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# Tree [![Integrate](https://github.com/nicmart/Tree/workflows/Integrate/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/nicmart/Tree/actions) [![Release](https://github.com/nicmart/Tree/workflows/Release/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/nicmart/Tree/actions) [![Latest Stable Version](https://poser.pugx.org/nicmart/tree/v/stable)](https://packagist.org/packages/nicmart/tree) [![Total Downloads](https://poser.pugx.org/nicmart/tree/downloads)](https://packagist.org/packages/nicmart/tree) [![License](https://poser.pugx.org/nicmart/tree/license)](https://packagist.org/packages/nicmart/tree) In Tree you can find a basic but flexible tree data structure for php together with and an handful Builder class, that enables you to build tree in a fluent way. ## The tree data structure The `Tree\Node\NodeInterface` interface abstracts the concept of a tree node. In `Tree` a Node has essentially two things: a set of children (that implements the same `NodeInterface` interface) and a value. On the other hand, the `Tree\Node\Node` gives a straight implementation for that interface. ### Creating a node ```php use Tree\Node\Node; $node = new Node('foo'); ``` ### Getting and setting the value of a node Each node has a value property, that can be any php value. ```php $node->setValue('my value'); echo $node->getValue(); //Prints 'my value' ``` ### Adding one or more children ```php $child1 = new Node('child1'); $child2 = new Node('child2'); $node ->addChild($child1) ->addChild($child2); ``` ### Removing a child ```php $node->removeChild($child1); ``` ### Getting the array of all children ```php $children = $node->getChildren(); ``` ### Overwriting the children set ```php $node->setChildren([new Node('foo'), new Node('bar')]); ``` ### Removing all children ```php $node->removeAllChildren(); ``` ### Getting if the node is a leaf or not A leaf is a node with no children. ```php $node->isLeaf(); ``` ### Getting if the node is a child or not A child is a node that has a parent. ```php $node->isChild(); ``` ### Getting the parent of a node Reference to the parent node is automatically managed by child-modifiers methods ```php $root->addChild($node = new Node('child')); $node->getParent(); // Returns $root ``` ### Getting the ancestors of a node ```php $root = (new Node('root')) ->addChild($child = new Node('child')) ->addChild($grandChild = new Node('grandchild')) ; $grandchild->getAncestors(); // Returns [$root, $child] ``` #### Related Methods - `getAncestorsAndSelf` retrieves ancestors of a node with the current node included. ### Getting the root of a node ```php $root = $node->root(); ``` ### Getting the neighbors of a node ```php $root = (new Node('root')) ->addChild($child1 = new Node('child1')) ->addChild($child2 = new Node('child2')) ->addChild($child3 = new Node('child3')) ; $child2->getNeighbors(); // Returns [$child1, $child3] ``` #### Related Methods - `getNeighborsAndSelf` retrieves neighbors of current node and the node itself. ### Getting the number of nodes in the tree ```php $node->getSize(); ``` ### Getting the depth of a node ```php $node->getDepth(); ``` ### Getting the height of a node ```php $node->getHeight(); ``` ## The Builder The builder provides a convenient way to build trees. It is provided by the ```Builder``` class, but you can implement your own builder making an implementation of the ```BuilderInterface```class. ### Example Let's see how to build the following tree, where the nodes label are represents nodes values: ``` A / \ B C /|\ D E F /| G H ``` And here is the code: ```php $builder = new Tree\Builder\NodeBuilder; $builder ->value('A') ->leaf('B') ->tree('C') ->tree('D') ->leaf('G') ->leaf('H') ->end() ->leaf('E') ->leaf('F') ->end() ; $nodeA = $builder->getNode(); ``` The example should be self-explanatory, but here you are a brief description of the methods used above. ### Builder::value($value) Set the value of the current node to ```$value``` ### Builder::leaf($value) Add to the current node a new child whose value is ```$value```. ### Builder::tree($value) Add to the current node a new child whose value is ```$value```, and set the new node as the builder current node. ### Builder::end() Returns to the context the builder was before the call to ```tree```method, i.e. make the builder go one level up. ### Builder::getNode() Returns the current node. ## Traversing a tree ### Yield You can obtain the yield of a tree (i.e. the list of leaves in a pre-order traversal) using the YieldVisitor. For example, if `$node` is the tree built above, then ```php use Tree\Visitor\YieldVisitor; $visitor = new YieldVisitor; $yield = $node->accept($visitor); // $yield will contain nodes B, G, H, E, F ``` ### Pre-order Traversal You can walk a tree in pre-order: ```php use Tree\Visitor\PreOrderVisitor; $visitor = new PreOrderVisitor; $yield = $node->accept($visitor); // $yield will contain nodes A, B, C, D, G, H, E, F ``` ### Post-order Traversal You can walk a tree in post-order: ```php use Tree\Visitor\PostOrderVisitor; $visitor = new PostOrderVisitor; $yield = $node->accept($visitor); // $yield will contain nodes B, G, H, D, E, F, C, A ``` ## Install The best way to install Tree is [through composer](http://getcomposer.org). Just create a composer.json file for your project: ```JSON { "require": { "nicmart/tree": "~0.2" } } ``` Then you can run these two commands to install it: $ curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php $ php composer.phar install or simply run `composer install` if you have have already [installed the composer globally](http://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#globally). Then you can include the autoloader, and you will have access to the library classes: ```php <?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; ``` # Tests ``` phpunit ``` ## Changelog Please have a look at [`CHANGELOG.md`](CHANGELOG.md). ## Contributing Please have a look at [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md). ## License This package is licensed using the MIT License. Please have a look at [`LICENSE.md`](LICENSE.md).