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Filename: ///lib//x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base///Hash//Util.pm
package Hash::Util; require 5.007003; use strict; use Carp; use warnings; no warnings 'uninitialized'; use warnings::register; use Scalar::Util qw(reftype); require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw( fieldhash fieldhashes all_keys lock_keys unlock_keys lock_value unlock_value lock_hash unlock_hash lock_keys_plus hash_locked hash_unlocked hashref_locked hashref_unlocked hidden_keys legal_keys lock_ref_keys unlock_ref_keys lock_ref_value unlock_ref_value lock_hashref unlock_hashref lock_ref_keys_plus hidden_ref_keys legal_ref_keys hash_seed hash_value hv_store bucket_stats bucket_stats_formatted bucket_info bucket_array lock_hash_recurse unlock_hash_recurse lock_hashref_recurse unlock_hashref_recurse hash_traversal_mask bucket_ratio used_buckets num_buckets ); BEGIN { # make sure all our XS routines are available early so their prototypes # are correctly applied in the following code. our $VERSION = '0.23'; require XSLoader; XSLoader::load(); } sub import { my $class = shift; if ( grep /fieldhash/, @_ ) { require Hash::Util::FieldHash; Hash::Util::FieldHash->import(':all'); # for re-export } unshift @_, $class; goto &Exporter::import; } sub lock_ref_keys { my($hash, @keys) = @_; _clear_placeholders(%$hash); if( @keys ) { my %keys = map { ($_ => 1) } @keys; my %original_keys = map { ($_ => 1) } keys %$hash; foreach my $k (keys %original_keys) { croak "Hash has key '$k' which is not in the new key set" unless $keys{$k}; } foreach my $k (@keys) { $hash->{$k} = undef unless exists $hash->{$k}; } Internals::SvREADONLY %$hash, 1; foreach my $k (@keys) { delete $hash->{$k} unless $original_keys{$k}; } } else { Internals::SvREADONLY %$hash, 1; } return $hash; } sub unlock_ref_keys { my $hash = shift; Internals::SvREADONLY %$hash, 0; return $hash; } sub lock_keys (\%;@) { lock_ref_keys(@_) } sub unlock_keys (\%) { unlock_ref_keys(@_) } #=item B<_clear_placeholders> # # This function removes any placeholder keys from a hash. See Perl_hv_clear_placeholders() # in hv.c for what it does exactly. It is currently exposed as XS by universal.c and # injected into the Hash::Util namespace. # # It is not intended for use outside of this module, and may be changed # or removed without notice or deprecation cycle. # #=cut # # sub _clear_placeholders {} # just in case someone searches... sub lock_ref_keys_plus { my ($hash,@keys) = @_; my @delete; _clear_placeholders(%$hash); foreach my $key (@keys) { unless (exists($hash->{$key})) { $hash->{$key}=undef; push @delete,$key; } } Internals::SvREADONLY(%$hash,1); delete @{$hash}{@delete}; return $hash } sub lock_keys_plus(\%;@) { lock_ref_keys_plus(@_) } sub lock_ref_value { my($hash, $key) = @_; # I'm doubtful about this warning, as it seems not to be true. # Marking a value in the hash as RO is useful, regardless # of the status of the hash itself. carp "Cannot usefully lock values in an unlocked hash" if !Internals::SvREADONLY(%$hash) && warnings::enabled; Internals::SvREADONLY $hash->{$key}, 1; return $hash } sub unlock_ref_value { my($hash, $key) = @_; Internals::SvREADONLY $hash->{$key}, 0; return $hash } sub lock_value (\%$) { lock_ref_value(@_) } sub unlock_value (\%$) { unlock_ref_value(@_) } sub lock_hashref { my $hash = shift; lock_ref_keys($hash); foreach my $value (values %$hash) { Internals::SvREADONLY($value,1); } return $hash; } sub unlock_hashref { my $hash = shift; foreach my $value (values %$hash) { Internals::SvREADONLY($value, 0); } unlock_ref_keys($hash); return $hash; } sub lock_hash (\%) { lock_hashref(@_) } sub unlock_hash (\%) { unlock_hashref(@_) } sub lock_hashref_recurse { my $hash = shift; lock_ref_keys($hash); foreach my $value (values %$hash) { my $type = reftype($value); if (defined($type) and $type eq 'HASH') { lock_hashref_recurse($value); } Internals::SvREADONLY($value,1); } return $hash } sub unlock_hashref_recurse { my $hash = shift; foreach my $value (values %$hash) { my $type = reftype($value); if (defined($type) and $type eq 'HASH') { unlock_hashref_recurse($value); } Internals::SvREADONLY($value,0); } unlock_ref_keys($hash); return $hash; } sub lock_hash_recurse (\%) { lock_hashref_recurse(@_) } sub unlock_hash_recurse (\%) { unlock_hashref_recurse(@_) } sub hashref_locked { my $hash=shift; Internals::SvREADONLY(%$hash); } sub hash_locked(\%) { hashref_locked(@_) } sub hashref_unlocked { my $hash=shift; !Internals::SvREADONLY(%$hash); } sub hash_unlocked(\%) { hashref_unlocked(@_) } sub legal_keys(\%) { legal_ref_keys(@_) } sub hidden_keys(\%){ hidden_ref_keys(@_) } sub bucket_stats { my ($hash) = @_; my ($keys, $buckets, $used, @length_counts) = bucket_info($hash); my $sum; my $score; for (1 .. $#length_counts) { $sum += ($length_counts[$_] * $_); $score += $length_counts[$_] * ( $_ * ($_ + 1 ) / 2 ); } $score = $score / (( $keys / (2 * $buckets )) * ( $keys + ( 2 * $buckets ) - 1 )) if $keys; my ($mean, $stddev)= (0, 0); if ($used) { $mean= $sum / $used; $sum= 0; $sum += ($length_counts[$_] * (($_-$mean)**2)) for 1 .. $#length_counts; $stddev= sqrt($sum/$used); } return $keys, $buckets, $used, $keys ? ($score, $used/$buckets, ($keys-$used)/$keys, $mean, $stddev, @length_counts) : (); } sub _bucket_stats_formatted_bars { my ($total, $ary, $start_idx, $title, $row_title)= @_; my $return = ""; my $max_width= $total > 64 ? 64 : $total; my $bar_width= $max_width / $total; my $str= ""; if ( @$ary < 10) { for my $idx ($start_idx .. $#$ary) { $str .= $idx x sprintf("%.0f", ($ary->[$idx] * $bar_width)); } } else { $str= "-" x $max_width; } $return .= sprintf "%-7s %6d [%s]\n",$title, $total, $str; foreach my $idx ($start_idx .. $#$ary) { $return .= sprintf "%-.3s %3d %6.2f%% %6d [%s]\n", $row_title, $idx, $ary->[$idx] / $total * 100, $ary->[$idx], "#" x sprintf("%.0f", ($ary->[$idx] * $bar_width)), ; } return $return; } sub bucket_stats_formatted { my ($hashref)= @_; my ($keys, $buckets, $used, $score, $utilization_ratio, $collision_pct, $mean, $stddev, @length_counts) = bucket_stats($hashref); my $return= sprintf "Keys: %d Buckets: %d/%d Quality-Score: %.2f (%s)\n" . "Utilized Buckets: %.2f%% Optimal: %.2f%% Keys In Collision: %.2f%%\n" . "Chain Length - mean: %.2f stddev: %.2f\n", $keys, $used, $buckets, $score, $score <= 1.05 ? "Good" : $score < 1.2 ? "Poor" : "Bad", $utilization_ratio * 100, $keys/$buckets * 100, $collision_pct * 100, $mean, $stddev; my @key_depth; $key_depth[$_]= $length_counts[$_] + ( $key_depth[$_+1] || 0 ) for reverse 1 .. $#length_counts; if ($keys) { $return .= _bucket_stats_formatted_bars($buckets, \@length_counts, 0, "Buckets", "Len"); $return .= _bucket_stats_formatted_bars($keys, \@key_depth, 1, "Keys", "Pos"); } return $return } 1;