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Filename: ////usr/share/doc/genisoimage/README.geteltorito
geteltorito =========== Author: Rainer Krienke Email: krienke@uni-koblenz.de License: GPL v2 Version: 0.5 Description: A El Torito boot image extractor call: geteltorito CD-image > toritoimagefile example:geteltorito /dev/sr0 > /tmp/bootimage The perl-script will extract the initial/default boot image from a CD if existant. It will not extract any of other possibly existing bootimages that are allowed by the El Torito standard. The imagedata are written to STDOUT all other information is written to STDERR (eg type and size of image). If you want to write the image to a file instead of STDOUT you can secify the filename wanted on the commandline using option -o <filename> Rainer Krienke krienke@uni-koblenz.de