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Filename: ////usr//sbin/dpkg-preconfigure
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This file was preprocessed, do not edit! BEGIN { eval qq{ use strict; use FileHandle; use Debconf::Log qw(:all); use Debconf::Db; use Debconf::Template; use Debconf::Config; use Debconf::AutoSelect qw(:all); use Debconf::Gettext; use Debconf::Path; }; if ($@) { print STDERR "debconf: Perl may be unconfigured ($@) -- aborting\n"; exit 0; } } if (exists $ENV{DEBCONF_USE_CDEBCONF} and $ENV{DEBCONF_USE_CDEBCONF} ne '') { exec "/usr/lib/cdebconf/dpkg-preconfigure", @ARGV; } Debconf::Db->load; my $apt=0; Debconf::Config->getopt( qq{Usage: dpkg-preconfigure [options] [debs] --apt Apt mode.}, "apt" => \$apt, ); $|=1; my @debs=@ARGV; @ARGV=(); my $have_tty=1; if ($apt) { while (<>) { chomp; push @debs, $_ if length $_; } exit unless @debs; $have_tty=0 unless open (STDIN, "/dev/tty"); } elsif (! @debs) { print STDERR sprintf("dpkg-preconfigure: ".gettext("must specify some debs to preconfigure")), "\n"; exit(1); } if (! Debconf::Path::find("apt-extracttemplates")) { warn gettext("delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed"); exit; } my $frontend=make_frontend(); if (! $have_tty && $frontend->need_tty) { print STDERR sprintf("dpkg-preconfigure: ".gettext("unable to re-open stdin: %s"), $!)."\n"; exit 0; } my ($package, $version, $template, $config); unless (open(INFO, "-|")) { my $command_max=20000; # LINUX SPECIFIC!! my $static_len=length("apt-extracttemplates"); my $len=$static_len; my @collect; my $progress=0; my $show_progress=($apt && @debs > 30 && -t STDERR); if ($show_progress) { STDERR->autoflush(1); } foreach my $deb (@debs) { $len += length($deb) + 1; if ($len < $command_max && @collect < 30) { push @collect, $deb; } else { if (system("apt-extracttemplates", @collect) != 0) { print STDERR sprintf("debconf: ".gettext("apt-extracttemplates failed: %s")."\n",$!); } if ($show_progress) { $progress += @collect; printf STDERR "\r".gettext("Extracting templates from packages: %d%%"), $progress * 100 / @debs; } @collect=($deb); $len=$static_len + length($deb) + 1; } } if (system("apt-extracttemplates", @collect) != 0) { print STDERR sprintf("debconf: ".gettext("apt-extracttemplates failed: %s")."\n",$!); } if ($show_progress) { $progress += @collect; printf STDERR "\r".gettext("Extracting templates from packages: %d%%")."\n", $progress * 100 / @debs; } exit; } my @buffer=<INFO>; if ($apt && @buffer) { print gettext("Preconfiguring packages ...\n"); } foreach my $line (@buffer) { ($package, $version, $template, $config)=split /\s/, $line; if (defined $template && length $template) { eval q{ Debconf::Template->load($template, $package) }; unlink $template; if ($@) { print STDERR "$package ".sprintf(gettext("template parse error: %s"), $@)."\n"; unlink $config; next; } } } foreach my $line (@buffer) { ($package, $version, $template, $config)=split /\s/, $line; if (defined $config && length $config && -e $config) { debug user => sprintf("preconfiguring %s (%s)",$package,$version); chmod(0755, $config) or die sprintf(gettext("debconf: can't chmod: %s"), $!); $frontend->default_title($package); $frontend->info(undef); my $confmodule=make_confmodule($config, 'configure', $version); $confmodule->owner($package); 1 while ($confmodule->communicate); if ($confmodule->exitcode > 0) { print STDERR sprintf( gettext("%s failed to preconfigure, with exit status %s"), $package, $confmodule->exitcode)."\n"; } unlink $config; } } $frontend->shutdown; Debconf::Db->save;