View /etc/passwd
cPanel Reset Password
Filename: /var/www//arsu/resources///views/email-templates/delivery-man-password-reset.blade.php
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>{{\App\CPU\translate('Password Reset')}}</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <style type="text/css"> /** * Google webfonts. Recommended to include the .woff version for cross-client compatibility. */ @media screen { @font-face { font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: local('Source Sans Pro Regular'), local('SourceSansPro-Regular'), url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/sourcesanspro/v10/ODelI1aHBYDBqgeIAH2zlBM0YzuT7MdOe03otPbuUS0.woff) format('woff'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; src: local('Source Sans Pro Bold'), local('SourceSansPro-Bold'), url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/sourcesanspro/v10/toadOcfmlt9b38dHJxOBGFkQc6VGVFSmCnC_l7QZG60.woff) format('woff'); } } /** * Avoid browser level font resizing. * 1. Windows Mobile * 2. iOS / OSX */ body { -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 1 */ -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */ } /** * Remove blue links for iOS devices. */ a[x-apple-data-detectors] { font-family: inherit !important; font-size: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important; line-height: inherit !important; color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; } /** * Fix centering issues in Android 4.4. */ div[style*="margin: 16px 0;"] { margin: 0 !important; } body { width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; padding: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; } .text-info{ color: #3B71CA; } .text-center{ text-align: center; } .card { box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); /* this adds the "card" effect */ padding: 16px; text-align: center; background-color: #f1f1f1; } </style> </head> <body style="background-color: #e9ecef;"> <!-- end preheader --> <div class="card"> <h2 class="text-center"> {{\App\CPU\translate('OTP for Reset Password')}}. </h2> <div class="card-body text-center"> <h1 class="text-info">{{ $otp }}</h1> </div> </div> </body> </html>