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Filename: ////usr/share/doc/mecab-ipadic/README.Debian
mecab-ipadic and mecab-ipadic-utf8 for Debian --------------------------------------------- mecab-ipadic and mecab-ipadic-utf8 are dictionaries for mecab which performs the morphological analysis of Japanese texts. * mecab-ipadic for the EUC-JP encoded text. * mecab-ipadic-utf8 for the UTF-8 encoded text. These packages can coexist with other dictionaries. * mecab-naist-jdic * mecab-naist-jdic-eucjp * mecab-jumandic * mecab-jumandic-utf8 Since naist-jdic is based on ipadic with some updated contents, naist-jdic has the precedence over ipadic for the update-alternatives system. ipadic still has good reasons to exist since it has a better data consistency. You can find more information at http://code.google.com/p/mecab/ You can switch default dictionary to mecab-ipadic in UTF-8 mode by: $ sudo update-alternatives --config mecab-dictionary You can also force resource file to use ipadic in UTF-8 mode by: $ mecab -r /var/lib/mecab/dic/ipadic-utf8 ... or edit /etc/mecabrc to select the resource file. See mecab(8). NOTE: This mecab-ipadic package was originally uploaded to the non-free area following the precedent of ipadic. After careful review, the new ipadic maintainer posted the package should be treated as DFSG compliant to the debian-legal. http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2011/09/msg00010.html and uploaded it to the main area. It was accepted. This mecab-ipadic package follows this new precedent. -- Osamu Aoki <osamu@debian.org> Mon, 28 May 2012 23:50:22 +0900