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Filename: /var//www/arsu//vendor/aws///aws-crt-php/README.md
# AWS Common Runtime PHP bindings ## Requirements * PHP 5.5+ on UNIX platforms, 7.2+ on Windows * CMake 3.x * GCC 4.4+, clang 3.8+ on UNIX, Visual Studio build tools on Windows * Tests require [Composer](https://getcomposer.org) ## Installing with Composer and PECL The package has two different package published to [composer](https://packagist.org/packages/aws/aws-crt-php) and [PECL](https://pecl.php.net/package/awscrt). On UNIX, you can get the package from package manager or build from source: ``` pecl install awscrt composer require aws/aws-crt-php ``` On Windows, you need to build from source as instruction written below for the native extension `php_awscrt.dll` . And, follow https://www.php.net/manual/en/install.pecl.windows.php#install.pecl.windows.loading to load extension. After that: ``` composer require aws/aws-crt-php ``` ## Building from Github source ```sh $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/awslabs/aws-crt-php.git $ cd aws-crt-php $ phpize $ ./configure $ make $ ./dev-scripts/run_tests.sh ``` ## Building on Windows ### Requirements for Windows * Ensure you have the [windows PHP SDK](https://github.com/microsoft/php-sdk-binary-tools) (this example assumes installation of the SDK to C:\php-sdk and that you've checked out the PHP source to php-src within the build directory) and it works well on your machine. * Ensure you have "Development package (SDK to develop PHP extensions)" and PHP available from your system path. You can download them from https://windows.php.net/download/. You can check if they are available by running `phpize -v` and `php -v` ### Instructions From Command Prompt (not powershell). The instruction is based on Visual Studio 2019 on 64bit Windows. ```bat > git clone --recursive https://github.com/awslabs/aws-crt-php.git > git clone https://github.com/microsoft/php-sdk-binary-tools.git C:\php-sdk > C:\php-sdk\phpsdk-vs16-x64.bat C:\php-sdk\ $ cd <your-path-to-aws-crt-php> <your-path-to-aws-crt-php>\ $ phpize # --with-prefix only required when your php runtime in system path is different than the runtime you wish to use. <your-path-to-aws-crt-php>\ $ configure --enable-awscrt=shared --with-prefix=<your-path-to-php-prefix> <your-path-to-aws-crt-php>\ $ nmake <your-path-to-aws-crt-php>\ $ nmake generate-php-ini # check .\php-win.ini, it now has the full path to php_awscrt.dll that you can manually load to your php runtime, or you can run the following command to run tests and load the required native extension for awscrt. <your-path-to-aws-crt-php>\ $ .\dev-scripts\run_tests.bat <your-path-to-php-binary> ``` Note: for VS2017, Cmake will default to build for Win32, refer to [here](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/generator/Visual%20Studio%2015%202017.html). If you are building for x64 php, you can set environment variable as follow to let cmake pick x64 compiler. ```bat set CMAKE_GENERATOR=Visual Studio 15 2017 set CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64 ``` ## Debugging Using [PHPBrew](https://github.com/phpbrew/phpbrew) to build/manage multiple versions of PHP is helpful. Note: You must use a debug build of PHP to debug native extensions. See the [PHP Internals Book](https://www.phpinternalsbook.com/php7/build_system/building_php.html) for more info ```shell # PHP 8 example $ phpbrew install --stdout -j 8 8.0 +default -- CFLAGS=-Wno-error --disable-cgi --enable-debug # PHP 5.5 example $ phpbrew install --stdout -j 8 5.5 +default -openssl -mbstring -- CFLAGS="-w -Wno-error" --enable-debug --with-zlib=/usr/local/opt/zlib $ phpbrew switch php-8.0.6 # or whatever version is current, it'll be at the end of the build output $ phpize $ ./configure $ make CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ``` Ensure that the php you launch from your debugger is the result of `which php` , not just the system default php. ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## Known OpenSSL related issue (Unix only) * When your php loads a different version of openssl than your system openssl version, awscrt may fail to load or weirdly crash. You can find the openssl version php linked via: `php -i | grep 'OpenSSL'`, and awscrt linked from the build log, which will be `Found OpenSSL: * (found version *)` The easiest workaround to those issue is to build from source and get aws-lc for awscrt to depend on instead. TO do that, same instructions as [here](#building-from-github-source), but use `USE_OPENSSL=OFF make` instead of `make` ## License This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.