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Filename: ////usr/share/doc/nodejs/api/deprecations.md
# Deprecated APIs <!--introduced_in=v7.7.0--> <!-- type=misc --> Node.js APIs might be deprecated for any of the following reasons: * Use of the API is unsafe. * An improved alternative API is available. * Breaking changes to the API are expected in a future major release. Node.js uses three kinds of Deprecations: * Documentation-only * Runtime * End-of-Life A Documentation-only deprecation is one that is expressed only within the Node.js API docs. These generate no side-effects while running Node.js. Some Documentation-only deprecations trigger a runtime warning when launched with [`--pending-deprecation`][] flag (or its alternative, `NODE_PENDING_DEPRECATION=1` environment variable), similarly to Runtime deprecations below. Documentation-only deprecations that support that flag are explicitly labeled as such in the [list of Deprecated APIs](#list-of-deprecated-apis). A Runtime deprecation will, by default, generate a process warning that will be printed to `stderr` the first time the deprecated API is used. When the [`--throw-deprecation`][] command-line flag is used, a Runtime deprecation will cause an error to be thrown. An End-of-Life deprecation is used when functionality is or will soon be removed from Node.js. ## Revoking deprecations Occasionally, the deprecation of an API might be reversed. In such situations, this document will be updated with information relevant to the decision. However, the deprecation identifier will not be modified. ## List of deprecated APIs ### DEP0001: `http.OutgoingMessage.prototype.flush` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v14.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/31164 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v1.6.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/1156 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `OutgoingMessage.prototype.flush()` has been removed. Use `OutgoingMessage.prototype.flushHeaders()` instead. ### DEP0002: `require('_linklist')` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v8.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/12113 description: End-of-Life. - version: v6.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v5.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/3078 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `_linklist` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative. ### DEP0003: `_writableState.buffer` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v14.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/31165 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.11.15 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/pull/8826 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `_writableState.buffer` has been removed. Use `_writableState.getBuffer()` instead. ### DEP0004: `CryptoStream.prototype.readyState` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/17882 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.4.0 commit: 9c7f89bf56abd37a796fea621ad2e47dd33d2b82 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `CryptoStream.prototype.readyState` property was removed. ### DEP0005: `Buffer()` constructor <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/19524 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v6.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v6.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/4682 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Runtime (supports [`--pending-deprecation`][]) The `Buffer()` function and `new Buffer()` constructor are deprecated due to API usability issues that can lead to accidental security issues. As an alternative, use one of the following methods of constructing `Buffer` objects: * [`Buffer.alloc(size[, fill[, encoding]])`][alloc]: Create a `Buffer` with _initialized_ memory. * [`Buffer.allocUnsafe(size)`][alloc_unsafe_size]: Create a `Buffer` with _uninitialized_ memory. * [`Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(size)`][]: Create a `Buffer` with _uninitialized_ memory. * [`Buffer.from(array)`][]: Create a `Buffer` with a copy of `array` * [`Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]])`][from_arraybuffer] - Create a `Buffer` that wraps the given `arrayBuffer`. * [`Buffer.from(buffer)`][]: Create a `Buffer` that copies `buffer`. * [`Buffer.from(string[, encoding])`][from_string_encoding]: Create a `Buffer` that copies `string`. Without `--pending-deprecation`, runtime warnings occur only for code not in `node_modules`. This means there will not be deprecation warnings for `Buffer()` usage in dependencies. With `--pending-deprecation`, a runtime warning results no matter where the `Buffer()` usage occurs. ### DEP0006: `child_process` `options.customFds` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/25279 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.11.14 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v0.5.10 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life Within the [`child_process`][] module's `spawn()`, `fork()`, and `exec()` methods, the `options.customFds` option is deprecated. The `options.stdio` option should be used instead. ### DEP0007: Replace `cluster` `worker.suicide` with `worker.exitedAfterDisconnect` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/13702 description: End-of-Life. - version: v7.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/3747 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v6.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v6.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/3743 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life In an earlier version of the Node.js `cluster`, a boolean property with the name `suicide` was added to the `Worker` object. The intent of this property was to provide an indication of how and why the `Worker` instance exited. In Node.js 6.0.0, the old property was deprecated and replaced with a new [`worker.exitedAfterDisconnect`][] property. The old property name did not precisely describe the actual semantics and was unnecessarily emotion-laden. ### DEP0008: `require('node:constants')` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v6.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v6.3.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/6534 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The `node:constants` module is deprecated. When requiring access to constants relevant to specific Node.js builtin modules, developers should instead refer to the `constants` property exposed by the relevant module. For instance, `require('node:fs').constants` and `require('node:os').constants`. ### DEP0009: `crypto.pbkdf2` without digest <!-- YAML changes: - version: v14.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/31166 description: End-of-Life (for `digest === null`). - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/22861 description: Runtime deprecation (for `digest === null`). - version: v8.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/11305 description: End-of-Life (for `digest === undefined`). - version: v6.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v6.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/4047 description: Runtime deprecation (for `digest === undefined`). --> Type: End-of-Life Use of the [`crypto.pbkdf2()`][] API without specifying a digest was deprecated in Node.js 6.0 because the method defaulted to using the non-recommended `'SHA1'` digest. Previously, a deprecation warning was printed. Starting in Node.js 8.0.0, calling `crypto.pbkdf2()` or `crypto.pbkdf2Sync()` with `digest` set to `undefined` will throw a `TypeError`. Beginning in Node.js v11.0.0, calling these functions with `digest` set to `null` would print a deprecation warning to align with the behavior when `digest` is `undefined`. Now, however, passing either `undefined` or `null` will throw a `TypeError`. ### DEP0010: `crypto.createCredentials` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/21153 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.11.13 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/pull/7265 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `crypto.createCredentials()` API was removed. Please use [`tls.createSecureContext()`][] instead. ### DEP0011: `crypto.Credentials` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/21153 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.11.13 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/pull/7265 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `crypto.Credentials` class was removed. Please use [`tls.SecureContext`][] instead. ### DEP0012: `Domain.dispose` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/15412 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.11.7 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/pull/5021 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `Domain.dispose()` has been removed. Recover from failed I/O actions explicitly via error event handlers set on the domain instead. ### DEP0013: `fs` asynchronous function without callback <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/18668 description: End-of-Life. - version: v7.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/7897 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life Calling an asynchronous function without a callback throws a `TypeError` in Node.js 10.0.0 onwards. See <https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/12562>. ### DEP0014: `fs.read` legacy String interface <!-- YAML changes: - version: v8.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/9683 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v6.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/4525 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v0.1.96 commit: c93e0aaf062081db3ec40ac45b3e2c979d5759d6 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The [`fs.read()`][] legacy `String` interface is deprecated. Use the `Buffer` API as mentioned in the documentation instead. ### DEP0015: `fs.readSync` legacy String interface <!-- YAML changes: - version: v8.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/9683 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v6.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/4525 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v0.1.96 commit: c93e0aaf062081db3ec40ac45b3e2c979d5759d6 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The [`fs.readSync()`][] legacy `String` interface is deprecated. Use the `Buffer` API as mentioned in the documentation instead. ### DEP0016: `GLOBAL`/`root` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v14.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/31167 description: End-of-Life. - version: v6.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v6.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/1838 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `GLOBAL` and `root` aliases for the `global` property were deprecated in Node.js 6.0.0 and have since been removed. ### DEP0017: `Intl.v8BreakIterator` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/15238 description: End-of-Life. - version: v7.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/8908 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `Intl.v8BreakIterator` was a non-standard extension and has been removed. See [`Intl.Segmenter`](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-intl-segmenter). ### DEP0018: Unhandled promise rejections <!-- YAML changes: - version: v15.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/35316 description: End-of-Life. - version: v7.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/8217 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. By default, promise rejections that are not handled terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. To change the way Node.js treats unhandled rejections, use the [`--unhandled-rejections`][] command-line option. ### DEP0019: `require('.')` resolved outside directory <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/26973 description: Removed functionality. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v1.8.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/1363 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life In certain cases, `require('.')` could resolve outside the package directory. This behavior has been removed. ### DEP0020: `Server.connections` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v15.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/33647 description: Server.connections has been removed. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.9.7 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/pull/4595 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `Server.connections` property was deprecated in Node.js v0.9.7 and has been removed. Please use the [`Server.getConnections()`][] method instead. ### DEP0021: `Server.listenFD` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/27127 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.7.12 commit: 41421ff9da1288aa241a5e9dcf915b685ade1c23 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `Server.listenFD()` method was deprecated and removed. Please use [`Server.listen({fd: <number>})`][] instead. ### DEP0022: `os.tmpDir()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v14.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/31169 description: End-of-Life. - version: v7.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/6739 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `os.tmpDir()` API was deprecated in Node.js 7.0.0 and has since been removed. Please use [`os.tmpdir()`][] instead. ### DEP0023: `os.getNetworkInterfaces()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/25280 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.6.0 commit: 37bb37d151fb6ee4696730e63ff28bb7a4924f97 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `os.getNetworkInterfaces()` method is deprecated. Please use the [`os.networkInterfaces()`][] method instead. ### DEP0024: `REPLServer.prototype.convertToContext()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/13434 description: End-of-Life. - version: v7.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/7829 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `REPLServer.prototype.convertToContext()` API has been removed. ### DEP0025: `require('node:sys')` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v1.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/317 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime The `node:sys` module is deprecated. Please use the [`util`][] module instead. ### DEP0026: `util.print()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/25377 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.11.3 commit: 896b2aa7074fc886efd7dd0a397d694763cac7ce description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `util.print()` has been removed. Please use [`console.log()`][] instead. ### DEP0027: `util.puts()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/25377 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.11.3 commit: 896b2aa7074fc886efd7dd0a397d694763cac7ce description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `util.puts()` has been removed. Please use [`console.log()`][] instead. ### DEP0028: `util.debug()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/25377 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.11.3 commit: 896b2aa7074fc886efd7dd0a397d694763cac7ce description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `util.debug()` has been removed. Please use [`console.error()`][] instead. ### DEP0029: `util.error()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/25377 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.11.3 commit: 896b2aa7074fc886efd7dd0a397d694763cac7ce description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `util.error()` has been removed. Please use [`console.error()`][] instead. ### DEP0030: `SlowBuffer` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v6.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v6.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/5833 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`SlowBuffer`][] class is deprecated. Please use [`Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(size)`][] instead. ### DEP0031: `ecdh.setPublicKey()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v6.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v5.2.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/3511 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`ecdh.setPublicKey()`][] method is now deprecated as its inclusion in the API is not useful. ### DEP0032: `node:domain` module <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v1.4.2 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/943 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`domain`][] module is deprecated and should not be used. ### DEP0033: `EventEmitter.listenerCount()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v3.2.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2349 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`events.listenerCount(emitter, eventName)`][] API is deprecated. Please use [`emitter.listenerCount(eventName)`][] instead. ### DEP0034: `fs.exists(path, callback)` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v1.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/166 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`fs.exists(path, callback)`][] API is deprecated. Please use [`fs.stat()`][] or [`fs.access()`][] instead. ### DEP0035: `fs.lchmod(path, mode, callback)` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.4.7 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`fs.lchmod(path, mode, callback)`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0036: `fs.lchmodSync(path, mode)` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.4.7 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`fs.lchmodSync(path, mode)`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0037: `fs.lchown(path, uid, gid, callback)` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.6.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/21498 description: Deprecation revoked. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.4.7 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Deprecation revoked The [`fs.lchown(path, uid, gid, callback)`][] API was deprecated. The deprecation was revoked because the requisite supporting APIs were added in libuv. ### DEP0038: `fs.lchownSync(path, uid, gid)` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.6.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/21498 description: Deprecation revoked. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.4.7 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Deprecation revoked The [`fs.lchownSync(path, uid, gid)`][] API was deprecated. The deprecation was revoked because the requisite supporting APIs were added in libuv. ### DEP0039: `require.extensions` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.10.6 commit: 7bd8a5a2a60b75266f89f9a32877d55294a3881c description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`require.extensions`][] property is deprecated. ### DEP0040: `node:punycode` module <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.6.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/38444 description: Added support for `--pending-deprecation`. - version: v7.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/7941 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only (supports [`--pending-deprecation`][]) The [`punycode`][] module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead. ### DEP0041: `NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE` environment variable <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/13876 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v3.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2224 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE` environment variable was removed. Please use `NODE_REPL_HISTORY` instead. ### DEP0042: `tls.CryptoStream` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/17882 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v0.11.3 commit: af80e7bc6e6f33c582eb1f7d37c7f5bbe9f910f7 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The [`tls.CryptoStream`][] class was removed. Please use [`tls.TLSSocket`][] instead. ### DEP0043: `tls.SecurePair` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v8.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/11349 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v6.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v6.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/6063 description: Documentation-only deprecation. - version: v0.11.15 pr-url: - https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/pull/8695 - https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/pull/8700 description: Deprecation revoked. - version: v0.11.3 commit: af80e7bc6e6f33c582eb1f7d37c7f5bbe9f910f7 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`tls.SecurePair`][] class is deprecated. Please use [`tls.TLSSocket`][] instead. ### DEP0044: `util.isArray()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: - v4.0.0 - v3.3.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2447 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isArray()`][] API is deprecated. Please use `Array.isArray()` instead. ### DEP0045: `util.isBoolean()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: - v4.0.0 - v3.3.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2447 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isBoolean()`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0046: `util.isBuffer()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: - v4.0.0 - v3.3.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2447 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isBuffer()`][] API is deprecated. Please use [`Buffer.isBuffer()`][] instead. ### DEP0047: `util.isDate()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: - v4.0.0 - v3.3.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2447 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isDate()`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0048: `util.isError()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: - v4.0.0 - v3.3.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2447 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isError()`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0049: `util.isFunction()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: - v4.0.0 - v3.3.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2447 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isFunction()`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0050: `util.isNull()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: - v4.0.0 - v3.3.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2447 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isNull()`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0051: `util.isNullOrUndefined()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: - v4.0.0 - v3.3.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2447 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isNullOrUndefined()`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0052: `util.isNumber()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: - v4.0.0 - v3.3.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2447 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isNumber()`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0053: `util.isObject()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: - v4.0.0 - v3.3.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2447 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isObject()`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0054: `util.isPrimitive()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: - v4.0.0 - v3.3.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2447 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isPrimitive()`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0055: `util.isRegExp()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: - v4.0.0 - v3.3.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2447 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isRegExp()`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0056: `util.isString()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: - v4.0.0 - v3.3.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2447 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isString()`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0057: `util.isSymbol()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: - v4.0.0 - v3.3.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2447 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isSymbol()`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0058: `util.isUndefined()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v6.12.0 - v4.8.6 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: - v4.0.0 - v3.3.1 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2447 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.isUndefined()`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0059: `util.log()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v6.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v6.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/6161 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util.log()`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0060: `util._extend()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v6.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v6.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/4903 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`util._extend()`][] API is deprecated. ### DEP0061: `fs.SyncWriteStream` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/20735 description: End-of-Life. - version: v8.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10467 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v7.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/6749 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `fs.SyncWriteStream` class was never intended to be a publicly accessible API and has been removed. No alternative API is available. Please use a userland alternative. ### DEP0062: `node --debug` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/25828 description: End-of-Life. - version: v8.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10970 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `--debug` activates the legacy V8 debugger interface, which was removed as of V8 5.8. It is replaced by Inspector which is activated with `--inspect` instead. ### DEP0063: `ServerResponse.prototype.writeHeader()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v8.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/11355 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The `node:http` module `ServerResponse.prototype.writeHeader()` API is deprecated. Please use `ServerResponse.prototype.writeHead()` instead. The `ServerResponse.prototype.writeHeader()` method was never documented as an officially supported API. ### DEP0064: `tls.createSecurePair()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v8.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/11349 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v6.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10116 description: A deprecation code has been assigned. - version: v6.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/6063 description: Documentation-only deprecation. - version: v0.11.15 pr-url: - https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/pull/8695 - https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/pull/8700 description: Deprecation revoked. - version: v0.11.3 commit: af80e7bc6e6f33c582eb1f7d37c7f5bbe9f910f7 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime The `tls.createSecurePair()` API was deprecated in documentation in Node.js 0.11.3. Users should use `tls.Socket` instead. ### DEP0065: `repl.REPL_MODE_MAGIC` and `NODE_REPL_MODE=magic` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/19187 description: End-of-Life. - version: v8.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/11599 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `node:repl` module's `REPL_MODE_MAGIC` constant, used for `replMode` option, has been removed. Its behavior has been functionally identical to that of `REPL_MODE_SLOPPY` since Node.js 6.0.0, when V8 5.0 was imported. Please use `REPL_MODE_SLOPPY` instead. The `NODE_REPL_MODE` environment variable is used to set the underlying `replMode` of an interactive `node` session. Its value, `magic`, is also removed. Please use `sloppy` instead. ### DEP0066: `OutgoingMessage.prototype._headers, OutgoingMessage.prototype._headerNames` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/24167 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v8.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10941 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Runtime The `node:http` module `OutgoingMessage.prototype._headers` and `OutgoingMessage.prototype._headerNames` properties are deprecated. Use one of the public methods (e.g. `OutgoingMessage.prototype.getHeader()`, `OutgoingMessage.prototype.getHeaders()`, `OutgoingMessage.prototype.getHeaderNames()`, `OutgoingMessage.prototype.getRawHeaderNames()`, `OutgoingMessage.prototype.hasHeader()`, `OutgoingMessage.prototype.removeHeader()`, `OutgoingMessage.prototype.setHeader()`) for working with outgoing headers. The `OutgoingMessage.prototype._headers` and `OutgoingMessage.prototype._headerNames` properties were never documented as officially supported properties. ### DEP0067: `OutgoingMessage.prototype._renderHeaders` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v8.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/10941 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The `node:http` module `OutgoingMessage.prototype._renderHeaders()` API is deprecated. The `OutgoingMessage.prototype._renderHeaders` property was never documented as an officially supported API. ### DEP0068: `node debug` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v15.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/33648 description: The legacy `node debug` command was removed. - version: v8.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/11441 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `node debug` corresponds to the legacy CLI debugger which has been replaced with a V8-inspector based CLI debugger available through `node inspect`. ### DEP0069: `vm.runInDebugContext(string)` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/13295 description: End-of-Life. - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/12815 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v8.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/12243 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life DebugContext has been removed in V8 and is not available in Node.js 10+. DebugContext was an experimental API. ### DEP0070: `async_hooks.currentId()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/14414 description: End-of-Life. - version: v8.2.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/13490 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `async_hooks.currentId()` was renamed to `async_hooks.executionAsyncId()` for clarity. This change was made while `async_hooks` was an experimental API. ### DEP0071: `async_hooks.triggerId()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/14414 description: End-of-Life. - version: v8.2.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/13490 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `async_hooks.triggerId()` was renamed to `async_hooks.triggerAsyncId()` for clarity. This change was made while `async_hooks` was an experimental API. ### DEP0072: `async_hooks.AsyncResource.triggerId()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/14414 description: End-of-Life. - version: v8.2.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/13490 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `async_hooks.AsyncResource.triggerId()` was renamed to `async_hooks.AsyncResource.triggerAsyncId()` for clarity. This change was made while `async_hooks` was an experimental API. ### DEP0073: Several internal properties of `net.Server` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/17141 description: End-of-Life. - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/14449 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life Accessing several internal, undocumented properties of `net.Server` instances with inappropriate names is deprecated. As the original API was undocumented and not generally useful for non-internal code, no replacement API is provided. ### DEP0074: `REPLServer.bufferedCommand` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v15.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/33286 description: End-of-Life. - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/13687 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `REPLServer.bufferedCommand` property was deprecated in favor of [`REPLServer.clearBufferedCommand()`][]. ### DEP0075: `REPLServer.parseREPLKeyword()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v15.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/33286 description: End-of-Life. - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/14223 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `REPLServer.parseREPLKeyword()` was removed from userland visibility. ### DEP0076: `tls.parseCertString()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/14249 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v8.6.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/14245 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Runtime `tls.parseCertString()` is a trivial parsing helper that was made public by mistake. This function can usually be replaced with: ```js const querystring = require('querystring'); querystring.parse(str, '\n', '='); ``` This function is not completely equivalent to `querystring.parse()`. One difference is that `querystring.parse()` does url decoding: ```console > querystring.parse('%E5%A5%BD=1', '\n', '='); { '好': '1' } > tls.parseCertString('%E5%A5%BD=1'); { '%E5%A5%BD': '1' } ``` ### DEP0077: `Module._debug()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/13948 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime `Module._debug()` is deprecated. The `Module._debug()` function was never documented as an officially supported API. ### DEP0078: `REPLServer.turnOffEditorMode()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v15.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/33286 description: End-of-Life. - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/15136 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `REPLServer.turnOffEditorMode()` was removed from userland visibility. ### DEP0079: Custom inspection function on objects via `.inspect()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/20722 description: End-of-Life. - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/16393 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v8.7.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/15631 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life Using a property named `inspect` on an object to specify a custom inspection function for [`util.inspect()`][] is deprecated. Use [`util.inspect.custom`][] instead. For backward compatibility with Node.js prior to version 6.4.0, both can be specified. ### DEP0080: `path._makeLong()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/14956 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The internal `path._makeLong()` was not intended for public use. However, userland modules have found it useful. The internal API is deprecated and replaced with an identical, public `path.toNamespacedPath()` method. ### DEP0081: `fs.truncate()` using a file descriptor <!-- YAML changes: - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/15990 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime `fs.truncate()` `fs.truncateSync()` usage with a file descriptor is deprecated. Please use `fs.ftruncate()` or `fs.ftruncateSync()` to work with file descriptors. ### DEP0082: `REPLServer.prototype.memory()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v15.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/33286 description: End-of-Life. - version: v9.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/16242 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `REPLServer.prototype.memory()` is only necessary for the internal mechanics of the `REPLServer` itself. Do not use this function. ### DEP0083: Disabling ECDH by setting `ecdhCurve` to `false` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/19794 description: End-of-Life. - version: v9.2.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/16130 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life. The `ecdhCurve` option to `tls.createSecureContext()` and `tls.TLSSocket` could be set to `false` to disable ECDH entirely on the server only. This mode was deprecated in preparation for migrating to OpenSSL 1.1.0 and consistency with the client and is now unsupported. Use the `ciphers` parameter instead. ### DEP0084: requiring bundled internal dependencies <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/25138 description: This functionality has been removed. - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/16392 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life Since Node.js versions 4.4.0 and 5.2.0, several modules only intended for internal usage were mistakenly exposed to user code through `require()`. These modules were: * `v8/tools/codemap` * `v8/tools/consarray` * `v8/tools/csvparser` * `v8/tools/logreader` * `v8/tools/profile_view` * `v8/tools/profile` * `v8/tools/SourceMap` * `v8/tools/splaytree` * `v8/tools/tickprocessor-driver` * `v8/tools/tickprocessor` * `node-inspect/lib/_inspect` (from 7.6.0) * `node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_client` (from 7.6.0) * `node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_repl` (from 7.6.0) The `v8/*` modules do not have any exports, and if not imported in a specific order would in fact throw errors. As such there are virtually no legitimate use cases for importing them through `require()`. On the other hand, `node-inspect` can be installed locally through a package manager, as it is published on the npm registry under the same name. No source code modification is necessary if that is done. ### DEP0085: AsyncHooks sensitive API <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/17147 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v9.4.0 - v8.10.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/16972 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The AsyncHooks sensitive API was never documented and had various minor issues. Use the `AsyncResource` API instead. See <https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/15572>. ### DEP0086: Remove `runInAsyncIdScope` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/17147 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v9.4.0 - v8.10.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/16972 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `runInAsyncIdScope` doesn't emit the `'before'` or `'after'` event and can thus cause a lot of issues. See <https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/14328>. <!-- md-lint skip-deprecation DEP0087 --> <!-- md-lint skip-deprecation DEP0088 --> ### DEP0089: `require('node:assert')` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.8.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/28892 description: Deprecation revoked. - version: - v9.9.0 - v8.13.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/17002 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Deprecation revoked Importing assert directly was not recommended as the exposed functions use loose equality checks. The deprecation was revoked because use of the `node:assert` module is not discouraged, and the deprecation caused developer confusion. ### DEP0090: Invalid GCM authentication tag lengths <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/17825 description: End-of-Life. - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/18017 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life Node.js used to support all GCM authentication tag lengths which are accepted by OpenSSL when calling [`decipher.setAuthTag()`][]. Beginning with Node.js v11.0.0, only authentication tag lengths of 128, 120, 112, 104, 96, 64, and 32 bits are allowed. Authentication tags of other lengths are invalid per [NIST SP 800-38D][]. ### DEP0091: `crypto.DEFAULT_ENCODING` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/18333 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime The [`crypto.DEFAULT_ENCODING`][] property is deprecated. ### DEP0092: Top-level `this` bound to `module.exports` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/16878 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only Assigning properties to the top-level `this` as an alternative to `module.exports` is deprecated. Developers should use `exports` or `module.exports` instead. ### DEP0093: `crypto.fips` is deprecated and replaced <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/18335 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`crypto.fips`][] property is deprecated. Please use `crypto.setFips()` and `crypto.getFips()` instead. ### DEP0094: Using `assert.fail()` with more than one argument <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/18418 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime Using `assert.fail()` with more than one argument is deprecated. Use `assert.fail()` with only one argument or use a different `node:assert` module method. ### DEP0095: `timers.enroll()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/18066 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime `timers.enroll()` is deprecated. Please use the publicly documented [`setTimeout()`][] or [`setInterval()`][] instead. ### DEP0096: `timers.unenroll()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/18066 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime `timers.unenroll()` is deprecated. Please use the publicly documented [`clearTimeout()`][] or [`clearInterval()`][] instead. ### DEP0097: `MakeCallback` with `domain` property <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/17417 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime Users of `MakeCallback` that add the `domain` property to carry context, should start using the `async_context` variant of `MakeCallback` or `CallbackScope`, or the high-level `AsyncResource` class. ### DEP0098: AsyncHooks embedder `AsyncResource.emitBefore` and `AsyncResource.emitAfter` APIs <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/26530 description: End-of-Life. - version: - v10.0.0 - v9.6.0 - v8.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/18632 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The embedded API provided by AsyncHooks exposes `.emitBefore()` and `.emitAfter()` methods which are very easy to use incorrectly which can lead to unrecoverable errors. Use [`asyncResource.runInAsyncScope()`][] API instead which provides a much safer, and more convenient, alternative. See <https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/18513>. ### DEP0099: Async context-unaware `node::MakeCallback` C++ APIs <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/18632 description: Compile-time deprecation. --> Type: Compile-time Certain versions of `node::MakeCallback` APIs available to native addons are deprecated. Please use the versions of the API that accept an `async_context` parameter. ### DEP0100: `process.assert()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/18666 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v0.3.7 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Runtime `process.assert()` is deprecated. Please use the [`assert`][] module instead. This was never a documented feature. ### DEP0101: `--with-lttng` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/18982 description: End-of-Life. --> Type: End-of-Life The `--with-lttng` compile-time option has been removed. ### DEP0102: Using `noAssert` in `Buffer#(read|write)` operations <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/18395 description: End-of-Life. --> Type: End-of-Life Using the `noAssert` argument has no functionality anymore. All input is verified regardless of the value of `noAssert`. Skipping the verification could lead to hard-to-find errors and crashes. ### DEP0103: `process.binding('util').is[...]` typechecks <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.9.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/22004 description: Superseded by [DEP0111](#DEP0111). - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/18415 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only (supports [`--pending-deprecation`][]) Using `process.binding()` in general should be avoided. The type checking methods in particular can be replaced by using [`util.types`][]. This deprecation has been superseded by the deprecation of the `process.binding()` API ([DEP0111](#DEP0111)). ### DEP0104: `process.env` string coercion <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/18990 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only (supports [`--pending-deprecation`][]) When assigning a non-string property to [`process.env`][], the assigned value is implicitly converted to a string. This behavior is deprecated if the assigned value is not a string, boolean, or number. In the future, such assignment might result in a thrown error. Please convert the property to a string before assigning it to `process.env`. ### DEP0105: `decipher.finaltol` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/19941 description: End-of-Life. - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/19353 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `decipher.finaltol()` has never been documented and was an alias for [`decipher.final()`][]. This API has been removed, and it is recommended to use [`decipher.final()`][] instead. ### DEP0106: `crypto.createCipher` and `crypto.createDecipher` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/22089 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/19343 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Runtime Using [`crypto.createCipher()`][] and [`crypto.createDecipher()`][] must be avoided as they use a weak key derivation function (MD5 with no salt) and static initialization vectors. It is recommended to derive a key using [`crypto.pbkdf2()`][] or [`crypto.scrypt()`][] with random salts and to use [`crypto.createCipheriv()`][] and [`crypto.createDecipheriv()`][] to obtain the [`Cipher`][] and [`Decipher`][] objects respectively. ### DEP0107: `tls.convertNPNProtocols()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/20736 description: End-of-Life. - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/19403 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life This was an undocumented helper function not intended for use outside Node.js core and obsoleted by the removal of NPN (Next Protocol Negotiation) support. ### DEP0108: `zlib.bytesRead` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/23308 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v10.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/19414 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Runtime Deprecated alias for [`zlib.bytesWritten`][]. This original name was chosen because it also made sense to interpret the value as the number of bytes read by the engine, but is inconsistent with other streams in Node.js that expose values under these names. ### DEP0109: `http`, `https`, and `tls` support for invalid URLs <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/36853 description: End-of-Life. - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/20270 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life Some previously supported (but strictly invalid) URLs were accepted through the [`http.request()`][], [`http.get()`][], [`https.request()`][], [`https.get()`][], and [`tls.checkServerIdentity()`][] APIs because those were accepted by the legacy `url.parse()` API. The mentioned APIs now use the WHATWG URL parser that requires strictly valid URLs. Passing an invalid URL is deprecated and support will be removed in the future. ### DEP0110: `vm.Script` cached data <!-- YAML changes: - version: v10.6.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/20300 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The `produceCachedData` option is deprecated. Use [`script.createCachedData()`][] instead. ### DEP0111: `process.binding()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/26500 description: Added support for `--pending-deprecation`. - version: v10.9.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/22004 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only (supports [`--pending-deprecation`][]) `process.binding()` is for use by Node.js internal code only. ### DEP0112: `dgram` private APIs <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/22011 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime The `node:dgram` module previously contained several APIs that were never meant to accessed outside of Node.js core: `Socket.prototype._handle`, `Socket.prototype._receiving`, `Socket.prototype._bindState`, `Socket.prototype._queue`, `Socket.prototype._reuseAddr`, `Socket.prototype._healthCheck()`, `Socket.prototype._stopReceiving()`, and `dgram._createSocketHandle()`. ### DEP0113: `Cipher.setAuthTag()`, `Decipher.getAuthTag()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/26249 description: End-of-Life. - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/22126 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life `Cipher.setAuthTag()` and `Decipher.getAuthTag()` are no longer available. They were never documented and would throw when called. ### DEP0114: `crypto._toBuf()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/25338 description: End-of-Life. - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/22501 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life The `crypto._toBuf()` function was not designed to be used by modules outside of Node.js core and was removed. <!--lint disable nodejs-yaml-comments --> ### DEP0115: `crypto.prng()`, `crypto.pseudoRandomBytes()`, `crypto.rng()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: - https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/22519 - https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/23017 description: Added documentation-only deprecation with `--pending-deprecation` support. --> Type: Documentation-only (supports [`--pending-deprecation`][]) <!--lint enable nodejs-yaml-comments --> In recent versions of Node.js, there is no difference between [`crypto.randomBytes()`][] and `crypto.pseudoRandomBytes()`. The latter is deprecated along with the undocumented aliases `crypto.prng()` and `crypto.rng()` in favor of [`crypto.randomBytes()`][] and might be removed in a future release. ### DEP0116: Legacy URL API <!-- YAML changes: - version: v15.13.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/37784 description: Deprecation revoked. Status changed to "Legacy". - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/22715 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Deprecation revoked The [Legacy URL API][] is deprecated. This includes [`url.format()`][], [`url.parse()`][], [`url.resolve()`][], and the [legacy `urlObject`][]. Please use the [WHATWG URL API][] instead. ### DEP0117: Native crypto handles <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/27011 description: End-of-Life. - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/22747 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life Previous versions of Node.js exposed handles to internal native objects through the `_handle` property of the `Cipher`, `Decipher`, `DiffieHellman`, `DiffieHellmanGroup`, `ECDH`, `Hash`, `Hmac`, `Sign`, and `Verify` classes. The `_handle` property has been removed because improper use of the native object can lead to crashing the application. ### DEP0118: `dns.lookup()` support for a falsy host name <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/23173 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime Previous versions of Node.js supported `dns.lookup()` with a falsy host name like `dns.lookup(false)` due to backward compatibility. This behavior is undocumented and is thought to be unused in real world apps. It will become an error in future versions of Node.js. ### DEP0119: `process.binding('uv').errname()` private API <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/23597 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only (supports [`--pending-deprecation`][]) `process.binding('uv').errname()` is deprecated. Please use [`util.getSystemErrorName()`][] instead. ### DEP0120: Windows Performance Counter support <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/24862 description: End-of-Life. - version: v11.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/22485 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life Windows Performance Counter support has been removed from Node.js. The undocumented `COUNTER_NET_SERVER_CONNECTION()`, `COUNTER_NET_SERVER_CONNECTION_CLOSE()`, `COUNTER_HTTP_SERVER_REQUEST()`, `COUNTER_HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE()`, `COUNTER_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST()`, and `COUNTER_HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE()` functions have been deprecated. ### DEP0121: `net._setSimultaneousAccepts()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/23760 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime The undocumented `net._setSimultaneousAccepts()` function was originally intended for debugging and performance tuning when using the `node:child_process` and `node:cluster` modules on Windows. The function is not generally useful and is being removed. See discussion here: <https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/18391> ### DEP0122: `tls` `Server.prototype.setOptions()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/23820 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime Please use `Server.prototype.setSecureContext()` instead. ### DEP0123: setting the TLS ServerName to an IP address <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/23329 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime Setting the TLS ServerName to an IP address is not permitted by [RFC 6066][]. This will be ignored in a future version. ### DEP0124: using `REPLServer.rli` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v15.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/33286 description: End-of-Life. - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/26260 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: End-of-Life This property is a reference to the instance itself. ### DEP0125: `require('node:_stream_wrap')` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/26245 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime The `node:_stream_wrap` module is deprecated. ### DEP0126: `timers.active()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.14.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/26760 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime The previously undocumented `timers.active()` is deprecated. Please use the publicly documented [`timeout.refresh()`][] instead. If re-referencing the timeout is necessary, [`timeout.ref()`][] can be used with no performance impact since Node.js 10. ### DEP0127: `timers._unrefActive()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v11.14.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/26760 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime The previously undocumented and "private" `timers._unrefActive()` is deprecated. Please use the publicly documented [`timeout.refresh()`][] instead. If unreferencing the timeout is necessary, [`timeout.unref()`][] can be used with no performance impact since Node.js 10. ### DEP0128: modules with an invalid `main` entry and an `index.js` file <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/37204 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v12.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/26823 description: Documentation-only. --> Type: Runtime Modules that have an invalid `main` entry (e.g., `./does-not-exist.js`) and also have an `index.js` file in the top level directory will resolve the `index.js` file. That is deprecated and is going to throw an error in future Node.js versions. ### DEP0129: `ChildProcess._channel` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v13.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/27949 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v11.14.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/26982 description: Documentation-only. --> Type: Runtime The `_channel` property of child process objects returned by `spawn()` and similar functions is not intended for public use. Use `ChildProcess.channel` instead. ### DEP0130: `Module.createRequireFromPath()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/37201 description: End-of-life. - version: v13.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/27951 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v12.2.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/27405 description: Documentation-only. --> Type: End-of-Life Use [`module.createRequire()`][] instead. ### DEP0131: Legacy HTTP parser <!-- YAML changes: - version: v13.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/29589 description: This feature has been removed. - version: v12.22.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/37603 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v12.3.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/27498 description: Documentation-only. --> Type: End-of-Life The legacy HTTP parser, used by default in versions of Node.js prior to 12.0.0, is deprecated and has been removed in v13.0.0. Prior to v13.0.0, the `--http-parser=legacy` command-line flag could be used to revert to using the legacy parser. ### DEP0132: `worker.terminate()` with callback <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.5.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/28021 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime Passing a callback to [`worker.terminate()`][] is deprecated. Use the returned `Promise` instead, or a listener to the worker's `'exit'` event. ### DEP0133: `http` `connection` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/29015 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only Prefer [`response.socket`][] over [`response.connection`][] and [`request.socket`][] over [`request.connection`][]. ### DEP0134: `process._tickCallback` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v12.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/29781 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only (supports [`--pending-deprecation`][]) The `process._tickCallback` property was never documented as an officially supported API. ### DEP0135: `WriteStream.open()` and `ReadStream.open()` are internal <!-- YAML changes: - version: v13.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/29061 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime [`WriteStream.open()`][] and [`ReadStream.open()`][] are undocumented internal APIs that do not make sense to use in userland. File streams should always be opened through their corresponding factory methods [`fs.createWriteStream()`][] and [`fs.createReadStream()`][]) or by passing a file descriptor in options. ### DEP0136: `http` `finished` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v13.4.0 - v12.16.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/28679 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only [`response.finished`][] indicates whether [`response.end()`][] has been called, not whether `'finish'` has been emitted and the underlying data is flushed. Use [`response.writableFinished`][] or [`response.writableEnded`][] accordingly instead to avoid the ambiguity. To maintain existing behavior `response.finished` should be replaced with `response.writableEnded`. ### DEP0137: Closing fs.FileHandle on garbage collection <!-- YAML changes: - version: v14.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/28396 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime Allowing a [`fs.FileHandle`][] object to be closed on garbage collection is deprecated. In the future, doing so might result in a thrown error that will terminate the process. Please ensure that all `fs.FileHandle` objects are explicitly closed using `FileHandle.prototype.close()` when the `fs.FileHandle` is no longer needed: ```js const fsPromises = require('node:fs').promises; async function openAndClose() { let filehandle; try { filehandle = await fsPromises.open('thefile.txt', 'r'); } finally { if (filehandle !== undefined) await filehandle.close(); } } ``` ### DEP0138: `process.mainModule` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v14.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/32232 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only [`process.mainModule`][] is a CommonJS-only feature while `process` global object is shared with non-CommonJS environment. Its use within ECMAScript modules is unsupported. It is deprecated in favor of [`require.main`][], because it serves the same purpose and is only available on CommonJS environment. ### DEP0139: `process.umask()` with no arguments <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v14.0.0 - v12.19.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/32499 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only Calling `process.umask()` with no argument causes the process-wide umask to be written twice. This introduces a race condition between threads, and is a potential security vulnerability. There is no safe, cross-platform alternative API. ### DEP0140: Use `request.destroy()` instead of `request.abort()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v14.1.0 - v13.14.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/32807 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only Use [`request.destroy()`][] instead of [`request.abort()`][]. ### DEP0141: `repl.inputStream` and `repl.outputStream` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v14.3.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/33294 description: Documentation-only (supports [`--pending-deprecation`][]). --> Type: Documentation-only (supports [`--pending-deprecation`][]) The `node:repl` module exported the input and output stream twice. Use `.input` instead of `.inputStream` and `.output` instead of `.outputStream`. ### DEP0142: `repl._builtinLibs` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v14.3.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/33294 description: Documentation-only (supports [`--pending-deprecation`][]). --> Type: Documentation-only The `node:repl` module exports a `_builtinLibs` property that contains an array of built-in modules. It was incomplete so far and instead it's better to rely upon `require('node:module').builtinModules`. ### DEP0143: `Transform._transformState` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v14.5.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/33126 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime `Transform._transformState` will be removed in future versions where it is no longer required due to simplification of the implementation. ### DEP0144: `module.parent` <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v14.6.0 - v12.19.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/32217 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only (supports [`--pending-deprecation`][]) A CommonJS module can access the first module that required it using `module.parent`. This feature is deprecated because it does not work consistently in the presence of ECMAScript modules and because it gives an inaccurate representation of the CommonJS module graph. Some modules use it to check if they are the entry point of the current process. Instead, it is recommended to compare `require.main` and `module`: ```js if (require.main === module) { // Code section that will run only if current file is the entry point. } ``` When looking for the CommonJS modules that have required the current one, `require.cache` and `module.children` can be used: ```js const moduleParents = Object.values(require.cache) .filter((m) => m.children.includes(module)); ``` ### DEP0145: `socket.bufferSize` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v14.6.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/34088 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only [`socket.bufferSize`][] is just an alias for [`writable.writableLength`][]. ### DEP0146: `new crypto.Certificate()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v14.9.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/34697 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`crypto.Certificate()` constructor][] is deprecated. Use [static methods of `crypto.Certificate()`][] instead. ### DEP0147: `fs.rmdir(path, { recursive: true })` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/37302 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v15.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/35562 description: Runtime deprecation for permissive behavior. - version: v14.14.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/35579 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Runtime In future versions of Node.js, `recursive` option will be ignored for `fs.rmdir`, `fs.rmdirSync`, and `fs.promises.rmdir`. Use `fs.rm(path, { recursive: true, force: true })`, `fs.rmSync(path, { recursive: true, force: true })` or `fs.promises.rm(path, { recursive: true, force: true })` instead. ### DEP0148: Folder mappings in `"exports"` (trailing `"/"`) <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/37215 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v15.1.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/35747 description: Runtime deprecation for self-referencing imports. - version: v14.13.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/34718 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Runtime Using a trailing `"/"` to define [subpath folder mappings][] in the [subpath exports][] or [subpath imports][] fields is deprecated. Use [subpath patterns][] instead. ### DEP0149: `http.IncomingMessage#connection` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/33768 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only. Prefer [`message.socket`][] over [`message.connection`][]. ### DEP0150: Changing the value of `process.config` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/36902 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime The `process.config` property provides access to Node.js compile-time settings. However, the property is mutable and therefore subject to tampering. The ability to change the value will be removed in a future version of Node.js. ### DEP0151: Main index lookup and extension searching <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/37206 description: Runtime deprecation. - version: v15.8.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/36918 description: Documentation-only deprecation with `--pending-deprecation` support. --> Type: Runtime Previously, `index.js` and extension searching lookups would apply to `import 'pkg'` main entry point resolution, even when resolving ES modules. With this deprecation, all ES module main entry point resolutions require an explicit [`"exports"` or `"main"` entry][] with the exact file extension. ### DEP0152: Extension PerformanceEntry properties <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.0.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/37136 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime The `'gc'`, `'http2'`, and `'http'` {PerformanceEntry} object types have additional properties assigned to them that provide additional information. These properties are now available within the standard `detail` property of the `PerformanceEntry` object. The existing accessors have been deprecated and should no longer be used. ### DEP0153: `dns.lookup` and `dnsPromises.lookup` options type coercion <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.8.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/38906 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only Using a non-nullish non-integer value for `family` option, a non-nullish non-number value for `hints` option, a non-nullish non-boolean value for `all` option, or a non-nullish non-boolean value for `verbatim` option in [`dns.lookup()`][] and [`dnsPromises.lookup()`][] is deprecated. ### DEP0154: RSA-PSS generate key pair options <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.10.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/39927 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only (supports [`--pending-deprecation`][]) The `'hash'` and `'mgf1Hash'` options are replaced with `'hashAlgorithm'` and `'mgf1HashAlgorithm'`. ### DEP0155: Trailing slashes in pattern specifier resolutions <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.10.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/40039 description: Documentation-only deprecation with `--pending-deprecation` support. --> Type: Documentation-only (supports [`--pending-deprecation`][]) The remapping of specifiers ending in `"/"` like `import 'pkg/x/'` is deprecated for package `"exports"` and `"imports"` pattern resolutions. ### DEP0156: `.aborted` property and `'abort'`, `'aborted'` event in `http` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.12.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/36670 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only Move to {Stream} API instead, as the [`http.ClientRequest`][], [`http.ServerResponse`][], and [`http.IncomingMessage`][] are all stream-based. Check `stream.destroyed` instead of the `.aborted` property, and listen for `'close'` instead of `'abort'`, `'aborted'` event. The `.aborted` property and `'abort'` event are only useful for detecting `.abort()` calls. For closing a request early, use the Stream `.destroy([error])` then check the `.destroyed` property and `'close'` event should have the same effect. The receiving end should also check the [`readable.readableEnded`][] value on [`http.IncomingMessage`][] to get whether it was an aborted or graceful destroy. ### DEP0157: Thenable support in streams <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.14.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/40860 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only An undocumented feature of Node.js streams was to support thenables in implementation methods. This is now deprecated, use callbacks instead and avoid use of async function for streams implementation methods. This feature caused users to encounter unexpected problems where the user implements the function in callback style but uses e.g. an async method which would cause an error since mixing promise and callback semantics is not valid. ```js const w = new Writable({ async final(callback) { await someOp(); callback(); } }); ``` ### DEP0158: `buffer.slice(start, end)` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.15.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/41596 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only This method was deprecated because it is not compatible with `Uint8Array.prototype.slice()`, which is a superclass of `Buffer`. Use [`buffer.subarray`][] which does the same thing instead. <!-- md-lint skip-deprecation DEP0159 --> ### DEP0160: `process.on('multipleResolves', handler)` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.15.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/41872 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only This event was deprecated because it did not work with V8 promise combinators which diminished its usefulness. ### DEP0161: `process._getActiveRequests()` and `process._getActiveHandles()` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.15.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/41587 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The `process._getActiveHandles()` and `process._getActiveRequests()` functions are not intended for public use and can be removed in future releases. Use [`process.getActiveResourcesInfo()`][] to get a list of types of active resources and not the actual references. ### DEP0162: `fs.write()`, `fs.writeFileSync()` coercion to string <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.15.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/42149 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only Implicit coercion of objects with own `toString` property, passed as second parameter in [`fs.write()`][], [`fs.writeFile()`][], [`fs.appendFile()`][], [`fs.writeFileSync()`][], and [`fs.appendFileSync()`][] is deprecated. Convert them to primitive strings. ### DEP0163: `channel.subscribe(onMessage)`, `channel.unsubscribe(onMessage)` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.17.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/42714 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only These methods were deprecated because they can be used in a way which does not hold the channel reference alive long enough to receive the events. Use [`diagnostics_channel.subscribe(name, onMessage)`][] or [`diagnostics_channel.unsubscribe(name, onMessage)`][] which does the same thing instead. ### DEP0164: `process.exit(code)`, `process.exitCode` coercion to integer <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.18.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/44714 description: Documentation-only deprecation of `process.exitCode` integer coercion. - version: v16.17.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/43738 description: Documentation-only deprecation of `process.exit(code)` integer coercion. --> Type: Documentation-only Values other than `undefined`, `null`, integer numbers, and integer strings (e.g., `'1'`) are deprecated as value for the `code` parameter in [`process.exit()`][] and as value to assign to [`process.exitCode`][]. ### DEP0165: `--trace-atomics-wait` <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.18.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/44093 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The [`--trace-atomics-wait`][] flag is deprecated. <!-- md-lint skip-deprecation DEP0166 --> ### DEP0167: Weak `DiffieHellmanGroup` instances (`modp1`, `modp2`, `modp5`) <!-- YAML changes: - version: v16.18.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/44588 description: Documentation-only deprecation. --> Type: Documentation-only The well-known MODP groups `modp1`, `modp2`, and `modp5` are deprecated because they are not secure against practical attacks. See [RFC 8247 Section 2.4][] for details. These groups might be removed in future versions of Node.js. Applications that rely on these groups should evaluate using stronger MODP groups instead. ### DEP0168: Unhandled exception in Node-API callbacks <!-- YAML changes: - version: - v18.3.0 - v16.17.0 pr-url: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/36510 description: Runtime deprecation. --> Type: Runtime. The implicit suppression of uncaught exceptions in Node-API callbacks is now deprecated. Set the flag [`--force-node-api-uncaught-exceptions-policy`][] to force Node.js to emit an [`'uncaughtException'`][] event if the exception is not handled in Node-API callbacks. [Legacy URL API]: url.md#legacy-url-api [NIST SP 800-38D]: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-38d.pdf [RFC 6066]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6066#section-3 [RFC 8247 Section 2.4]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8247#section-2.4 [WHATWG URL API]: url.md#the-whatwg-url-api [`"exports"` or `"main"` entry]: packages.md#main-entry-point-export [`'uncaughtException'`]: process.md#event-uncaughtexception [`--force-node-api-uncaught-exceptions-policy`]: cli.md#--force-node-api-uncaught-exceptions-policy [`--pending-deprecation`]: cli.md#--pending-deprecation [`--throw-deprecation`]: cli.md#--throw-deprecation [`--trace-atomics-wait`]: cli.md#--trace-atomics-wait [`--unhandled-rejections`]: cli.md#--unhandled-rejectionsmode [`Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(size)`]: buffer.md#static-method-bufferallocunsafeslowsize [`Buffer.from(array)`]: buffer.md#static-method-bufferfromarray [`Buffer.from(buffer)`]: buffer.md#static-method-bufferfrombuffer [`Buffer.isBuffer()`]: buffer.md#static-method-bufferisbufferobj [`Cipher`]: crypto.md#class-cipher [`Decipher`]: crypto.md#class-decipher [`REPLServer.clearBufferedCommand()`]: repl.md#replserverclearbufferedcommand [`ReadStream.open()`]: fs.md#class-fsreadstream [`Server.getConnections()`]: net.md#servergetconnectionscallback [`Server.listen({fd: <number>})`]: net.md#serverlistenhandle-backlog-callback [`SlowBuffer`]: buffer.md#class-slowbuffer [`WriteStream.open()`]: fs.md#class-fswritestream [`assert`]: assert.md [`asyncResource.runInAsyncScope()`]: async_context.md#asyncresourceruninasyncscopefn-thisarg-args [`buffer.subarray`]: buffer.md#bufsubarraystart-end [`child_process`]: child_process.md [`clearInterval()`]: timers.md#clearintervaltimeout [`clearTimeout()`]: timers.md#cleartimeouttimeout [`console.error()`]: console.md#consoleerrordata-args [`console.log()`]: console.md#consolelogdata-args [`crypto.Certificate()` constructor]: crypto.md#legacy-api [`crypto.DEFAULT_ENCODING`]: crypto.md#cryptodefault_encoding [`crypto.createCipher()`]: crypto.md#cryptocreatecipheralgorithm-password-options [`crypto.createCipheriv()`]: crypto.md#cryptocreatecipherivalgorithm-key-iv-options [`crypto.createDecipher()`]: crypto.md#cryptocreatedecipheralgorithm-password-options [`crypto.createDecipheriv()`]: crypto.md#cryptocreatedecipherivalgorithm-key-iv-options [`crypto.fips`]: crypto.md#cryptofips [`crypto.pbkdf2()`]: crypto.md#cryptopbkdf2password-salt-iterations-keylen-digest-callback [`crypto.randomBytes()`]: crypto.md#cryptorandombytessize-callback [`crypto.scrypt()`]: crypto.md#cryptoscryptpassword-salt-keylen-options-callback [`decipher.final()`]: crypto.md#decipherfinaloutputencoding [`decipher.setAuthTag()`]: crypto.md#deciphersetauthtagbuffer-encoding [`diagnostics_channel.subscribe(name, onMessage)`]: diagnostics_channel.md#diagnostics_channelsubscribename-onmessage [`diagnostics_channel.unsubscribe(name, onMessage)`]: diagnostics_channel.md#diagnostics_channelunsubscribename-onmessage [`dns.lookup()`]: dns.md#dnslookuphostname-options-callback [`dnsPromises.lookup()`]: dns.md#dnspromiseslookuphostname-options [`domain`]: domain.md [`ecdh.setPublicKey()`]: crypto.md#ecdhsetpublickeypublickey-encoding [`emitter.listenerCount(eventName)`]: events.md#emitterlistenercounteventname [`events.listenerCount(emitter, eventName)`]: events.md#eventslistenercountemitter-eventname [`fs.FileHandle`]: fs.md#class-filehandle [`fs.access()`]: fs.md#fsaccesspath-mode-callback [`fs.appendFile()`]: fs.md#fsappendfilepath-data-options-callback [`fs.appendFileSync()`]: fs.md#fsappendfilesyncpath-data-options [`fs.createReadStream()`]: fs.md#fscreatereadstreampath-options [`fs.createWriteStream()`]: fs.md#fscreatewritestreampath-options [`fs.exists(path, callback)`]: fs.md#fsexistspath-callback [`fs.lchmod(path, mode, callback)`]: fs.md#fslchmodpath-mode-callback [`fs.lchmodSync(path, mode)`]: fs.md#fslchmodsyncpath-mode [`fs.lchown(path, uid, gid, callback)`]: fs.md#fslchownpath-uid-gid-callback [`fs.lchownSync(path, uid, gid)`]: fs.md#fslchownsyncpath-uid-gid [`fs.read()`]: fs.md#fsreadfd-buffer-offset-length-position-callback [`fs.readSync()`]: fs.md#fsreadsyncfd-buffer-offset-length-position [`fs.stat()`]: fs.md#fsstatpath-options-callback [`fs.write()`]: fs.md#fswritefd-buffer-offset-length-position-callback [`fs.writeFile()`]: fs.md#fswritefilefile-data-options-callback [`fs.writeFileSync()`]: fs.md#fswritefilesyncfile-data-options [`http.ClientRequest`]: http.md#class-httpclientrequest [`http.IncomingMessage`]: http.md#class-httpincomingmessage [`http.ServerResponse`]: http.md#class-httpserverresponse [`http.get()`]: http.md#httpgetoptions-callback [`http.request()`]: http.md#httprequestoptions-callback [`https.get()`]: https.md#httpsgetoptions-callback [`https.request()`]: https.md#httpsrequestoptions-callback [`message.connection`]: http.md#messageconnection [`message.socket`]: http.md#messagesocket [`module.createRequire()`]: module.md#modulecreaterequirefilename [`os.networkInterfaces()`]: os.md#osnetworkinterfaces [`os.tmpdir()`]: os.md#ostmpdir [`process.env`]: process.md#processenv [`process.exit()`]: process.md#processexitcode [`process.exitCode`]: process.md#processexitcode_1 [`process.getActiveResourcesInfo()`]: process.md#processgetactiveresourcesinfo [`process.mainModule`]: process.md#processmainmodule [`punycode`]: punycode.md [`readable.readableEnded`]: stream.md#readablereadableended [`request.abort()`]: http.md#requestabort [`request.connection`]: http.md#requestconnection [`request.destroy()`]: http.md#requestdestroyerror [`request.socket`]: http.md#requestsocket [`require.extensions`]: modules.md#requireextensions [`require.main`]: modules.md#accessing-the-main-module [`response.connection`]: http.md#responseconnection [`response.end()`]: http.md#responseenddata-encoding-callback [`response.finished`]: http.md#responsefinished [`response.socket`]: http.md#responsesocket [`response.writableEnded`]: http.md#responsewritableended [`response.writableFinished`]: http.md#responsewritablefinished [`script.createCachedData()`]: vm.md#scriptcreatecacheddata [`setInterval()`]: timers.md#setintervalcallback-delay-args [`setTimeout()`]: timers.md#settimeoutcallback-delay-args [`socket.bufferSize`]: net.md#socketbuffersize [`timeout.ref()`]: timers.md#timeoutref [`timeout.refresh()`]: timers.md#timeoutrefresh [`timeout.unref()`]: timers.md#timeoutunref [`tls.CryptoStream`]: tls.md#class-tlscryptostream [`tls.SecureContext`]: tls.md#tlscreatesecurecontextoptions [`tls.SecurePair`]: tls.md#class-tlssecurepair [`tls.TLSSocket`]: tls.md#class-tlstlssocket [`tls.checkServerIdentity()`]: tls.md#tlscheckserveridentityhostname-cert [`tls.createSecureContext()`]: tls.md#tlscreatesecurecontextoptions [`url.format()`]: url.md#urlformaturlobject [`url.parse()`]: url.md#urlparseurlstring-parsequerystring-slashesdenotehost [`url.resolve()`]: url.md#urlresolvefrom-to [`util._extend()`]: util.md#util_extendtarget-source [`util.getSystemErrorName()`]: util.md#utilgetsystemerrornameerr [`util.inspect()`]: util.md#utilinspectobject-options [`util.inspect.custom`]: util.md#utilinspectcustom [`util.isArray()`]: util.md#utilisarrayobject [`util.isBoolean()`]: util.md#utilisbooleanobject [`util.isBuffer()`]: util.md#utilisbufferobject [`util.isDate()`]: util.md#utilisdateobject [`util.isError()`]: util.md#utiliserrorobject [`util.isFunction()`]: util.md#utilisfunctionobject [`util.isNull()`]: util.md#utilisnullobject [`util.isNullOrUndefined()`]: util.md#utilisnullorundefinedobject [`util.isNumber()`]: util.md#utilisnumberobject [`util.isObject()`]: util.md#utilisobjectobject [`util.isPrimitive()`]: util.md#utilisprimitiveobject [`util.isRegExp()`]: util.md#utilisregexpobject [`util.isString()`]: util.md#utilisstringobject [`util.isSymbol()`]: util.md#utilissymbolobject [`util.isUndefined()`]: util.md#utilisundefinedobject [`util.log()`]: util.md#utillogstring [`util.types`]: util.md#utiltypes [`util`]: util.md [`worker.exitedAfterDisconnect`]: cluster.md#workerexitedafterdisconnect [`worker.terminate()`]: worker_threads.md#workerterminate [`writable.writableLength`]: stream.md#writablewritablelength [`zlib.bytesWritten`]: zlib.md#zlibbyteswritten [alloc]: buffer.md#static-method-bufferallocsize-fill-encoding [alloc_unsafe_size]: buffer.md#static-method-bufferallocunsafesize [from_arraybuffer]: buffer.md#static-method-bufferfromarraybuffer-byteoffset-length [from_string_encoding]: buffer.md#static-method-bufferfromstring-encoding [legacy `urlObject`]: url.md#legacy-urlobject [static methods of `crypto.Certificate()`]: crypto.md#class-certificate [subpath exports]: packages.md#subpath-exports [subpath folder mappings]: packages.md#subpath-folder-mappings [subpath imports]: packages.md#subpath-imports [subpath patterns]: packages.md#subpath-patterns