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Filename: //usr/share/i18n/locales///hr_HR
comment_char % escape_char / % This file is part of the GNU C Library and contains locale data. % The Free Software Foundation does not claim any copyright interest % in the locale data contained in this file. The foregoing does not % affect the license of the GNU C Library as a whole. It does not % exempt you from the conditions of the license if your use would % otherwise be governed by that license. % Croatian Language Locale for Croatia % Authors: % Originaly was a copy of sl_SI made by Borka Jerman-Blažič % 1997-06-03 Tomislav Vujec <tvujec@redhat.com> % 2009-09-01 Dragan Stanojević - Nevidljivi <invisible@hidden-city.net> LC_IDENTIFICATION title "Croatian locale for Croatia" source "" address "" contact "" email "bug-glibc-locales@gnu.org" tel "" fax "" language "Croatian" territory "Croatia" revision "2.3" date "2016-04-16" category "i18n:2012";LC_IDENTIFICATION category "i18n:2012";LC_CTYPE category "i18n:2012";LC_COLLATE category "i18n:2012";LC_TIME category "i18n:2012";LC_NUMERIC category "i18n:2012";LC_MONETARY category "i18n:2012";LC_MESSAGES category "i18n:2012";LC_PAPER category "i18n:2012";LC_NAME category "i18n:2012";LC_ADDRESS category "i18n:2012";LC_TELEPHONE category "i18n:2012";LC_MEASUREMENT END LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_CTYPE copy "i18n" translit_start include "translit_combining";"" % Historicaly we used ISO-8869-2 and wrote digraphs % <U01C6> {dž}, <U01C9> {lj} and <U01CC> {nj} % as two letter chars, those are transliterated in i18n % ć, č, š and ž transliterations are included in % "translit_combining" file % moreover letter <U0111> {đ} was always % transliterated as d + j if written in ASCII: % transliterate <U0110> {Đ} into D + j <U0110> "<U0044><U006A>" % transliterate <U0111> {đ} into d + j <U0111> "<U0064><U006A>" translit_end END LC_CTYPE LC_COLLATE copy "iso14651_t1" % CLDR collation rules for Croatian % (see: https://unicode.org/cldr/trac/browser/trunk/common/collation/hr.xml): % &C<č<<<Č<ć<<<Ć % &D<dž<<<dž<<<Dž<<<Dž<<<DŽ<<<DŽ<đ<<<Đ % &L<lj<<<lj<<<Lj<<<Lj<<<LJ<<<LJ % &N<nj<<<nj<<<Nj<<<Nj<<<NJ<<<NJ % &S<š<<<Š % &Z<ž<<<Ž % % The following rules implement the same order for glibc: % Digraphs dŽ, lJ and nJ (1st char lower, 2nd char upper) % are clearly errors and you'd be hard pressed to % find them in any Croatian text. Other slavic locales % include those combinations probably because user % would expect to find them among dž, lj and nj collating-element <D-Z<> from "<U0044><U017D>" collating-element <D-z<> from "<U0044><U017E>" collating-element <d-Z<> from "<U0064><U017D>" collating-element <d-z<> from "<U0064><U017E>" collating-element <L-J> from "<U004C><U004A>" collating-element <L-j> from "<U004C><U006A>" collating-element <l-J> from "<U006C><U004A>" collating-element <l-j> from "<U006C><U006A>" collating-element <N-J> from "<U004E><U004A>" collating-element <N-j> from "<U004E><U006A>" collating-element <n-J> from "<U006E><U004A>" collating-element <n-j> from "<U006E><U006A>" collating-symbol <ccaron> collating-symbol <cacute> collating-symbol <d-z-sh> collating-symbol <doblique> collating-symbol <l-j-sh> collating-symbol <n-j-sh> collating-symbol <scaron> collating-symbol <zcaron> reorder-after <AFTER-C> <ccaron> <cacute> reorder-after <AFTER-D> <d-z-sh> <doblique> reorder-after <AFTER-L> <l-j-sh> reorder-after <AFTER-N> <n-j-sh> reorder-after <AFTER-S> <scaron> reorder-after <AFTER-Z> <zcaron> <U010D> <ccaron>;"<BASE><BASE>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE % č <U010C> <ccaron>;"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><MIN>";IGNORE % Č <U0107> <cacute>;"<BASE><BASE>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE % ć <U0106> <cacute>;"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><MIN>";IGNORE % Ć <d-z<> "<d-z-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<MIN><MIN>";"<VRNT1>" % dž <U01C6> "<d-z-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<MIN><MIN>";"<VRNT2>" % dž <d-Z<> "<d-z-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<MIN><CAP>";"<VRNT1>" % dŽ <D-z<> "<d-z-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><MIN>";"<VRNT1>" % Dž <U01C5> "<d-z-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><MIN>";"<VRNT2>" % Dž <D-Z<> "<d-z-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><CAP>";"<VRNT1>" % DŽ <U01C4> "<d-z-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><CAP>";"<VRNT2>" % DŽ <U0111> <doblique>;"<BASE><BASE>";<MIN>;IGNORE % đ <U0110> <doblique>;"<BASE><BASE>";<CAP>;IGNORE % Đ <l-j> "<l-j-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<MIN><MIN>";"<VRNT1>" % lj <U01C9> "<l-j-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<MIN><MIN>";"<VRNT2>" % lj <l-J> "<l-j-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<MIN><CAP>";"<VRNT1>" % lJ <L-j> "<l-j-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><MIN>";"<VRNT1>" % Lj <U01C8> "<l-j-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><MIN>";"<VRNT2>" % Lj <L-J> "<l-j-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><CAP>";"<VRNT1>" % LJ <U01C7> "<l-j-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><CAP>";"<VRNT2>" % LJ <n-j> "<n-j-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<MIN><MIN>";"<VRNT1>" % nj <U01CC> "<n-j-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<MIN><MIN>";"<VRNT2>" % nj <n-J> "<n-j-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<MIN><CAP>";"<VRNT1>" % nJ <N-j> "<n-j-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><MIN>";"<VRNT1>" % Nj <U01CB> "<n-j-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><MIN>";"<VRNT2>" % Nj <N-J> "<n-j-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><CAP>";"<VRNT1>" % NJ <U01CA> "<n-j-sh>";"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><CAP>";"<VRNT2>" % NJ <U0161> <scaron>;"<BASE><BASE>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE % š <U0160> <scaron>;"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><MIN>";IGNORE % Š <U017E> <zcaron>;"<BASE><BASE>";"<MIN><MIN>";IGNORE % ž <U017D> <zcaron>;"<BASE><BASE>";"<CAP><MIN>";IGNORE % Ž reorder-end END LC_COLLATE LC_MESSAGES yesexpr "^[+1dDyY]" noexpr "^[-0nN]" yesstr "da" nostr "ne" END LC_MESSAGES LC_MONETARY int_curr_symbol "HRK " currency_symbol "kn" mon_decimal_point "," mon_thousands_sep "." mon_grouping 3;3 positive_sign "" negative_sign "-" int_frac_digits 2 frac_digits 2 p_cs_precedes 0 n_cs_precedes 0 int_p_cs_precedes 1 int_n_cs_precedes 1 p_sep_by_space 1 n_sep_by_space 1 p_sign_posn 1 n_sign_posn 1 END LC_MONETARY LC_NUMERIC decimal_point "," thousands_sep "." grouping 3;3 END LC_NUMERIC LC_TIME abday "ned";"pon";"uto";"sri";"<U010D>et";"pet";"sub" day "nedjelja";/ "ponedjeljak";/ "utorak";/ "srijeda";/ "<U010D>etvrtak";/ "petak";/ "subota" abmon "sij";"velj";/ "o<U017E>u";"tra";/ "svi";"lip";/ "srp";"kol";/ "ruj";"lis";/ "stu";"pro" alt_mon "sije<U010D>anj";/ "velja<U010D>a";/ "o<U017E>ujak";/ "travanj";/ "svibanj";/ "lipanj";/ "srpanj";/ "kolovoz";/ "rujan";/ "listopad";/ "studeni";/ "prosinac" mon "sije<U010D>nja";/ "velja<U010D>e";/ "o<U017E>ujka";/ "travnja";/ "svibnja";/ "lipnja";/ "srpnja";/ "kolovoza";/ "rujna";/ "listopada";/ "studenoga";/ "prosinca" % %A - full weekday name % %d - day of month (with padded 0) % %B - full month name (genitive case) % %Y - year with century % %T - 24-hour time % %Z - time zone d_t_fmt "%A, %d. %B %Y. %T %Z" d_fmt "%d.%m.%Y" t_fmt "%T" % %a - short weekday name % %e - day of month (with padded space) % %m - short month name % %Y - year with century % %H - hour (24h) % %M - minute (with padded 0) % %S - second (with padded 0) % %Z - time zone date_fmt "%a, %e.%m.%Y. %H:%M:%S %Z" % we use 24 hour format, so these are empty am_pm "";"" t_fmt_ampm "" week 7;19971130;1 first_weekday 2 first_workday 2 END LC_TIME LC_PAPER copy "i18n" END LC_PAPER LC_TELEPHONE tel_int_fmt "+%c %a %l" tel_dom_fmt "%A %l" int_prefix "385" int_select "00" END LC_TELEPHONE LC_MEASUREMENT copy "i18n" END LC_MEASUREMENT LC_NAME name_fmt "%d%t%g%t%m%t%f" name_mr "gosp." name_mrs "g<U0111>a" name_miss "g<U0111>ica" END LC_NAME LC_ADDRESS % %f%N%d%N%a%N%s %h%N%z %T%N%c%N % where: % %f - firm name % %d - department name % %a - Care of person, or organization % %s %h - street name and house number % %z %T - zip code and city % %c - country % % %n (name of a person) is currently unsupported so %a is used % postal_fmt "%f%N%d%N%a%N%s %h%N%z %T%N%c%N" country_name "Hrvatska" country_post "HR" country_ab2 "HR" country_ab3 "HRV" country_num 191 country_car "HR" country_isbn "978-953" lang_name "hrvatski" lang_ab "hr" lang_lib "hrv" lang_term "hrv" END LC_ADDRESS