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Filename: /var/www//arsu_theme/vendor/botble//revision/src/RevisionableTrait.php
<?php namespace Botble\Revision; use Botble\Base\Models\BaseModel; use DateTime; use Exception; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphMany; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; /** * @mixin BaseModel|SoftDeletes */ trait RevisionableTrait { protected array $originalData = []; protected array $updatedData = []; protected bool $updating = false; protected array $dontKeep = []; protected array $doKeep = []; protected array $dirtyData = []; protected array $revisionFormattedFields = []; protected array $revisionFormattedFieldNames = []; /** * Create the event listeners for the saving and saved events * This lets us save revisions whenever a save is made, no matter the * http method. */ public static function bootRevisionableTrait(): void { static::saving(function ($model) { $model->preSave(); }); static::saved(function ($model) { $model->postSave(); }); static::created(function ($model) { $model->postCreate(); }); static::deleted(function ($model) { $model->preSave(); $model->postDelete(); }); } /** * Generates a list of the last $limit revisions made to any objects of the class it is being called from. */ public static function classRevisionHistory(int $limit = 100, string $order = 'desc') { return Revision::query() ->where('revisionable_type', get_called_class()) ->orderBy('updated_at', $order)->limit($limit)->get(); } /** * Invoked before a model is saved. Return false to abort the operation. */ public function preSave(): bool { if (! isset($this->revisionEnabled) || $this->revisionEnabled) { // if there's no revisionEnabled. Or if there is, if it's true $this->originalData = $this->original; $this->updatedData = $this->attributes; // we can only safely compare basic items, // so for now we drop any object based items, like DateTime foreach ($this->updatedData as $key => $val) { if (gettype($val) == 'object' && ! method_exists($val, '__toString')) { unset($this->originalData[$key]); unset($this->updatedData[$key]); $this->dontKeep[] = $key; } } // the below is ugly, for sure, but it's required so we can save the standard model // then use the keep / dontKeep values for later, in the isRevisionable method $this->dontKeep = isset($this->dontKeepRevisionOf) ? array_merge($this->dontKeepRevisionOf, $this->dontKeep) : $this->dontKeep; $this->doKeep = isset($this->keepRevisionOf) ? array_merge($this->keepRevisionOf, $this->doKeep) : $this->doKeep; unset($this->attributes['dontKeepRevisionOf']); unset($this->attributes['keepRevisionOf']); $this->dirtyData = $this->getDirty(); $this->updating = $this->exists; } return true; } /** * Called after a model is successfully saved. */ public function postSave(): void { if (isset($this->historyLimit) && $this->revisionHistory()->count() >= $this->historyLimit) { $limitReached = true; } else { $limitReached = false; } $revisionCleanup = $this->revisionCleanup ?? false; // check if the model already exists if (((! isset($this->revisionEnabled) || $this->revisionEnabled) && $this->updating) && (! $limitReached || $revisionCleanup)) { // if it does, it means we're updating $changesToRecord = $this->changedRevisionableFields(); $revisions = []; foreach ($changesToRecord as $key => $change) { $data = [ 'revisionable_type' => $this->getMorphClass(), 'revisionable_id' => $this->getKey(), 'key' => $key, 'old_value' => Arr::get($this->originalData, $key), 'new_value' => $this->updatedData[$key], 'user_id' => $this->getSystemUserId(), 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime(), ]; if (BaseModel::isUsingStringId()) { $data['id'] = (new BaseModel())->newUniqueId(); } $revisions[] = $data; } if (count($revisions) > 0) { if ($limitReached && $revisionCleanup) { $toDelete = $this->revisionHistory()->orderBy('id')->limit(count($revisions))->get(); foreach ($toDelete as $delete) { $delete->delete(); } } $revision = new Revision(); DB::table($revision->getTable())->insert($revisions); event('revisionable.saved', ['model' => $this, 'revisions' => $revisions]); } } } public function revisionHistory(): MorphMany { return $this->morphMany(Revision::class, 'revisionable'); } /** * Get all the changes that have been made, that are also supposed * to have their changes recorded * * @return array fields with new data, that should be recorded */ protected function changedRevisionableFields(): array { $changesToRecord = []; foreach ($this->dirtyData as $key => $value) { // check that the field is revisionable, and double check // that it's actually new data in case dirty is, well, clean if ($this->isRevisionable($key) && ! is_array($value)) { if (! isset($this->originalData[$key]) || $this->originalData[$key] != $this->updatedData[$key]) { $changesToRecord[$key] = $value; } } else { // we don't need these anymore, and they could // contain a lot of data, so lets trash them. unset($this->updatedData[$key]); unset($this->originalData[$key]); } } return $changesToRecord; } /** * Check if this field should have a revision kept */ protected function isRevisionable(string $key): bool { // If the field is explicitly revisionable, then return true. // If it's explicitly not revisionable, return false. // Otherwise, if neither condition is met, only return true if // we aren't specifying revisionable fields. if (isset($this->doKeep) && in_array($key, $this->doKeep)) { return true; } if (isset($this->dontKeep) && in_array($key, $this->dontKeep)) { return false; } return empty($this->doKeep); } /** * Attempt to find the user id of the currently logged in user **/ public function getSystemUserId(): int|string|null { try { if (Auth::guard()->check()) { return Auth::guard()->id(); } } catch (Exception) { return null; } return null; } /** * Called after record successfully created */ public function postCreate(): bool { // Check if we should store creations in our revision history // Set this value to true in your model if you want to if (empty($this->revisionCreationsEnabled)) { // We should not store creations. return false; } if ((! isset($this->revisionEnabled) || $this->revisionEnabled)) { $revisions[] = [ 'revisionable_type' => $this->getMorphClass(), 'revisionable_id' => $this->getKey(), 'key' => self::CREATED_AT, 'old_value' => null, 'new_value' => $this->{self::CREATED_AT}, 'user_id' => $this->getSystemUserId(), 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime(), ]; $revision = new Revision(); DB::table($revision->getTable())->insert($revisions); event('revisionable.created', ['model' => $this, 'revisions' => $revisions]); } return false; } /** * If soft deletes are enabled, store the deleted time */ public function postDelete(): void { if ((! isset($this->revisionEnabled) || $this->revisionEnabled) && $this->isSoftDelete() && method_exists($this, 'getDeletedAtColumn') && $this->isRevisionable($this->getDeletedAtColumn()) ) { $revisions[] = [ 'revisionable_type' => $this->getMorphClass(), 'revisionable_id' => $this->getKey(), 'key' => $this->getDeletedAtColumn(), 'old_value' => null, 'new_value' => $this->{$this->getDeletedAtColumn()}, 'user_id' => $this->getSystemUserId(), 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime(), ]; $revision = new Revision(); DB::table($revision->getTable())->insert($revisions); event('revisionable.deleted', ['model' => $this, 'revisions' => $revisions]); } } /** * Check if soft deletes are currently enabled on this model */ protected function isSoftDelete(): bool { // check flag variable used in laravel 4.2+ if (isset($this->forceDeleting)) { return ! $this->forceDeleting; } // otherwise, look for flag used in older versions if (isset($this->softDelete)) { return $this->softDelete; } return false; } public function getRevisionFormattedFields(): ?array { return $this->revisionFormattedFields; } public function getRevisionFormattedFieldNames(): ?array { return $this->revisionFormattedFieldNames; } /** * Identifiable Name * When displaying revision history, when a foreign key is updated * instead of displaying the ID, you can choose to display a string * of your choice, just override this method in your model * By default, it will fall back to the models ID. * * @return string an identifying name for the model */ public function identifiableName(): string { return $this->getKey(); } /** * Revision Unknown String * When displaying revision history, when a foreign key is updated * instead of displaying the ID, you can choose to display a string * of your choice, just override this method in your model * By default, it will fall back to the models ID. * * @return string an identifying name for the model */ public function getRevisionNullString(): string { return $this->revisionNullString ?? 'nothing'; } /** * No revision string * When displaying revision history, if the revisions value * cant be figured out, this is used instead. * It can be overridden. * * @return string an identifying name for the model */ public function getRevisionUnknownString(): string { return $this->revisionUnknownString ?? 'unknown'; } /** * Disable a revisionable field temporarily * Need to do the adding to array longhanded, as there's a * PHP bug https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=42030 * * @param mixed $field */ public function disableRevisionField($field): void { if (! isset($this->dontKeepRevisionOf)) { $this->dontKeepRevisionOf = []; } if (is_array($field)) { foreach ($field as $oneField) { $this->disableRevisionField($oneField); } } else { $dont = $this->dontKeepRevisionOf; $dont[] = $field; $this->dontKeepRevisionOf = $dont; unset($dont); } } }