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Filename: /var/www//arsu_theme/vendor/botble/revision//src/Revision.php
<?php namespace Botble\Revision; use Botble\ACL\Models\User; use Botble\Base\Facades\BaseHelper; use Botble\Base\Models\BaseModel; use Exception; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphTo; use Illuminate\Support\Str; class Revision extends BaseModel { public $table = 'revisions'; protected array $revisionFormattedFields = []; public function revisionable(): MorphTo { return $this->morphTo(); } /** * Field Name * * Returns the field that was updated, in the case that it's a foreign key * denoted by a suffix of "_id", then "_id" is simply stripped */ public function fieldName(): string { if ($formatted = $this->formatFieldName($this->key)) { return $formatted; } elseif (strpos($this->key, '_id')) { return str_replace('_id', '', $this->key); } return $this->key; } /** * Format field name. * * Allow overrides for field names. */ protected function formatFieldName(string $key): bool|string { $relatedModel = $this->revisionable_type; $relatedModel = new $relatedModel(); $revisionFormattedFieldNames = $relatedModel->getRevisionFormattedFieldNames(); if (isset($revisionFormattedFieldNames[$key])) { return $revisionFormattedFieldNames[$key]; } return false; } /** * Old Value. * * Grab the old value of the field, if it was a foreign key * attempt to get an identifying name for the model. */ public function oldValue(): ?string { return $this->getValue('old'); } /** * Responsible for actually doing the grunt work for getting the * old or new value for the revision. * * @param string $which old or new */ protected function getValue(string $which = 'new'): ?string { $whichValue = $which . '_value'; // First find the main model that was updated $mainModel = $this->revisionable_type; // Load it, WITH the related model if (class_exists($mainModel)) { $mainModel = new $mainModel(); try { if ($this->isRelated()) { $relatedModel = $this->getRelatedModel(); // Now we can find out the namespace of related model if (! method_exists($mainModel, $relatedModel)) { $relatedModel = Str::camel($relatedModel); // for cases like published_status_id if (! method_exists($mainModel, $relatedModel)) { throw new Exception('Relation ' . $relatedModel . ' does not exist for ' . $mainModel); } } $relatedClass = $mainModel->$relatedModel()->getRelated(); // Finally, now that we know the namespace of the related model // we can load it, to find the information we so desire $item = $relatedClass::find($this->$whichValue); if ($this->$whichValue == '') { $item = new $relatedClass(); return $item->getRevisionNullString(); } if (! $item) { $item = new $relatedClass(); return $this->format($this->key, $item->getRevisionUnknownString()); } // Check if model use RevisionableTrait if (method_exists($item, 'identifiableName')) { // see if there's an available mutator $mutator = 'get' . Str::studly($this->key) . 'Attribute'; if (method_exists($item, $mutator)) { return $this->format($item->$mutator($this->key), $item->identifiableName()); } return $this->format($this->key, $item->identifiableName()); } } } catch (Exception $exception) { // Just a fail-safe, in the case the data setup isn't as expected // Nothing to do here. BaseHelper::logError($exception); } // if there was an issue // or, if it's a normal value $mutator = 'get' . Str::studly($this->key) . 'Attribute'; if (method_exists($mainModel, $mutator)) { return $this->format($this->key, $mainModel->$mutator($this->$whichValue)); } } return $this->format($this->key, $this->$whichValue); } /** * Return true if the key is for a related model. */ protected function isRelated(): bool { $isRelated = false; $idSuffix = '_id'; $pos = strrpos($this->key, $idSuffix); if ($pos !== false && strlen($this->key) - strlen($idSuffix) === $pos) { $isRelated = true; } return $isRelated; } /** * Return the name of the related model. */ protected function getRelatedModel(): string { $idSuffix = '_id'; return substr($this->key, 0, strlen($this->key) - strlen($idSuffix)); } /** * Format the value according to the $revisionFormattedFields array. */ public function format(string $key, ?string $value): ?string { $relatedModel = $this->revisionable_type; $relatedModel = new $relatedModel(); $revisionFormattedFields = $relatedModel->getRevisionFormattedFields(); if (isset($revisionFormattedFields[$key])) { return FieldFormatter::format($key, $value, $revisionFormattedFields); } return $value; } /** * New Value. * * Grab the new value of the field, if it was a foreign key * attempt to get an identifying name for the model. */ public function newValue(): ?string { return $this->getValue(); } /** * User Responsible. * * @return bool|User */ public function userResponsible() { if (empty($this->user_id)) { return false; } $userModel = config('auth.model'); if (empty($userModel)) { $userModel = config('auth.providers.users.model'); if (empty($userModel)) { return false; } } if (! class_exists($userModel)) { return false; } return $userModel::find($this->user_id); } /** * Returns the object we have the history of * * @return Object|false */ public function historyOf() { if (class_exists($class = $this->revisionable_type)) { return $class::find($this->revisionable_id); } return false; } }