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Filename: /var//www/arsu//vendor/doctrine/common/src//Proxy/ProxyGenerator.php
<?php namespace Doctrine\Common\Proxy; use BackedEnum; use Doctrine\Common\Proxy\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Doctrine\Common\Proxy\Exception\UnexpectedValueException; use Doctrine\Common\Util\ClassUtils; use Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadata; use ReflectionIntersectionType; use ReflectionMethod; use ReflectionNamedType; use ReflectionParameter; use ReflectionProperty; use ReflectionType; use ReflectionUnionType; use function array_combine; use function array_diff; use function array_key_exists; use function array_map; use function array_slice; use function array_unique; use function assert; use function bin2hex; use function call_user_func; use function chmod; use function class_exists; use function dirname; use function explode; use function file; use function file_put_contents; use function get_class; use function implode; use function in_array; use function interface_exists; use function is_callable; use function is_dir; use function is_scalar; use function is_string; use function is_writable; use function lcfirst; use function ltrim; use function method_exists; use function mkdir; use function preg_match; use function preg_match_all; use function preg_replace; use function preg_split; use function random_bytes; use function rename; use function rtrim; use function sprintf; use function str_replace; use function strpos; use function strrev; use function strtolower; use function strtr; use function substr; use function trim; use function var_export; use const DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; use const PHP_VERSION_ID; use const PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE; /** * This factory is used to generate proxy classes. * It builds proxies from given parameters, a template and class metadata. */ class ProxyGenerator { /** * Used to match very simple id methods that don't need * to be decorated since the identifier is known. */ public const PATTERN_MATCH_ID_METHOD = <<<'EOT' ((?(DEFINE) (?<type>\\?[a-z_\x7f-\xff][\w\x7f-\xff]*(?:\\[a-z_\x7f-\xff][\w\x7f-\xff]*)*) (?<intersection_type>(?&type)\s*&\s*(?&type)) (?<union_type>(?:(?:\(\s*(?&intersection_type)\s*\))|(?&type))(?:\s*\|\s*(?:(?:\(\s*(?&intersection_type)\s*\))|(?&type)))+) )(?:public\s+)?(?:function\s+%s\s*\(\)\s*)\s*(?::\s*(?:(?&union_type)|(?&intersection_type)|(?:\??(?&type)))\s*)?{\s*return\s*\$this->%s;\s*})i EOT; /** * The namespace that contains all proxy classes. * * @var string */ private $proxyNamespace; /** * The directory that contains all proxy classes. * * @var string */ private $proxyDirectory; /** * Map of callables used to fill in placeholders set in the template. * * @var string[]|callable[] */ protected $placeholders = [ 'baseProxyInterface' => Proxy::class, 'additionalProperties' => '', ]; /** * Template used as a blueprint to generate proxies. * * @var string */ protected $proxyClassTemplate = '<?php namespace <namespace>; <enumUseStatements> /** * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - IT WAS CREATED BY DOCTRINE\'S PROXY GENERATOR */ class <proxyShortClassName> extends \<className> implements \<baseProxyInterface> { /** * @var \Closure the callback responsible for loading properties in the proxy object. This callback is called with * three parameters, being respectively the proxy object to be initialized, the method that triggered the * initialization process and an array of ordered parameters that were passed to that method. * * @see \Doctrine\Common\Proxy\Proxy::__setInitializer */ public $__initializer__; /** * @var \Closure the callback responsible of loading properties that need to be copied in the cloned object * * @see \Doctrine\Common\Proxy\Proxy::__setCloner */ public $__cloner__; /** * @var boolean flag indicating if this object was already initialized * * @see \Doctrine\Persistence\Proxy::__isInitialized */ public $__isInitialized__ = false; /** * @var array<string, null> properties to be lazy loaded, indexed by property name */ public static $lazyPropertiesNames = <lazyPropertiesNames>; /** * @var array<string, mixed> default values of properties to be lazy loaded, with keys being the property names * * @see \Doctrine\Common\Proxy\Proxy::__getLazyProperties */ public static $lazyPropertiesDefaults = <lazyPropertiesDefaults>; <additionalProperties> <constructorImpl> <magicGet> <magicSet> <magicIsset> <sleepImpl> <wakeupImpl> <cloneImpl> /** * Forces initialization of the proxy */ public function __load(): void { $this->__initializer__ && $this->__initializer__->__invoke($this, \'__load\', []); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @internal generated method: use only when explicitly handling proxy specific loading logic */ public function __isInitialized(): bool { return $this->__isInitialized__; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @internal generated method: use only when explicitly handling proxy specific loading logic */ public function __setInitialized($initialized): void { $this->__isInitialized__ = $initialized; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @internal generated method: use only when explicitly handling proxy specific loading logic */ public function __setInitializer(?\Closure $initializer = null): void { $this->__initializer__ = $initializer; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @internal generated method: use only when explicitly handling proxy specific loading logic */ public function __getInitializer(): ?\Closure { return $this->__initializer__; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @internal generated method: use only when explicitly handling proxy specific loading logic */ public function __setCloner(?\Closure $cloner = null): void { $this->__cloner__ = $cloner; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @internal generated method: use only when explicitly handling proxy specific cloning logic */ public function __getCloner(): ?\Closure { return $this->__cloner__; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @internal generated method: use only when explicitly handling proxy specific loading logic * @deprecated no longer in use - generated code now relies on internal components rather than generated public API * @static */ public function __getLazyProperties(): array { return self::$lazyPropertiesDefaults; } <methods> } '; /** * Initializes a new instance of the <tt>ProxyFactory</tt> class that is * connected to the given <tt>EntityManager</tt>. * * @param string $proxyDirectory The directory to use for the proxy classes. It must exist. * @param string $proxyNamespace The namespace to use for the proxy classes. * * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function __construct($proxyDirectory, $proxyNamespace) { if (! $proxyDirectory) { throw InvalidArgumentException::proxyDirectoryRequired(); } if (! $proxyNamespace) { throw InvalidArgumentException::proxyNamespaceRequired(); } $this->proxyDirectory = $proxyDirectory; $this->proxyNamespace = $proxyNamespace; } /** * Sets a placeholder to be replaced in the template. * * @param string $name * @param string|callable $placeholder * * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setPlaceholder($name, $placeholder) { if (! is_string($placeholder) && ! is_callable($placeholder)) { throw InvalidArgumentException::invalidPlaceholder($name); } $this->placeholders[$name] = $placeholder; } /** * Sets the base template used to create proxy classes. * * @param string $proxyClassTemplate */ public function setProxyClassTemplate($proxyClassTemplate) { $this->proxyClassTemplate = (string) $proxyClassTemplate; } /** * Generates a proxy class file. * * @param ClassMetadata $class Metadata for the original class. * @param string|bool $fileName Filename (full path) for the generated class. If none is given, eval() is used. * * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws UnexpectedValueException */ public function generateProxyClass(ClassMetadata $class, $fileName = false) { $this->verifyClassCanBeProxied($class); preg_match_all('(<([a-zA-Z]+)>)', $this->proxyClassTemplate, $placeholderMatches); $placeholderMatches = array_combine($placeholderMatches[0], $placeholderMatches[1]); $placeholders = []; foreach ($placeholderMatches as $placeholder => $name) { $placeholders[$placeholder] = $this->placeholders[$name] ?? [$this, 'generate' . $name]; } foreach ($placeholders as & $placeholder) { if (! is_callable($placeholder)) { continue; } $placeholder = call_user_func($placeholder, $class); } $proxyCode = strtr($this->proxyClassTemplate, $placeholders); if (! $fileName) { $proxyClassName = $this->generateNamespace($class) . '\\' . $this->generateProxyShortClassName($class); if (! class_exists($proxyClassName)) { eval(substr($proxyCode, 5)); } return; } $parentDirectory = dirname($fileName); if (! is_dir($parentDirectory) && (@mkdir($parentDirectory, 0775, true) === false)) { throw UnexpectedValueException::proxyDirectoryNotWritable($this->proxyDirectory); } if (! is_writable($parentDirectory)) { throw UnexpectedValueException::proxyDirectoryNotWritable($this->proxyDirectory); } $tmpFileName = $fileName . '.' . bin2hex(random_bytes(12)); file_put_contents($tmpFileName, $proxyCode); @chmod($tmpFileName, 0664); rename($tmpFileName, $fileName); } /** @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private function verifyClassCanBeProxied(ClassMetadata $class) { if ($class->getReflectionClass()->isFinal()) { throw InvalidArgumentException::classMustNotBeFinal($class->getName()); } if ($class->getReflectionClass()->isAbstract()) { throw InvalidArgumentException::classMustNotBeAbstract($class->getName()); } if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80200 && $class->getReflectionClass()->isReadOnly()) { throw InvalidArgumentException::classMustNotBeReadOnly($class->getName()); } } /** * Generates the proxy short class name to be used in the template. * * @return string */ private function generateProxyShortClassName(ClassMetadata $class) { $proxyClassName = ClassUtils::generateProxyClassName($class->getName(), $this->proxyNamespace); $parts = explode('\\', strrev($proxyClassName), 2); return strrev($parts[0]); } /** * Generates the proxy namespace. * * @return string */ private function generateNamespace(ClassMetadata $class) { $proxyClassName = ClassUtils::generateProxyClassName($class->getName(), $this->proxyNamespace); $parts = explode('\\', strrev($proxyClassName), 2); return strrev($parts[1]); } /** * Enums must have a use statement when used as public property defaults. */ public function generateEnumUseStatements(ClassMetadata $class): string { if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80100) { return "\n"; } $defaultProperties = $class->getReflectionClass()->getDefaultProperties(); $lazyLoadedPublicProperties = $this->getLazyLoadedPublicPropertiesNames($class); $enumClasses = []; foreach ($class->getReflectionClass()->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) as $property) { $name = $property->getName(); if (! in_array($name, $lazyLoadedPublicProperties, true)) { continue; } if (array_key_exists($name, $defaultProperties) && $defaultProperties[$name] instanceof BackedEnum) { $enumClassNameParts = explode('\\', get_class($defaultProperties[$name])); $enumClasses[] = $enumClassNameParts[0]; } } return implode( "\n", array_map( static function ($className) { return 'use ' . $className . ';'; }, array_unique($enumClasses) ) ) . "\n"; } /** * Generates the original class name. * * @return string */ private function generateClassName(ClassMetadata $class) { return ltrim($class->getName(), '\\'); } /** * Generates the array representation of lazy loaded public properties and their default values. * * @return string */ private function generateLazyPropertiesNames(ClassMetadata $class) { $lazyPublicProperties = $this->getLazyLoadedPublicPropertiesNames($class); $values = []; foreach ($lazyPublicProperties as $name) { $values[$name] = null; } return var_export($values, true); } /** * Generates the array representation of lazy loaded public properties names. * * @return string */ private function generateLazyPropertiesDefaults(ClassMetadata $class) { return var_export($this->getLazyLoadedPublicProperties($class), true); } /** * Generates the constructor code (un-setting public lazy loaded properties, setting identifier field values). * * @return string */ private function generateConstructorImpl(ClassMetadata $class) { $constructorImpl = <<<'EOT' public function __construct(?\Closure $initializer = null, ?\Closure $cloner = null) { EOT; $toUnset = array_map(static function (string $name): string { return '$this->' . $name; }, $this->getLazyLoadedPublicPropertiesNames($class)); return $constructorImpl . ($toUnset === [] ? '' : ' unset(' . implode(', ', $toUnset) . ");\n") . <<<'EOT' $this->__initializer__ = $initializer; $this->__cloner__ = $cloner; } EOT; } /** * Generates the magic getter invoked when lazy loaded public properties are requested. * * @return string */ private function generateMagicGet(ClassMetadata $class) { $lazyPublicProperties = $this->getLazyLoadedPublicPropertiesNames($class); $reflectionClass = $class->getReflectionClass(); $hasParentGet = false; $returnReference = ''; $inheritDoc = ''; $name = '$name'; $parametersString = '$name'; $returnTypeHint = null; if ($reflectionClass->hasMethod('__get')) { $hasParentGet = true; $inheritDoc = '{@inheritDoc}'; $methodReflection = $reflectionClass->getMethod('__get'); if ($methodReflection->returnsReference()) { $returnReference = '& '; } $methodParameters = $methodReflection->getParameters(); $name = '$' . $methodParameters[0]->getName(); $parametersString = $this->buildParametersString($methodReflection->getParameters(), ['name']); $returnTypeHint = $this->getMethodReturnType($methodReflection); } if (empty($lazyPublicProperties) && ! $hasParentGet) { return ''; } $magicGet = <<<EOT /** * $inheritDoc * @param string \$name */ public function {$returnReference}__get($parametersString)$returnTypeHint { EOT; if (! empty($lazyPublicProperties)) { $magicGet .= <<<'EOT' if (\array_key_exists($name, self::$lazyPropertiesNames)) { $this->__initializer__ && $this->__initializer__->__invoke($this, '__get', [$name]); EOT; if ($returnTypeHint === ': void') { $magicGet .= "\n return;"; } else { $magicGet .= "\n return \$this->\$name;"; } $magicGet .= <<<'EOT' } EOT; } if ($hasParentGet) { $magicGet .= <<<'EOT' $this->__initializer__ && $this->__initializer__->__invoke($this, '__get', [$name]); EOT; if ($returnTypeHint === ': void') { $magicGet .= <<<'EOT' parent::__get($name); return; EOT; } elseif ($returnTypeHint === ': never') { $magicGet .= <<<'EOT' parent::__get($name); EOT; } else { $magicGet .= <<<'EOT' return parent::__get($name); EOT; } } else { $magicGet .= sprintf(<<<EOT trigger_error(sprintf('Undefined property: %%s::$%%s', __CLASS__, %s), E_USER_NOTICE); EOT , $name); } return $magicGet . "\n }"; } /** * Generates the magic setter (currently unused). * * @return string */ private function generateMagicSet(ClassMetadata $class) { $lazyPublicProperties = $this->getLazyLoadedPublicPropertiesNames($class); $reflectionClass = $class->getReflectionClass(); $hasParentSet = false; $inheritDoc = ''; $parametersString = '$name, $value'; $returnTypeHint = null; if ($reflectionClass->hasMethod('__set')) { $hasParentSet = true; $inheritDoc = '{@inheritDoc}'; $methodReflection = $reflectionClass->getMethod('__set'); $parametersString = $this->buildParametersString($methodReflection->getParameters(), ['name', 'value']); $returnTypeHint = $this->getMethodReturnType($methodReflection); } if (empty($lazyPublicProperties) && ! $hasParentSet) { return ''; } $magicSet = <<<EOT /** * $inheritDoc * @param string \$name * @param mixed \$value */ public function __set($parametersString)$returnTypeHint { EOT; if (! empty($lazyPublicProperties)) { $magicSet .= <<<'EOT' if (\array_key_exists($name, self::$lazyPropertiesNames)) { $this->__initializer__ && $this->__initializer__->__invoke($this, '__set', [$name, $value]); $this->$name = $value; return; } EOT; } if ($hasParentSet) { $magicSet .= <<<'EOT' $this->__initializer__ && $this->__initializer__->__invoke($this, '__set', [$name, $value]); EOT; if ($returnTypeHint === ': void') { $magicSet .= <<<'EOT' parent::__set($name, $value); return; EOT; } elseif ($returnTypeHint === ': never') { $magicSet .= <<<'EOT' parent::__set($name, $value); EOT; } else { $magicSet .= <<<'EOT' return parent::__set($name, $value); EOT; } } else { $magicSet .= ' $this->$name = $value;'; } return $magicSet . "\n }"; } /** * Generates the magic issetter invoked when lazy loaded public properties are checked against isset(). * * @return string */ private function generateMagicIsset(ClassMetadata $class) { $lazyPublicProperties = $this->getLazyLoadedPublicPropertiesNames($class); $hasParentIsset = $class->getReflectionClass()->hasMethod('__isset'); $parametersString = '$name'; $returnTypeHint = null; if ($hasParentIsset) { $methodReflection = $class->getReflectionClass()->getMethod('__isset'); $parametersString = $this->buildParametersString($methodReflection->getParameters(), ['name']); $returnTypeHint = $this->getMethodReturnType($methodReflection); } if (empty($lazyPublicProperties) && ! $hasParentIsset) { return ''; } $inheritDoc = $hasParentIsset ? '{@inheritDoc}' : ''; $magicIsset = <<<EOT /** * $inheritDoc * @param string \$name * @return boolean */ public function __isset($parametersString)$returnTypeHint { EOT; if (! empty($lazyPublicProperties)) { $magicIsset .= <<<'EOT' if (\array_key_exists($name, self::$lazyPropertiesNames)) { $this->__initializer__ && $this->__initializer__->__invoke($this, '__isset', [$name]); return isset($this->$name); } EOT; } if ($hasParentIsset) { $magicIsset .= <<<'EOT' $this->__initializer__ && $this->__initializer__->__invoke($this, '__isset', [$name]); return parent::__isset($name); EOT; } else { $magicIsset .= ' return false;'; } return $magicIsset . "\n }"; } /** * Generates implementation for the `__sleep` method of proxies. * * @return string */ private function generateSleepImpl(ClassMetadata $class) { $reflectionClass = $class->getReflectionClass(); $hasParentSleep = $reflectionClass->hasMethod('__sleep'); $inheritDoc = $hasParentSleep ? '{@inheritDoc}' : ''; $returnTypeHint = $hasParentSleep ? $this->getMethodReturnType($reflectionClass->getMethod('__sleep')) : ''; $sleepImpl = <<<EOT /** * $inheritDoc * @return array */ public function __sleep()$returnTypeHint { EOT; if ($hasParentSleep) { return $sleepImpl . <<<'EOT' $properties = array_merge(['__isInitialized__'], parent::__sleep()); if ($this->__isInitialized__) { $properties = array_diff($properties, array_keys(self::$lazyPropertiesNames)); } return $properties; } EOT; } $allProperties = ['__isInitialized__']; foreach ($class->getReflectionClass()->getProperties() as $prop) { assert($prop instanceof ReflectionProperty); if ($prop->isStatic()) { continue; } $allProperties[] = $prop->isPrivate() ? "\0" . $prop->getDeclaringClass()->getName() . "\0" . $prop->getName() : $prop->getName(); } $lazyPublicProperties = $this->getLazyLoadedPublicPropertiesNames($class); $protectedProperties = array_diff($allProperties, $lazyPublicProperties); foreach ($allProperties as &$property) { $property = var_export($property, true); } foreach ($protectedProperties as &$property) { $property = var_export($property, true); } $allProperties = implode(', ', $allProperties); $protectedProperties = implode(', ', $protectedProperties); return $sleepImpl . <<<EOT if (\$this->__isInitialized__) { return [$allProperties]; } return [$protectedProperties]; } EOT; } /** * Generates implementation for the `__wakeup` method of proxies. * * @return string */ private function generateWakeupImpl(ClassMetadata $class) { $reflectionClass = $class->getReflectionClass(); $hasParentWakeup = $reflectionClass->hasMethod('__wakeup'); $unsetPublicProperties = []; foreach ($this->getLazyLoadedPublicPropertiesNames($class) as $lazyPublicProperty) { $unsetPublicProperties[] = '$this->' . $lazyPublicProperty; } $shortName = $this->generateProxyShortClassName($class); $inheritDoc = $hasParentWakeup ? '{@inheritDoc}' : ''; $returnTypeHint = $hasParentWakeup ? $this->getMethodReturnType($reflectionClass->getMethod('__wakeup')) : ''; $wakeupImpl = <<<EOT /** * $inheritDoc */ public function __wakeup()$returnTypeHint { if ( ! \$this->__isInitialized__) { \$this->__initializer__ = function ($shortName \$proxy) { \$proxy->__setInitializer(null); \$proxy->__setCloner(null); \$existingProperties = get_object_vars(\$proxy); foreach (\$proxy::\$lazyPropertiesDefaults as \$property => \$defaultValue) { if ( ! array_key_exists(\$property, \$existingProperties)) { \$proxy->\$property = \$defaultValue; } } }; EOT; if (! empty($unsetPublicProperties)) { $wakeupImpl .= "\n unset(" . implode(', ', $unsetPublicProperties) . ');'; } $wakeupImpl .= "\n }"; if ($hasParentWakeup) { $wakeupImpl .= "\n parent::__wakeup();"; } $wakeupImpl .= "\n }"; return $wakeupImpl; } /** * Generates implementation for the `__clone` method of proxies. * * @return string */ private function generateCloneImpl(ClassMetadata $class) { $reflectionClass = $class->getReflectionClass(); $hasParentClone = $reflectionClass->hasMethod('__clone'); $returnTypeHint = $hasParentClone ? $this->getMethodReturnType($reflectionClass->getMethod('__clone')) : ''; $inheritDoc = $hasParentClone ? '{@inheritDoc}' : ''; $callParentClone = $hasParentClone ? "\n parent::__clone();\n" : ''; return <<<EOT /** * $inheritDoc */ public function __clone()$returnTypeHint { \$this->__cloner__ && \$this->__cloner__->__invoke(\$this, '__clone', []); $callParentClone } EOT; } /** * Generates decorated methods by picking those available in the parent class. * * @return string */ private function generateMethods(ClassMetadata $class) { $methods = ''; $methodNames = []; $reflectionMethods = $class->getReflectionClass()->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC); $skippedMethods = [ '__sleep' => true, '__clone' => true, '__wakeup' => true, '__get' => true, '__set' => true, '__isset' => true, ]; foreach ($reflectionMethods as $method) { $name = $method->getName(); if ( $method->isConstructor() || isset($skippedMethods[strtolower($name)]) || isset($methodNames[$name]) || $method->isFinal() || $method->isStatic() || ( ! $method->isPublic()) ) { continue; } $methodNames[$name] = true; $methods .= "\n /**\n" . " * {@inheritDoc}\n" . " */\n" . ' public function '; if ($method->returnsReference()) { $methods .= '&'; } $methods .= $name . '(' . $this->buildParametersString($method->getParameters()) . ')'; $methods .= $this->getMethodReturnType($method); $methods .= "\n" . ' {' . "\n"; if ($this->isShortIdentifierGetter($method, $class)) { $identifier = lcfirst(substr($name, 3)); $fieldType = $class->getTypeOfField($identifier); $cast = in_array($fieldType, ['integer', 'smallint'], true) ? '(int) ' : ''; $methods .= ' if ($this->__isInitialized__ === false) {' . "\n"; $methods .= ' '; $methods .= $this->shouldProxiedMethodReturn($method) ? 'return ' : ''; $methods .= $cast . ' parent::' . $method->getName() . "();\n"; $methods .= ' }' . "\n\n"; } $invokeParamsString = implode(', ', $this->getParameterNamesForInvoke($method->getParameters())); $callParamsString = implode(', ', $this->getParameterNamesForParentCall($method->getParameters())); $methods .= "\n \$this->__initializer__ " . '&& $this->__initializer__->__invoke($this, ' . var_export($name, true) . ', [' . $invokeParamsString . ']);' . "\n\n " . ($this->shouldProxiedMethodReturn($method) ? 'return ' : '') . 'parent::' . $name . '(' . $callParamsString . ');' . "\n" . ' }' . "\n"; } return $methods; } /** * Generates the Proxy file name. * * @param string $className * @param string $baseDirectory Optional base directory for proxy file name generation. * If not specified, the directory configured on the Configuration of the * EntityManager will be used by this factory. * @psalm-param class-string $className * * @return string */ public function getProxyFileName($className, $baseDirectory = null) { $baseDirectory = $baseDirectory ?: $this->proxyDirectory; return rtrim($baseDirectory, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . Proxy::MARKER . str_replace('\\', '', $className) . '.php'; } /** * Checks if the method is a short identifier getter. * * What does this mean? For proxy objects the identifier is already known, * however accessing the getter for this identifier usually triggers the * lazy loading, leading to a query that may not be necessary if only the * ID is interesting for the userland code (for example in views that * generate links to the entity, but do not display anything else). * * @param ReflectionMethod $method * * @return bool */ private function isShortIdentifierGetter($method, ClassMetadata $class) { $identifier = lcfirst(substr($method->getName(), 3)); $startLine = $method->getStartLine(); $endLine = $method->getEndLine(); $cheapCheck = $method->getNumberOfParameters() === 0 && substr($method->getName(), 0, 3) === 'get' && in_array($identifier, $class->getIdentifier(), true) && $class->hasField($identifier) && ($endLine - $startLine <= 4); if ($cheapCheck) { $code = file($method->getFileName()); $code = trim(implode(' ', array_slice($code, $startLine - 1, $endLine - $startLine + 1))); $pattern = sprintf(self::PATTERN_MATCH_ID_METHOD, $method->getName(), $identifier); if (preg_match($pattern, $code)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Generates the list of public properties to be lazy loaded. * * @return array<int, string> */ private function getLazyLoadedPublicPropertiesNames(ClassMetadata $class): array { $properties = []; foreach ($class->getReflectionClass()->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) as $property) { $name = $property->getName(); if ((! $class->hasField($name) && ! $class->hasAssociation($name)) || $class->isIdentifier($name)) { continue; } $properties[] = $name; } return $properties; } /** * Generates the list of default values of public properties. * * @return mixed[] */ private function getLazyLoadedPublicProperties(ClassMetadata $class) { $defaultProperties = $class->getReflectionClass()->getDefaultProperties(); $lazyLoadedPublicProperties = $this->getLazyLoadedPublicPropertiesNames($class); $defaultValues = []; foreach ($class->getReflectionClass()->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) as $property) { $name = $property->getName(); if (! in_array($name, $lazyLoadedPublicProperties, true)) { continue; } if (array_key_exists($name, $defaultProperties)) { $defaultValues[$name] = $defaultProperties[$name]; } elseif (method_exists($property, 'getType')) { $propertyType = $property->getType(); if ($propertyType !== null && $propertyType->allowsNull()) { $defaultValues[$name] = null; } } } return $defaultValues; } /** * @param ReflectionParameter[] $parameters * @param string[] $renameParameters * * @return string */ private function buildParametersString(array $parameters, array $renameParameters = []) { $parameterDefinitions = []; $i = -1; foreach ($parameters as $param) { assert($param instanceof ReflectionParameter); $i++; $parameterDefinition = ''; $parameterType = $this->getParameterType($param); if ($parameterType !== null) { $parameterDefinition .= $parameterType . ' '; } if ($param->isPassedByReference()) { $parameterDefinition .= '&'; } if ($param->isVariadic()) { $parameterDefinition .= '...'; } $parameterDefinition .= '$' . ($renameParameters ? $renameParameters[$i] : $param->getName()); $parameterDefinition .= $this->getParameterDefaultValue($param); $parameterDefinitions[] = $parameterDefinition; } return implode(', ', $parameterDefinitions); } /** @return string|null */ private function getParameterType(ReflectionParameter $parameter) { if (! $parameter->hasType()) { return null; } $declaringFunction = $parameter->getDeclaringFunction(); assert($declaringFunction instanceof ReflectionMethod); return $this->formatType($parameter->getType(), $declaringFunction, $parameter); } /** @return string */ private function getParameterDefaultValue(ReflectionParameter $parameter) { if (! $parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { return ''; } if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80100 || is_scalar($parameter->getDefaultValue())) { return ' = ' . var_export($parameter->getDefaultValue(), true); } $value = rtrim(substr(explode('$' . $parameter->getName() . ' = ', (string) $parameter, 2)[1], 0, -2)); if (strpos($value, '\\') !== false || strpos($value, '::') !== false) { $value = preg_split("/('(?:[^'\\\\]*+(?:\\\\.)*+)*+')/", $value, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach ($value as $i => $part) { if ($i % 2 === 0) { $value[$i] = preg_replace('/(?<![a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff\\\\])[a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]++(?:\\\\[a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]++|::)++/', '\\\\\0', $part); } } $value = implode('', $value); } return ' = ' . $value; } /** * @param ReflectionParameter[] $parameters * * @return string[] */ private function getParameterNamesForInvoke(array $parameters) { return array_map( static function (ReflectionParameter $parameter) { return '$' . $parameter->getName(); }, $parameters ); } /** * @param ReflectionParameter[] $parameters * * @return string[] */ private function getParameterNamesForParentCall(array $parameters) { return array_map( static function (ReflectionParameter $parameter) { $name = ''; if ($parameter->isVariadic()) { $name .= '...'; } $name .= '$' . $parameter->getName(); return $name; }, $parameters ); } /** @return string */ private function getMethodReturnType(ReflectionMethod $method) { if (! $method->hasReturnType()) { return ''; } return ': ' . $this->formatType($method->getReturnType(), $method); } /** @return bool */ private function shouldProxiedMethodReturn(ReflectionMethod $method) { if (! $method->hasReturnType()) { return true; } return ! in_array( strtolower($this->formatType($method->getReturnType(), $method)), ['void', 'never'], true ); } /** @return string */ private function formatType( ReflectionType $type, ReflectionMethod $method, ?ReflectionParameter $parameter = null ) { if ($type instanceof ReflectionUnionType) { return implode('|', array_map( function (ReflectionType $unionedType) use ($method, $parameter) { if ($unionedType instanceof ReflectionIntersectionType) { return '(' . $this->formatType($unionedType, $method, $parameter) . ')'; } return $this->formatType($unionedType, $method, $parameter); }, $type->getTypes() )); } if ($type instanceof ReflectionIntersectionType) { return implode('&', array_map( function (ReflectionType $intersectedType) use ($method, $parameter) { return $this->formatType($intersectedType, $method, $parameter); }, $type->getTypes() )); } assert($type instanceof ReflectionNamedType); $name = $type->getName(); $nameLower = strtolower($name); if ($nameLower === 'static') { $name = 'static'; } if ($nameLower === 'self') { $name = $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName(); } if ($nameLower === 'parent') { $name = $method->getDeclaringClass()->getParentClass()->getName(); } if (! $type->isBuiltin() && ! class_exists($name) && ! interface_exists($name) && $name !== 'static') { if ($parameter !== null) { throw UnexpectedValueException::invalidParameterTypeHint( $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName(), $method->getName(), $parameter->getName() ); } throw UnexpectedValueException::invalidReturnTypeHint( $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName(), $method->getName() ); } if (! $type->isBuiltin() && $name !== 'static') { $name = '\\' . $name; } if ( $type->allowsNull() && ! in_array($name, ['mixed', 'null'], true) && ($parameter === null || ! $parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable() || $parameter->getDefaultValue() !== null) ) { $name = '?' . $name; } return $name; } }