View /etc/passwd
cPanel Reset Password
Filename: //proc/self/root///usr/share//vim//vim82//syntax//cf.vim
" Vim syntax file " " Language: CFML (ColdFusion) " Author: Ernst M. van der Linden <ernst.vanderlinden@ernestoz.com> " License: The MIT License (MIT) " " Maintainer: Ernst M. van der Linden <ernst.vanderlinden@ernestoz.com> " URL: https://github.com/ernstvanderlinden/vim-coldfusion " Last Change: 2017 Nov 28 " " Filenames: *.cfc *.cfm " Quit when a syntax file was already loaded. if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Using line continuation here. let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo-=C sy sync fromstart " 20171126: disabled as we have fast computers now. "sy sync maxlines=2000 sy case ignore " INCLUDES {{{ sy include @sqlSyntax $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/sql.vim " 20161010: Disabled include html highlighting as it contains huge keywords " regex, so it will have impact on performance. Use own simple SGML tag " coloring instead. "runtime! syntax/html.vim " / INCLUDES }}} " NUMBER {{{ sy match cfmlNumber \ "\v<\d+>" " / NUMBER }}} " EQUAL SIGN {{{ sy match cfmlEqualSign \ "\v\=" " / EQUAL SIGN }}} " BOOLEAN {{{ sy match cfmlBoolean \ "\v<(true|false)>" " / BOOLEAN }}} " HASH SURROUNDED {{{ sy region cfmlHashSurround \ keepend \ oneline \ start="#" \ end="#" \ skip="##" \ contains= \@cfmlOperator, \@cfmlPunctuation, \cfmlBoolean, \cfmlCoreKeyword, \cfmlCoreScope, \cfmlCustomKeyword, \cfmlCustomScope, \cfmlEqualSign, \cfmlFunctionName, \cfmlNumber " / HASH SURROUNDED }}} " OPERATOR {{{ " OPERATOR - ARITHMETIC {{{ " +7 -7 " ++i --i " i++ i-- " + - * / % " += -= *= /= %= " ^ mod sy match cfmlArithmeticOperator \ "\v \(\+|-)\ze\d \|(\+\+|--)\ze\w \|\w\zs(\+\+|--) \|(\s( \(\+|-|\*|\/|\%){1}\={,1} \|\^ \|mod \)\s) \" " / OPERATOR - ARITHMETIC }}} " OPERATOR - BOOLEAN {{{ " not and or xor eqv imp " ! && || sy match cfmlBooleanOperator \ "\v\s \(not|and|or|xor|eqv|imp \|\!|\&\&|\|\| \)(\s|\)) \|\s\!\ze\w \" " / OPERATOR - BOOLEAN }}} " OPERATOR - DECISION {{{ "is|equal|eq "is not|not equal|neq "contains|does not contain "greater than|gt "less than|lt "greater than or equal to|gte|ge "less than or equal to|lte|le "==|!=|>|<|>=|<= sy match cfmlDecisionOperator \ "\v\s \(is|equal|eq \|is not|not equal|neq \|contains|does not contain \|greater than|gt \|less than|lt \|greater than or equal to|gte|ge \|less than or equal to|lte|le \|(!|\<|\>|\=){1}\= \|\< \|\> \)\s" " / OPERATOR - DECISION }}} " OPERATOR - STRING {{{ " & " &= sy match cfmlStringOperator \ "\v\s\&\={,1}\s" " / OPERATOR - STRING }}} " OPERATOR - TERNARY {{{ " ? : sy match cfmlTernaryOperator \ "\v\s \\?|\: \\s" " / OPERATOR - TERNARY }}} sy cluster cfmlOperator \ contains= \cfmlArithmeticOperator, \cfmlBooleanOperator, \cfmlDecisionOperator, \cfmlStringOperator, \cfmlTernaryOperator " / OPERATOR }}} " PARENTHESIS {{{ sy cluster cfmlParenthesisRegionContains \ contains= \@cfmlAttribute, \@cfmlComment, \@cfmlFlowStatement, \@cfmlOperator, \@cfmlPunctuation, \cfmlBoolean, \cfmlBrace, \cfmlCoreKeyword, \cfmlCoreScope, \cfmlCustomKeyword, \cfmlCustomScope, \cfmlEqualSign, \cfmlFunctionName, \cfmlNumber, \cfmlStorageKeyword, \cfmlStorageType sy region cfmlParenthesisRegion1 \ extend \ matchgroup=cfmlParenthesis1 \ transparent \ start=/(/ \ end=/)/ \ contains= \cfmlParenthesisRegion2, \@cfmlParenthesisRegionContains sy region cfmlParenthesisRegion2 \ matchgroup=cfmlParenthesis2 \ transparent \ start=/(/ \ end=/)/ \ contains= \cfmlParenthesisRegion3, \@cfmlParenthesisRegionContains sy region cfmlParenthesisRegion3 \ matchgroup=cfmlParenthesis3 \ transparent \ start=/(/ \ end=/)/ \ contains= \cfmlParenthesisRegion1, \@cfmlParenthesisRegionContains sy cluster cfmlParenthesisRegion \ contains= \cfmlParenthesisRegion1, \cfmlParenthesisRegion2, \cfmlParenthesisRegion3 " / PARENTHESIS }}} " BRACE {{{ sy match cfmlBrace \ "{\|}" sy region cfmlBraceRegion \ extend \ fold \ keepend \ transparent \ start="{" \ end="}" " / BRACE }}} " PUNCTUATION {{{ " PUNCTUATION - BRACKET {{{ sy match cfmlBracket \ "\(\[\|\]\)" \ contained " / PUNCTUATION - BRACKET }}} " PUNCTUATION - CHAR {{{ sy match cfmlComma "," sy match cfmlDot "\." sy match cfmlSemiColon ";" " / PUNCTUATION - CHAR }}} " PUNCTUATION - QUOTE {{{ sy region cfmlSingleQuotedValue \ matchgroup=cfmlSingleQuote \ start=/'/ \ skip=/''/ \ end=/'/ \ contains= \cfmlHashSurround sy region cfmlDoubleQuotedValue \ matchgroup=cfmlDoubleQuote \ start=/"/ \ skip=/""/ \ end=/"/ \ contains= \cfmlHashSurround sy cluster cfmlQuotedValue \ contains= \cfmlDoubleQuotedValue, \cfmlSingleQuotedValue sy cluster cfmlQuote \ contains= \cfmlDoubleQuote, \cfmlSingleQuote " / PUNCTUATION - QUOTE }}} sy cluster cfmlPunctuation \ contains= \@cfmlQuote, \@cfmlQuotedValue, \cfmlBracket, \cfmlComma, \cfmlDot, \cfmlSemiColon " / PUNCTUATION }}} " TAG START AND END {{{ " tag start " <cf...> " s^^ e sy region cfmlTagStart \ keepend \ transparent \ start="\c<cf_*" \ end=">" \ contains= \@cfmlAttribute, \@cfmlComment, \@cfmlOperator, \@cfmlParenthesisRegion, \@cfmlPunctuation, \@cfmlQuote, \@cfmlQuotedValue, \cfmlAttrEqualSign, \cfmlBoolean, \cfmlBrace, \cfmlCoreKeyword, \cfmlCoreScope, \cfmlCustomKeyword, \cfmlCustomScope, \cfmlEqualSign, \cfmlFunctionName, \cfmlNumber, \cfmlStorageKeyword, \cfmlStorageType, \cfmlTagBracket, \cfmlTagName " tag end " </cf...> " s^^^ e sy match cfmlTagEnd \ transparent \ "\c</cf_*[^>]*>" \ contains= \cfmlTagBracket, \cfmlTagName " tag bracket " </...> " ^^ ^ sy match cfmlTagBracket \ contained \ "\(<\|>\|\/\)" " tag name " <cf...> " s^^^e sy match cfmlTagName \ contained \ "\v<\/*\zs\ccf\w*" " / TAG START AND END }}} " ATTRIBUTE NAME AND VALUE {{{ sy match cfmlAttrName \ contained \ "\v(var\s)@<!\w+\ze\s*\=([^\=])+" sy match cfmlAttrValue \ contained \ "\v(\=\"*)\zs\s*\w*" sy match cfmlAttrEqualSign \ contained \ "\v\=" sy cluster cfmlAttribute \ contains= \@cfmlQuotedValue, \cfmlAttrEqualSign, \cfmlAttrName, \cfmlAttrValue, \cfmlCoreKeyword, \cfmlCoreScope " / ATTRIBUTE NAME AND VALUE }}} " TAG REGION AND FOLDING {{{ " CFCOMPONENT REGION AND FOLD {{{ " <cfcomponent " s^^^^^^^^^^^ " </cfcomponent> " ^^^^^^^^^^^^^e sy region cfmlComponentTagRegion \ fold \ keepend \ transparent \ start="\c<cfcomponent" \ end="\c</cfcomponent>" " / CFCOMPONENT REGION AND FOLD }}} " CFFUNCTION REGION AND FOLD {{{ " <cffunction " s^^^^^^^^^^ " </cffunction> " ^^^^^^^^^^^^e sy region cfmlFunctionTagRegion \ fold \ keepend \ transparent \ start="\c<cffunction" \ end="\c</cffunction>" " / CFFUNCTION REGION AND FOLD }}} " CFIF REGION AND FOLD {{{ " <cfif " s^^^^ " </cfif> " ^^^^^^e sy region cfmlIfTagRegion \ fold \ keepend \ transparent \ start="\c<cfif" \ end="\c</cfif>" " / CFIF REGION AND FOLD }}} " CFLOOP REGION AND FOLD {{{ " <cfloop " s^^^^^^ " </cfloop> " ^^^^^^^^e sy region cfmlLoopTagRegion \ fold \ keepend \ transparent \ start="\c<cfloop" \ end="\c</cfloop>" " / CFLOOP REGION AND FOLD }}} " CFOUTPUT REGION AND FOLD {{{ " <cfoutput " s^^^^^^^^ " </cfoutput> " ^^^^^^^^^^e sy region cfmlOutputTagRegion \ fold \ keepend \ transparent \ start="\c<cfoutput" \ end="\c</cfoutput>" " / CFOUTPUT REGION AND FOLD }}} " CFQUERY REGION AND FOLD {{{ " <cfquery " s^^^^^^^ " </cfquery> " ^^^^^^^^^e "\@cfmlSqlStatement, sy region cfmlQueryTagRegion \ fold \ keepend \ transparent \ start="\c<cfquery" \ end="\c</cfquery>" \ contains= \@cfmlSqlStatement, \cfmlTagStart, \cfmlTagEnd, \cfmlTagComment " / CFQUERY REGION AND FOLD }}} " SAVECONTENT REGION AND FOLD {{{ " <savecontent " s^^^^^^^^^^^ " </savecontent> " ^^^^^^^^^^^^^e sy region cfmlSavecontentTagRegion \ fold \ keepend \ transparent \ start="\c<cfsavecontent" \ end="\c</cfsavecontent>" " / SAVECONTENT REGION AND FOLD }}} " CFSCRIPT REGION AND FOLD {{{ " <cfscript> " s^^^^^^^^^ " </cfscript> " ^^^^^^^^^^e "\cfmlCustomScope, sy region cfmlScriptTagRegion \ fold \ keepend \ transparent \ start="\c<cfscript>" \ end="\c</cfscript>" \ contains= \@cfmlComment, \@cfmlFlowStatement, \cfmlHashSurround, \@cfmlOperator, \@cfmlParenthesisRegion, \@cfmlPunctuation, \cfmlBoolean, \cfmlBrace, \cfmlCoreKeyword, \cfmlCoreScope, \cfmlCustomKeyword, \cfmlCustomScope, \cfmlEqualSign, \cfmlFunctionDefinition, \cfmlFunctionName, \cfmlNumber, \cfmlOddFunction, \cfmlStorageKeyword, \cfmlTagEnd, \cfmlTagStart " / CFSCRIPT REGION AND FOLD }}} " CFSWITCH REGION AND FOLD {{{ " <cfswitch " s^^^^^^^^ " </cfswitch> " ^^^^^^^^^^e sy region cfmlSwitchTagRegion \ fold \ keepend \ transparent \ start="\c<cfswitch" \ end="\c</cfswitch>" " / CFSWITCH REGION AND FOLD }}} " CFTRANSACTION REGION AND FOLD {{{ " <cftransaction " s^^^^^^^^^^^^^ " </cftransaction> " ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^e sy region cfmlTransactionTagRegion \ fold \ keepend \ transparent \ start="\c<cftransaction" \ end="\c</cftransaction>" " / CFTRANSACTION REGION AND FOLD }}} " CUSTOM TAG REGION AND FOLD {{{ " <cf_...> " s^^^ ^ " </cf_...> " ^^^^^ e sy region cfmlCustomTagRegion \ fold \ keepend \ transparent \ start="\c<cf_[^>]*>" \ end="\c</cf_[^>]*>" " / CUSTOM TAG REGION AND FOLD }}} " / TAG REGION AND FOLDING }}} " COMMENT {{{ " COMMENT BLOCK {{{ " /*...*/ " s^ ^e sy region cfmlCommentBlock \ keepend \ start="/\*" \ end="\*/" \ contains= \cfmlMetaData " / COMMENT BLOCK }}} " COMMENT LINE {{{ " //... " s^ sy match cfmlCommentLine \ "\/\/.*" " / COMMENT LINE }}} sy cluster cfmlComment \ contains= \cfmlCommentBlock, \cfmlCommentLine " / COMMENT }}} " TAG COMMENT {{{ " <!---...---> " s^^^^ ^^^e sy region cfmlTagComment \ keepend \ start="<!---" \ end="--->" \ contains= \cfmlTagComment " / TAG COMMENT }}} " FLOW STATEMENT {{{ " BRANCH FLOW KEYWORD {{{ sy keyword cfmlBranchFlowKeyword \ break \ continue \ return " / BRANCH KEYWORD }}} " DECISION FLOW KEYWORD {{{ sy keyword cfmlDecisionFlowKeyword \ case \ defaultcase \ else \ if \ switch " / DECISION FLOW KEYWORD }}} " LOOP FLOW KEYWORD {{{ sy keyword cfmlLoopFlowKeyword \ do \ for \ in \ while " / LOOP FLOW KEYWORD }}} " TRY FLOW KEYWORD {{{ sy keyword cfmlTryFlowKeyword \ catch \ finally \ rethrow \ throw \ try " / TRY FLOW KEYWORD }}} sy cluster cfmlFlowStatement \ contains= \cfmlBranchFlowKeyword, \cfmlDecisionFlowKeyword, \cfmlLoopFlowKeyword, \cfmlTryFlowKeyword " / FLOW STATEMENT }}} " STORAGE KEYWORD {{{ sy keyword cfmlStorageKeyword \ var " / STORAGE KEYWORD }}} " STORAGE TYPE {{{ sy match cfmlStorageType \ contained \ "\v< \(any \|array \|binary \|boolean \|date \|numeric \|query \|string \|struct \|uuid \|void \|xml \){1}\ze(\s*\=)@!" " / STORAGE TYPE }}} " CORE KEYWORD {{{ sy match cfmlCoreKeyword \ "\v< \(new \|required \)\ze\s" " / CORE KEYWORD }}} " CORE SCOPE {{{ sy match cfmlCoreScope \ "\v< \(application \|arguments \|attributes \|caller \|cfcatch \|cffile \|cfhttp \|cgi \|client \|cookie \|form \|local \|request \|server \|session \|super \|this \|thisTag \|thread \|variables \|url \){1}\ze(,|\.|\[|\)|\s)" " / CORE SCOPE }}} " SQL STATEMENT {{{ sy cluster cfmlSqlStatement \ contains= \@cfmlParenthesisRegion, \@cfmlQuote, \@cfmlQuotedValue, \@sqlSyntax, \cfmlBoolean, \cfmlDot, \cfmlEqualSign, \cfmlFunctionName, \cfmlHashSurround, \cfmlNumber " / SQL STATEMENT }}} " TAG IN SCRIPT {{{ sy match cfmlTagNameInScript \ "\vcf_*\w+\s*\ze\(" " / TAG IN SCRIPT }}} " METADATA {{{ sy region cfmlMetaData \ contained \ keepend \ start="@\w\+" \ end="$" \ contains= \cfmlMetaDataName sy match cfmlMetaDataName \ contained \ "@\w\+" " / METADATA }}} " COMPONENT DEFINITION {{{ sy region cfmlComponentDefinition \ start="component" \ end="{"me=e-1 \ contains= \@cfmlAttribute, \cfmlComponentKeyword sy match cfmlComponentKeyword \ contained \ "\v<component>" " / COMPONENT DEFINITION }}} " INTERFACE DEFINITION {{{ sy match cfmlInterfaceDefinition \ "interface\s.*{"me=e-1 \ contains= \cfmlInterfaceKeyword sy match cfmlInterfaceKeyword \ contained \ "\v<interface>" " / INTERFACE DEFINITION }}} " PROPERTY {{{ sy region cfmlProperty \ transparent \ start="\v<property>" \ end=";"me=e-1 \ contains= \@cfmlQuotedValue, \cfmlAttrEqualSign, \cfmlAttrName, \cfmlAttrValue, \cfmlPropertyKeyword sy match cfmlPropertyKeyword \ contained \ "\v<property>" " / PROPERTY }}} " FUNCTION DEFINITION {{{ sy match cfmlFunctionDefinition \ "\v \(<(public|private|package)\s){,1} \(< \(any \|array \|binary \|boolean \|date \|numeric \|query \|string \|struct \|uuid \|void \|xml \)\s){,1} \<function\s\w+\s*\("me=e-1 \ contains= \cfmlFunctionKeyword, \cfmlFunctionModifier, \cfmlFunctionName, \cfmlFunctionReturnType " FUNCTION KEYWORD {{{ sy match cfmlFunctionKeyword \ contained \ "\v<function>" " / FUNCTION KEYWORD }}} " FUNCTION MODIFIER {{{ sy match cfmlFunctionModifier \ contained \ "\v< \(public \|private \|package \)>" " / FUNCTION MODIFIER }}} " FUNCTION RETURN TYPE {{{ sy match cfmlFunctionReturnType \ contained \ "\v \(any \|array \|binary \|boolean \|date \|numeric \|query \|string \|struct \|uuid \|void \|xml \)" " / FUNCTION RETURN TYPE }}} " FUNCTION NAME {{{ " specific regex for core functions decreases performance " so use the same highlighting for both function types sy match cfmlFunctionName \ "\v<(cf|if|elseif|throw)@!\w+\s*\ze\(" " / FUNCTION NAME }}} " / FUNCTION DEFINITION }}} " ODD FUNCTION {{{ sy region cfmlOddFunction \ transparent \ start="\v< \(abort \|exit \|import \|include \|lock \|pageencoding \|param \|savecontent \|thread \|transaction \){1}" \ end="\v(\{|;)"me=e-1 \ contains= \@cfmlQuotedValue, \cfmlAttrEqualSign, \cfmlAttrName, \cfmlAttrValue, \cfmlCoreKeyword, \cfmlOddFunctionKeyword, \cfmlCoreScope " ODD FUNCTION KEYWORD {{{ sy match cfmlOddFunctionKeyword \ contained \ "\v< \(abort \|exit \|import \|include \|lock \|pageencoding \|param \|savecontent \|thread \|transaction \)\ze(\s|$|;)" " / ODD FUNCTION KEYWORD }}} " / ODD FUNCTION }}} " CUSTOM {{{ " CUSTOM KEYWORD {{{ sy match cfmlCustomKeyword \ contained \ "\v< \(customKeyword1 \|customKeyword2 \|customKeyword3 \)>" " / CUSTOM KEYWORD }}} " CUSTOM SCOPE {{{ sy match cfmlCustomScope \ contained \ "\v< \(prc \|rc \|event \|(\w+Service) \){1}\ze(\.|\[)" " / CUSTOM SCOPE }}} " / CUSTOM }}} " SGML TAG START AND END {{{ " SGML tag start " <...> " s^^^e sy region cfmlSGMLTagStart \ keepend \ transparent \ start="\v(\<cf)@!\zs\<\w+" \ end=">" \ contains= \@cfmlAttribute, \@cfmlComment, \@cfmlOperator, \@cfmlParenthesisRegion, \@cfmlPunctuation, \@cfmlQuote, \@cfmlQuotedValue, \cfmlAttrEqualSign, \cfmlBoolean, \cfmlBrace, \cfmlCoreKeyword, \cfmlCoreScope, \cfmlCustomKeyword, \cfmlCustomScope, \cfmlEqualSign, \cfmlFunctionName, \cfmlNumber, \cfmlStorageKeyword, \cfmlStorageType, \cfmlTagBracket, \cfmlSGMLTagName " SGML tag end " </...> " s^^^^e sy match cfmlSGMLTagEnd \ transparent \ "\v(\<\/cf)@!\zs\<\/\w+\>" \ contains= \cfmlTagBracket, \cfmlSGMLTagName " SGML tag name " <...> " s^^^e sy match cfmlSGMLTagName \ contained \ "\v(\<\/*)\zs\w+" " / SGML TAG START AND END }}} " HIGHLIGHTING {{{ hi link cfmlNumber Number hi link cfmlBoolean Boolean hi link cfmlEqualSign Keyword " HASH SURROUND hi link cfmlHash PreProc hi link cfmlHashSurround PreProc " OPERATOR hi link cfmlArithmeticOperator Function hi link cfmlBooleanOperator Function hi link cfmlDecisionOperator Function hi link cfmlStringOperator Function hi link cfmlTernaryOperator Function " PARENTHESIS hi link cfmlParenthesis1 Statement hi link cfmlParenthesis2 String hi link cfmlParenthesis3 Delimiter " BRACE hi link cfmlBrace PreProc " PUNCTUATION - BRACKET hi link cfmlBracket Statement " PUNCTUATION - CHAR hi link cfmlComma Comment hi link cfmlDot Comment hi link cfmlSemiColon Comment " PUNCTUATION - QUOTE hi link cfmlDoubleQuote String hi link cfmlDoubleQuotedValue String hi link cfmlSingleQuote String hi link cfmlSingleQuotedValue String " TAG START AND END hi link cfmlTagName Function hi link cfmlTagBracket Comment " ATTRIBUTE NAME AND VALUE hi link cfmlAttrName Type hi link cfmlAttrValue Special " COMMENT hi link cfmlCommentBlock Comment hi link cfmlCommentLine Comment hi link cfmlTagComment Comment " FLOW STATEMENT hi link cfmlDecisionFlowKeyword Conditional hi link cfmlLoopFlowKeyword Repeat hi link cfmlTryFlowKeyword Exception hi link cfmlBranchFlowKeyword Keyword " STORAGE KEYWORD hi link cfmlStorageKeyword Keyword " STORAGE TYPE hi link cfmlStorageType Keyword " CORE KEYWORD hi link cfmlCoreKeyword PreProc " CORE SCOPE hi link cfmlCoreScope Keyword " TAG IN SCRIPT hi link cfmlTagNameInScript Function " METADATA " meta data value = cfmlMetaData hi link cfmlMetaData String hi link cfmlMetaDataName Type " COMPONENT DEFINITION hi link cfmlComponentKeyword Keyword " INTERFACE DEFINITION hi link cfmlInterfaceKeyword Keyword " PROPERTY hi link cfmlPropertyKeyword Keyword " FUNCTION DEFINITION hi link cfmlFunctionKeyword Keyword hi link cfmlFunctionModifier Keyword hi link cfmlFunctionReturnType Keyword hi link cfmlFunctionName Function " ODD FUNCTION hi link cfmlOddFunctionKeyword Function " CUSTOM hi link cfmlCustomKeyword Keyword hi link cfmlCustomScope Structure " SGML TAG hi link cfmlSGMLTagName Ignore " / HIGHLIGHTING }}} let b:current_syntax = "cfml" let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save