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Filename: //proc/self/root////usr/share/perl5/XML////Twig///XPath.pm
# $Id: /xmltwig/trunk/Twig/XPath.pm 32 2008-01-18T13:11:52.128782Z mrodrigu $ package XML::Twig::XPath; use strict; use warnings; use XML::Twig; my $XPATH; # XPath engine (XML::XPath or XML::XPathEngine); my $XPATH_NUMBER; # <$XPATH>::Number, the XPath number class BEGIN { foreach my $xpath_engine ( qw( XML::XPathEngine XML::XPath) ) { if( XML::Twig::_use( $xpath_engine) ) { $XPATH= $xpath_engine; last; } } unless( $XPATH) { die "cannot use XML::Twig::XPath: neither XML::XPathEngine 0.09+ nor XML::XPath are available"; } $XPATH_NUMBER= "${XPATH}::Number"; } use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION="0.02"; BEGIN { package # hide from PAUSE XML::XPath::NodeSet; no warnings; # to avoid the "Subroutine sort redefined" message # replace the native sort routine by a Twig'd one sub sort { my $self = CORE::shift; @$self = CORE::sort { $a->node_cmp( $b) } @$self; return $self; } package # hide from PAUSE XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet; no warnings; # to avoid the "Subroutine sort redefined" message # replace the native sort routine by a Twig'd one sub sort { my $self = CORE::shift; @$self = CORE::sort { $a->node_cmp( $b) } @$self; return $self; } } package XML::Twig::XPath; use base 'XML::Twig'; my $XP; # the global xp object; sub to_number { return $XPATH_NUMBER->new( $_[0]->root->text); } sub new { my $class= shift; my $t= XML::Twig->new( elt_class => 'XML::Twig::XPath::Elt', @_); $t->{twig_xp}= $XPATH->new(); bless $t, $class; return $t; } sub set_namespace { my $t= shift; $t->{twig_xp}->set_namespace( @_); } sub set_strict_namespaces { my $t= shift; $t->{twig_xp}->set_strict_namespaces( @_); } sub node_cmp($$) { return $_[1] == $_[0] ? 0 : -1; } # document is before anything but itself sub isElementNode { 0 } sub isAttributeNode { 0 } sub isTextNode { 0 } sub isProcessingInstructionNode { 0 } sub isPINode { 0 } sub isCommentNode { 0 } sub isNamespaceNode { 0 } sub getAttributes { [] } sub getValue { return $_[0]->root->text; } sub findnodes { my( $t, $path)= @_; return $t->{twig_xp}->findnodes( $path, $t); } sub findnodes_as_string { my( $t, $path)= @_; return $t->{twig_xp}->findnodes_as_string( $path, $t); } sub findvalue { my( $t, $path)= @_; return $t->{twig_xp}->findvalue( $path, $t); } sub exists { my( $t, $path)= @_; return $t->{twig_xp}->exists( $path, $t); } sub find { my( $t, $path)= @_; return $t->{twig_xp}->find( $path, $t); } sub matches { my( $t, $path, $node)= @_; $node ||= $t; return $t->{twig_xp}->matches( $node, $path, $t) || 0; } sub getNamespaces { $_[0]->root->getNamespaces(); } #TODO: it would be nice to be able to pass in any object in this #distribution and cast it to the proper $XPATH class to use as a #variable (via 'nodes' argument or something) sub set_var { my ($t, $name, $value) = @_; if( ! ref $value) { $value= $t->findnodes( qq{"$value"}); } $t->{twig_xp}->set_var($name, $value); } 1; # adds the appropriate methods to XML::Twig::Elt so XML::XPath can be used as the XPath engine package XML::Twig::XPath::Elt; use base 'XML::Twig::Elt'; *getLocalName= *XML::Twig::Elt::local_name; *getValue = *XML::Twig::Elt::text; sub isAttributeNode { 0 } sub isNamespaceNode { 0 } sub to_number { return $XPATH_NUMBER->new( $_[0]->text); } sub getAttributes { my $elt= shift; my $atts= $elt->atts; # alternate, faster but less clean, way my @atts= map { bless( { name => $_, value => $atts->{$_}, elt => $elt }, 'XML::Twig::XPath::Attribute') } sort keys %$atts; # my @atts= map { XML::Twig::XPath::Attribute->new( $elt, $_) } sort keys %$atts; return wantarray ? @atts : \@atts; } sub getNamespace { my $elt= shift; my $prefix= shift() || $elt->ns_prefix; if( my $expanded= $elt->namespace( $prefix)) { return XML::Twig::XPath::Namespace->new( $prefix, $expanded); } else { return XML::Twig::XPath::Namespace->new( $prefix, ''); } } # returns namespaces declared in the element sub getNamespaces #_get_namespaces { my( $elt)= @_; my @namespaces; foreach my $att ($elt->att_names) { if( $att=~ m{^xmlns(?::(\w+))?$}) { my $prefix= $1 || ''; my $expanded= $elt->att( $att); push @namespaces, XML::Twig::XPath::Namespace->new( $prefix, $expanded); } } return wantarray() ? @namespaces : \@namespaces; } sub node_cmp($$) { my( $a, $b)= @_; if( UNIVERSAL::isa( $b, 'XML::Twig::XPath::Elt')) { # 2 elts, compare them return $a->cmp( $b); } elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa( $b, 'XML::Twig::XPath::Attribute')) { # elt <=> att, compare the elt to the att->{elt} # if the elt is the att->{elt} (cmp return 0) then -1, elt is before att return ($a->cmp( $b->{elt}) ) || -1 ; } elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa( $b, 'XML::Twig::XPath')) { # elt <=> document, elt is after document return 1; } else { die "unknown node type ", ref( $b); } } sub getParentNode { return $_[0]->_parent || $_[0]->twig; } sub findnodes { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return $elt->twig->{twig_xp}->findnodes( $path, $elt); } sub findnodes_as_string { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return $elt->twig->{twig_xp}->findnodes_as_string( $path, $elt); } sub findvalue { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return $elt->twig->{twig_xp}->findvalue( $path, $elt); } sub exists { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return $elt->twig->{twig_xp}->exists( $path, $elt); } sub find { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return $elt->twig->{twig_xp}->find( $path, $elt); } sub matches { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return $elt->twig->{twig_xp}->matches( $elt, $path, $elt->getParentNode) || 0; } 1; # this package is only used to allow XML::XPath as the XPath engine, otherwise # attributes are just attached to their parent element and are not considered objects package XML::Twig::XPath::Attribute; sub new { my( $class, $elt, $att)= @_; return bless { name => $att, value => $elt->att( $att), elt => $elt }, $class; } sub getValue { return $_[0]->{value}; } sub getName { return $_[0]->{name} ; } sub getLocalName { (my $name= $_[0]->{name}) =~ s{^.*:}{}; $name; } sub string_value { return $_[0]->{value}; } sub to_number { return $XPATH_NUMBER->new( $_[0]->{value}); } sub isElementNode { 0 } sub isAttributeNode { 1 } sub isNamespaceNode { 0 } sub isTextNode { 0 } sub isProcessingInstructionNode { 0 } sub isPINode { 0 } sub isCommentNode { 0 } sub toString { return qq{$_[0]->{name}="$_[0]->{value}"}; } sub getNamespace { my $att= shift; my $prefix= shift(); if( ! defined( $prefix)) { if($att->{name}=~ m{^(.*):}) { $prefix= $1; } else { $prefix=''; } } if( my $expanded= $att->{elt}->namespace( $prefix)) { return XML::Twig::XPath::Namespace->new( $prefix, $expanded); } } sub node_cmp($$) { my( $a, $b)= @_; if( UNIVERSAL::isa( $b, 'XML::Twig::XPath::Attribute')) { # 2 attributes, compare their elements, then their name return ($a->{elt}->cmp( $b->{elt}) ) || ($a->{name} cmp $b->{name}); } elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa( $b, 'XML::Twig::XPath::Elt')) { # att <=> elt : compare the att->elt and the elt # if att->elt is the elt (cmp returns 0) then 1 (elt is before att) return ($a->{elt}->cmp( $b) ) || 1 ; } elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa( $b, 'XML::Twig::XPath')) { # att <=> document, att is after document return 1; } else { die "unknown node type ", ref( $b); } } *cmp=*node_cmp; 1; package XML::Twig::XPath::Namespace; sub new { my( $class, $prefix, $expanded)= @_; bless { prefix => $prefix, expanded => $expanded }, $class; } sub isNamespaceNode { 1; } sub getPrefix { $_[0]->{prefix}; } sub getExpanded { $_[0]->{expanded}; } sub getValue { $_[0]->{expanded}; } sub getData { $_[0]->{expanded}; } sub node_cmp($$) { my( $a, $b)= @_; if( UNIVERSAL::isa( $b, 'XML::Twig::XPath::Namespace')) { # 2 attributes, compare their elements, then their name return $a->{prefix} cmp $b->{prefix}; } else { die "unknown node type ", ref( $b); } } *cmp=*node_cmp; 1