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Filename: /var/www//arsu/vendor/psy///psysh/src//Command/SudoCommand.php
<?php /* * This file is part of Psy Shell. * * (c) 2012-2023 Justin Hileman * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Psy\Command; use PhpParser\NodeTraverser; use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard as Printer; use Psy\Input\CodeArgument; use Psy\Readline\Readline; use Psy\Sudo\SudoVisitor; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; /** * Evaluate PHP code, bypassing visibility restrictions. */ class SudoCommand extends Command { private $readline; private $parser; private $traverser; private $printer; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function __construct($name = null) { $this->parser = new CodeArgumentParser(); // @todo Pass visitor directly to once we drop support for PHP-Parser 4.x $this->traverser = new NodeTraverser(); $this->traverser->addVisitor(new SudoVisitor()); $this->printer = new Printer(); parent::__construct($name); } /** * Set the Shell's Readline service. * * @param Readline $readline */ public function setReadline(Readline $readline) { $this->readline = $readline; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function configure() { $this ->setName('sudo') ->setDefinition([ new CodeArgument('code', CodeArgument::REQUIRED, 'Code to execute.'), ]) ->setDescription('Evaluate PHP code, bypassing visibility restrictions.') ->setHelp( <<<'HELP' Evaluate PHP code, bypassing visibility restrictions. e.g. <return>>>> $sekret->whisper("hi")</return> <return>PHP error: Call to private method Sekret::whisper() from context '' on line 1</return> <return>>>> sudo $sekret->whisper("hi")</return> <return>=> "hi"</return> <return>>>> $sekret->word</return> <return>PHP error: Cannot access private property Sekret::$word on line 1</return> <return>>>> sudo $sekret->word</return> <return>=> "hi"</return> <return>>>> $sekret->word = "please"</return> <return>PHP error: Cannot access private property Sekret::$word on line 1</return> <return>>>> sudo $sekret->word = "please"</return> <return>=> "please"</return> HELP ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return int 0 if everything went fine, or an exit code */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { $code = $input->getArgument('code'); // special case for !! if ($code === '!!') { $history = $this->readline->listHistory(); if (\count($history) < 2) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No previous command to replay'); } $code = $history[\count($history) - 2]; } $nodes = $this->traverser->traverse($this->parser->parse($code)); $sudoCode = $this->printer->prettyPrint($nodes); $shell = $this->getApplication(); $shell->addCode($sudoCode, !$shell->hasCode()); return 0; } }