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Filename: /var/www///arsu_theme/vendor/botble/theme/src/ThemeOption.php
<?php namespace Botble\Theme; use Botble\Base\Facades\BaseHelper; use Botble\Base\Facades\Form; use Botble\Language\Facades\Language; use Botble\Setting\Facades\Setting; use Botble\Theme\ThemeOption\ThemeOptionField; use Botble\Theme\ThemeOption\ThemeOptionSection; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App; use Illuminate\Support\Traits\Conditionable; use Illuminate\Support\Traits\Tappable; use Throwable; class ThemeOption { use Conditionable; use Tappable; public array $fields = []; public array $sections = []; public array $help = []; public array $args = []; public array $priority = []; public array $errors = []; public string $optName = 'theme'; /** * Prepare args of theme options */ public function constructArgs(): array { return $this->args[$this->optName] ?? []; } /** * Prepare sections to display theme options page */ public function constructSections(): array { $sections = []; if (! isset($this->sections[$this->optName])) { return $sections; } foreach ($this->sections[$this->optName] as $sectionId => $section) { $section['fields'] = $this->constructFields($sectionId); $priority = $section['priority']; while (isset($sections[$priority])) { $priority++; } $sections[$priority] = $section; } ksort($sections); return $sections; } /** * Prepare fields to display theme options page */ public function constructFields(string $sectionId = ''): array { $fields = []; if (! empty($this->fields[$this->optName])) { foreach ($this->fields[$this->optName] as $field) { if (Arr::get($field, 'section_id') == $sectionId) { $priority = $field['priority']; while (isset($fields[$priority])) { $priority++; } $fields[$priority] = $field; } } } ksort($fields); return $fields; } public function getSection(string $id = ''): array|bool { $this->checkOptName(); if (! empty($this->optName) && ! empty($id)) { if (! isset($this->sections[$this->optName][$id])) { $id = strtolower(sanitize_html_class($id)); } return $this->sections[$this->optName][$id] ?? false; } return false; } public function checkOptName(): void { if (empty($this->optName)) { return; } if (! isset($this->sections[$this->optName])) { $this->sections[$this->optName] = []; $this->priority[$this->optName]['sections'] = 1; } if (! isset($this->args[$this->optName])) { $this->args[$this->optName] = []; $this->priority[$this->optName]['args'] = 1; } if (! isset($this->fields[$this->optName])) { $this->fields[$this->optName] = []; $this->priority[$this->optName]['fields'] = 1; } if (! isset($this->help[$this->optName])) { $this->help[$this->optName] = []; $this->priority[$this->optName]['help'] = 1; } if (! isset($this->errors[$this->optName])) { $this->errors[$this->optName] = []; } } public function getSections(): array { $this->checkOptName(); if (! empty($this->sections[$this->optName])) { return $this->sections[$this->optName]; } return []; } /** * @param \Botble\Theme\ThemeOption\ThemeOptionSection[]|array $sections */ public function setSections(array $sections = []): self { $this->checkOptName(); if (! empty($sections)) { foreach ($sections as $section) { $this->setSection($section); } } return $this; } public function setSection(ThemeOptionSection|array $section = []): self { $this->checkOptName(); if ($section instanceof ThemeOptionSection) { $section = $section->toArray(); } if (empty($section)) { return $this; } if (! isset($section['id'])) { if (isset($section['type']) && $section['type'] == 'divide') { $section['id'] = time(); } elseif (isset($section['title'])) { $section['id'] = strtolower($section['title']); } else { $section['id'] = time(); } if (isset($this->sections[$this->optName][$section['id']])) { $orig = $section['id']; $index = 0; while (isset($this->sections[$this->optName][$section['id']])) { $section['id'] = $orig . '_' . $index; } } } if (! empty($this->optName) && is_array($section)) { if (! isset($section['title'])) { $this->errors[$this->optName]['section']['missing_title'] = 'Unable to create a section due to missing id and title.'; return $this; } if (! isset($section['priority'])) { $section['priority'] = $this->getPriority('sections'); } if (isset($section['fields'])) { if (! empty($section['fields']) && is_array($section['fields'])) { $this->processFieldsArray($section['id'], $section['fields']); } unset($section['fields']); } $this->sections[$this->optName][$section['id']] = $section; } else { $this->errors[$this->optName]['section']['empty'] = 'Unable to create a section due an empty section array or the section variable passed was not an array.'; return $this; } return $this; } public function getPriority(string $type): int { $priority = $this->priority[$this->optName][$type]; $this->priority[$this->optName][$type] += 1; return $priority; } /** * @param \Botble\Theme\ThemeOption\ThemeOptionField[]|array $fields */ public function processFieldsArray(string $sectionId = '', array $fields = []): void { if (! empty($this->optName) && ! empty($sectionId) && is_array($fields) && ! empty($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field instanceof ThemeOptionField) { $field = $field->toArray(); } if (! is_array($field)) { continue; } $field['section_id'] = $sectionId; $this->setField($field); } } } public function setField(ThemeOptionField|array $field = []): self { $this->checkOptName(); if ($field instanceof ThemeOptionField) { $field = $field->toArray(); } if (! empty($this->optName) && is_array($field) && ! empty($field)) { if (! isset($field['priority'])) { $field['priority'] = $this->getPriority('fields'); } if (isset($field['id'])) { $this->fields[$this->optName][$field['id']] = $field; } } return $this; } public function removeSection(string $id = '', bool $fields = false): self { if (! empty($this->optName) && ! empty($id)) { if (isset($this->sections[$this->optName][$id])) { $priority = ''; foreach ($this->sections[$this->optName] as $key => $section) { if ($key == $id) { $priority = $section['priority']; $this->priority[$this->optName]['sections']--; unset($this->sections[$this->optName][$id]); continue; } if ($priority != '') { $newPriority = $section['priority']; $section['priority'] = $priority; $this->sections[$this->optName][$key] = $section; $priority = $newPriority; } } if (isset($this->fields[$this->optName]) && ! empty($this->fields[$this->optName]) && $fields) { foreach ($this->fields[$this->optName] as $key => $field) { if (Arr::get($field, 'section_id') == $id) { unset($this->fields[$this->optName][$key]); } } } } } return $this; } public function hideSection(string $id = '', bool $hide = true): void { $this->checkOptName(); if (! empty($this->optName) && ! empty($id) && isset($this->sections[$this->optName][$id])) { $this->sections[$this->optName][$id]['hidden'] = $hide; } } public function getField(string $id = ''): bool|array { $this->checkOptName(); if (! empty($this->optName) && ! empty($id)) { return $this->fields[$this->optName][$id] ?? false; } return false; } public function hideField(string $id = '', bool $hide = true): void { $this->checkOptName(); if (! empty($this->optName) && ! empty($id) && isset($this->fields[$this->optName][$id])) { if (! $hide) { $this->fields[$this->optName][$id]['class'] = str_replace( 'hidden', '', $this->fields[$this->optName][$id]['class'] ); } else { $this->fields[$this->optName][$id]['class'] .= 'hidden'; } } } public function removeField(string $id = ''): self { $this->checkOptName(); if (! empty($this->optName) && ! empty($id)) { if (isset($this->fields[$this->optName][$id])) { foreach ($this->fields[$this->optName] as $key => $field) { if ($key == $id) { $priority = $field['priority']; $this->priority[$this->optName]['fields']--; unset($this->fields[$this->optName][$id]); continue; } if (isset($priority) && $priority != '') { $newPriority = $field['priority']; $field['priority'] = $priority; $this->fields[$this->optName][$key] = $field; $priority = $newPriority; } } } } return $this; } public function getArgs(): array { $this->checkOptName(); if (! empty($this->optName) && ! empty($this->args[$this->optName])) { return $this->args[$this->optName]; } return []; } public function setArgs(array $args = []): self { $this->checkOptName(); if (! empty($this->optName) && ! empty($args) && is_array($args)) { if (isset($this->args[$this->optName]['clearArgs'])) { $this->args[$this->optName] = []; } $this->args[$this->optName] = parse_args($args, $this->args[$this->optName]); } return $this; } public function getArg(string $key = ''): ?string { $this->checkOptName(); if (! empty($this->optName) && ! empty($key) && ! empty($this->args[$this->optName])) { return Arr::get($this->args[$this->optName], $key); } return null; } public function setOption(string $key, array|string|null $value = ''): self { $option = Arr::get($this->fields, $this->optName . '.' . $key); if ($option && Arr::get($option, 'clean_tags', true)) { $value = BaseHelper::clean($value); } if (is_array($value)) { $value = json_encode($value); } Setting::set($this->getOptionKey($key, $this->getCurrentLocaleCode()), $value); return $this; } public function setOptions(array $options): self { foreach ($options as $key => $option) { $this->setOption($key, $option); } return $this; } public function getOptionKey(string $key, ?string $locale = '', ?string $theme = null): string { if (! $theme) { $theme = setting('theme'); if (! $theme) { $theme = Arr::first(BaseHelper::scanFolder(theme_path())); } } $defaultLocale = App::getLocale(); if (! $locale && defined('LANGUAGE_MODULE_SCREEN_NAME')) { $defaultLocale = Language::getDefaultLocaleCode(); } $locale = $locale && $locale != $defaultLocale ? '-' . ltrim($locale, '-') : null; return $this->optName . '-' . $theme . $locale . '-' . $key; } protected function getCurrentLocaleCode(): ?string { if (! defined('LANGUAGE_MODULE_SCREEN_NAME')) { return null; } $currentLocale = is_in_admin() ? Language::getCurrentAdminLocaleCode() : Language::getCurrentLocaleCode(); return $currentLocale && $currentLocale != Language::getDefaultLocaleCode() ? '-' . $currentLocale : null; } public function renderField(array $field): ?string { try { $attributes = Arr::get($field, 'attributes'); $name = $attributes['name'] ?? $field['id'] ?? null; $attributes['name'] = $name; if (Arr::get($field, 'type') !== 'hidden' && $this->hasOption($name)) { $attributes['value'] = $this->getOption($name); } return call_user_func_array([Form::class, $field['type']], array_values($attributes)); } catch (Throwable $exception) { BaseHelper::logError($exception); return null; } } public function hasOption(string $key): bool { return setting()->has($this->getOptionKey($key, $this->getCurrentLocaleCode())); } public function getOption(string $key = '', string|null|array $default = ''): ?string { if (is_array($default)) { $default = json_encode($default); } $default = setting($this->getOptionKey($key), $default); $value = setting($this->getOptionKey($key, $this->getCurrentLocaleCode()), $default); $value = $value ?: $default; if (is_array($value)) { $value = json_encode($value); } return $value; } public function getOptions(): array { return Setting::newQuery() ->where('key', 'like', $this->getOptionKey('%')) ->pluck('value', 'key') ->all(); } public function saveOptions(): bool { return setting()->save(); } public function getFields(): array { return $this->fields; } public function hasField(string $id): bool { $this->checkOptName(); if (! empty($this->optName)) { return isset($this->fields[$this->optName][$id]); } return false; } public function prepareFromArray(array $options, ?string $locale = null, ?string $defaultLocale = null): array { return collect($options) ->mapWithKeys(function (string|array|bool|null $value, string $key) use ($locale, $defaultLocale) { if (is_array($value)) { $value = json_encode($value); } return [$this->getOptionKey($key, $locale != $defaultLocale ? $locale : null) => $value]; }) ->all(); } }