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Filename: ///usr/share/perl5/IO/Wrap.pm
package IO::Wrap; # SEE DOCUMENTATION AT BOTTOM OF FILE require 5.002; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(wraphandle); use FileHandle; use Carp; # The package version, both in 1.23 style *and* usable by MakeMaker: $VERSION = "2.111"; #------------------------------ # wraphandle RAW #------------------------------ sub wraphandle { my $raw = shift; new IO::Wrap $raw; } #------------------------------ # new STREAM #------------------------------ sub new { my ($class, $stream) = @_; no strict 'refs'; ### Convert raw scalar to globref: ref($stream) or $stream = \*$stream; ### Wrap globref and incomplete objects: if ((ref($stream) eq 'GLOB') or ### globref (ref($stream) eq 'FileHandle') && !defined(&FileHandle::read)) { return bless \$stream, $class; } $stream; ### already okay! } #------------------------------ # I/O methods... #------------------------------ sub close { my $self = shift; return close($$self); } sub fileno { my $self = shift; my $fh = $$self; return fileno($fh); } sub getline { my $self = shift; my $fh = $$self; return scalar(<$fh>); } sub getlines { my $self = shift; wantarray or croak("Can't call getlines in scalar context!"); my $fh = $$self; <$fh>; } sub print { my $self = shift; print { $$self } @_; } sub read { my $self = shift; return read($$self, $_[0], $_[1]); } sub seek { my $self = shift; return seek($$self, $_[0], $_[1]); } sub tell { my $self = shift; return tell($$self); } #------------------------------ 1; __END__ =head1 NAME IO::Wrap - wrap raw filehandles in IO::Handle interface =head1 SYNOPSIS use IO::Wrap; ### Do stuff with any kind of filehandle (including a bare globref), or ### any kind of blessed object that responds to a print() message. ### sub do_stuff { my $fh = shift; ### At this point, we have no idea what the user gave us... ### a globref? a FileHandle? a scalar filehandle name? $fh = wraphandle($fh); ### At this point, we know we have an IO::Handle-like object! $fh->print("Hey there!"); ... } =head1 DESCRIPTION Let's say you want to write some code which does I/O, but you don't want to force the caller to provide you with a FileHandle or IO::Handle object. You want them to be able to say: do_stuff(\*STDOUT); do_stuff('STDERR'); do_stuff($some_FileHandle_object); do_stuff($some_IO_Handle_object); And even: do_stuff($any_object_with_a_print_method); Sure, one way to do it is to force the caller to use tiehandle(). But that puts the burden on them. Another way to do it is to use B<IO::Wrap>, which provides you with the following functions: =over 4 =item wraphandle SCALAR This function will take a single argument, and "wrap" it based on what it seems to be... =over 4 =item * B<A raw scalar filehandle name,> like C<"STDOUT"> or C<"Class::HANDLE">. In this case, the filehandle name is wrapped in an IO::Wrap object, which is returned. =item * B<A raw filehandle glob,> like C<\*STDOUT>. In this case, the filehandle glob is wrapped in an IO::Wrap object, which is returned. =item * B<A blessed FileHandle object.> In this case, the FileHandle is wrapped in an IO::Wrap object if and only if your FileHandle class does not support the C<read()> method. =item * B<Any other kind of blessed object,> which is assumed to be already conformant to the IO::Handle interface. In this case, you just get back that object. =back =back If you get back an IO::Wrap object, it will obey a basic subset of the IO:: interface. That is, the following methods (note: I said I<methods>, not named operators) should work on the thing you get back: close getline getlines print ARGS... read BUFFER,NBYTES seek POS,WHENCE tell =head1 NOTES Clearly, when wrapping a raw external filehandle (like \*STDOUT), I didn't want to close the file descriptor when the "wrapper" object is destroyed... since the user might not appreciate that! Hence, there's no DESTROY method in this class. When wrapping a FileHandle object, however, I believe that Perl will invoke the FileHandle::DESTROY when the last reference goes away, so in that case, the filehandle is closed if the wrapped FileHandle really was the last reference to it. =head1 WARNINGS This module does not allow you to wrap filehandle names which are given as strings that lack the package they were opened in. That is, if a user opens FOO in package Foo, they must pass it to you either as C<\*FOO> or as C<"Foo::FOO">. However, C<"STDIN"> and friends will work just fine. =head1 VERSION $Id: Wrap.pm,v 1.2 2005/02/10 21:21:53 dfs Exp $ =head1 AUTHOR =over 4 =item Primary Maintainer Dianne Skoll (F<dfs@roaringpenguin.com>). =item Original Author Eryq (F<eryq@zeegee.com>). President, ZeeGee Software Inc (F<http://www.zeegee.com>). =back =cut