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Filename: /var/www///arsu_theme/vendor/symfony/http-client/RetryableHttpClient.php
<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\HttpClient; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response\AsyncContext; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response\AsyncResponse; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Retry\GenericRetryStrategy; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Retry\RetryStrategyInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ChunkInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\Exception\TransportExceptionInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\Service\ResetInterface; /** * Automatically retries failing HTTP requests. * * @author Jérémy Derussé <jeremy@derusse.com> */ class RetryableHttpClient implements HttpClientInterface, ResetInterface { use AsyncDecoratorTrait; private RetryStrategyInterface $strategy; private int $maxRetries; private ?LoggerInterface $logger; private array $baseUris = []; /** * @param int $maxRetries The maximum number of times to retry */ public function __construct(HttpClientInterface $client, ?RetryStrategyInterface $strategy = null, int $maxRetries = 3, ?LoggerInterface $logger = null) { $this->client = $client; $this->strategy = $strategy ?? new GenericRetryStrategy(); $this->maxRetries = $maxRetries; $this->logger = $logger; } public function withOptions(array $options): static { if (\array_key_exists('base_uri', $options)) { if (\is_array($options['base_uri'])) { $this->baseUris = $options['base_uri']; unset($options['base_uri']); } else { $this->baseUris = []; } } $clone = clone $this; $clone->maxRetries = (int) ($options['max_retries'] ?? $this->maxRetries); unset($options['max_retries']); $clone->client = $this->client->withOptions($options); return $clone; } public function request(string $method, string $url, array $options = []): ResponseInterface { $baseUris = \array_key_exists('base_uri', $options) ? $options['base_uri'] : $this->baseUris; $baseUris = \is_array($baseUris) ? $baseUris : []; $options = self::shiftBaseUri($options, $baseUris); $maxRetries = (int) ($options['max_retries'] ?? $this->maxRetries); unset($options['max_retries']); if ($maxRetries <= 0) { return new AsyncResponse($this->client, $method, $url, $options); } return new AsyncResponse($this->client, $method, $url, $options, function (ChunkInterface $chunk, AsyncContext $context) use ($method, $url, $options, $maxRetries, &$baseUris) { static $retryCount = 0; static $content = ''; static $firstChunk; $exception = null; try { if ($context->getInfo('canceled') || $chunk->isTimeout() || null !== $chunk->getInformationalStatus()) { yield $chunk; return; } } catch (TransportExceptionInterface $exception) { // catch TransportExceptionInterface to send it to the strategy } if (null !== $exception) { // always retry request that fail to resolve DNS if ('' !== $context->getInfo('primary_ip')) { $shouldRetry = $this->strategy->shouldRetry($context, null, $exception); if (null === $shouldRetry) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The "%s::shouldRetry()" method must not return null when called with an exception.', $this->strategy::class)); } if (false === $shouldRetry) { yield from $this->passthru($context, $firstChunk, $content, $chunk); return; } } } elseif ($chunk->isFirst()) { if (false === $shouldRetry = $this->strategy->shouldRetry($context, null, null)) { yield from $this->passthru($context, $firstChunk, $content, $chunk); return; } // Body is needed to decide if (null === $shouldRetry) { $firstChunk = $chunk; $content = ''; return; } } else { if (!$chunk->isLast()) { $content .= $chunk->getContent(); return; } if (null === $shouldRetry = $this->strategy->shouldRetry($context, $content, null)) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The "%s::shouldRetry()" method must not return null when called with a body.', $this->strategy::class)); } if (false === $shouldRetry) { yield from $this->passthru($context, $firstChunk, $content, $chunk); return; } } $context->getResponse()->cancel(); $delay = $this->getDelayFromHeader($context->getHeaders()) ?? $this->strategy->getDelay($context, !$exception && $chunk->isLast() ? $content : null, $exception); ++$retryCount; $content = ''; $firstChunk = null; $this->logger?->info('Try #{count} after {delay}ms'.($exception ? ': '.$exception->getMessage() : ', status code: '.$context->getStatusCode()), [ 'count' => $retryCount, 'delay' => $delay, ]); $context->setInfo('retry_count', $retryCount); $context->replaceRequest($method, $url, self::shiftBaseUri($options, $baseUris)); $context->pause($delay / 1000); if ($retryCount >= $maxRetries) { $context->passthru(); } }); } private function getDelayFromHeader(array $headers): ?int { if (null !== $after = $headers['retry-after'][0] ?? null) { if (is_numeric($after)) { return (int) ($after * 1000); } if (false !== $time = strtotime($after)) { return max(0, $time - time()) * 1000; } } return null; } private function passthru(AsyncContext $context, ?ChunkInterface $firstChunk, string &$content, ChunkInterface $lastChunk): \Generator { $context->passthru(); if (null !== $firstChunk) { yield $firstChunk; } if ('' !== $content) { $chunk = $context->createChunk($content); $content = ''; yield $chunk; } yield $lastChunk; } private static function shiftBaseUri(array $options, array &$baseUris): array { if ($baseUris) { $baseUri = 1 < \count($baseUris) ? array_shift($baseUris) : current($baseUris); $options['base_uri'] = \is_array($baseUri) ? $baseUri[array_rand($baseUri)] : $baseUri; } return $options; } }