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Filename: //proc/self/root///proc/self/root//bin///X11/X11/dpkg-scanpackages
#!/usr/bin/perl # # dpkg-scanpackages # # Copyright © 2006-2015 Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long qw(:config posix_default bundling_values no_ignorecase); use List::Util qw(none); use File::Find; use Dpkg (); use Dpkg::Gettext; use Dpkg::ErrorHandling; use Dpkg::Control; use Dpkg::Version; use Dpkg::Checksums; use Dpkg::Compression::FileHandle; textdomain('dpkg-dev'); # Do not pollute STDOUT with info messages report_options(info_fh => \*STDERR); my (@samemaint, @changedmaint); my @multi_instances; my @spuriousover; my %packages; my %overridden; my @checksums; my %options = (help => sub { usage(); exit 0; }, version => sub { version(); exit 0; }, type => undef, arch => undef, hash => undef, multiversion => 0, 'extra-override'=> undef, medium => undef, ); my @options_spec = ( 'help|?', 'version', 'type|t=s', 'arch|a=s', 'hash|h=s', 'multiversion|m!', 'extra-override|e=s', 'medium|M=s', ); sub version { printf g_("Debian %s version %s.\n"), $Dpkg::PROGNAME, $Dpkg::PROGVERSION; } sub usage { printf g_( "Usage: %s [<option>...] <binary-path> [<override-file> [<path-prefix>]] > Packages Options: -t, --type <type> scan for <type> packages (default is 'deb'). -a, --arch <arch> architecture to scan for. -h, --hash <hash-list> only generate hashes for the specified list. -m, --multiversion allow multiple versions of a single package. -e, --extra-override <file> use extra override file. -M, --medium <medium> add X-Medium field for dselect multicd access method -?, --help show this help message. --version show the version. "), $Dpkg::PROGNAME; } sub load_override { my $override = shift; my $comp_file = Dpkg::Compression::FileHandle->new(filename => $override); while (<$comp_file>) { s/\#.*//; s/\s+$//; next unless $_; my ($p, $priority, $section, $maintainer) = split(/\s+/, $_, 4); if (not defined($packages{$p})) { push(@spuriousover, $p); next; } for my $package (@{$packages{$p}}) { if ($maintainer) { if ($maintainer =~ m/(.+?)\s*=\>\s*(.+)/) { my $oldmaint = $1; my $newmaint = $2; my $debmaint = $$package{Maintainer}; if (none { $debmaint eq $_ } split m{\s*//\s*}, $oldmaint) { push(@changedmaint, sprintf(g_(' %s (package says %s, not %s)'), $p, $$package{Maintainer}, $oldmaint)); } else { $$package{Maintainer} = $newmaint; } } elsif ($$package{Maintainer} eq $maintainer) { push(@samemaint, " $p ($maintainer)"); } else { warning(g_('unconditional maintainer override for %s'), $p); $$package{Maintainer} = $maintainer; } } $$package{Priority} = $priority; $$package{Section} = $section; } $overridden{$p} = 1; } close($comp_file); } sub load_override_extra { my $extra_override = shift; my $comp_file = Dpkg::Compression::FileHandle->new(filename => $extra_override); while (<$comp_file>) { s/\#.*//; s/\s+$//; next unless $_; my ($p, $field, $value) = split(/\s+/, $_, 3); next unless defined($packages{$p}); for my $package (@{$packages{$p}}) { $$package{$field} = $value; } } close($comp_file); } sub process_deb { my ($pathprefix, $fn) = @_; my $fields = Dpkg::Control->new(type => CTRL_INDEX_PKG); open my $output_fh, '-|', 'dpkg-deb', '-I', $fn, 'control' or syserr(g_('cannot fork for %s'), 'dpkg-deb'); $fields->parse($output_fh, $fn) or error(g_("couldn't parse control information from %s"), $fn); close $output_fh; if ($?) { warning(g_("'dpkg-deb -I %s control' exited with %d, skipping package"), $fn, $?); return; } my $p = $fields->{'Package'}; error(g_('no Package field in control file of %s'), $fn) if not defined $p; if (defined($packages{$p}) and not $options{multiversion}) { my $pkg = ${$packages{$p}}[0]; @multi_instances = ($pkg->{Filename}) if @multi_instances == 0; push @multi_instances, "$pathprefix$fn"; if (version_compare_relation($fields->{'Version'}, REL_GT, $pkg->{'Version'})) { warning(g_('package %s (filename %s) is repeat but newer ' . 'version; used that one and ignored data from %s!'), $p, $fn, $pkg->{Filename}); $packages{$p} = []; } else { warning(g_('package %s (filename %s) is repeat; ' . 'ignored that one and using data from %s!'), $p, $fn, $pkg->{Filename}); return; } } warning(g_('package %s (filename %s) has Filename field!'), $p, $fn) if defined($fields->{'Filename'}); $fields->{'Filename'} = "$pathprefix$fn"; my $sums = Dpkg::Checksums->new(); $sums->add_from_file($fn, checksums => \@checksums); foreach my $alg (@checksums) { if ($alg eq 'md5') { $fields->{'MD5sum'} = $sums->get_checksum($fn, $alg); } else { $fields->{$alg} = $sums->get_checksum($fn, $alg); } } $fields->{'Size'} = $sums->get_size($fn); $fields->{'X-Medium'} = $options{medium} if defined $options{medium}; push @{$packages{$p}}, $fields; } { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { usageerr($_[0]) }; GetOptions(\%options, @options_spec); } if (not (@ARGV >= 1 and @ARGV <= 3)) { usageerr(g_('one to three arguments expected')); } my $type = $options{type} // 'deb'; my $arch = $options{arch}; my %hash = map { $_ => 1 } split /,/, $options{hash} // ''; foreach my $alg (keys %hash) { if (not checksums_is_supported($alg)) { usageerr(g_('unsupported checksum \'%s\''), $alg); } } @checksums = %hash ? keys %hash : checksums_get_list(); my ($binarypath, $override, $pathprefix) = @ARGV; if (not -e $binarypath) { error(g_('binary path %s not found'), $binarypath); } if (defined $override and not -e $override) { error(g_('override file %s not found'), $override); } $pathprefix //= ''; my $find_filter; if ($options{arch}) { $find_filter = qr/_(?:all|${arch})\.$type$/; } else { $find_filter = qr/\.$type$/; } my @archives; my $scan_archives = sub { push @archives, $File::Find::name if m/$find_filter/; }; find({ follow => 1, follow_skip => 2, wanted => $scan_archives}, $binarypath); foreach my $fn (@archives) { process_deb($pathprefix, $fn); } load_override($override) if defined $override; load_override_extra($options{'extra-override'}) if defined $options{'extra-override'}; my @missingover=(); my $records_written = 0; for my $p (sort keys %packages) { if (defined($override) and not defined($overridden{$p})) { push @missingover, $p; } for my $package (sort { $a->{Version} cmp $b->{Version} } @{$packages{$p}}) { print("$package\n") or syserr(g_('failed when writing stdout')); $records_written++; } } close(STDOUT) or syserr(g_("couldn't close stdout")); if (@multi_instances) { warning(g_('Packages with multiple instances but no --multiversion specified:')); warning($_) foreach (sort @multi_instances); } if (@changedmaint) { warning(g_('Packages in override file with incorrect old maintainer value:')); warning($_) foreach (@changedmaint); } if (@samemaint) { warning(g_('Packages specifying same maintainer as override file:')); warning($_) foreach (@samemaint); } if (@missingover) { warning(g_('Packages in archive but missing from override file:')); warning(' %s', join(' ', @missingover)); } if (@spuriousover) { warning(g_('Packages in override file but not in archive:')); warning(' %s', join(' ', @spuriousover)); } info(g_('Wrote %s entries to output Packages file.'), $records_written);