View /etc/passwd
cPanel Reset Password
Filename: ///usr/share////bug/linux-image-5.10.0-34-amd64/include-dmesg
add_dmesg() { local got_log= echo '** Kernel log:' >&3 if [ "$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/dmesg_restrict)" = 0 ]; then dmesg > >(tail -n 100 >&3) && got_log=y elif command -v sudo >/dev/null; then yesno "Use sudo to read the kernel log? " yep if [ "$REPLY" = yep ]; then sudo dmesg > >(tail -n 100 >&3) && got_log=y fi fi test "$got_log" || echo 'Unable to read kernel log; any relevant messages should be attached' >&3 echo >&3 } ask_dmesg() { # Remind the user to attach the kernel log. This should also trigger # a reminder in some MUAs if the user tries to send without it. echo '** Kernel log: boot messages should be attached' >&3 echo >&3 }