors) : json_encode([]); } $choice_options = []; if ($request->has('choice')) { foreach ($request->choice_no as $key => $no) { $str = 'choice_options_' . $no; $item['name'] = 'choice_' . $no; $item['title'] = $request->choice[$key]; $item['options'] = explode(',', implode('|', $request[$str])); array_push($choice_options, $item); } } $product->choice_options = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? json_encode($choice_options) : json_encode([]); //combinations start $options = []; if ($request->has('colors_active') && $request->has('colors') && count($request->colors) > 0) { $colors_active = 1; array_push($options, $request->colors); } if ($request->has('choice_no')) { foreach ($request->choice_no as $key => $no) { $name = 'choice_options_' . $no; $my_str = implode('|', $request[$name]); array_push($options, explode(',', $my_str)); } } //Generates the combinations of customer choice options $combinations = Helpers::combinations($options); $variations = []; $stock_count = 0; if (count($combinations[0]) > 0) { foreach ($combinations as $key => $combination) { $str = ''; foreach ($combination as $k => $item) { if ($k > 0) { $str .= '-' . str_replace(' ', '', $item); } else { if ($request->has('colors_active') && $request->has('colors') && count($request->colors) > 0) { $color_name = Color::where('code', $item)->first()->name; $str .= $color_name; } else { $str .= str_replace(' ', '', $item); } } } $item = []; $item['type'] = $str; $item['price'] = Convert::usd(abs($request['price_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)])); $item['sku'] = $request['sku_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)]; $item['qty'] = abs($request['qty_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)]); array_push($variations, $item); $stock_count += $item['qty']; } } else { $stock_count = (integer)$request['current_stock']; } if ($validator->errors()->count() > 0) { return response()->json(['errors' => Helpers::error_processor($validator)]); } //combinations end $product->variation = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? json_encode($variations) : json_encode([]); $product->unit_price = Convert::usd($request->unit_price); $product->purchase_price = Convert::usd($request->purchase_price); $product->tax = $request->tax; $product->tax_type = $request->tax_type; $product->tax_model = $request->tax_model; $product->discount = $request->discount_type == 'flat' ? Convert::usd($request->discount) : $request->discount; $product->discount_type = $request->discount_type; $product->attributes = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? json_encode($request->choice_attributes) : json_encode([]); $product->current_stock = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? abs($stock_count) : 0; $product->video_provider = 'youtube'; $product->video_url = $request->video_link; $product->request_status = Helpers::get_business_settings('new_product_approval')==1?0:1; $product->status = 0; $product->shipping_cost = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? Convert::usd($request->shipping_cost) : 0; $product->multiply_qty = ($request->product_type == 'physical') ? ($request->multiplyQTY=='on'?1:0) : 0; if ($request->ajax()) { return response()->json([], 200); } else { if ($request->file('images')) { foreach ($request->file('images') as $img) { $image_name = ImageManager::upload('product/', 'png', $img); $product_images[] = $image_name; if($request->has('colors_active')){ $color_image_serial[] = [ 'color'=>null, 'image_name'=>$image_name, ]; }else{ $color_image_serial = []; } } } $product->color_image = json_encode($color_image_serial); $product->images = json_encode($product_images); $product->thumbnail = ImageManager::upload('product/thumbnail/', 'png', $request->file('image')); if($request->product_type == 'digital' && $request->digital_product_type == 'ready_product') { $product->digital_file_ready = ImageManager::upload('product/digital-product/', $request->digital_file_ready->getClientOriginalExtension(), $request->digital_file_ready); } $product->meta_title = $request->meta_title; $product->meta_description = $request->meta_description; $product->meta_image = ImageManager::upload('product/meta/', 'png', $request->meta_image); $product->save(); $tag_ids = []; if ($request->tags != null) { $tags = explode(",", $request->tags); } if(isset($tags)){ foreach ($tags as $key => $value) { $tag = Tag::firstOrNew( ['tag' => trim($value)] ); $tag->save(); $tag_ids[] = $tag->id; } } $product->tags()->sync($tag_ids); $data = []; foreach ($request->lang as $index => $key) { if ($request->name[$index] && $key != 'en') { array_push($data, array( 'translationable_type' => 'App\Model\Product', 'translationable_id' => $product->id, 'locale' => $key, 'key' => 'name', 'value' => $request->name[$index], )); } if ($request->description[$index] && $key != 'en') { array_push($data, array( 'translationable_type' => 'App\Model\Product', 'translationable_id' => $product->id, 'locale' => $key, 'key' => 'description', 'value' => $request->description[$index], )); } } Translation::insert($data); Toastr::success('Product added successfully!'); return redirect()->route('seller.product.list'); } } function list(Request $request) { $query_param = []; $search = $request['search']; if ($request->has('search')) { $key = explode(' ', $request['search']); $products = Product::where(['added_by' => 'seller', 'user_id' => \auth('seller')->id()]) ->where(function ($q) use ($key) { foreach ($key as $value) { $q->Where('name', 'like', "%{$value}%"); } }); $query_param = ['search' => $request['search']]; } else { $products = Product::where(['added_by' => 'seller', 'user_id' => \auth('seller')->id()]); } $products = $products->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->paginate(Helpers::pagination_limit())->appends($query_param); return view('seller-views.product.list', compact('products', 'search')); } public function stock_limit_list(Request $request, $type) { $stock_limit = Helpers::get_business_settings('stock_limit'); $sort_oqrderQty = $request['sort_oqrderQty']; $query_param = $request->all(); $search = $request['search']; $pro = Product::where(['added_by' => 'seller', 'product_type'=>'physical', 'user_id' => auth('seller')->id()]) ->where('request_status',1) ->when($request->has('status') && $request->status != null, function ($query) use ($request) { $query->where('request_status', $request->status); }); if ($request->has('search')) { $key = explode(' ', $request['search']); $pro = $pro->where(function ($q) use ($key) { foreach ($key as $value) { $q->Where('name', 'like', "%{$value}%"); } }); $query_param = ['search' => $request['search']]; } $request_status = $request['status']; $pro = $pro->withCount('order_details')->when($request->sort_oqrderQty == 'quantity_asc', function ($q) use ($request) { return $q->orderBy('current_stock', 'asc'); }) ->when($request->sort_oqrderQty == 'quantity_desc', function ($q) use ($request) { return $q->orderBy('current_stock', 'desc'); }) ->when($request->sort_oqrderQty == 'order_asc', function ($q) use ($request) { return $q->orderBy('order_details_count', 'asc'); }) ->when($request->sort_oqrderQty == 'order_desc', function ($q) use ($request) { return $q->orderBy('order_details_count', 'desc'); }) ->when($request->sort_oqrderQty == 'default', function ($q) use ($request) { return $q->orderBy('id'); })->where('current_stock', '<', $stock_limit); $products = $pro->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->paginate(Helpers::pagination_limit())->appends(['status' => $request['status']])->appends($query_param); return view('seller-views.product.stock-limit-list', compact('products', 'search', 'request_status', 'sort_oqrderQty')); } /** * Product total stock report export by excel * @param Request $request * @return string|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\IOException * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\UnsupportedTypeException * @throws \Box\Spout\Writer\Exception\WriterNotOpenedException */ public function stock_limit_export(Request $request){ $sort = $request['sort'] ?? 'ASC'; $products = Product::when(empty($request['seller_id']) || $request['seller_id'] == 'all',function ($query){ $query->whereIn('added_by', ['admin', 'seller']); }) ->when($request['seller_id'] == 'in_house',function ($query){ $query->where(['added_by' => 'admin']); }) ->when($request['seller_id'] != 'in_house' && isset($request['seller_id']) && $request['seller_id'] != 'all',function ($query) use($request){ $query->where(['added_by' => 'seller', 'user_id' => $request['seller_id']]); }) ->orderBy('current_stock', $sort)->get(); $data = array(); foreach($products as $product){ $data[] = array( 'Product Name' => $product->name, 'Date' => date('d M Y',strtotime($product->created_at)), 'Total Stock' => $product->current_stock, ); } return (new FastExcel($data))->download('total_product_stock.xlsx'); } public function update_quantity(Request $request) { $variations = []; $stock_count = $request['current_stock']; if ($request->has('type')) { foreach ($request['type'] as $key => $str) { $item = []; $item['type'] = $str; $item['price'] = BackEndHelper::currency_to_usd(abs($request['price_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)])); $item['sku'] = $request['sku_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)]; $item['qty'] = abs($request['qty_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)]); array_push($variations, $item); } } $product = Product::find($request['product_id']); if ($stock_count >= 0) { $product->current_stock = $stock_count; $product->variation = json_encode($variations); $product->save(); Toastr::success(\App\CPU\translate('product_quantity_updated_successfully!')); return back(); } else { Toastr::warning(\App\CPU\translate('product_quantity_can_not_be_less_than_0_!')); return back(); } } public function get_categories(Request $request) { $cat = Category::where(['parent_id' => $request->parent_id])->get(); $res = '<option value="' . 0 . '" disabled selected>---Select---</option>'; foreach ($cat as $row) { if ($row->id == $request->sub_category) { $res .= '<option value="' . $row->id . '" selected >' . $row->name . '</option>'; } else { $res .= '<option value="' . $row->id . '">' . $row->name . '</option>'; } } return response()->json([ 'select_tag' => $res, ]); } public function get_variations(Request $request) { $product = Product::find($request['id']); return response()->json([ 'view' => view('seller-views.product.partials._update_stock', compact('product'))->render() ]); } public function sku_combination(Request $request) { $options = []; if ($request->has('colors_active') && $request->has('colors') && count($request->colors) > 0) { $colors_active = 1; array_push($options, $request->colors); } else { $colors_active = 0; } $unit_price = $request->unit_price; $product_name = $request->name[array_search('en', $request->lang)]; if ($request->has('choice_no')) { foreach ($request->choice_no as $key => $no) { $name = 'choice_options_' . $no; $my_str = implode('', $request[$name]); array_push($options, explode(',', $my_str)); } } $combinations = Helpers::combinations($options); return response()->json([ 'view' => view('admin-views.product.partials._sku_combinations', compact('combinations', 'unit_price', 'colors_active', 'product_name'))->render(), ]); } public function edit($id) { $product = Product::withoutGlobalScopes()->with('translations')->find($id); $product_category = json_decode($product->category_ids); $product->colors = json_decode($product->colors); $categories = Category::where(['parent_id' => 0])->get(); $br = Brand::orderBY('name', 'ASC')->get(); $brand_setting = BusinessSetting::where('type', 'product_brand')->first()->value; $digital_product_setting = BusinessSetting::where('type', 'digital_product')->first()->value; return view('seller-views.product.edit', compact('categories', 'br', 'product', 'product_category', 'brand_setting', 'digital_product_setting')); } public function update(Request $request, $id) { $product = Product::find($id); $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'name' => 'required', 'category_id' => 'required', 'product_type' => 'required', 'digital_product_type' => 'required_if:product_type,==,digital', 'digital_file_ready' => 'mimes:jpg,jpeg,png,gif,zip,pdf', 'unit' => 'required_if:product_type,==,physical', 'tax' => 'required|min:0', 'tax_model' => 'required', 'unit_price' => 'required|numeric|gt:0', 'purchase_price' => 'required|numeric|gt:0', 'discount' => 'required|gt:-1', 'shipping_cost' => 'required_if:product_type,==,physical|gt:-1', 'code' => 'required|numeric|min:1|digits_between:6,20|unique:products,code,'.$product->id, 'minimum_order_qty' => 'required|numeric|min:1', ], [ 'name.required' => 'Product name is required!', 'category_id.required' => 'Category is required!', 'unit.required_if' => 'Unit is required!', 'code.min' => 'Code must be positive!', 'code.digits_between' => 'Code must be minimum 6 digits!', 'minimum_order_qty.required' => 'Minimum order quantity is required!', 'minimum_order_qty.min' => 'Minimum order quantity must be positive!', 'digital_file_ready.mimes' => 'Ready product upload must be a file of type: pdf, zip, jpg, jpeg, png, gif.', 'digital_product_type.required_if' => 'Digital product type is required!', 'shipping_cost.required_if' => 'Shipping Cost is required!', ]); $brand_setting = BusinessSetting::where('type', 'product_brand')->first()->value; if ($brand_setting && empty($request->brand_id)) { $validator->after(function ($validator) { $validator->errors()->add( 'brand_id', 'Brand is required!' ); }); } if ($request['discount_type'] == 'percent') { $dis = ($request['unit_price'] / 100) * $request['discount']; } else { $dis = $request['discount']; } if ($request['unit_price'] <= $dis) { $validator->after(function ($validator) { $validator->errors()->add('unit_price', 'Discount can not be more or equal to the price!'); }); } if (is_null($request->name[array_search('en', $request->lang)])) { $validator->after(function ($validator) { $validator->errors()->add( 'name', 'Name field is required!' ); }); } $product_images = json_decode($product->images); $color_image_array = []; if ($request->has('colors_active') && $request->has('colors') && count($request->colors) > 0) { $db_color_image = $product->color_image ? json_decode($product->color_image, true) : []; if(!$db_color_image){ foreach($product_images as $image){ $db_color_image[] = [ 'color'=>null, 'image_name'=>$image, ]; } } $db_color_image_final = []; if($db_color_image){ foreach ($db_color_image as $color_img){ if($color_img['color']) { $db_color_image_final[] = $color_img['color']; } } } $input_colors = []; foreach ($request->colors as $color) { $input_colors[] = str_replace('#','',$color); } $diff_color = array_diff($db_color_image_final, $input_colors); $color_image_required = []; if($db_color_image){ foreach ($db_color_image as $color_img){ if($color_img['color'] !=null && !in_array($color_img['color'], $diff_color)){ $color_image_required[] = [ 'color'=>$color_img['color'], 'image_name'=>$color_img['image_name'], ]; } } } $color_image_array = $db_color_image; foreach ($input_colors as $color) { if(!in_array($color, $db_color_image_final)){ $img = 'color_image_'.$color; if($request->file($img)){ $image_name = ImageManager::upload('product/', 'png', $request->file($img)); $product_images[] = $image_name; $col_img_arr = [ 'color'=>$color, 'image_name'=>$image_name, ]; $color_image_required[] = $col_img_arr; $color_image_array[] = $col_img_arr; } } } if(count($color_image_required) != count($request->colors)) { $validator->after(function ($validator) { $validator->errors()->add( 'images', 'Color images is required!' ); }); } } $product->name = $request->name[array_search('en', $request->lang)]; $category = []; if ($request->category_id != null) { array_push($category, [ 'id' => $request->category_id, 'position' => 1, ]); } if ($request->sub_category_id != null) { array_push($category, [ 'id' => $request->sub_category_id, 'position' => 2, ]); } if ($request->sub_sub_category_id != null) { array_push($category, [ 'id' => $request->sub_sub_category_id, 'position' => 3, ]); } $product->product_type = $request->product_type; $product->category_ids = json_encode($category); $product->category_id = $request->category_id; $product->sub_category_id = $request->sub_category_id; $product->sub_sub_category_id = $request->sub_sub_category_id; $product->brand_id = isset($request->brand_id) ? $request->brand_id : null; $product->unit = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? $request->unit : null; $product->digital_product_type = $request->product_type == 'digital' ? $request->digital_product_type : null; $product->details = $request->description[array_search('en', $request->lang)]; if ($request->has('colors_active') && $request->has('colors') && count($request->colors) > 0) { $product->colors = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? json_encode($request->colors) : json_encode([]); } else { $colors = []; $product->colors = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? json_encode($colors) : json_encode([]); } $choice_options = []; if ($request->has('choice')) { foreach ($request->choice_no as $key => $no) { $str = 'choice_options_' . $no; $item['name'] = 'choice_' . $no; $item['title'] = $request->choice[$key]; $item['options'] = explode(',', implode('|', $request[$str])); array_push($choice_options, $item); } } $product->choice_options = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? json_encode($choice_options) : json_encode([]); $variations = []; //combinations start $options = []; if ($request->has('colors_active') && $request->has('colors') && count($request->colors) > 0) { $colors_active = 1; array_push($options, $request->colors); } if ($request->has('choice_no')) { foreach ($request->choice_no as $key => $no) { $name = 'choice_options_' . $no; $my_str = implode('|', $request[$name]); array_push($options, explode(',', $my_str)); } } //Generates the combinations of customer choice options $combinations = Helpers::combinations($options); $variations = []; $stock_count = 0; if (count($combinations[0]) > 0) { foreach ($combinations as $key => $combination) { $str = ''; foreach ($combination as $k => $item) { if ($k > 0) { $str .= '-' . str_replace(' ', '', $item); } else { if ($request->has('colors_active') && $request->has('colors') && count($request->colors) > 0) { $color_name = Color::where('code', $item)->first()->name; $str .= $color_name; } else { $str .= str_replace(' ', '', $item); } } } $item = []; $item['type'] = $str; $item['price'] = Convert::usd(abs($request['price_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)])); $item['sku'] = $request['sku_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)]; $item['qty'] = abs($request['qty_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)]); array_push($variations, $item); $stock_count += $item['qty']; } } else { $stock_count = (integer)$request['current_stock']; } if ($validator->errors()->count() > 0) { return response()->json(['errors' => Helpers::error_processor($validator)]); } //combinations end $product->variation = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? json_encode($variations) : json_encode([]); $product->unit_price = Convert::usd($request->unit_price); $product->purchase_price = Convert::usd($request->purchase_price); $product->tax = $request->tax; $product->tax_model = $request->tax_model; $product->code = $request->code; $product->minimum_order_qty = $request->minimum_order_qty; $product->tax_type = $request->tax_type; $product->discount = $request->discount_type == 'flat' ? Convert::usd($request->discount) : $request->discount; $product->attributes = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? json_encode($request->choice_attributes) : json_encode([]); $product->discount_type = $request->discount_type; $product->current_stock = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? abs($stock_count) : 0; $product->shipping_cost = $request->product_type == 'physical' ? (Helpers::get_business_settings('product_wise_shipping_cost_approval')==1?$product->shipping_cost:Convert::usd($request->shipping_cost)) : 0; $product->multiply_qty = ($request->product_type == 'physical') ? ($request->multiplyQTY=='on'?1:0) : 0; if(Helpers::get_business_settings('product_wise_shipping_cost_approval')==1 && $product->shipping_cost != Convert::usd($request->shipping_cost)) { $product->temp_shipping_cost = Convert::usd($request->shipping_cost); $product->is_shipping_cost_updated = 0; } $product->video_provider = 'youtube'; $product->video_url = $request->video_link; if ($product->request_status == 2) { $product->request_status = 0; } if ($request->ajax()) { return response()->json([], 200); } else { if ($request->file('images')) { foreach ($request->file('images') as $img) { $image_name = ImageManager::upload('product/', 'png', $img); $product_images[] = $image_name; if($request->has('colors_active')){ $color_image_array[] = [ 'color'=>null, 'image_name'=>$image_name, ]; } } } $product->images = json_encode($product_images); $product->color_image = json_encode($color_image_array); if ($request->file('image')) { $product->thumbnail = ImageManager::update('product/thumbnail/', $product->thumbnail, 'png', $request->file('image')); } if($request->product_type == 'digital') { if($request->digital_product_type == 'ready_product' && $request->hasFile('digital_file_ready')){ $product->digital_file_ready = ImageManager::update('product/digital-product/', $product->digital_file_ready, $request->digital_file_ready->getClientOriginalExtension(), $request->file('digital_file_ready')); }elseif(($request->digital_product_type == 'ready_after_sell') && $product->digital_file_ready){ ImageManager::delete('product/digital-product/'.$product->digital_file_ready); $product->digital_file_ready = null; } }elseif($request->product_type == 'physical' && $product->digital_file_ready){ ImageManager::delete('product/digital-product/'.$product->digital_file_ready); $product->digital_file_ready = null; } $product->meta_title = $request->meta_title; $product->meta_description = $request->meta_description; if ($request->file('meta_image')) { $product->meta_image = ImageManager::update('product/meta/', $product->meta_image, 'png', $request->file('meta_image')); } $product->save(); $tag_ids = []; if ($request->tags != null) { $tags = explode(",", $request->tags); } if(isset($tags)){ foreach ($tags as $key => $value) { $tag = Tag::firstOrNew( ['tag' => trim($value)] ); $tag->save(); $tag_ids[] = $tag->id; } } $product->tags()->sync($tag_ids); foreach ($request->lang as $index => $key) { if ($request->name[$index] && $key != 'en') { Translation::updateOrInsert( ['translationable_type' => 'App\Model\Product', 'translationable_id' => $product->id, 'locale' => $key, 'key' => 'name'], ['value' => $request->name[$index]] ); } if ($request->description[$index] && $key != 'en') { Translation::updateOrInsert( ['translationable_type' => 'App\Model\Product', 'translationable_id' => $product->id, 'locale' => $key, 'key' => 'description'], ['value' => $request->description[$index]] ); } } Toastr::success('Product updated successfully.'); return back(); } } public function view($id) { $product = Product::with(['reviews'])->where(['id' => $id])->first(); $reviews = Review::where(['product_id' => $id])->paginate(Helpers::pagination_limit()); return view('seller-views.product.view', compact('product', 'reviews')); } public function remove_image(Request $request) { ImageManager::delete('/product/' . $request['image']); $product = Product::find($request['id']); $array = []; if (count(json_decode($product['images'])) < 2) { Toastr::warning('You cannot delete all images!'); return back(); } $colors = json_decode($product['colors']); $color_image = json_decode($product['color_image']); $color_image_arr = []; if($colors && $color_image){ foreach($color_image as $img){ if($img->color != $request->color && $img->image_name != $request->name){ $color_image_arr[] = [ 'color' =>$img->color!=null ? $img->color:null, 'image_name' =>$img->image_name, ]; } } } foreach (json_decode($product['images']) as $image) { if ($image != $request['name']) { array_push($array, $image); } } Product::where('id', $request['id'])->update([ 'images' => json_encode($array), 'color_image' => json_encode($color_image_arr), ]); Toastr::success('Product image removed successfully!'); return back(); } public function delete($id) { $product = Product::find($id); Cart::where('product_id', $product->id)->delete(); foreach (json_decode($product['images'], true) as $image) { ImageManager::delete('/product/' . $image); } ImageManager::delete('/product/thumbnail/' . $product['thumbnail']); $product->delete(); FlashDealProduct::where(['product_id' => $id])->delete(); DealOfTheDay::where(['product_id' => $id])->delete(); Toastr::success('Product removed successfully!'); return back(); } public function bulk_import_index() { return view('seller-views.product.bulk-import'); } public function bulk_import_data(Request $request) { try { $collections = (new FastExcel)->import($request->file('products_file')); } catch (\Exception $exception) { Toastr::error('You have uploaded a wrong format file, please upload the right file.'); return back(); } $data = []; $col_key = ['name', 'category_id', 'sub_category_id', 'sub_sub_category_id', 'brand_id', 'unit', 'min_qty', 'refundable', 'youtube_video_url', 'unit_price', 'purchase_price', 'tax', 'discount', 'discount_type', 'current_stock', 'details', 'thumbnail']; $skip = ['youtube_video_url', 'details', 'thumbnail']; foreach ($collections as $collection) { foreach ($collection as $key => $value) { if ($key!="" && !in_array($key, $col_key)) { Toastr::error('Please upload the correct format file.'); return back(); } if ($key!="" && $value === "" && !in_array($key, $skip)) { Toastr::error('Please fill ' . $key . ' fields'); return back(); } } $thumbnail = explode('/', $collection['thumbnail']); array_push($data, [ 'name' => $collection['name'], 'slug' => Str::slug($collection['name'], '-') . '-' . Str::random(6), 'category_ids' => json_encode([['id' => (string)$collection['category_id'], 'position' => 1], ['id' => (string)$collection['sub_category_id'], 'position' => 2], ['id' => (string)$collection['sub_sub_category_id'], 'position' => 3]]), 'category_id' => $collection['category_id'], 'sub_category_id' => $collection['sub_category_id'], 'sub_sub_category_id' => $collection['sub_sub_category_id'], 'brand_id' => $collection['brand_id'], 'unit' => $collection['unit'], 'min_qty' => $collection['min_qty'], 'refundable' => $collection['refundable'], 'unit_price' => $collection['unit_price'], 'purchase_price' => $collection['purchase_price'], 'tax' => $collection['tax'], 'discount' => $collection['discount'], 'discount_type' => $collection['discount_type'], 'current_stock' => $collection['current_stock'], 'details' => $collection['details'], 'video_provider' => 'youtube', 'video_url' => $collection['youtube_video_url'], 'images' => json_encode(['def.png']), 'thumbnail' => $thumbnail[1] ?? $thumbnail[0], 'status' => 0, 'colors' => json_encode([]), 'attributes' => json_encode([]), 'choice_options' => json_encode([]), 'variation' => json_encode([]), 'featured_status' => 1, 'added_by' => 'seller', 'user_id' => auth('seller')->id(), ]); } DB::table('products')->insert($data); Toastr::success(count($data) . ' - Products imported successfully!'); return back(); } public function bulk_export_data() { $products = Product::where(['added_by' => 'seller', 'user_id' => \auth('seller')->id()])->get(); //export from product $storage = []; foreach ($products as $item) { $category_id = 0; $sub_category_id = 0; $sub_sub_category_id = 0; foreach (json_decode($item->category_ids, true) as $category) { if ($category['position'] == 1) { $category_id = $category['id']; } else if ($category['position'] == 2) { $sub_category_id = $category['id']; } else if ($category['position'] == 3) { $sub_sub_category_id = $category['id']; } } $storage[] = [ 'name' => $item->name, 'category_id' => $category_id, 'sub_category_id' => $sub_category_id, 'sub_sub_category_id' => $sub_sub_category_id, 'brand_id' => $item->brand_id, 'unit' => $item->unit, 'min_qty' => $item->min_qty, 'refundable' => $item->refundable, 'youtube_video_url' => $item->video_url, 'unit_price' => $item->unit_price, 'purchase_price' => $item->purchase_price, 'tax' => $item->tax, 'discount' => $item->discount, 'discount_type' => $item->discount_type, 'current_stock' => $item->current_stock, 'details' => $item->details, 'thumbnail' => 'thumbnail/' . $item->thumbnail ]; } return (new FastExcel($storage))->download('products.xlsx'); } public function barcode(Request $request, $id) { if ($request->limit > 270) { Toastr::warning(translate('You can not generate more than 270 barcode')); return back(); } $product = Product::findOrFail($id); $range_data = range(1, $request->limit ?? 4); $array_chunk = array_chunk($range_data, 24); return view('seller-views.product.barcode', compact('product', 'array_chunk')); } }