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Filename: //lib/python3//dist-packages/cloudinit/config///cc_set_passwords.py
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Canonical Ltd. # Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Author: Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com> # Author: Juerg Haefliger <juerg.haefliger@hp.com> # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. """ Set Passwords ------------- **Summary:** Set user passwords and enable/disable SSH password authentication This module consumes three top-level config keys: ``ssh_pwauth``, ``chpasswd`` and ``password``. The ``ssh_pwauth`` config key determines whether or not sshd will be configured to accept password authentication. True values will enable password auth, false values will disable password auth, and the literal string ``unchanged`` will leave it unchanged. Setting no value will also leave the current setting on-disk unchanged. The ``chpasswd`` config key accepts a dictionary containing either or both of ``expire`` and ``list``. If the ``list`` key is provided, it should contain a list of ``username:password`` pairs. This can be either a YAML list (of strings), or a multi-line string with one pair per line. Each user will have the corresponding password set. A password can be randomly generated by specifying ``RANDOM`` or ``R`` as a user's password. A hashed password, created by a tool like ``mkpasswd``, can be specified; a regex (``r'\\$(1|2a|2y|5|6)(\\$.+){2}'``) is used to determine if a password value should be treated as a hash. .. note:: The users specified must already exist on the system. Users will have been created by the ``cc_users_groups`` module at this point. By default, all users on the system will have their passwords expired (meaning that they will have to be reset the next time the user logs in). To disable this behaviour, set ``expire`` under ``chpasswd`` to a false value. If a ``list`` of user/password pairs is not specified under ``chpasswd``, then the value of the ``password`` config key will be used to set the default user's password. **Internal name:** ``cc_set_passwords`` **Module frequency:** per instance **Supported distros:** all **Config keys**:: ssh_pwauth: <yes/no/unchanged> password: password1 chpasswd: expire: <true/false> chpasswd: list: | user1:password1 user2:RANDOM user3:password3 user4:R ## # or as yaml list ## chpasswd: list: - user1:password1 - user2:RANDOM - user3:password3 - user4:R - user4:$6$rL..$ej... """ import re from cloudinit.distros import ug_util from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit.ssh_util import update_ssh_config from cloudinit import subp from cloudinit import util from string import ascii_letters, digits LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # We are removing certain 'painful' letters/numbers PW_SET = (''.join([x for x in ascii_letters + digits if x not in 'loLOI01'])) def handle_ssh_pwauth(pw_auth, service_cmd=None, service_name="ssh"): """Apply sshd PasswordAuthentication changes. @param pw_auth: config setting from 'pw_auth'. Best given as True, False, or "unchanged". @param service_cmd: The service command list (['service']) @param service_name: The name of the sshd service for the system. @return: None""" cfg_name = "PasswordAuthentication" if service_cmd is None: service_cmd = ["service"] if util.is_true(pw_auth): cfg_val = 'yes' elif util.is_false(pw_auth): cfg_val = 'no' else: bmsg = "Leaving SSH config '%s' unchanged." % cfg_name if pw_auth is None or pw_auth.lower() == 'unchanged': LOG.debug("%s ssh_pwauth=%s", bmsg, pw_auth) else: LOG.warning("%s Unrecognized value: ssh_pwauth=%s", bmsg, pw_auth) return updated = update_ssh_config({cfg_name: cfg_val}) if not updated: LOG.debug("No need to restart SSH service, %s not updated.", cfg_name) return if 'systemctl' in service_cmd: cmd = list(service_cmd) + ["restart", service_name] else: cmd = list(service_cmd) + [service_name, "restart"] subp.subp(cmd) LOG.debug("Restarted the SSH daemon.") def handle(_name, cfg, cloud, log, args): if len(args) != 0: # if run from command line, and give args, wipe the chpasswd['list'] password = args[0] if 'chpasswd' in cfg and 'list' in cfg['chpasswd']: del cfg['chpasswd']['list'] else: password = util.get_cfg_option_str(cfg, "password", None) expire = True plist = None if 'chpasswd' in cfg: chfg = cfg['chpasswd'] if 'list' in chfg and chfg['list']: if isinstance(chfg['list'], list): log.debug("Handling input for chpasswd as list.") plist = util.get_cfg_option_list(chfg, 'list', plist) else: log.debug("Handling input for chpasswd as multiline string.") plist = util.get_cfg_option_str(chfg, 'list', plist) if plist: plist = plist.splitlines() expire = util.get_cfg_option_bool(chfg, 'expire', expire) if not plist and password: (users, _groups) = ug_util.normalize_users_groups(cfg, cloud.distro) (user, _user_config) = ug_util.extract_default(users) if user: plist = ["%s:%s" % (user, password)] else: log.warning("No default or defined user to change password for.") errors = [] if plist: plist_in = [] hashed_plist_in = [] hashed_users = [] randlist = [] users = [] # N.B. This regex is included in the documentation (i.e. the module # docstring), so any changes to it should be reflected there. prog = re.compile(r'\$(1|2a|2y|5|6)(\$.+){2}') for line in plist: u, p = line.split(':', 1) if prog.match(p) is not None and ":" not in p: hashed_plist_in.append(line) hashed_users.append(u) else: # in this else branch, we potentially change the password # hence, a deviation from .append(line) if p == "R" or p == "RANDOM": p = rand_user_password() randlist.append("%s:%s" % (u, p)) plist_in.append("%s:%s" % (u, p)) users.append(u) ch_in = '\n'.join(plist_in) + '\n' if users: try: log.debug("Changing password for %s:", users) chpasswd(cloud.distro, ch_in) except Exception as e: errors.append(e) util.logexc( log, "Failed to set passwords with chpasswd for %s", users) hashed_ch_in = '\n'.join(hashed_plist_in) + '\n' if hashed_users: try: log.debug("Setting hashed password for %s:", hashed_users) chpasswd(cloud.distro, hashed_ch_in, hashed=True) except Exception as e: errors.append(e) util.logexc( log, "Failed to set hashed passwords with chpasswd for %s", hashed_users) if len(randlist): blurb = ("Set the following 'random' passwords\n", '\n'.join(randlist)) util.multi_log( "%s\n%s\n" % blurb, stderr=False, fallback_to_stdout=False ) if expire: expired_users = [] for u in users: try: cloud.distro.expire_passwd(u) expired_users.append(u) except Exception as e: errors.append(e) util.logexc(log, "Failed to set 'expire' for %s", u) if expired_users: log.debug("Expired passwords for: %s users", expired_users) handle_ssh_pwauth( cfg.get('ssh_pwauth'), service_cmd=cloud.distro.init_cmd, service_name=cloud.distro.get_option('ssh_svcname', 'ssh')) if len(errors): log.debug("%s errors occured, re-raising the last one", len(errors)) raise errors[-1] def rand_user_password(pwlen=20): return util.rand_str(pwlen, select_from=PW_SET) def chpasswd(distro, plist_in, hashed=False): if util.is_BSD(): for pentry in plist_in.splitlines(): u, p = pentry.split(":") distro.set_passwd(u, p, hashed=hashed) else: cmd = ['chpasswd'] + (['-e'] if hashed else []) subp.subp(cmd, plist_in) # vi: ts=4 expandtab