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Filename: //lib//python3/////dist-packages//debianbts//debianbts.py
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Query Debian's Bug Tracking System (BTS). This module provides a layer between Python and Debian's BTS. It provides methods to query the BTS using the BTS' SOAP interface, and the Bugreport class which represents a bugreport from the BTS. """ import base64 from distutils.version import LooseVersion import email.feedparser import email.policy from datetime import datetime import os import sys import logging import pysimplesoap from pysimplesoap.client import SoapClient from pysimplesoap.simplexml import SimpleXMLElement logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Support running from Debian infrastructure ca_path = '/etc/ssl/ca-debian' if os.path.isdir(ca_path): os.environ['SSL_CERT_DIR'] = ca_path PYSIMPLESOAP_1_16_2 = (LooseVersion(pysimplesoap.__version__) >= LooseVersion('1.16.2')) # Setup the soap server # Default values URL = 'https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/soap.cgi' NS = 'Debbugs/SOAP/V1' BTS_URL = 'https://bugs.debian.org/' # Max number of bugs to send in a single get_status request BATCH_SIZE = 500 SEVERITIES = { 'critical': 7, 'grave': 6, 'serious': 5, 'important': 4, 'normal': 3, 'minor': 2, 'wishlist': 1, } class Bugreport(object): """Represents a bugreport from Debian's Bug Tracking System. A bugreport object provides all attributes provided by the SOAP interface. Most of the attributes are strings, the others are marked. Attributes ---------- bug_num : int The bugnumber severity : str Severity of the bugreport tags : list of strings Tags of the bugreport subject : str The subject/title of the bugreport originator : str Submitter of the bugreport mergedwith : list of ints List of bugnumbers this bug was merged with package : str Package of the bugreport source : str Source package of the bugreport date : datetime Date of bug creation log_modified : datetime Date of update of the bugreport done : boolean Is the bug fixed or not done_by : str or None Name and Email or None archived : bool Is the bug archived or not unarchived : bool Was the bug unarchived or not fixed_versions : list of strings List of versions, can be empty even if bug is fixed found_versions : list of strings List of version numbers where bug was found forwarded : str A URL or email address blocks: list of ints List of bugnumbers this bug blocks blockedby : list of int List of bugnumbers which block this bug pending : str Either 'pending' or 'done' msgid : str Message ID of the bugreport owner : str Who took responsibility for fixing this bug location : str Either 'db-h' or 'archive' affects : list of str List of Packagenames summary : str Arbitrary text """ def __init__(self): self.originator = None self.date = None self.subject = None self.msgid = None self.package = None self.tags = None self.done = None self.forwarded = None self.mergedwith = None self.severity = None self.owner = None self.found_versions = None self.fixed_versions = None self.blocks = None self.blockedby = None self.unarchived = None self.summary = None self.affects = None self.log_modified = None self.location = None self.archived = None self.bug_num = None self.source = None self.pending = None # The ones below are also there but not used # self.fixed = None # self.found = None # self.fixed_date = None # self.found_date = None # self.keywords = None # self.id = None def __str__(self): s = '\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()) return s + '\n' def __lt__(self, other): """Compare a bugreport with another. The more open and urgent a bug is, the greater the bug is: outstanding > resolved > archived critical > grave > serious > important > normal > minor > wishlist. Openness always beats urgency, eg an archived bug is *always* smaller than an outstanding bug. This sorting is useful for displaying bugreports in a list and sorting them in a useful way. """ return self._get_value() < other._get_value() def __le__(self, other): return not self.__gt__(other) def __gt__(self, other): return self._get_value() > other._get_value() def __ge__(self, other): return not self.__lt__(other) def __eq__(self, other): return self._get_value() == other._get_value() def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def _get_value(self): if self.archived: # archived and done val = 0 elif self.done: # not archived and done val = 10 else: # not done val = 20 val += SEVERITIES[self.severity] return val def get_status(nrs, *additional): """Returns a list of Bugreport objects. Given a list of bugnumbers this method returns a list of Bugreport objects. Parameters ---------- nrs : int or list of ints The bugnumbers additional : int Deprecated! The remaining positional arguments are treated as bugnumbers. This is deprecated since 2.10.0, please use the `nrs` parameter instead. Returns ------- bugs : list of Bugreport objects """ if not isinstance(nrs, (list, tuple)): nrs = [nrs] # backward compatible with <= 2.10.0 if additional: logger.warning('Calling get_status with bugnumbers as positional' ' arguments is deprecated, please use a list instead.') nrs.extend(additional) # Process the input in batches to avoid hitting resource limits on # the BTS soap_client = _build_soap_client() bugs = [] for i in range(0, len(nrs), BATCH_SIZE): slice_ = nrs[i:i + BATCH_SIZE] # I build body by hand, pysimplesoap doesn't generate soap Arrays # without using wsdl method_el = SimpleXMLElement('<get_status></get_status>') _build_int_array_el('arg0', method_el, slice_) reply = soap_client.call('get_status', method_el) for bug_item_el in reply('s-gensym3').children() or []: bug_el = bug_item_el.children()[1] bugs.append(_parse_status(bug_el)) return bugs def get_usertag(email, tags=None, *moretags): """Get buglists by usertags. Parameters ---------- email : str tags : list of strings If tags are given the dictionary is limited to the matching tags, if no tags are given all available tags are returned. moretags : str Deprecated! The remaining positional arguments are treated as tags. This is deprecated since 2.10.0, please use the `tags` parameter instead. Returns ------- mapping : dict a mapping of usertag -> buglist """ if tags is None: tags = [] # backward compatible with <= 2.10.0 if not isinstance(tags, (list, tuple)): tags = [tags] if moretags: logger.warning('Calling get_getusertag with tags as positional' ' arguments is deprecated, please use a list instead.') tags.extend(moretags) reply = _soap_client_call('get_usertag', email, *tags) map_el = reply('s-gensym3') mapping = {} # element <s-gensys3> in response can have standard type # xsi:type=apachens:Map (example, for email debian-python@lists.debian.org) # OR no type, in this case keys are the names of child elements and # the array is contained in the child elements type_attr = map_el.attributes().get('xsi:type') if type_attr and type_attr.value == 'apachens:Map': for usertag_el in map_el.children() or []: tag = str(usertag_el('key')) buglist_el = usertag_el('value') mapping[tag] = [int(bug) for bug in buglist_el.children() or []] else: for usertag_el in map_el.children() or []: tag = usertag_el.get_name() mapping[tag] = [int(bug) for bug in usertag_el.children() or []] return mapping def get_bug_log(nr): """Get Buglogs. A buglog is a dictionary with the following mappings: * "header" => string * "body" => string * "attachments" => list * "msg_num" => int * "message" => email.message.Message Parameters ---------- nr : int the bugnumber Returns ------- buglogs : list of dicts """ reply = _soap_client_call('get_bug_log', nr) items_el = reply('soapenc:Array') buglogs = [] for buglog_el in items_el.children(): buglog = {} buglog["header"] = _parse_string_el(buglog_el("header")) buglog["body"] = _parse_string_el(buglog_el("body")) buglog["msg_num"] = int(buglog_el("msg_num")) # server always returns an empty attachments array ? buglog["attachments"] = [] mail_parser = email.feedparser.BytesFeedParser( policy=email.policy.SMTP ) mail_parser.feed(buglog["header"].encode()) mail_parser.feed("\n\n".encode()) mail_parser.feed(buglog["body"].encode()) buglog["message"] = mail_parser.close() buglogs.append(buglog) return buglogs def newest_bugs(amount): """Returns the newest bugs. This method can be used to query the BTS for the n newest bugs. Parameters ---------- amount : int the number of desired bugs. E.g. if `amount` is 10 the method will return the 10 latest bugs. Returns ------- bugs : list of int the bugnumbers """ reply = _soap_client_call('newest_bugs', amount) items_el = reply('soapenc:Array') return [int(item_el) for item_el in items_el.children() or []] def get_bugs(*key_value, **kwargs): """Get list of bugs matching certain criteria. The conditions are defined by the keyword arguments. Arguments --------- key_value : str Deprecated! The positional arguments are treated as key-values. This is deprecated since 2.10.0, please use the `kwargs` parameters instead. kwargs : Possible keywords are: * "package": bugs for the given package * "submitter": bugs from the submitter * "maint": bugs belonging to a maintainer * "src": bugs belonging to a source package * "severity": bugs with a certain severity * "status": can be either "done", "forwarded", or "open" * "tag": see http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer#tags for available tags * "owner": bugs which are assigned to `owner` * "bugs": takes single int or list of bugnumbers, filters the list according to given criteria * "correspondent": bugs where `correspondent` has sent a mail to * "archive": takes a string: "0" (unarchived), "1" (archived) or "both" (un- and archived). if omitted, only returns un-archived bugs. Returns ------- bugs : list of ints the bugnumbers Examples -------- >>> get_bugs(package='gtk-qt-engine', severity='normal') [12345, 23456] """ # flatten kwargs to list: # {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 1} -> ['foo', 'bar','baz', 1] args = [] for k, v in kwargs.items(): args.extend([k, v]) # previous versions also accepted # get_bugs(['package', 'gtk-qt-engine', 'severity', 'normal']) # if key_value is a list in a one elemented tuple, remove the # wrapping list if len(key_value) == 1 and isinstance(key_value[0], list): key_value = tuple(key_value[0]) if key_value: logger.warning('Calling get_bugs with positional arguments is' ' deprecated, please use keyword arguments instead.') args.extend(key_value) # pysimplesoap doesn't generate soap Arrays without using wsdl # I build body by hand, converting list to array and using standard # pysimplesoap marshalling for other types method_el = SimpleXMLElement('<get_bugs></get_bugs>') for arg_n, kv in enumerate(args): arg_name = 'arg' + str(arg_n) if isinstance(kv, (list, tuple)): _build_int_array_el(arg_name, method_el, kv) else: method_el.marshall(arg_name, kv) soap_client = _build_soap_client() reply = soap_client.call('get_bugs', method_el) items_el = reply('soapenc:Array') return [int(item_el) for item_el in items_el.children() or []] def _parse_status(bug_el): """Return a bugreport object from a given status xml element""" bug = Bugreport() # plain fields for field in ('originator', 'subject', 'msgid', 'package', 'severity', 'owner', 'summary', 'location', 'source', 'pending', 'forwarded'): setattr(bug, field, _parse_string_el(bug_el(field))) bug.date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(bug_el('date'))) bug.log_modified = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(bug_el('log_modified'))) bug.tags = [tag for tag in str(bug_el('tags')).split()] bug.done = _parse_bool(bug_el('done')) bug.done_by = _parse_string_el(bug_el('done')) if bug.done else None bug.archived = _parse_bool(bug_el('archived')) bug.unarchived = _parse_bool(bug_el('unarchived')) bug.bug_num = int(bug_el('bug_num')) bug.mergedwith = [int(i) for i in str(bug_el('mergedwith')).split()] bug.blockedby = [int(i) for i in str(bug_el('blockedby')).split()] bug.blocks = [int(i) for i in str(bug_el('blocks')).split()] bug.found_versions = [str(el) for el in bug_el('found_versions').children() or []] bug.fixed_versions = [str(el) for el in bug_el('fixed_versions').children() or []] affects = [_f for _f in str(bug_el('affects')).split(',') if _f] bug.affects = [a.strip() for a in affects] # Also available, but unused or broken # bug.keywords = [keyword for keyword in # str(bug_el('keywords')).split()] # bug.fixed = _parse_crappy_soap(tmp, "fixed") # bug.found = _parse_crappy_soap(tmp, "found") # bug.found_date = \ # [datetime.utcfromtimestamp(i) for i in tmp["found_date"]] # bug.fixed_date = \ # [datetime.utcfromtimestamp(i) for i in tmp["fixed_date"]] return bug # to support python 3.4.3, when using httplib2 as pysimplesoap transport # we must work around a bug in httplib2, which uses # http.client.HTTPSConnection with check_hostname=True, but with an # empty ssl context that prevents the certificate verification. Passing # `cacert` to httplib2 through pysimplesoap permits to create a valid # ssl context. _soap_client_kwargs = { 'location': URL, 'action': '', 'namespace': NS, 'soap_ns': 'soap' } if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info < (3, 4, 3): try: from httplib2 import CA_CERTS except ImportError: pass else: _soap_client_kwargs['cacert'] = CA_CERTS def set_soap_proxy(proxy_arg): """Set proxy for SOAP client. You must use this method after import to set the proxy. Parameters ---------- proxy_arg : str """ _soap_client_kwargs['proxy'] = proxy_arg def get_soap_client_kwargs(): return _soap_client_kwargs def _build_soap_client(): """Factory method that creates a SoapClient. For thread-safety we create SoapClients on demand instead of using a module-level one. Returns ------- sc : SoapClient instance """ return SoapClient(**_soap_client_kwargs) def _convert_soap_method_args(*args): """Convert arguments to be consumed by a SoapClient method Soap client required a list of named arguments: >>> _convert_soap_method_args('a', 1) [('arg0', 'a'), ('arg1', 1)] """ soap_args = [] for arg_n, arg in enumerate(args): soap_args.append(('arg' + str(arg_n), arg)) return soap_args def _soap_client_call(method_name, *args): """Wrapper to call SoapClient method""" # a new client instance is built for threading issues soap_client = _build_soap_client() soap_args = _convert_soap_method_args(*args) # if pysimplesoap version requires it, apply a workaround for # https://github.com/pysimplesoap/pysimplesoap/issues/31 if PYSIMPLESOAP_1_16_2: return getattr(soap_client, method_name)(*soap_args) else: return getattr(soap_client, method_name)(soap_client, *soap_args) def _build_int_array_el(el_name, parent, list_): """build a soapenc:Array made of ints called `el_name` as a child of `parent`""" el = parent.add_child(el_name) el.add_attribute('xmlns:soapenc', 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/') el.add_attribute('xsi:type', 'soapenc:Array') el.add_attribute('soapenc:arrayType', 'xsd:int[{:d}]'.format(len(list_))) for item in list_: item_el = el.add_child('item', str(item)) item_el.add_attribute('xsi:type', 'xsd:int') return el def _parse_bool(el): """parse a boolean value from a xml element""" value = str(el) return not value.strip() in ('', '0') def _parse_string_el(el): """read a string element, maybe encoded in base64""" value = str(el) el_type = el.attributes().get('xsi:type') if el_type and el_type.value == 'xsd:base64Binary': value = base64.b64decode(value) value = value.decode('utf-8', errors='replace') return value