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Filename: ///proc/thread-self///root/var//www/arsu//app/CPU/cart-manager.php
<?php namespace App\CPU; use App\Model\Cart; use App\Model\CartShipping; use App\Model\Color; use App\Model\Product; use App\Model\Shop; use Barryvdh\Debugbar\Twig\Extension\Debug; use Cassandra\Collection; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use App\Model\ShippingType; use App\Model\CategoryShippingCost; class CartManager { public static function cart_to_db() { $user = Helpers::get_customer(); if (session()->has('offline_cart')) { $cart = session('offline_cart'); $storage = []; foreach ($cart as $item) { $db_cart = Cart::where(['customer_id' => $user->id, 'seller_id' => $item['seller_id'], 'seller_is' => $item['seller_is']])->first(); $storage[] = [ 'customer_id' => $user->id, 'cart_group_id' => isset($db_cart) ? $db_cart['cart_group_id'] : str_replace('offline', $user->id, $item['cart_group_id']), 'product_id' => $item['product_id'], 'color' => $item['color'], 'choices' => $item['choices'], 'variations' => $item['variations'], 'variant' => $item['variant'], 'quantity' => $item['quantity'], 'price' => $item['price'], 'tax' => $item['tax'], 'discount' => $item['discount'], 'slug' => $item['slug'], 'name' => $item['name'], 'thumbnail' => $item['thumbnail'], 'seller_id' => ($item['seller_is'] == 'admin') ? 1 : $item['seller_id'], 'seller_is' => $item['seller_is'], 'shop_info' => $item['shop_info'], 'shipping_cost'=>$item['shipping_cost'], 'shipping_type'=>$item['shipping_type'], 'created_at' => now(), 'updated_at' => now(), ]; } Cart::insert($storage); session()->put('offline_cart', collect([])); } } public static function get_cart($group_id = null) { $user = Helpers::get_customer(); if (session()->has('offline_cart') && $user == 'offline') { $cart = session('offline_cart'); if ($group_id != null) { return $cart->where('cart_group_id', $group_id)->get(); } else { return $cart; } } if ($group_id == null) { $cart = Cart::whereIn('cart_group_id', CartManager::get_cart_group_ids())->get(); } else { $cart = Cart::where('cart_group_id', $group_id)->get(); } return $cart; } public static function get_cart_for_api($request, $group_id=null) { if ($group_id == null) { $cart = Cart::whereIn('cart_group_id', CartManager::get_cart_group_ids($request))->get(); } else { $cart = Cart::where('cart_group_id', $group_id)->get(); } return $cart; } public static function get_cart_group_ids($request = null) { $user = Helpers::get_customer($request); if ($user == 'offline') { if (session()->has('offline_cart') == false) { session()->put('offline_cart', collect([])); } $cart = session('offline_cart'); $cart_ids = array_unique($cart->pluck('cart_group_id')->toArray()); } else { $cart_ids = Cart::where(['customer_id' => $user->id])->groupBy('cart_group_id')->pluck('cart_group_id')->toArray(); } return $cart_ids; } public static function get_shipping_cost($group_id = null) { $cost = 0; if ($group_id == null) { $cart_shipping_cost = Cart::where(['product_type'=>'physical'])->whereIn('cart_group_id', CartManager::get_cart_group_ids())->sum('shipping_cost'); $order_wise_shipping_cost = CartShipping::whereHas('cart', function ($query){ $query->where(['product_type'=>'physical']); }) ->whereIn('cart_group_id', CartManager::get_cart_group_ids())->sum('shipping_cost'); $cost = $order_wise_shipping_cost + $cart_shipping_cost; } else { $data = CartShipping::whereHas('cart', function ($query){ $query->where(['product_type'=>'physical']); })->where('cart_group_id', $group_id)->first(); $order_wise_shipping_cost = isset($data) ? $data->shipping_cost : 0; $cart_shipping_cost = Cart::where(['cart_group_id'=> $group_id,'product_type'=>'physical'])->sum('shipping_cost'); $cost = $order_wise_shipping_cost + $cart_shipping_cost; } return $cost; } public static function order_wise_shipping_discount() { if (auth('customer')->check()) { $shippingMethod=\App\CPU\Helpers::get_business_settings('shipping_method'); $cart_group_ids = CartManager::get_cart_group_ids(); $amount = 0; if(count($cart_group_ids) > 0){ foreach($cart_group_ids as $cart){ $cart_data = Cart::where('cart_group_id', $cart)->first(); if( $shippingMethod == 'inhouse_shipping') { $admin_shipping = \App\Model\ShippingType::where('seller_id', 0)->first(); $shipping_type = isset($admin_shipping) == true ? $admin_shipping->shipping_type : 'order_wise'; }else{ if ($cart_data->seller_is == 'admin') { $admin_shipping = \App\Model\ShippingType::where('seller_id', 0)->first(); $shipping_type = isset($admin_shipping) == true ? $admin_shipping->shipping_type : 'order_wise'; } else { $seller_shipping = \App\Model\ShippingType::where('seller_id', $cart_data->seller_id)->first(); $shipping_type = isset($seller_shipping) == true ? $seller_shipping->shipping_type : 'order_wise'; } } if($shipping_type == 'order_wise' && session('coupon_type') == 'free_delivery' && (session('coupon_seller_id')=='0' || (is_null(session('coupon_seller_id')) && $cart_data->seller_is=='admin') || (session('coupon_seller_id') == $cart_data->seller_id && $cart_data->seller_is=='seller'))){ $amount += CartManager::get_shipping_cost($cart); } } } return $amount; } } public static function cart_total($cart) { $total = 0; if (!empty($cart)) { foreach ($cart as $item) { $product_subtotal = $item['price'] * $item['quantity']; $total += $product_subtotal; } } return $total; } public static function cart_total_applied_discount($cart) { $total = 0; if (!empty($cart)) { foreach ($cart as $item) { $product_subtotal = ($item['price'] - $item['discount']) * $item['quantity']; $total += $product_subtotal; } } return $total; } public static function cart_total_with_tax($cart) { $total = 0; if (!empty($cart)) { foreach ($cart as $item) { $product_subtotal = ($item['price'] * $item['quantity']) + ($item['tax'] * $item['quantity']); $total += $product_subtotal; } } return $total; } public static function cart_grand_total($cart_group_id = null) { $cart = CartManager::get_cart($cart_group_id); $shipping_cost = CartManager::get_shipping_cost($cart_group_id); $total = 0; if (!empty($cart)) { foreach ($cart as $item) { $tax = $item['tax_model']=='include'? 0 : $item['tax']; $product_subtotal = ($item['price'] * $item['quantity']) + ($tax * $item['quantity']) - $item['discount'] * $item['quantity']; $total += $product_subtotal; } $total += $shipping_cost; } return $total; } public static function cart_clean($request = null) { $cart_ids = CartManager::get_cart_group_ids($request); CartShipping::whereIn('cart_group_id', $cart_ids)->delete(); Cart::whereIn('cart_group_id', $cart_ids)->delete(); session()->forget('coupon_code'); session()->forget('coupon_type'); session()->forget('coupon_bearer'); session()->forget('coupon_discount'); session()->forget('payment_method'); session()->forget('shipping_method_id'); session()->forget('billing_address_id'); session()->forget('order_id'); session()->forget('cart_group_id'); session()->forget('order_note'); } public static function add_to_cart($request, $from_api = false) { $str = ''; $variations = []; $price = 0; $user = Helpers::get_customer($request); $product = Product::find($request->id); //check the color enabled or disabled for the product if ($request->has('color')) { $str = Color::where('code', $request['color'])->first()->name; $variations['color'] = $str; } //Gets all the choice values of customer choice option and generate a string like Black-S-Cotton $choices = []; foreach (json_decode($product->choice_options) as $key => $choice) { $choices[$choice->name] = $request[$choice->name]; $variations[$choice->title] = $request[$choice->name]; if ($str != null) { $str .= '-' . str_replace(' ', '', $request[$choice->name]); } else { $str .= str_replace(' ', '', $request[$choice->name]); } } if ($user == 'offline') { if (session()->has('offline_cart')) { $cart = session('offline_cart'); $check = $cart->where('product_id', $request->id)->where('variant', $str)->first(); if (isset($check) == false) { $cart = collect(); $cart['id'] = time(); } else { return [ 'status' => 0, 'message' => translate('already_added!') ]; } } else { $cart = collect(); session()->put('offline_cart', $cart); } } else { $cart = Cart::where(['product_id' => $request->id, 'customer_id' => $user->id, 'variant' => $str])->first(); if (isset($cart) == false) { $cart = new Cart(); } else { return [ 'status' => 0, 'message' => translate('already_added!') ]; } } $cart['color'] = $request->has('color') ? $request['color'] : null; $cart['product_id'] = $product->id; $cart['product_type'] = $product->product_type; $cart['choices'] = json_encode($choices); //chek if out of stock if (($product['product_type'] == 'physical') && ($product['current_stock'] < $request['quantity'])) { return [ 'status' => 0, 'message' => translate('out_of_stock!') ]; } $cart['variations'] = json_encode($variations); $cart['variant'] = $str; //Check the string and decreases quantity for the stock if ($str != null) { $count = count(json_decode($product->variation)); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (json_decode($product->variation)[$i]->type == $str) { $price = json_decode($product->variation)[$i]->price; if (json_decode($product->variation)[$i]->qty < $request['quantity']) { return [ 'status' => 0, 'message' => translate('out_of_stock!') ]; } } } } else { $price = $product->unit_price; } $tax = Helpers::tax_calculation($price, $product['tax'], 'percent'); //generate group id if ($user == 'offline') { $check = session('offline_cart'); $cart_check = $check->where('seller_id', ($product->added_by == 'admin') ? 1 : $product->user_id) ->where('seller_is', $product->added_by)->first(); } else { $cart_check = Cart::where([ 'customer_id' => $user->id, 'seller_id' => ($product->added_by == 'admin') ? 1 : $product->user_id, 'seller_is' => $product->added_by])->first(); } if (isset($cart_check)) { $cart['cart_group_id'] = $cart_check['cart_group_id']; } else { $cart['cart_group_id'] = ($user == 'offline' ? 'offline' : $user->id) . '-' . Str::random(5) . '-' . time(); } //generate group id end $cart['customer_id'] = $user->id ?? 0; $cart['quantity'] = $request['quantity']; /*$data['shipping_method_id'] = $shipping_id;*/ $cart['price'] = $price; $cart['tax'] = $tax; $cart['tax_model'] = $product->tax_model; $cart['slug'] = $product->slug; $cart['name'] = $product->name; $cart['discount'] = Helpers::get_product_discount($product, $price); /*$data['shipping_cost'] = $shipping_cost;*/ $cart['thumbnail'] = $product->thumbnail; $cart['seller_id'] = ($product->added_by == 'admin') ? 1 : $product->user_id; $cart['seller_is'] = $product->added_by; $cart['shipping_cost'] = $product->product_type == 'physical' ? CartManager::get_shipping_cost_for_product_category_wise($product,$request['quantity']):0; if ($product->added_by == 'seller') { $cart['shop_info'] = Shop::where(['seller_id' => $product->user_id])->first()->name; } else { $cart['shop_info'] = Helpers::get_business_settings('company_name'); } $shippingMethod = Helpers::get_business_settings('shipping_method'); if($shippingMethod == 'inhouse_shipping') { $admin_shipping = ShippingType::where('seller_id',0)->first(); $shipping_type = isset($admin_shipping)==true?$admin_shipping->shipping_type:'order_wise'; }else{ if($product->added_by == 'admin'){ $admin_shipping = ShippingType::where('seller_id',0)->first(); $shipping_type = isset($admin_shipping)==true?$admin_shipping->shipping_type:'order_wise'; }else{ $seller_shipping = ShippingType::where('seller_id',$product->user_id)->first(); $shipping_type = isset($seller_shipping)==true? $seller_shipping->shipping_type:'order_wise'; } } $cart['shipping_type']=$shipping_type; if ($user == 'offline') { $offline_cart = session('offline_cart'); $offline_cart->push($cart); session()->put('offline_cart', $offline_cart); } else { $cart->save(); } return [ 'status' => 1, 'message' => translate('successfully_added!') ]; } public static function update_cart_qty($request) { $user = Helpers::get_customer($request); $status = 1; $qty = 0; $cart = Cart::where(['id' => $request->key, 'customer_id' => $user->id])->first(); $product = Product::find($cart['product_id']); $count = count(json_decode($product->variation)); if ($count) { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (json_decode($product->variation)[$i]->type == $cart['variant']) { if (json_decode($product->variation)[$i]->qty < $request->quantity) { $status = 0; $qty = $cart['quantity']; } } } } else if (($product['product_type'] == 'physical') && $product['current_stock'] < $request->quantity) { $status = 0; $qty = $cart['quantity']; } if ($status) { $qty = $request->quantity; $cart['quantity'] = $request->quantity; $cart['shipping_cost'] = CartManager::get_shipping_cost_for_product_category_wise($product,$request->quantity); } $cart->save(); return [ 'status' => $status, 'qty' => $qty, 'message' => $status == 1 ? translate('successfully_updated!') : translate('sorry_stock_is_limited') ]; } public static function get_shipping_cost_for_product_category_wise($product,$qty) { $shippingMethod = Helpers::get_business_settings('shipping_method'); $cost = 0; if($shippingMethod == 'inhouse_shipping') { $admin_shipping = ShippingType::where('seller_id',0)->first(); $shipping_type = isset($admin_shipping)==true?$admin_shipping->shipping_type:'order_wise'; }else{ if($product->added_by == 'admin'){ $admin_shipping = ShippingType::where('seller_id',0)->first(); $shipping_type = isset($admin_shipping)==true?$admin_shipping->shipping_type:'order_wise'; }else{ $seller_shipping = ShippingType::where('seller_id',$product->user_id)->first(); $shipping_type = isset($seller_shipping)==true? $seller_shipping->shipping_type:'order_wise'; } } if($shipping_type == 'category_wise') { $categoryID = 0; foreach(json_decode($product->category_ids) as $ct) { if($ct->position == 1) { $categoryID = $ct->id; } } if ($shippingMethod == 'inhouse_shipping') { $category_shipping_cost = CategoryShippingCost::where('seller_id',0)->where('category_id',$categoryID)->first(); } else { if($product->added_by == 'admin'){ $category_shipping_cost = CategoryShippingCost::where('seller_id',0)->where('category_id',$categoryID)->first(); }else{ $category_shipping_cost = CategoryShippingCost::where('seller_id',$product->user_id)->where('category_id',$categoryID)->first(); } } if($category_shipping_cost->multiply_qty == 1) { $cost = $qty * $category_shipping_cost->cost; }else{ $cost = $category_shipping_cost->cost; } }else if($shipping_type == 'product_wise'){ if($product->multiply_qty == 1) { $cost = $qty * $product->shipping_cost; }else{ $cost = $product->shipping_cost; } }else{ $cost = 0; } return $cost; } }