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Filename: //var/www/arsu//vendor/spatie//robots-txt//src/RobotsTxt.php
<?php namespace Spatie\Robots; class RobotsTxt { protected static array $robotsCache = []; protected array $disallowsPerUserAgent = []; protected bool $matchExactly = true; protected bool $includeGlobalGroup = true; public function ignoreGlobalGroup(): self { $this->includeGlobalGroup = false; return $this; } public function includeGlobalGroup(): self { $this->includeGlobalGroup = true; return $this; } public function withPartialMatches(): self { $this->matchExactly = false; return $this; } public function exactMatchesOnly(): self { $this->matchExactly = true; return $this; } public static function readFrom(string $source): self { $content = @file_get_contents($source); return new self($content !== false ? $content : ''); } public function __construct(string $content) { $this->disallowsPerUserAgent = $this->getDisallowsPerUserAgent($content); } public static function create(string $source): self { if ( strpos($source, 'http') !== false && strpos($source, 'robots.txt') !== false ) { return self::readFrom($source); } return new self($source); } public function allows(string $url, string | null $userAgent = '*'): bool { $requestUri = ''; $parts = parse_url($url); if ($parts !== false) { if (isset($parts['path'])) { $requestUri .= $parts['path']; } if (isset($parts['query'])) { $requestUri .= '?'.$parts['query']; } elseif ($this->hasEmptyQueryString($url)) { $requestUri .= '?'; } } $disallowsPerUserAgent = $this->includeGlobalGroup ? $this->disallowsPerUserAgent : array_filter($this->disallowsPerUserAgent, fn ($key) => $key !== '*', ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY); $normalizedUserAgent = strtolower(trim($userAgent ?? '')); $disallows = $this->matchExactly ? $this->getDisallowsExactly($normalizedUserAgent, $disallowsPerUserAgent) : $this->getDisallowsContaining($normalizedUserAgent, $disallowsPerUserAgent); return ! $this->pathIsDenied($requestUri, $disallows); } protected function getDisallowsExactly(string $userAgent, array $disallowsPerUserAgent): array { return $disallowsPerUserAgent[$userAgent] ?? $disallowsPerUserAgent['*'] ?? []; } protected function getDisallowsContaining(string $userAgent, array $disallowsPerUserAgent): array { $disallows = []; foreach ($disallowsPerUserAgent as $userAgentKey => $disallowsPerUserAgentKey) { $contains = strpos($userAgent, $userAgentKey) !== false; if ($contains || $userAgentKey === '*') { $disallows = [...$disallows, ...$disallowsPerUserAgentKey]; } } return $disallows; } protected function pathIsDenied(string $requestUri, array $disallows): bool { foreach ($disallows as $disallow) { if ($disallow === '') { continue; } $stopAtEndOfString = false; if ($disallow[-1] === '$') { // if the pattern ends with a dollar sign, the string must end there $disallow = substr($disallow, 0, -1); $stopAtEndOfString = true; } // convert to regexp $disallowRegexp = preg_quote($disallow, '/'); // the pattern must start at the beginning of the string... $disallowRegexp = '^'.$disallowRegexp; // ...and optionally stop at the end of the string if ($stopAtEndOfString) { $disallowRegexp .= '$'; } // replace (preg_quote'd) stars with an eager match $disallowRegexp = str_replace('\\*', '.*', $disallowRegexp); // enclose in delimiters $disallowRegexp = '/'.$disallowRegexp.'/'; if (preg_match($disallowRegexp, $requestUri) === 1) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks for an empty query string. * * This works around the fact that parse_url() will not set the 'query' key when the query string is empty. * See: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=78385 */ protected function hasEmptyQueryString(string $url): bool { if ($url === '') { return false; } if ($url[-1] === '?') { // ends with ? return true; } if (strpos($url, '?#') !== false) { // empty query string, followed by a fragment return true; } return false; } protected function getDisallowsPerUserAgent(string $content): array { $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $content); $lines = array_filter($lines); $disallowsPerUserAgent = []; $currentUserAgents = []; $treatAllowDisallowLine = false; foreach ($lines as $line) { if ($this->isComment($line)) { continue; } if ($this->isEmptyLine($line)) { continue; } if ($this->isUserAgentLine($line)) { if ($treatAllowDisallowLine) { $treatAllowDisallowLine = false; $currentUserAgents = []; } $disallowsPerUserAgent[$this->parseUserAgent($line)] = []; $currentUserAgents[] = &$disallowsPerUserAgent[$this->parseUserAgent($line)]; continue; } if ($this->isDisallowLine($line)) { $treatAllowDisallowLine = true; } if ($this->isAllowLine($line)) { $treatAllowDisallowLine = true; continue; } $disallowUrl = $this->parseDisallow($line); foreach ($currentUserAgents as &$currentUserAgent) { $currentUserAgent[$disallowUrl] = $disallowUrl; } } return $disallowsPerUserAgent; } protected function isComment(string $line): bool { return strpos(trim($line), '#') === 0; } protected function isEmptyLine(string $line): bool { return trim($line) === ''; } protected function isUserAgentLine(string $line): bool { return strpos(trim(strtolower($line)), 'user-agent') === 0; } protected function parseUserAgent(string $line): string { return trim(str_replace('user-agent', '', strtolower(trim($line))), ': '); } protected function parseDisallow(string $line): string { return trim(substr_replace(strtolower(trim($line)), '', 0, 8), ': '); } protected function isDisallowLine(string $line): string { return trim(substr(str_replace(' ', '', strtolower(trim($line))), 0, 8), ': ') === 'disallow'; } protected function isAllowLine(string $line): string { return trim(substr(str_replace(' ', '', strtolower(trim($line))), 0, 6), ': ') === 'allow'; } }