View /etc/passwd
cPanel Reset Password
Filename: /var//lib///dpkg///info/do-agent.postrm
#!/bin/sh # noexpandtab is required for EOF/heredoc # vim: noexpandtab # # IMPORTANT: this script will execute with /bin/sh which is dash on some # systems so this shebang should not be changed # DO NOT change this and make sure you are linting with shellcheck to ensure # compatbility with scripts set -ue SVC_NAME=do-agent CRON=/etc/cron.daily/do-agent # fix an issue where this script runs on upgrades for rpm # see https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm/issues/1175#issuecomment-240086016 arg="${1:-0}" main() { if echo "${arg}" | grep -qP '^\d+$' && [ "${arg}" -gt 0 ]; then # rpm upgrade exit 0 elif echo "${arg}" | grep -qP '^upgrade$'; then # deb upgrade exit 0 fi if command -v systemctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then clean_systemd elif command -v initctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then clean_upstart else echo "Unknown init system" > /dev/stderr fi remove_cron } remove_cron() { rm -fv "${CRON}" } clean_upstart() { echo "Cleaning up init scripts" initctl stop ${SVC_NAME} || true initctl reload-configuration || true } clean_systemd() { echo "Cleaning up systemd scripts" systemctl stop ${SVC_NAME} || true systemctl disable ${SVC_NAME}.service || true systemctl daemon-reload || true } main