View /etc/passwd
cPanel Reset Password
Filename: ///lib///node_modules/npm///lib/commands/logout.js
const getAuth = require('npm-registry-fetch/lib/auth.js') const npmFetch = require('npm-registry-fetch') const log = require('../utils/log-shim') const BaseCommand = require('../base-command.js') class Logout extends BaseCommand { static description = 'Log out of the registry' static name = 'logout' static params = [ 'registry', 'scope', ] async exec (args) { const registry = this.npm.config.get('registry') const scope = this.npm.config.get('scope') const regRef = scope ? `${scope}:registry` : 'registry' const reg = this.npm.config.get(regRef) || registry const auth = getAuth(reg, this.npm.flatOptions) if (auth.token) { log.verbose('logout', `clearing token for ${reg}`) await npmFetch(`/-/user/token/${encodeURIComponent(auth.token)}`, { ...this.npm.flatOptions, method: 'DELETE', ignoreBody: true, }) } else if (auth.isBasicAuth) { log.verbose('logout', `clearing user credentials for ${reg}`) } else { const msg = `not logged in to ${reg}, so can't log out!` throw Object.assign(new Error(msg), { code: 'ENEEDAUTH' }) } if (scope) { this.npm.config.delete(regRef, 'user') } this.npm.config.clearCredentialsByURI(reg) await this.npm.config.save('user') } } module.exports = Logout