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cPanel Reset Password
Filename: //lib//python3/dist-packages////supervisor//datatypes.py
import grp import os import pwd import signal import socket import shlex from supervisor.compat import urlparse from supervisor.compat import long from supervisor.loggers import getLevelNumByDescription def process_or_group_name(name): """Ensures that a process or group name is not created with characters that break the eventlistener protocol or web UI URLs""" s = str(name).strip() for character in ' :/': if character in s: raise ValueError("Invalid name: %r because of character: %r" % (name, character)) return s def integer(value): try: return int(value) except (ValueError, OverflowError): return long(value) # why does this help ValueError? (CM) TRUTHY_STRINGS = ('yes', 'true', 'on', '1') FALSY_STRINGS = ('no', 'false', 'off', '0') def boolean(s): """Convert a string value to a boolean value.""" ss = str(s).lower() if ss in TRUTHY_STRINGS: return True elif ss in FALSY_STRINGS: return False else: raise ValueError("not a valid boolean value: " + repr(s)) def list_of_strings(arg): if not arg: return [] try: return [x.strip() for x in arg.split(',')] except: raise ValueError("not a valid list of strings: " + repr(arg)) def list_of_ints(arg): if not arg: return [] else: try: return list(map(int, arg.split(","))) except: raise ValueError("not a valid list of ints: " + repr(arg)) def list_of_exitcodes(arg): try: vals = list_of_ints(arg) for val in vals: if (val > 255) or (val < 0): raise ValueError('Invalid exit code "%s"' % val) return vals except: raise ValueError("not a valid list of exit codes: " + repr(arg)) def dict_of_key_value_pairs(arg): """ parse KEY=val,KEY2=val2 into {'KEY':'val', 'KEY2':'val2'} Quotes can be used to allow commas in the value """ lexer = shlex.shlex(str(arg)) lexer.wordchars += '/.+-():' tokens = list(lexer) tokens_len = len(tokens) D = {} i = 0 while i < tokens_len: k_eq_v = tokens[i:i+3] if len(k_eq_v) != 3 or k_eq_v[1] != '=': raise ValueError( "Unexpected end of key/value pairs in value '%s'" % arg) D[k_eq_v[0]] = k_eq_v[2].strip('\'"') i += 4 return D class Automatic: pass class Syslog: """TODO deprecated; remove this special 'syslog' filename in the future""" pass LOGFILE_NONES = ('none', 'off', None) LOGFILE_AUTOS = (Automatic, 'auto') LOGFILE_SYSLOGS = (Syslog, 'syslog') def logfile_name(val): if hasattr(val, 'lower'): coerced = val.lower() else: coerced = val if coerced in LOGFILE_NONES: return None elif coerced in LOGFILE_AUTOS: return Automatic elif coerced in LOGFILE_SYSLOGS: return Syslog else: return existing_dirpath(val) class RangeCheckedConversion: """Conversion helper that range checks another conversion.""" def __init__(self, conversion, min=None, max=None): self._min = min self._max = max self._conversion = conversion def __call__(self, value): v = self._conversion(value) if self._min is not None and v < self._min: raise ValueError("%s is below lower bound (%s)" % (repr(v), repr(self._min))) if self._max is not None and v > self._max: raise ValueError("%s is above upper bound (%s)" % (repr(v), repr(self._max))) return v port_number = RangeCheckedConversion(integer, min=1, max=0xffff).__call__ def inet_address(s): # returns (host, port) tuple host = '' if ":" in s: host, s = s.split(":", 1) if not s: raise ValueError("no port number specified in %r" % s) port = port_number(s) host = host.lower() else: try: port = port_number(s) except ValueError: raise ValueError("not a valid port number: %r " %s) if not host or host == '*': host = '' return host, port class SocketAddress: def __init__(self, s): # returns (family, address) tuple if "/" in s or s.find(os.sep) >= 0 or ":" not in s: self.family = getattr(socket, "AF_UNIX", None) self.address = s else: self.family = socket.AF_INET self.address = inet_address(s) class SocketConfig: """ Abstract base class which provides a uniform abstraction for TCP vs Unix sockets """ url = '' # socket url addr = None #socket addr backlog = None # socket listen backlog def __repr__(self): return '<%s at %s for %s>' % (self.__class__, id(self), self.url) def __str__(self): return str(self.url) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, SocketConfig): return False if self.url != other.url: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def get_backlog(self): return self.backlog def addr(self): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError def create_and_bind(self): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError class InetStreamSocketConfig(SocketConfig): """ TCP socket config helper """ host = None # host name or ip to bind to port = None # integer port to bind to def __init__(self, host, port, **kwargs): self.host = host.lower() self.port = port_number(port) self.url = 'tcp://%s:%d' % (self.host, self.port) self.backlog = kwargs.get('backlog', None) def addr(self): return self.host, self.port def create_and_bind(self): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind(self.addr()) except: sock.close() raise return sock class UnixStreamSocketConfig(SocketConfig): """ Unix domain socket config helper """ path = None # Unix domain socket path mode = None # Unix permission mode bits for socket owner = None # Tuple (uid, gid) for Unix ownership of socket sock = None # socket object def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): self.path = path self.url = 'unix://%s' % path self.mode = kwargs.get('mode', None) self.owner = kwargs.get('owner', None) self.backlog = kwargs.get('backlog', None) def addr(self): return self.path def create_and_bind(self): if os.path.exists(self.path): os.unlink(self.path) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: sock.bind(self.addr()) self._chown() self._chmod() except: sock.close() if os.path.exists(self.path): os.unlink(self.path) raise return sock def get_mode(self): return self.mode def get_owner(self): return self.owner def _chmod(self): if self.mode is not None: try: os.chmod(self.path, self.mode) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Could not change permissions of socket " + "file: %s" % e) def _chown(self): if self.owner is not None: try: os.chown(self.path, self.owner[0], self.owner[1]) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Could not change ownership of socket file: " + "%s" % e) def colon_separated_user_group(arg): """ Find a user ID and group ID from a string like 'user:group'. Returns a tuple (uid, gid). If the string only contains a user like 'user' then (uid, -1) will be returned. Raises ValueError if either the user or group can't be resolved to valid IDs on the system. """ try: parts = arg.split(':', 1) if len(parts) == 1: uid = name_to_uid(parts[0]) gid = -1 else: uid = name_to_uid(parts[0]) gid = name_to_gid(parts[1]) return (uid, gid) except: raise ValueError('Invalid user:group definition %s' % arg) def name_to_uid(name): """ Find a user ID from a string containing a user name or ID. Raises ValueError if the string can't be resolved to a valid user ID on the system. """ try: uid = int(name) except ValueError: try: pwdrec = pwd.getpwnam(name) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid user name %s" % name) uid = pwdrec[2] else: try: pwd.getpwuid(uid) # check if uid is valid except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid user id %s" % name) return uid def name_to_gid(name): """ Find a group ID from a string containing a group name or ID. Raises ValueError if the string can't be resolved to a valid group ID on the system. """ try: gid = int(name) except ValueError: try: grprec = grp.getgrnam(name) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid group name %s" % name) gid = grprec[2] else: try: grp.getgrgid(gid) # check if gid is valid except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid group id %s" % name) return gid def gid_for_uid(uid): pwrec = pwd.getpwuid(uid) return pwrec[3] def octal_type(arg): try: return int(arg, 8) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError('%s can not be converted to an octal type' % arg) def existing_directory(v): nv = os.path.expanduser(v) if os.path.isdir(nv): return nv raise ValueError('%s is not an existing directory' % v) def existing_dirpath(v): nv = os.path.expanduser(v) dir = os.path.dirname(nv) if not dir: # relative pathname with no directory component return nv if os.path.isdir(dir): return nv raise ValueError('The directory named as part of the path %s ' 'does not exist' % v) def logging_level(value): s = str(value).lower() level = getLevelNumByDescription(s) if level is None: raise ValueError('bad logging level name %r' % value) return level class SuffixMultiplier: # d is a dictionary of suffixes to integer multipliers. If no suffixes # match, default is the multiplier. Matches are case insensitive. Return # values are in the fundamental unit. def __init__(self, d, default=1): self._d = d self._default = default # all keys must be the same size self._keysz = None for k in d.keys(): if self._keysz is None: self._keysz = len(k) else: assert self._keysz == len(k) def __call__(self, v): v = v.lower() for s, m in self._d.items(): if v[-self._keysz:] == s: return int(v[:-self._keysz]) * m return int(v) * self._default byte_size = SuffixMultiplier({'kb': 1024, 'mb': 1024*1024, 'gb': 1024*1024*long(1024),}) def url(value): # earlier Python 2.6 urlparse (2.6.4 and under) can't parse unix:// URLs, # later ones can but we need to straddle uri = value.replace('unix://', 'http://', 1).strip() scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(uri) if scheme and (netloc or path): return value raise ValueError("value %r is not a URL" % value) # all valid signal numbers SIGNUMS = [ getattr(signal, k) for k in dir(signal) if k.startswith('SIG') ] def signal_number(value): try: num = int(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): name = value.strip().upper() if not name.startswith('SIG'): name = 'SIG' + name num = getattr(signal, name, None) if num is None: raise ValueError('value %r is not a valid signal name' % value) if num not in SIGNUMS: raise ValueError('value %r is not a valid signal number' % value) return num class RestartWhenExitUnexpected: pass class RestartUnconditionally: pass def auto_restart(value): value = str(value.lower()) computed_value = value if value in TRUTHY_STRINGS: computed_value = RestartUnconditionally elif value in FALSY_STRINGS: computed_value = False elif value == 'unexpected': computed_value = RestartWhenExitUnexpected if computed_value not in (RestartWhenExitUnexpected, RestartUnconditionally, False): raise ValueError("invalid 'autorestart' value %r" % value) return computed_value def profile_options(value): options = [x.lower() for x in list_of_strings(value) ] sort_options = [] callers = False for thing in options: if thing != 'callers': sort_options.append(thing) else: callers = True return sort_options, callers