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Filename: //bin//X11/X11/apt-listchanges
#!/usr/bin/python3 # vim:set fileencoding=utf-8 et ts=4 sts=4 sw=4: # # apt-listchanges - Show changelog entries between the installed versions # of a set of packages and the versions contained in # corresponding .deb files # # Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Matt Zimmerman <mdz@debian.org> # Copyright (C) 2006 Pierre Habouzit <madcoder@debian.org> # Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Robert Luberda <robert@debian.org> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # import sys, os, os.path import functools import apt_pkg import signal import subprocess import traceback from glob import glob sys.path += [os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + '/apt-listchanges', '/usr/share/apt-listchanges'] import ALCLog from ALChacks import _ import apt_listchanges, DebianFiles, ALCApt, ALCConfig, ALCSeenDb def main(config): apt_pkg.init() etc = apt_pkg.config.find_dir('Dir::Etc') conf = apt_pkg.config.find_file('Dir::Etc::apt-listchanges-main') if not conf: conf = os.path.join(etc, 'listchanges.conf') conf_d = apt_pkg.config.find_dir('Dir::Etc::apt-listchanges-parts') if conf_d == '/': conf_d = os.path.join(etc, 'listchanges.conf.d') configs = [conf] configs += glob(os.path.join(conf_d, '*.conf')) config.read(configs) debs = config.getopt(sys.argv) if config.dump_seen: ALCSeenDb.make_seen_db(config, True).dump() sys.exit(0) if config.apt_mode: debs = ALCApt.AptPipeline(config).read() if not debs: sys.exit(0) # Force quiet (loggable) mode if not running interactively if not sys.stdout.isatty() and not config.quiet: config.quiet = 1 try: frontend = apt_listchanges.make_frontend(config, len(debs)+1) except apt_listchanges.EUnknownFrontend: ALCLog.error(_("Unknown frontend: %s") % config.frontend) sys.exit(1) if frontend is None: sys.exit(0) if frontend.needs_tty_stdin() and not sys.stdin.isatty(): try: # Give any forked processes (eg. lynx) a normal stdin; # See Debian Bug #343423. (Note: with $APT_HOOK_INFO_FD # support introduced in version 3.2, stdin should point to # a terminal already, so there should be no need to reopen it). with open('/dev/tty', 'rb+', buffering=0) as tty: os.close(0) os.dup2(tty.fileno(), 0) except Exception as ex: ALCLog.warning(_("Cannot reopen /dev/tty for stdin: %s") % str(ex)) status = None if not config.show_all and config.since is None and config.latest is None: dpkg_status = apt_pkg.config.find_file('Dir::State::status') status = DebianFiles.ControlParser() status.readfile(dpkg_status) status.makeindex('Package') seen_db = ALCSeenDb.make_seen_db(config) # Mapping of source->binary packages source_packages = {} deb_number = 0 for deb in debs: if deb_number % 8 == 0: frontend.update_progress() pkg = DebianFiles.Package(deb) source_packages.setdefault(pkg.source, []).append(pkg) deb_number += 1 all_news = [] all_changelogs = [] all_binnmus = dict() notes = [] # Main loop for srcpackage, binpackages in source_packages.items(): (news, changelogs) = _process_srcpackage(config, seen_db, notes, status, srcpackage, binpackages) if news: all_news.append(news) if changelogs: all_changelogs.append(changelogs) if changelogs.binnmus: for binnmu in changelogs.binnmus: all_binnmus.setdefault(binnmu.content, []).append(binnmu) bincount = len(binpackages) frontend.update_progress(bincount + int(deb_number/8) - int((deb_number+bincount)/8)) deb_number += bincount frontend.progress_done() seen_db.close_db() for batch in (all_news, all_changelogs): batch.sort(key=lambda x: (x.numeric_urgency, x.package)) for dummy, batch in all_binnmus.items(): batch.sort(key=lambda x: (x.header)) news = _join_changes(all_news, source_packages, config.headers, lambda package: _('News for %s') % package) changes = _join_changes(all_changelogs, source_packages, config.headers, lambda package: _('Changes for %s') % package) binnmus = _join_binnmus(all_binnmus, config.headers) if binnmus: if changes: changes += '\n\n' + binnmus else: changes = binnmus if config.verbose and notes: joined_notes = _("Informational notes") + ":\n\n" + '\n'.join(notes) if config.which == "news": news += joined_notes else: changes += joined_notes if news or changes: _display(frontend, news, lambda: _('apt-listchanges: News')) _display(frontend, changes, lambda: _('apt-listchanges: Changelogs')) apt_listchanges.confirm_or_exit(config, frontend) if apt_listchanges.can_send_emails(config): hostname = subprocess.getoutput('hostname') _send_email(news, lambda: _("apt-listchanges: news for %s") % hostname) _send_email(changes, lambda: _("apt-listchanges: changelogs for %s") % hostname) # Write out seen db seen_db.apply_changes() elif not config.apt_mode and not source_packages.keys(): ALCLog.error(_("Didn't find any valid .deb archives")) sys.exit(1) def _determinefromversion(config, seen_db, notes, status, srcpackage, binpackages): if config.show_all: return None if srcpackage in seen_db: return seen_db[srcpackage] if config.since is not None: return config.since if config.latest is not None: return None result = None for pkg in binpackages: binpackage = pkg.binary statusentry = status.find('Package', binpackage) if not statusentry or not statusentry.installed(): # Package not installed or seen notes.append(_("%s: will be newly installed") % binpackage) elif not result or apt_pkg.version_compare(result, statusentry.version()) < 0: result = statusentry.version() return result def _drop_binnmu_suffix(version): pos = version.rfind('+') if pos != -1 and len(version) in range(pos+3, pos+7) and version[pos+1] == 'b': return version[:pos] return version def _process_srcpackage(config, seen_db, notes, status, srcpackage, binpackages): fromversion = _determinefromversion(config, seen_db, notes, status, srcpackage, binpackages) if not fromversion and not config.show_all and config.latest is None: return (None, None) if len(binpackages) > 1: binpackages = sorted(binpackages, key=functools.cmp_to_key(lambda x,y: apt_pkg.version_compare(y.Version, x.Version))) maxversion = binpackages[0].Version # XXX take the real version or we'll lose binNMUs processpkgs = [] for pkg in binpackages: version = pkg.Version binpackage = pkg.binary if fromversion and apt_pkg.version_compare(fromversion, version) >= 0: notes.append(_("%(pkg)s: Version %(version)s has already been seen") % {'pkg': binpackage, 'version': version}) break if version != maxversion and _drop_binnmu_suffix(version) != _drop_binnmu_suffix(maxversion): notes.append(_("%(pkg)s: Version %(version)s is lower than version of " + "related packages (%(maxversion)s)") % {'pkg': binpackage, 'version': version, 'maxversion' : maxversion}) break processpkgs.append(pkg) # if config.debug and len(processpkgs) < len(binpackages): # ALCLog.debug("Ignored packages: %s" % ' '.join('%s=%s' % (x.binary, x.Version) # for x in set(binpackages) - set(processpkgs))) if not processpkgs: return (None, None) (all_news, all_changelogs) = (None, None) for pkg in processpkgs: (news, changelog) = pkg.extract_changes(config.which, fromversion, config.latest, config.reverse) if news and not all_news: all_news = news if changelog and not all_changelogs: all_changelogs = changelog if all_changelogs or (all_news and config.which == "news"): break if not config.no_network and not all_changelogs and config.which != "news": for pkg in processpkgs: all_changelogs = pkg.extract_changes_via_apt(fromversion, config.latest, config.reverse) if all_changelogs: break if all_news or all_changelogs: seen_db[srcpackage] = maxversion return (all_news, all_changelogs) def _join_changes(all_changes, source_packages, show_headers, header_package_getter): if not show_headers: return ''.join([x.changes for x in all_changes if x.changes]) changes = '' for rec in all_changes: if rec.changes: package = rec.package header = header_package_getter(package) if next((x for x in source_packages[package] if x.binary != package), None): # Differing source and binary packages header += ' (%s)' % ' '.join(x.binary for x in source_packages[package]) changes += '--- %s ---\n%s' % (header, rec.changes) return changes def _join_binnmus(all_binnmus, show_headers): binnmus = '' for content, entries in all_binnmus.items(): pkgs = '--- ' + _('Binary NMU of') sep = ': ' lastlen = len(pkgs) for entry in entries: hdr = entry.header idx = hdr.find(')') if idx >= 0: hdr = hdr[:idx+1] # manually wrap the package lines pkgs += sep lastlen += len(sep) sep = ', ' if lastlen + len(hdr) > 75: pkgs += '\n ' lastlen = 1; pkgs += hdr lastlen += len(hdr) binnmus += pkgs + '\n\n' + content + '\n\n' return binnmus def _display(frontend, changes, title_getter): if changes: frontend.set_title(title_getter()) frontend.display_output(changes) def _send_email(changes, subject_getter): if changes: apt_listchanges.mail_changes(config, changes, subject_getter()) def _setup_signals(): def signal_handler(signum, frame): ALCLog.error(_('Received signal %d, exiting') % signum) sys.exit(apt_listchanges.BREAK_APT_EXIT_CODE) for s in [ signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGQUIT, signal.SIGTERM ]: signal.signal(s, signal_handler) if __name__ == '__main__': _setup_signals() config = ALCConfig.ALCConfig() try: main(config) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(apt_listchanges.BREAK_APT_EXIT_CODE) except ALCApt.AptPipelineError as ex: ALCLog.error(str(ex)) sys.exit(apt_listchanges.BREAK_APT_EXIT_CODE) except ALCSeenDb.DbError as ex: ALCLog.error(str(ex)) sys.exit(1) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() apt_listchanges.confirm_or_exit(config, apt_listchanges.ttyconfirm(config)) sys.exit(1)