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Filename: /var//////lib/dpkg///info/apt-listchanges.config
#!/bin/sh # vim:set fileencoding=utf-8 et ts=4 sts=4 sw=4: set -e PREFERENCES=/etc/apt/listchanges.conf PYTHON3=/usr/bin/python3 . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule runPython() { tempdir=`mktemp --directory --suffix=.aptlc` trap "rm -rf $tempdir" EXIT temp="$tempdir/debconf-helper.py" cat > "$temp" << 'EOF' #!/usr/bin/python3 # vim:set fileencoding=utf-8 et ts=4 sts=4 sw=4: # This file is shared between postinst and config import configparser import debconf import os import sys PREFIX_SIZE=len('apt-listchannges') DEFAULT_SEEN_DB='/var/lib/apt/listchanges.db' SECTION='apt' def _tmpl2Key(name): return name[PREFIX_SIZE:].replace('-', '_') def _debug(*args): if 'APT_LISTCHANGES_DEBCONF_DEBUG' in os.environ: print(*args, file=sys.stderr) def _handleString(cfgkey, config, template, db, fromConfig): _debug("handleString(", template, cfgkey, fromConfig, ")") if fromConfig: value = config.get(SECTION, cfgkey) if value == 'none': value = '' db.set(template, value) else: value = db.getString(template) if value == '': value = 'none' config.set(SECTION, cfgkey, value) def _handleList(cfgkey, config, template, db, fromConfig): _debug("handleList(", template, cfgkey, fromConfig, ")") if fromConfig: value = config.get(SECTION, cfgkey) db.set(template, value.lower()) else: value = db.getString(template) config.set(SECTION, cfgkey, value) def _handleBoolean(cfgkey, config, template, db, fromConfig): value = config.getboolean(SECTION, cfgkey, fallback=None) _debug("handleBoolean(", template, cfgkey, fromConfig, "), old config value:", value) if fromConfig: db.set(template, str(value).lower()) else: newvalue = db.getBoolean(template) if value is None or value != newvalue: config.set(SECTION, cfgkey, str(newvalue).lower()) def _handleSeen(cfgkey, config, template, db, fromConfig): # The 'save-seen' is very special: a path in config file, # but in debconf is stored as boolean... value = config.get(SECTION, cfgkey, fallback=None) _debug("handleSeen(", template, cfgkey, fromConfig, "), old config value:", value) if fromConfig: db.set(template, str(value and value != 'none').lower()) elif not db.getBoolean(template): value = 'none' elif not value or value == 'none': value = DEFAULT_SEEN_DB config.set(SECTION, cfgkey, value) IDX_QUESTION_NUMBER = 0 IDX_PRIORITY = 1 IDX_HANDLER = 2 IDX_SKIP = 3 IDX_CHECK = 4 def _checkFrontend(frontend): if frontend == 'none': return True NAMES['apt-listchanges/confirm'][IDX_SKIP] = frontend == 'mail' return False def _checkWhich(which): NAMES['apt-listchanges/no-network'][IDX_SKIP] = which == 'news' return False def _checkEmailAddress(emailAddress): NAMES['apt-listchanges/email-format'][IDX_SKIP] = not emailAddress return False NAMES = {'apt-listchanges/frontend' : [1, debconf.MEDIUM, _handleList, False, _checkFrontend], 'apt-listchanges/which' : [2, debconf.MEDIUM, _handleList, False, _checkWhich], 'apt-listchanges/no-network' : [3, debconf.HIGH, _handleBoolean, False, None], 'apt-listchanges/email-address': [4, debconf.LOW, _handleString, False, _checkEmailAddress], 'apt-listchanges/email-format' : [5, debconf.LOW, _handleList, False, None], 'apt-listchanges/confirm' : [6, debconf.LOW, _handleBoolean, False, None], 'apt-listchanges/headers' : [7, debconf.LOW, _handleBoolean, False, None], 'apt-listchanges/reverse' : [8, debconf.LOW, _handleBoolean, False, None], 'apt-listchanges/save-seen' : [9, debconf.LOW, _handleSeen, False, None] } def _updateDebconfFromConfig(config, db): _debug("updateDebconfFromConfig()") for tmpl, params in NAMES.items(): # don't need to be sorted cfgkey = _tmpl2Key(tmpl) if config.has_option(SECTION, cfgkey): params[IDX_HANDLER](cfgkey, config, tmpl, db, True) db.fset(tmpl, 'seen', 'true') def _communicateWithDebconf(config, db, is_postinst): _debug("communicateWithDebconf(", is_postinst, ")") for tmpl, params in sorted(NAMES.items(), key = lambda x : x[1][IDX_QUESTION_NUMBER]): if params[IDX_SKIP]: _debug("skipping %s" % tmpl) continue if is_postinst: # store the value params[IDX_HANDLER](_tmpl2Key(tmpl), config, tmpl, db, False) else: # ask for the value db.forceInput(params[IDX_PRIORITY], tmpl) if params[IDX_CHECK]: db.go() if params[IDX_CHECK]: value = db.get(tmpl) if params[IDX_CHECK](value): _debug("finishing on %s" % tmpl) return if not is_postinst: db.go() def main(argv): if len(argv) < 3: print("Usage: script postinst|config config_file mainscript_params", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) debconf.runFrontEnd() is_postinst = argv[1] == 'postinst' # otherwise it is config config_file = argv[2] _debug("apt-listchanges debconf script started(", is_postinst, config_file, ")") config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(config_file) if not config.has_section(SECTION): config.add_section(SECTION) try: output = os.fdopen(3, "wt") except Exception as ex: _debug("failed to open file descriptor 3", str(ex)) output = sys.stdout db = debconf.Debconf(write=output) if not is_postinst: _updateDebconfFromConfig(config, db) _communicateWithDebconf(config, db, is_postinst) if is_postinst: with open(config_file + '.new', 'wt') as newfile: config.write(newfile, space_around_delimiters=False) os.fchmod(newfile.fileno(), 0o644) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv) sys.exit(0) EOF "$PYTHON3" -B "$temp" "$@" } if [ -x "$PYTHON3" ] && "$PYTHON3" -B -c 'import debconf' 2>/dev/null; then runPython config "$PREFERENCES" "$@" else echo "Deferring configuration of apt-listchanges until $PYTHON3" >&2 echo "and python's debconf module are available" >&2 exit 0 fi exit 0 # Make lintian happy db_get apt-listchanges/frontend db_get apt-listchanges/which db_get apt-listchanges/no-network db_get apt-listchanges/email-address db_get apt-listchanges/email-format db_get apt-listchanges/confirm db_get apt-listchanges/headers db_get apt-listchanges/reverse db_get apt-listchanges/save-seen