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Filename: //usr/share/perl5/Debconf//Element/Teletype/Select.pm
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This file was preprocessed, do not edit! package Debconf::Element::Teletype::Select; use strict; use Debconf::Config; use POSIX qw(ceil); use base qw(Debconf::Element::Select); sub expandabbrev { my $this=shift; my $input=shift; my @choices=@_; if (Debconf::Config->terse eq 'false' and $input=~m/^[0-9]+$/ and $input ne '0' and $input <= @choices) { return $choices[$input - 1]; } my @matches=(); foreach (@choices) { return $_ if /^\Q$input\E$/; push @matches, $_ if /^\Q$input\E/; } return $matches[0] if @matches == 1; if (! @matches) { foreach (@choices) { return $_ if /^\Q$input\E$/i; push @matches, $_ if /^\Q$input\E/i; } return $matches[0] if @matches == 1; } return ''; } sub printlist { my $this=shift; my @choices=@_; my $width=$this->frontend->screenwidth; my $choice_min=length $choices[0]; map { $choice_min = length $_ if length $_ < $choice_min } @choices; my $max_cols=int($width / (2 + length(scalar(@choices)) + 2 + $choice_min)) - 1; $max_cols = $#choices if $max_cols > $#choices; my $max_lines; my $num_cols; COLUMN: for ($num_cols = $max_cols; $num_cols >= 0; $num_cols--) { my @col_width; my $total_width; $max_lines=ceil(($#choices + 1) / ($num_cols + 1)); next if ceil(($#choices + 1) / $max_lines) - 1 < $num_cols; foreach (my $choice=1; $choice <= $#choices + 1; $choice++) { my $choice_length=2 + length(scalar(@choices)) + 2 + length($choices[$choice - 1]); my $current_col=ceil($choice / $max_lines) - 1; if (! defined $col_width[$current_col] || $choice_length > $col_width[$current_col]) { $col_width[$current_col]=$choice_length; $total_width=0; map { $total_width += $_ } @col_width; next COLUMN if $total_width > $width; } } last; } my $line=0; my $max_len=0; my $col=0; my @output=(); for (my $choice=0; $choice <= $#choices; $choice++) { $output[$line] .= " ".($choice+1).". " . $choices[$choice]; if (length $output[$line] > $max_len) { $max_len = length $output[$line]; } if (++$line >= $max_lines) { if ($col++ != $num_cols) { for (my $l=0; $l <= $#output; $l++) { $output[$l] .= ' ' x ($max_len - length $output[$l]); } } $line=0; $max_len=0; } } @output = map { s/\s+$//; $_ } @output; map { $this->frontend->display_nowrap($_) } @output; } sub show { my $this=shift; my $default=$this->translate_default; my @choices=$this->question->choices_split; my @completions=@choices; $this->frontend->display($this->question->extended_description."\n"); if (Debconf::Config->terse eq 'false') { for (my $choice=0; $choice <= $#choices; $choice++) { if ($choices[$choice] eq $default) { $default=$choice + 1; last; } } $this->printlist(@choices); $this->frontend->display("\n"); push @completions, 1..@choices; } my $value; while (1) { $value=$this->frontend->prompt( prompt => $this->question->description, default => $default ? $default : '', completions => [@completions], question => $this->question, ); return unless defined $value; $value=$this->expandabbrev($value, @choices); last if $value ne ''; } $this->frontend->display("\n"); $this->value($this->translate_to_C($value)); } 1