View /etc/passwd
cPanel Reset Password
Filename: /var/www//////arsu/config//localizator.php
<?php return [ /** * Localize types of translation strings. */ 'localize' => [ /** * Short keys. This is the default for Laravel. * They are stored in PHP files inside folders name by their locale code. * Laravel installation comes with default: auth.php, pagination.php, passwords.php and validation.php */ 'default' => true, /** * Translations strings as key. * They are stored in JSON file for each locale. */ 'json' => true, ], /** * Search criteria for files. */ 'search' => [ /** * Directories which should be looked inside. */ 'dirs' => ['resources/views'], /** * Patterns by which files should be queried. * The values can be a regular expresion, glob, or just a string. */ 'patterns' => ['*.php'], /** * Functions that the strings will be extracted from. * Add here any custom defined functions. * NOTE: The translation string should always be the first argument. */ 'functions' => ['__', 'trans', '@lang'] ], /** * Should the localize command sort extracted strings alphabetically? */ 'sort' => true, ];