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Filename: //proc/self/root///proc/self/root//bin/X11/dpkg-mergechangelogs
#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright © 2009-2010 Raphaël Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org> # Copyright © 2012 Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. use warnings; use strict; use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); use Getopt::Long qw(:config posix_default bundling_values no_ignorecase); use Dpkg (); use Dpkg::Changelog::Debian; use Dpkg::ErrorHandling; use Dpkg::Gettext; use Dpkg::Version; textdomain('dpkg-dev'); sub merge_entries($$$); sub merge_block($$$;&); sub merge_entry_item($$$$); sub merge_conflict($$); sub get_conflict_block($$); sub join_lines($); BEGIN { eval q{ pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.'; use Algorithm::Merge qw(merge); }; if ($@) { *merge = sub { my ($o, $a, $b) = @_; return @$a if join("\n", @$a) eq join("\n", @$b); return get_conflict_block($a, $b); }; } } sub version { printf g_("Debian %s version %s.\n"), $Dpkg::PROGNAME, $Dpkg::PROGVERSION; printf "\n" . g_( 'This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2 or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty. '); } sub usage { printf g_( "Usage: %s [<option>...] <old> <new-a> <new-b> [<out>] Options: -m, --merge-prereleases merge pre-releases together, ignores everything after the last '~' in the version. -?, --help show this help message. --version show the version. "), $Dpkg::PROGNAME; } my $merge_prereleases; my @options_spec = ( 'help|?' => sub { usage(); exit(0) }, 'version' => sub { version(); exit(0) }, 'merge-prereleases|m' => \$merge_prereleases, ); { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { usageerr($_[0]) }; GetOptions(@options_spec); } my ($old, $new_a, $new_b, $out_file) = @ARGV; unless (defined $old and defined $new_a and defined $new_b) { usageerr(g_('needs at least three arguments')); } unless (-e $old and -e $new_a and -e $new_b) { usageerr(g_('file arguments need to exist')); } my ($cho, $cha, $chb); $cho = Dpkg::Changelog::Debian->new(); $cho->load($old); $cha = Dpkg::Changelog::Debian->new(); $cha->load($new_a); $chb = Dpkg::Changelog::Debian->new(); $chb->load($new_b); my @o = reverse @$cho; my @a = reverse @$cha; my @b = reverse @$chb; my @result; # Lines to output my $exitcode = 0; # 1 if conflict encountered unless (merge_block($cho, $cha, $chb, sub { my $changes = shift; my $tail = $changes->get_unparsed_tail(); chomp $tail if defined $tail; return $tail; })) { merge_conflict($cha->get_unparsed_tail(), $chb->get_unparsed_tail()); } while (1) { my ($o, $a, $b) = get_items_to_merge(); last unless defined $o or defined $a or defined $b; next if merge_block($o, $a, $b); # We only have the usually conflicting cases left if (defined $a and defined $b) { # Same entry, merge sub-items separately for a nicer result merge_entries($o, $a, $b); } else { # Non-existing on one side, changed on the other side merge_conflict($a, $b); } } if (defined($out_file) and $out_file ne '-') { open(my $out_fh, '>', $out_file) or syserr(g_('cannot write %s'), $out_file); print { $out_fh } ((blessed $_) ? "$_" : "$_\n") foreach @result; close($out_fh) or syserr(g_('cannot write %s'), $out_file); } else { print ((blessed $_) ? "$_" : "$_\n") foreach @result; } exit $exitcode; # Returns the next items to merge, all items returned correspond to the # same minimal version among the 3 possible next items (undef is returned # if the next item on the given changelog is skipped) sub get_items_to_merge { my @items = (shift @o, shift @a, shift @b); my @arrays = (\@o, \@a, \@b); my $minver; foreach my $i (0 .. 2) { if (defined $minver and defined $items[$i]) { my $cmp = compare_versions($minver, $items[$i]->get_version()); if ($cmp > 0) { $minver = $items[$i]->get_version(); foreach my $j (0 .. $i - 1) { unshift @{$arrays[$j]}, $items[$j]; $items[$j] = undef; } } elsif ($cmp < 0) { unshift @{$arrays[$i]}, $items[$i]; $items[$i] = undef; } } else { $minver = $items[$i]->get_version() if defined $items[$i]; } } return @items; } # Compares the versions taking into account some oddities like the fact # that we want backport versions to sort higher than the version # on which they are based. sub compare_versions { my ($a, $b) = @_; return 0 if not defined $a and not defined $b; return 1 if not defined $b; return -1 if not defined $a; $a = $a->get_version() if ref($a) and $a->isa('Dpkg::Changelog::Entry'); $b = $b->get_version() if ref($b) and $b->isa('Dpkg::Changelog::Entry'); # Backports are not real prereleases. $a =~ s/~(bpo|deb)/+$1/; $b =~ s/~(bpo|deb)/+$1/; if ($merge_prereleases) { $a =~ s/~[^~]*$//; $b =~ s/~[^~]*$//; } $a = Dpkg::Version->new($a); $b = Dpkg::Version->new($b); return $a <=> $b; } # Merge changelog entries smartly by merging individually the different # parts constituting an entry sub merge_entries($$$) { my ($o, $a, $b) = @_; # NOTE: Only $o can be undef # Merge the trailer line unless (merge_entry_item('blank_after_trailer', $o, $a, $b)) { unshift @result, ''; } unless (merge_entry_item('trailer', $o, $a, $b)) { merge_conflict($a->get_part('trailer'), $b->get_part('trailer')); } # Merge the changes unless (merge_entry_item('blank_after_changes', $o, $a, $b)) { unshift @result, ''; } my @merged = merge(defined $o ? $o->get_part('changes') : [], $a->get_part('changes'), $b->get_part('changes'), { CONFLICT => sub { my ($ca, $cb) = @_; $exitcode = 1; return get_conflict_block($ca, $cb); } }); unshift @result, @merged; # Merge the header line unless (merge_entry_item('blank_after_header', $o, $a, $b)) { unshift @result, ''; } unless (merge_entry_item('header', $o, $a, $b)) { merge_conflict($a->get_part('header'), $b->get_part('header')); } } sub join_lines($) { my $array = shift; return join("\n", @$array) if ref($array) eq 'ARRAY'; return $array; } # Try to merge the obvious cases, return 1 on success and 0 on failure # O A B # - x x => x # o o b => b # - - b => b # o a o => a # - a - => a sub merge_block($$$;&) { my ($o, $a, $b, $preprocess) = @_; $preprocess //= \&join_lines; $o = $preprocess->($o) if defined $o; $a = $preprocess->($a) if defined $a; $b = $preprocess->($b) if defined $b; return 1 if not defined($a) and not defined($b); if (defined($a) and defined($b) and ($a eq $b)) { unshift @result, $a; } elsif ((defined($a) and defined($o) and ($a eq $o)) or (not defined($a) and not defined($o))) { unshift @result, $b if defined $b; } elsif ((defined($b) and defined($o) and ($b eq $o)) or (not defined($b) and not defined($o))) { unshift @result, $a if defined $a; } else { return 0; } return 1; } sub merge_entry_item($$$$) { my ($item, $o, $a, $b) = @_; if (blessed($o) and $o->isa('Dpkg::Changelog::Entry')) { $o = $o->get_part($item); } elsif (ref $o) { $o = $o->{$item}; } if (blessed($a) and $a->isa('Dpkg::Changelog::Entry')) { $a = $a->get_part($item); } elsif (ref $a) { $a = $a->{$item}; } if (blessed($b) and $b->isa('Dpkg::Changelog::Entry')) { $b = $b->get_part($item); } elsif (ref $b) { $b = $b->{$item}; } return merge_block($o, $a, $b); } sub merge_conflict($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_; unshift @result, get_conflict_block($a, $b); $exitcode = 1; } sub get_conflict_block($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_; my (@a, @b); push @a, $a if defined $a; push @b, $b if defined $b; @a = @{$a} if ref($a) eq 'ARRAY'; @b = @{$b} if ref($b) eq 'ARRAY'; return ('<<<<<<<', @a, '=======', @b, '>>>>>>>'); }