View /etc/passwd
cPanel Reset Password
Filename: ///usr/share/////doc///mawk///examples/deps.awk
#!/usr/bin/mawk -f # find include dependencies in C source # # mawk -f deps.awk C_source_files # -- prints a dependency list suitable for make # -- ignores #include < > # BEGIN { stack_index = 0 # stack[] holds the input files for(i = 1 ; i < ARGC ; i++) { file = ARGV[i] if ( file !~ /\.[cC]$/ ) continue # skip it outfile = substr(file, 1, length(file)-2) ".o" # INCLUDED[] stores the set of included files # -- start with the empty set for( j in INCLUDED ) delete INCLUDED[j] while ( 1 ) { if ( getline line < file <= 0 ) # no open or EOF { close(file) if ( stack_index == 0 ) break # empty stack else { file = stack[ stack_index-- ] continue } } if ( line ~ /^#include[ \t]+".*"/ ) { split(line, X, "\"") # filename is in X[2] if ( X[2] in INCLUDED ) # we've already included it continue #push current file stack[ ++stack_index ] = file INCLUDED[ file = X[2] ] = "" } } # end of while # test if INCLUDED is empty flag = 0 # on once the front is printed for( j in INCLUDED ) if ( ! flag ) { printf "%s : %s" , outfile, j ; flag = 1 } else printf " %s" , j if ( flag ) print "" }# end of loop over files in ARGV[i] }