View /etc/passwd
cPanel Reset Password
Filename: ////usr//share/debconf//frontend
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This file was preprocessed, do not edit! use strict; use Debconf::Db; use Debconf::Template; use Debconf::AutoSelect qw(:all); use Debconf::Log qw(:all); Debconf::Db->load; debug developer => "frontend started"; my $frontend=make_frontend(); shift @ARGV if $ARGV[0] eq '--'; my $package; my $no_title=0; if ($ENV{DEBCONF_PACKAGE}) { $package=$ENV{DEBCONF_PACKAGE}; } elsif ($ARGV[0]=~m!^.*/(.*?)\.(?:postinst|postrm|prerm)$!) { $package=$1; my $action=$ARGV[1]; $no_title=1 if $action eq 'triggered'; } elsif (-e "/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/control") { open (CONTROL, "< /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/control") || die "Debconf: unable to open control file: $!"; while (<CONTROL>) { if (/^Package: (.*)/) { $package=$1; last; } } close CONTROL; if (! exists $ENV{PERL_DL_NONLAZY} || ! $ENV{PERL_DL_NONLAZY}) { warn "PERL_DL_NONLAZY is not set, if debconf is running from a preinst script, this is not safe"; } } else { $package=''; debug developer => 'Trying to find a templates file..'; sub trytemplate { my $fn=shift; debug developer => "Trying $fn"; if (-e $fn) { debug developer => "I guess it is $fn"; Debconf::Template->load($fn, $package); return 1; } else { return; } } unless (trytemplate("$ARGV[0].templates")) { unless ($ARGV[0]=~m/(.*)config$/ && trytemplate("${1}templates")) { unless ($ARGV[0]=~m!^(?:.*/)?(.*)! && trytemplate("/usr/share/debconf/templates/${1}.templates")) { debug developer => "Couldn't find a templates file." } } } } debug developer => "frontend running, package name is $package"; $frontend->default_title($package) if length $package and !$no_title; $frontend->info(undef); if ($ARGV[0] =~/^(.*[.\/])(?:preinst|postinst|prerm|postrm)$/) { my $base=$1; my $templates=$base."templates"; Debconf::Template->load($templates, $package) if -e $templates; } if ($ARGV[0] =~/^(.*[.\/])(?:postinst|preinst)$/) { my $base=$1; my $config=$base."config"; if (-e $config) { my $version=$ARGV[2]; if (! defined($version)) { $version=''; } my $confmodule=make_confmodule($config, "configure", $version); $confmodule->owner($package); 1 while ($confmodule->communicate); exit $confmodule->exitcode if $confmodule->exitcode > 0; } } my $confmodule=make_confmodule(@ARGV); $confmodule->owner($package); 1 while ($confmodule->communicate); $frontend->shutdown; Debconf::Db->save; exit $confmodule->exitcode;